
How To Use Herring In A Sentence

  • Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
  • You can have sea bass, lobster, herring, turbot, sturgeon cusks, haddock, mullet, eels, crabs, oysters and mussels.
  • They often call it zaviná which is a rolled-up herring or rollmop.
  • I too have suffered paralysis in a plethora of possibility: belly or Nova, herring or tongue, chub or sable, kreplach or kishke, kugel or blueberry blintz ... Par Delicatesse
  • The cannery is the last on the island, once a world fishery center with 16 canneries that processed tuna, salmon, herring and other fish.
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  • He looked up, hardly able to see her through the herringbone patterns that coruscated in front of his eyes.
  • There occurs in great numbers a species of small Pecten, -- some of the specimens scarce larger than a herring scale; a minute Ostrea, a sulcated Terebratula, an Isocardia, a Pullastra, and groups of broken serpulæ in vast abundance. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Neither fish nor good red herring
  • The issue of obviousness is somewhat of a red herring. Patent Impending
  • Along with other large case pieces, desks-and-bookcases were often covered with herringbone-patterned veneer in exotic woods or tortoiseshell.
  • The combination of practising painters. ideal facilities, the surrounding landscape and desire for uncompromising inquiry gives Herringbroom Studio its unique spirit.
  • More baffles, in a herringbone pattern, will also be placed on the face of the weir, causing the speed of flow to be reduced, which will make it easier for the fish to swim up and over the weir.
  • Some current limits for fish such as tailor, herring and mullet will not change.
  • The doctors said this excuse was a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • As skiers did prior to machine grooming, we sidestepped and herringboned uphill to pack down the powder and skied down several times.
  • However they were uncertain as to whether it was the address of one of the suspects or a red herring.
  • They are clean creatures, preying on other fish, notably herring. Food Watch
  • The clothing included a black-and-cream herringbone tweed blazer with purple-and- gold piping, a heritage white batiste lace-trimmed blouse, and a cedar mélange shawl collar button front cardigan, as listed on the line sheet provided for the young'uns in the front row. Tweens Take the Runway
  • Fish oil supplements are derived from a variety of sources, including mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, cod liver, halibut, whale blubber and seal blubber.
  • A line of skiers stretches forever as they herringbone toward the heavens.
  • If you're looking for trendy patterns, go for paisley, floral, plaid, checks, and herringbone.
  • Tight as any herring shoal or starling murmuration, they darted this way and that before melting into the naked woods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whale's prey includes squid, cuttlefish, herring, and sea stars, or starfish.
  • But what about a bigger selection of cheaper, often neglected but worthwhile fish such as skate, squid, hake, ultra-fresh mackerel, even good old herring?
  • Black bass (locally called chub) and white perch are very abundant, and at the proper season rock and herring enter the Sound in considerable numbers. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • To become good today, at hooking blackmouth, the common denominator is finding the bait, sand lance candlefish and herring. The Seattle Times
  • A herring gull with a crab claw in its beak stood on the harbour wall, observing me with pale, unfriendly eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The veins look like most deciduous trees - there's a middle straight vein and subdividing branches that interlock (unlike the herringbone banana leaves).
  • When trying to widen a space, square tiles should be laid in a diamond pattern and rectangular tiles should be laid in a brick or herringbone pattern.
  • This consists of killifishes, herrings, sardines, gobies, silversides, anchovies small mullets, and lizardfishes to name a few.
  • Whether it's smoked, pickled or kippered, herring packs more creatine than any other creature on the planet.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • Herring gulls steal the fish they bring to their young one. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the dried tail of a herring sticking out of their saffron-coloured, shrivelled chops, Lord! how they gaped when I passed by, hurriedly, like A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • When a humpback is corralling herring and other fishes, the net may be 150 feet wide.
  • The lengths will be available in classic design of chalk stripes, elegant stripes and fine herringbones in navy, charcoal and worsted grey.
  • Lafferty's red herring usage of her favorite "paraphilia" or sexual deviation instead of sexual orientation or gender identity is a dead giveaway that she is attempting to feed off her readers 'fear and confusion. Bil Browning: TVC's Andrea Lafferty: A zombie queen in pastel
  • This historic old dock, which only floods at very high springs, was used in olden days by fishermen of the local herring fleet for repairs and for drying of the nets.
  • Dilan esper gets a thumbs up for posting the number one red herring of the day ... in fact William Wilbaforce put and end to slavery in the uk he was a christian who followed the bible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
  • Meanwhile, the popular understanding that the domestic bank bailout led to the swingeing public spending cuts that are now beginning is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Common fish species in the area include Atlantic tomcod, mummichog, redfish, herring, silver hake, Greenland halibut, and the dangerously overfished northern cod.
  • Then a fountain-pen needle stitched up the lips of the wound in a neat blue herringbone pattern.
  • Since then, it's been pretty quiet - a silence broken only by the glurp associated with necking rollmop herrings, followed by interminable choruses of ‘Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen, Salty Old Queen of the Sea.’
  • If you're looking for trendy patterns, go for paisley, floral, plaid, checks, and herringbone.
  • Captain Cleaver aka Daniel James elaborates a terse warcry in this Red Herring piece: game developers clash in a ruthless and bloody 10-year battle for control of the online game industry. The flogging will continue
  • Nine times out of 10 when he finds gannets, pelicans, or terns diving on bay anchovies, pogies, or threadfin herring, he also finds a school of redfish feasting on the same bait. Flyfishing for Redfish on the Flats from Texas to Florida
  • The tank features thousands of herring, mackerel, garfish, and horse mackerel, which are found off the coast of Denmark.
  • Most assessments on capture-induced skin injury have been conducted on gadoids and herring.
  • In the end, I went for the fish plate of smoked salmon, prawns, gravadlax, rollmop herrings and smoked mackerel for €14.95, which was served with more tasty bread.
  • Among these clades are such diverse forms as arawanas, knifefishes, mormyrids, eels, tarpon, and herring.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • Neither fish nor good red herring
  • Instead of cod, haddock and herring, you could pick up seahorses, red snappers, and leatherback turtles.
  • When sanding parquet, block, herringbone and similar flooring, it is necessary to cross the grain of many pieces with each pass.
  • Herringbone wool is woven in a twill that is reversed at regular spacing, creating a sawtooth line.
  • Since gas bubbles increase sensitivity to sound, many ray-finned fish (e.g. herrings, elephantfishes and squirrelfishes) have modified gas bladders and swimbladders adjacent to the inner ear.
  • The hospital's CAT scanner showed that two jagged pieces of Herring's skull had been driven deep into the left temporal lobe of her brain.
  • The virtual aspect is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • marinade herring
  • The omega - 3 oil found in oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, fresh tuna, sardines, herring, kippers, pilchards, trout and anchovies are known to have a protective effect on the heart.
  • High mackerel, herring, mussel and razorfish are all good, but the best by far is a dried black lugworm.
  • Ski instruction, taught to officers by civilians, included herringbone climbing, kick turns, pole-jumping over logs and snowplows.
  • The original fireplace in the hall proved to have an elegant curved back and a decorative fireback of herringbone brick and was surmounted by a massive pine lintel.
  • Fresh herrings, full old elders), spara - Beans.roed. gus, wood-bind, Salt salmon. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 4
  • The best kippers start with the best herring, freshly caught in the cold waters of the Atlantic or North Sea.
  • The 60's inspired schoolgirl suit in herringbone or tweed gets a modern edge thanks to Marc Jacobs.
  • This is a micro thin ceramic coating that prevents a high percentage of carbon and bullet metal from adherring to your bore. Recently purchased a .50 cal c.v.a.optima pro inline with a beraga s.s.barrel 209 primer it has a 1 in 28" twist.
  • Or how about raw and cooked FISH with pickled herring and prawns. The Sun
  • The Dutch eats the pacific herring to open the mouth generally to the greatest degree, holds topping with the hand to pick out bone's fresh pacific herring to fill toward.
  • We lunched at Black Point, on smoked herring, vegetables, breadfruit, and the most unforgettable coconut dumplings, all provided by our good Sailor.
  • The results of the analysis could play a important role in prediction of herringbone buckling and its angle of inclination on strip rolling line.
  • For supper we'd have things that people would never dream of eating now, like cold tongue or herrings' roe on toast.
  • Like many great European cities, Stockholm has a vibrant café culture where the residents indulge their love of cold Pilsner (not as expensive as you might think) and pickled herrings.
  • The motifs shared by the petroglyphic art include circles, cruciform shapes, star motifs and herringbone patterns.
  • The bulk of the diet of large congers is made up of small fish, from cod and hake in deep water to mackerel and herring in shallow water.
  • The bulk of their diet is made up of crustaceans and molluscs, larger fish become more piscivorous, feeding upon herring and sand eels.
  • Think teak tabletops covered in lingonberries, herring, salmon, aquavit, pancakes and those cute little gherkins.
  • By the time it was reproducing intensely colorful herringbones and checkerboards, the crew had abandoned its initial fear in favor of spontaneous bursts of applause. A Triumph of Souls
  • The creature that incurred the congestion charge in Central London yesterday was neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Herring gulls are highly protective of their offspring and will attack anyone who gets too close. Times, Sunday Times
  • A simple example of such behavior was the exchange of pickled fish (herring, shad, mackerel) for the salt cod preferred by slaves in most colonies.
  • Look for classics updated in fabrics such as corduroy, wool woven in gabardine, herringbone and glen plaid.
  • Yields of herring, sea urchin and rockfish also dropped dramatically during this season.
  • Sherringham sounded only slightly winded, though there was a catch to his voice.
  • They prey on such fish as the cisco (lake herring), lake whitefish, central mudminnow, and golden shiner.
  • In Andrew's day they had drifted up and down the firth lifting nets dripping with moonlight and herring.
  • Farmed salmon eat two to five pounds of protein for every pound of weight gained - protein that comes from small pelagic fish like anchovies, mackerel, herring, and sardines.
  • You can also look for more texture, such as herringbone or a fine check in the fabric to add bulk. BNET Articles
  • Herring begins a tour of typically questioning jokes and anecdotes about love. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fill your plate from the smorgasbord, relishing the stinkiest fermented surströmming (that's herring). Times, Sunday Times
  • Like anchovies and herrings, they are small, primitive fish belonging to the group known as clupeoids.
  • While I sample a Heineken, an old genever or two and a portion of marinated herring, she is busy ransacking the airport shops for free samples.
  • AThe wireless connection is probably a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Legered sea baits are proving effective with herring, mackerel, sardine and smelt all worth a try.
  • One never wanted to eat anything but herrings; another ate only sole.
  • Added to this are all the expected red herrings, betrayals, and double-crosses.
  • The Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna and salmon will also thin the blood and help prevent blood clots.
  • February 26th, 2009 6: 37pm stanley Jerusalem-I have not forgotten where I came from, if some of these posters have, I was dangled over a shmaltz herring barrel every sunday and was used for fishing them out - you do not forget that even if mr galileo has forgotten - I am waiting for his report on the play where he will attend with a placard "I am A jew" on his back and clutching a lokshen pudding to his breast. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • No no no no NO: the Herring gull is NOT a ring species! Archive 2006-02-01
  • Giving up on V-1, I resorted to a herringbone climb.
  • The cannery brought in herring from other countries, but capelin had become the major industrial species.
  • Talking of markets, rule of law and democracy as separately achievable is a red herring. Bryan Gets Some Pushback, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They name the Months very agreeably, as one is the Herring-Month, another the Strawberry-Month, another the Mulberry-Month, Others name them by the Trees That blossoms; especially, the Dogwood-Tree; or they say, we will return when Tur-Key-Cocks gobble, that is in March and April. A New Voyage to Carolina; Containing the Exact Description and Natural History of That Country: Together with the Present State Thereof. And A Journal of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd Thro' Several Nations of Indians. Giving a Particular Account of T
  • Go thy ways, old Jack; die when thou wilt, if manhood, good manhood, be not forgot upon the face of the earth, then am I a shotten herring. The first part of King Henry the Fourth
  • “Tough guy,” he says, and walks off toward the samovars of tea, and the trays heaped with dilled herring, with fish glistening in the ruby glaze of pomegranate sauce, and with about a million different kinds of piroshki. White Cat
  • Dolly the Mega Cat looked up from her lunch bowl for a moment, mmrooowed in what may have been a note of sympathy, and went back to munching her way through a collation of tuna and herring.
  • Red herring are fish which have been first soaked in brine with saltpetre added, then hung up to dry before being subjected to a heavy smoking - ideally over oak, beech, and turf.
  • Common fish species in the area include atlantic tomcod, mummichog, redfish, herring, silver hake, Greenland halibut, and the dangerously overfished northern cod.
  • Fish that can be found here include coastrange sculpin, pacific herring, halibut, steelhead, dolly varden.
  • I simply do not comprehend how a herring in the North Sea can be at risk from a bovine disease.
  • What we lose in hake we shall have in herring
  • A related form was the white herring, which was salted without being smoked.
  • This "frier," whose shanty leaned against a tumble-down house, and was propped up by heavy joists, green with moss, made a display of boiled mussels lying in large earthenware bowls filled to the brim with clear water; of dishes of little yellow dabs stiffened by too thick a coating of paste; of squares of tripe simmering in a pan; and of grilled herrings, black and charred, and so hard that if you tapped them they sounded like wood. The Fat and the Thin
  • Herring begins a tour of typically questioning jokes and anecdotes about love. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where are the pickled herring and onion open sandwiches? Times, Sunday Times
  • A frequent variation of the twill weave is the herringbone.
  • My prawns were merely passable, but the mackerel was heavenly, as were the pickled herrings with finely sliced pickled onions.
  • Many a person has gone away smiling after eating one of these red herring, bloaters or kippers.
  • Classic-fitting golf pant in soft, woven linen infused with a subtle herringbone pattern for refined polish.
  • Steep narrow hills, barely wide enough to herringbone, were followed by quick descents onto icy lakes.
  • D. Dakin he investigated arginase, the ferment which hydrolyses arginine into urea and ornithine, and later he discovered agmatine in herring roe and devised a method for preparing it. Albrecht Kossel - Biography
  • Best thing I found is anything that imitates a herring or pogie, even chunked herring and pogies if surf fishing. I need tips for surf fishing the eastern shore for good croaker or bluefish. I've tried but never had any luck. Any ideas?
  • With all due respect, this palaver from the congressional representative is an example of the "red herrings", flawed reasoning and misguided focus prevalent within the entire debate about Health Insurance Reform. TX Dem: Bill without public option 'would be very, very difficult'
  • When most people think of herring, they picture it in smoked strips, or maybe pickled in large jars.
  • Fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring , sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Dilan esper gets a thumbs up for posting the number one red herring of the day ... in fact William Wilbaforce put and end to slavery in the uk he was a christian who followed thebible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Street Preacher Arrested in England for Public Statements That Homosexuality is a Sin
  • In Alaska's Bering Sea, capelin, herring and other coldwater fish have been in decline, while warmer water creatures like albacore and ocean sunfish have made their appearance.
  • Kittel in particular fostered my interest in linebroadening problems and introduced Wannier and me to antiferromagnetism, while Wannier taught me many fundamental techniques, and Herring put me in touch with the ideas of Landau and Mott and kept us all abreast of the literature in general. Philip W. Anderson - Autobiography
  • Reducing the ponzu and sesame makes the sardines taste less like herring from Russ & Daughters.
  • Herringbone, pinstripe and houndstooth are everywhere too, adding a classic look to the winter collection which is expected in the shops this month.
  • September 30, 2009 at 4:05 am herringz … nomnomnomnom – mmmm … creemsoss adn unnyunz … nomnomnomnom … wyne soss adn unyunz … nomnomnomnom … * smylz frum eer tu eer inz contentyminty adn wyps soss frum teh wiskurz wif wun uv PBz burfday nappiekinzes* I’d like teh cheezburger - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Blended checks, speckled materials and colourful herringbones amid reversible two colour fabrics all make impact.
  • At present the adults are protected, although you can destroy herring gulls' eggs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither fish nor flesh ( nor good red herring ).
  • This fall you'll see rich fabrics such as wool, tweed and herringbone in colors like burgundy, navy, brown, and beige.
  • Look for classics updated in fabrics such as corduroy, wool woven in gabardine, herringbone and glen plaid.
  • Starter: blinis with a choice of many toppings including smoked salmon, marinated herring and aubergine caviar £3.99
  • Authenticity is found in English herringbone, cotton gabardine and corduroy.
  • Three times a day we changed into bulky wetsuits, climbed down a ladder into the exhibit, and waded through the cold, chest-deep water to hand-feed capelin, smelt, herring, sardines, or anchovies to each individual penguin. The Great Penguin Rescue
  • Clupeid fish, like herring, anchovies, and sprats, can detect sound frequencies up to around 40 kilohertz, way beyond the hearing range of most other fish.
  • D. Herring, warden of Baltimore city jail, in the "Marylander," Oct 6, The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • Even as I pulled the door shut Sherringham spoke again: ‘Or are you whoring yourself out now?’
  • If you are on a strict diet, leave the salmon, mackerel, kippers and herring for the moment.
  • I believe (and have believed from the beginning of the affair) that the "clerical sexual abuse" scandal is a gigantic red herring ginned up by an unholy alliance of anticlericals, homosexual activists (tu quoque, perhaps!?), Modernist "Catholics" and media voyeurs. What planet...?
  • I had the Russian blinis: buckwheat pancakes served with gravlax, prawns, herring roll mops and two superb garnishes of chopped herrings - one with whole grain mustard, the other with mayonnaise.
  • Vitamin D is found in egg yolk, butter and oily fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardine.
  • When trying to widen a space, square tiles should be laid in a diamond pattern and rectangular tiles should be laid in a brick or herringbone pattern.
  • Back in September 2008, David Bookbinder, chief climate council for the Sierra Club, derided as "bugaboos," a "red herring," and a "pure scare tactic" (see segments 1: 47: 10-1: 48: 22 and Planet Gore
  • He has the look of blended simplicity and strength that one expects to see among shrimpers and the crews of herring boats.
  • Research showing that herrings apparently communicate by farting.
  • Herring seine and gillnet permits are not selling and trending downward in value but upward in debt from unpaid loans. Riki Ott: A Letter to the Governor of Alaska
  • A herring gull with a crab claw in its beak stood on the harbour wall, observing me with pale, unfriendly eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dog-leg staircase which has the original wrought-iron railing leads to the first floor landing with herringbone parquet flooring.
  • As a member of the herring family, shad, along with salmon and striped bass, are anadromous, meaning they live in the ocean but swim inland and spawn in fresh water.
  • Larger salmon eat a variety of fishes such as herring and alewives, smelts, capelin, small mackerel, sand lace, and small cod.
  • During Lent, when meat was not eaten, they sold salt herrings and saltwater fish.
  • The herring season will be ending shortly as the seine netters move off North after the mackerel.
  • Then the herrings are my property, and I can do as I like with them; but if you do not like to do as I tell you, give me back my money. Stories Worth Rereading
  • Herring gulls are still predominantly coastal birds that nest on cliffs, but in recent years many of them have come inland to breed on buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scandatex is made from glass, woven into hessian or herringbone meshes.
  • Herring is continuing to press for complete exoneration.
  • D. Herring, warden of Baltimore city jail, in the "Marylander," Oct. 6, 1837. American Slavery As It Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses
  • The two largest and most important of the herrings were probably blueback herring (A. aestivalis) and hickory shad (A. mediocris).
  • I had marinated herring with gravadlax on a tangle of leaves and thought the herring was particularly good.
  • Rural England circa 1950 is the setting for the lighter-toned "A Red Herring Without Mustard" Delacorte, 399 pages, $23 , the third mystery by Alan Bradley to be narrated by 11-year-old Flavia de Luce: chemistry prodigy, amateur detective and mischievous bane of her two elder sisters and their distracted, upper-class, philatelic, cash-strapped widower-father. Murder by the Numbers
  • I., resident, as he sifted through a group of dead herring and scat on East Matunuck Beach.
  • After all, Gregg Allman, the last of the Allman brothers, is in disfavor in the world of rock for testifying against his former road manager, Scooter Herring, in a cocaine case. LYNYRD SKYNYRD Keeps It Alive « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie
  • He is said to have died of a surfeit of Rhenish wine and pickled herrings, though it may more likely have been plague, of which there was a severe outbreak in 1592.
  • The definition of solipsism that you cite brings the red herring of a notion of “the self”; more in harmony with the traditional use of that word in the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy ’s definition. No Uncertain Terms
  • Opt for your favourite salad ingredients and have with some rollmop herrings and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deputy City Manager Bruce Herring said the city is negotiating to acquire land for those two sites.
  • HERRINGTON: Sooner or later, China will get out of the business of being known as the counterfeiter to the world. CNN Transcript Feb 4, 2005
  • Trouble began in the spring of 1816 when Judge Cooper built a weir, a fish trap, across the St. Jones River to catch migrating shad and herring.
  • In a humbler-looking fabric, like a gray or brown herringbone, a plain loden or a lightly speckled tweed, the cap looks great with a peacoat, leather jacket or fisherman's sweater - or anything one might deem more Irish than squirish. NYT > Home Page
  • The combination of practising painters. ideal facilities, the surrounding landscape and desire for uncompromising inquiry gives Herringbroom Studio its unique spirit.
  • Whenever he got in a difficulty, he would pull a red herring across the track.
  • His attorney, Susan Hoffinger , told State Supreme Court Judge Rena Uviller , that the cutting of the standpipe was "accidental" and was a "red herring. Contractors Claim 'Scapegoating'
  • ‘In the old days in a bad rainstorm, the farmer went out with a hoe and cut herringbones off the side of the road, so the water would go off the side instead of washing out the middle of the road,’ Lanoie said.
  • It's possible it has been deliberately left there by the worm's author as a red herring to lead investigators off the scent.
  • Groups such as silversides, herrings and anchovies often congregate in feeding shoals numbering in the millions.
  • We lose in hake, but gain in herring
  • Such favourites as herring, plaice, cod, Dover sole, haddock, monkfish, snapper, mackerel, sardines, scallops and tuna are all as wild as cheetahs and antelopes.
  • Individual quotas have been introduced in certain pacific fisheries (e.g., for abalone, herring, geoduck, sablefish and halibut), and in freshwater fisheries.
  • Allonby was once an important centre for herring fishing, and some of the old kippering houses can still be seen.
  • Blended checks, speckled materials and colourful herringbones amid reversible two colour fabrics all make impact.
  • This buffet meal of cold and hot hors d' oeuvres often includes various forms of herring, meats, cheeses, and vegetables.
  • AThe wireless connection is probably a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're most abundant in fish like tuna, mackerel, herring, salmon and sardines.
  • The virtual aspect is a red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Together, they are caught in a mesh of crosses and double-crosses like a shoal of herring thrashing around in a net.
  • Herring in wine soss, a platter of shrimps, steamed clams with melted butter and hawt sause, and….and…. Want sumfin done right……. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The weave is herringbone twill, a pattern known to the ancients, and the thread appears to be hand spun, an ancient technique.
  • In those days the North Sea was full of tunny - the giant tuna - that were in gorging on shoals of herring and mackerel.
  • This tactic can also be useful in a meeting when red herrings are constantly raised. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • You can use small fish other than herring to make the rolls or larger fish such as perch, bass and trout. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similar changes are also recorded for Jan Mayen, the Barents Sea, the Murman Coast, the White Sea, Novaya Zemlya, and the Kara Sea, where cod and herring extended their ranges and became more abundant. Past variability in Arctic marine systems
  • Look, the situation in French agriculture is just a red herring. We're here to discuss the situation in this country.
  • This tactic can also be useful in a meeting when red herrings are constantly raised. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • Nowadays we do not catch such vast shoals as they did in the past but herring stocks are generally considered in good shape and are fished sustainably. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deftly sewn as the best menswear bespoke attire, a chalk stripe leads in this soft deep chocolate herringbone percale.

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