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[ US /ˈhɛɹən/ ]
[ UK /hˈɛɹən/ ]
  1. Greek mathematician and inventor who devised a way to determine the area of a triangle and who described various mechanical devices (first century)

How To Use Heron In A Sentence

  • A few minutes with the heron book cleared up the mystery; they were tricolored herons, the first I had ever seen.10 By the end of the month American goldfinches were shooting around like tossed gold pieces despite another cold spell. Bird Cloud
  • The heron profile that she saw through the grille.
  • A Roman favourite is maccheroni alla carbonara, a ham and egg mixture with a creamy sauce.
  • The habitat suitability selection models were established for nesting of Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)in Zhalong National Nature Reserve.
  • Other birds that utilize this ecoregion are yellow-crowned night-heron (Nyctanassa violacea), neotropic cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), yucatan parrot (Amazona xantholora), Yucatán bobwhite (Colinus nigrogularis), and zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita). Petenes mangroves
  • The birds include ten species of herons including grey heron Ardea cinerea, goliath heron A. goliath and yellow-billed egret Egretta intermedia, hammerkop Scopus umbretta, four of the six West African species of stork, ducks, five of the six West African species of vulture, hawks, plovers and francolins and black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • Two bird tarsometatarsi, one from a green-backed heron and another a turkey, were also interred with the human remains at Brandon.
  • Unlike most herons, the Green Heron does not typically nest in large colonies.
  • I could go on and on about the many herons, egrets, gulls, terns, and various and sundry other species we spotted yesterday.
  • But he was not to enjoy himself long, for the duck was telling all her neighbours about the ill-usage her little one had received; and the mischief-making little wagtail thought as he had seen the lanky bird eating what he called the kingfisher's fishes, he would go and tell, and then sit on the bank and see the quarrel there would be; for he considered that the heron had no more business to take the fish out of the pond than the toad had to catch flies. Featherland How the Birds lived at Greenlawn
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