How To Use Heroical In A Sentence

  • Israel's prime minister has praised the naval commandos who participated in the deadly May raid on a Gaza-bound ship, saying they acted "heroically," "ethically" and "with restraint. Netanyahu Praises Israeli Troops Who Raided Gaza-Bound Flotilla
  • He is famous for the low-down tactic of setting up imaginary, exaggerated villains and dangers and then heroically shooting them down.
  • The six tiny horsemen heroically refused to flirt back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now they've heroically made the title available again, not only as hard copy for £10 through print-on-demand, but also as a free PDF download (13. 55MB). Division of Labour
  • he become reconciled to not dying heroically in her arms
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  • Federico Bonelli and Inaki Urlezaga will dance the rather heroically-challenged part of Daphnis, the lover boy who languishes in a faint while his abducted inamorata risks ravishing by pirates.
  • The slab tower rests on poured-in-place-concrete pilotis, which hold it, heroically, 56 feet off the ground and 30 feet above the track bed of the High Line. New York's Standard Hotel
  • Senate unheroically, blindly and repugnantly voted yes for the Detainee Bill. MY COUNTRY RIGHT OR WRONG?
  • Historians and politicians skillfully crafted the narrative of an active middle class who (in retrospect) had heroically waged the revolutionary struggle.
  • We see firefighters heroically battling a blaze.
  • A new mural on the outside wall of the town hall depicts, in raw Forties naturalist style, a German soldier heroically protecting his womenfolk.
  • So, sorry to spoil all those dramatic ideas about me heroically battling with sails on the foredeck in monster seas and high winds, but this particular voyage is more about cutting down on risks, lots of preparation, and sticking it out for a very! long time rather than edge-of-your-seat action sailing. True Spirit
  • Isaac fought heroically to regain his legal portion of the thoroughfare.
  • Eventually the fire fighters exit the building unheroically, no women strewn over any shoulders, not even a scared kitty reunited with joyful owners, and even more disappointingly, none drop trou or so much as remove a shirt to reveal achingly chiselled pecs and a waxed-smooth toned torso as those calendars would have you believe. Archive 2008-10-01
  • She worked heroically to help others escape.
  • Subsequent reports indicated he probably died from friendly fire, although still while trying to heroically assault an enemy position.
  • Moreover, whenever people are shown, they are usually going about their daily business rather than posing or behaving heroically.
  • The other two men ditch him as a liability, and he dies of gangrene caused unheroically by ill-fitting clogs. And So It Went
  • The same aria is used in another ad for athletic shoes, sung to visuals of stouthearted runners straining heroically toward a finish line. Does reading on the internet count as reading?
  • He heroically defended democratic principles.
  • They had worked heroically to meet the deadline.
  • I'm rather dubious about my chances of making it straight to heaven, unless I die heroically as a martyr or saving lives— which of course would be too gratifying, which is why it probably won't happen. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Zoya heroically bore the torture that the Fascists inflicted upon her.
  • She died heroically during an assault on the world's second-highest mountain.
  • The heroically scaled foyer is an attempt to recreate the glamour and escapism of old cinemas.
  • Given birth, or stood heroically near by while your partner pushed and perspired. Politics
  • James Wakefield hoped to win back his girlfriend's affections by having her abducted by a friend, then "heroically" rescuing her, a court heard. Archive 2008-07-28
  • The history books are littered with the names of intrepid British explorers who died heroically while quenching their thirst for knowledge. The Sun
  • The quote has to be heroically stupid to warrant a click and your output so far has been banal, trite and dim, typical BT crud in other words. Dear "Iceman": Bitch and moan much?
  • There were lots of familiar faces on hand, actually -- John Mutter of Shelf Awareness, "heroically" navigating the crowded aisles his write-up of the show today is far more coherent than mine, along with Todd from Thuglit, Carolyn from Bookstream, and Tom from Norton, and I know there were others around that I didn't manage to cross paths with. Chronicle: Book Nerd Among Comics Geeks
  • No feast at any court in those days was complete without this diversion of recitation, when the nation's heroes, or some passage from its greater classics, furnished the theme; or when some improvisator wove a tissue of myth and legend, embroidered with fact, which won its way through confiding ages as historic truth, till the time, growing sophisticated, laid it heroically aside for a curio. The Royal Pawn of Venice A Romance of Cyprus
  • Hour is ripe to recall unnumbered tribulations, sacrifices heroically endured by the dawn-breakers, culminating in Bahá’u’lláh’s afflictive imprisonment in Citadel of Faith
  • The 34-year-old mother of two heroically confronted the gunman and averted an even greater massacre.
  • If they were heroically cursed, this loss of a superstar to a nearby rival would have caused the Rangers to win a World Series.
  • That's a vile book in which white supremacists "heroically" exterminate every Jewish American and ever non-white American. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • In his heyday he was beloved as a comic genius, first from his radio days on The Goon Show, and then in his highly successful years on film, playing a long line of memorable characters headed by the heroically buffoonish Inspector Clouseau.
  • A 28-year-old employee heroically attempted to keep thugs from robbing her store.
  • Pre-Christian warriors hoped to meet a quick, short death, hopefully heroically in battle.
  • The bystanders heroically rescued her from under a school bus.
  • Widders is volubly, heroically, incorrigibly nondiplomatic. The U.K.'s Most Terrifying Spinster
  • Most of the cast die heroically, stupidly, or arbitrarily, which is realistic enough. Reviews Too Late: Saints and Soldiers
  • They made a point of telling us that both David and Fran had acted "heroically", that they had done all they could, each trying to protect the other, and that they had simply never seen a calmer and more self-possessed individual than Fran in any similar situation, concerning which they had all too much experience, including another case elsewhere that same afternoon. NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: April 2007 Archives
  • In Britain, the badge of distinction awarded to historic buildings is unheroically called ` listing’.
  • The cast change costumes, accents and personas manically and heroically.
  • The efforts of self-reliant individuals working heroically to rebuild their homes and neighborhoods will all be for naught if a lack of flood protection makes this area uninsurable, and economically inviable. Archive 2008-06-01
  • They also often act more selfishly and unheroically than the more likable characters.
  • The Assembly heroically defied the government once again and rejected the two bills.
  • It was heroically daft and had the crowd laughing happily in the sunshine.
  • This heroically scaled space has been transformed into a reading room and library.
  • He is best known these days for his heroically scaled figurative paintings.
  • The man himself was killed, merely 22 years old, allegedly, and rather unheroically, run over by a truck.
  • Without adequate doctors, medical facilities, and transportation, the clergymen heroically struggle to save lives and ease the pain of the victims.
  • You prevent disasters, don't wait for them to happen, and then "heroically" step in. Latest Articles
  • Medtner's concerto storms right from the opening measures and sings heroically throughout.
  • The supplier battled heroically to provide an acceptable system, until finally the project was mothballed.
  • All this work goes on quietly, unheroically, with no awards, medals or statues of recognition.
  • And the same were treated by Poets in verse _Exameter_ fauouring the _Heroicall_, and for the grauitie and comelinesse of the meetre most vsed with the Greekes and Latines to sad purposes. The Arte of English Poesie
  • Frank Bascombe struggles conscientiously, if unheroically, with the familiar problems of marriage, job, child-rearing, service to community. Richard Ford
  • Thousands upon thousands of martyrs have heroically laid down their lives for the people.
  • A strict investigation was made, and it was proved by the testimony of the people in Provincetown that all the apparatus was in perfect order and the keepers and surfmen exerted themselves heroically in aid of the doomed vessel, but that she was stranded so far from shore that it was simply impossible to reach her. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 099, March, 1876
  • I peered over the rock which me and Sara were heroically hiding behind to get a good look at the fabled creatures.
  • Hessians, but were now turned, in the retreat, upon the British -- and which our gunners defended "heroically" to the last. The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn
  • I drove east on the heroically built old French ski runs.
  • They heroically defended the freedom of their homeland.
  • The set designer has stripped the stage bare and draped it with heroically scaled posters.
  • Prospector George Tannihill christened it in 1866 as a mining district, saying he chose the name to commemorate the fierce battle he and twenty-three settlers led by a Captain Pierson had heroically won against marauding Indians there in 1857. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • Behind the bar is Steve, a clumsy, almost heroically inept young oik.
  • There must be some one for the duke to punish," heroically; "otherwise he will refuse. The Goose Girl
  • Such was the heroicall liberality, and exceeding great clemencie of those most honourable The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Single parents cope heroically in doing the job of two people.
  • Comprising three three-hour plays, it is heroically ambitious and wildly uneven.
  • Generations of Joneses have served heroically on the battlefield, from the beaches of Tarawa in World War II, to Foxtrot Ridge in Vietnam.
  • For five and a half years, McCain endured heroically. Lance Mannion:
  • They will fall prey to maddening and unpreventable guerrilla attacks rather than dying heroically during a lightning strike on Baghdad.
  • Elections used to be heroically corrupt.
  • To confront death, to risk death heroically was a greater adventure than any he had ever undertaken. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • All these years they have been fighting heroically for independence.
  • The elite group of airmen heroically fought in World War II.
  • I unheroically went over, asked if he was all right and what had happened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some landlords attempted to reassert forced labor dues, which the peasants heroically resisted.
  • He was several centimeters taller than Clan, but his gut bulged unheroically. Empire Builders
  • It is especially noteworthy that The New York Times, itself culpable of, or accessory to whatever alleged crimes Mr. Assange may be accused of, has kept its lips discretely, if unheroically sealed. Michael Brenner: Obama's War on WikiLeaks -- and Us
  • Why would an otherwise brave hero - one of the greatest at Troy - act so unheroically at this point?
  • As a dancer, he was heroically proportioned.
  • And WE -- all those Time Magazine "yous" will collectively and heroically be the victors in a future that will be much, much better than what we have today. Printing: A Progressive Mandate
  • Romantic notions of serving his country and fighting heroically intoxicated him.
  • Macaulay's pages with the bustle and variety and animation of some glittering masque and cosmoramic revel of great books and heroical men. Critical Miscellanies, Volume I (of 3) Essay 4: Macaulay
  • He is famous for the low-down tactic of setting up imaginary, exaggerated villains and dangers and then heroically shooting them down.
  • He became the first person in over two decades to be awarded the Victoria Cross after he heroically saved the lives of his comrades in two separate incidents.
  • My imagination caught fire as I envisioned myself as some kind of lantern-jawed “Dudley Do Right”, heroically battling forest fires like a Montana smoke jumper, pulling off death defying back country rescues in the mountain wilderness, and performing other Forest Rangerly and manly acts of derring-do. Buffalo Bob and the Honey Dipper
  • GAFFNEY -- A Gaffney man who told reporters he was a Marine heroically rescued from a Cambodian POW camp in 1970 in fact served only 10 months in the Navy and was court-martialed, according to military records obtained by the Heroes or Villains?
  • Slowly, reluctantly and most unheroically, he commenced to strip off his clothes. The Past Through Tomorrow

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