
How To Use Hermit In A Sentence

  • I do get that hermitic urge. I'm quite anti-social in some ways, even with my mates.
  • The hermit, the bachelor uncle, the reclusive genius, all have their place; I think it was once more recognised than today, when everyone is supposed to be good at relationships even if they're no good at anything else.
  • A cenobite is usually a monk in a monastery, as opposed to an anchorite, who is a monk living alone (also called an ‘eremite’ or ‘hermit’).
  • Also patron of beggars, hermits, horses, the physically disabled, and the woods.
  • The award recognized the challenges involved in the building project and its sympathetic approach to the hermitage, which provides a place for the hermit monks, both male and female to live a life of solitude.
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  • No medieval hagiographer better satisfied the need for historical ‘facts’ and for hagiographical ‘types’ (David, Elijah, Antony the Hermit).
  • Discover the hermit thrush as you hike through shady maple and hemlock groves, or encounter bobolinks in golden hayfields and northern waterthrush in subarctic swamplands.
  • Today, Mount Athos is home to some 1,800 monks living in 20 monasteries and outlying hermitages. A Fossil With Flesh
  • He had hoped to meet Simon by now, in the pub or somewhere, but the lad seemed to lead a hermitical existence apart from going out with the girl, whatever her name was. The Fifth Rapunzel
  • The authors then subjected the iron-rich microspherical residue of the red-gray chips to X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS) to compare it with the profile of microspherical residue from known thermite combustions and found them to be virtually identical. Pardon Our Dust, or, Why the World Trade Center Dust Matters
  • Only St-Joseph and that paler shadow Crozes-Hermitage can sensibly be broached within their first five years.
  • It grows as a surface incrustation on gastropod shells inhabited by the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus.
  • When indisposition, therefore, confined her to the limits of her own apartment, our heroine adopted the same mode of conduct observed at the Hermitage, during Mrs. Bertram’s illness: — she sung, she read, she assisted Mrs. Ross in any piece of fine needle-work which happened to be in hands at the time; and, in short, endeavoured to soften the painful or tedious moments of distress by every possible means best calculated for the purpose. Stella of the North, or the Foundling of the Ship
  • After all, he is a hermit crab who predicts football results. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ancient Mariner earnestly entreateth the Hermit to shrieve him; and the penance of life falls on him. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  • I think alot of that really doesn't matter ultimately.thermite, sharks with lasers, hijackers.
  • Hermite had a kind of positive hatred of geometry and once curiously reproached me with having made a geometrical memoir.
  • Hermits colonised this mountain about 1500 years ago but there's only one hermit there atmoment.
  • The planula larva settles on a hermit crab shell and metamorphoses into a primary polyp.
  • If you've ever wondered how the Russian aristocracy managed to bring a revolution upon themselves, some of the answers are indeed contained within the walls of the Hermitage.
  • Then he chose out an hundred of the doughtiest riders, and he and Sharrkan and the Minister Dandan set out for the hermitage, and the hundred horsemen led the mules with chests for transporting the treasure. — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The tent in the woods was his hermitage for that winter.
  • But there are records of Antony which represent him as a far more genial and human personage; full of a knowledge of human nature, and of a tenderness and sympathy, which account for his undoubted power over the minds of men; and showing, too, at times, a certain covert and "pawky" humour which puts us in mind, as does the humour of many of the Egyptian hermits, of the old-fashioned Scotch. The Hermits
  • We're all like hermit crabs : little naked creatures that have found a suitable shell and decided to live inside it until it stops fitting. Times, Sunday Times
  • These five paintings were from the important collection of Giampietro Campana, marchese di Cavelli, in Rome, part of which the Russians acquired in 1861 and installed in the Hermitage.
  • Then she called the hermit: Sir Ulfin, I am a gentlewoman that would speak with the knight which is with you. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The observable is conserved if and only if the equations of motion are invariant under the transformations generated by the corresponding [Hermitian] operator Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • England, and follow your example, I think — turn hermit, or some plaguy thing or other, and see what a constant course of penitence and mortification will do for me. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Somebody told me that if you hum next to a hermit crab, it brings it out - and it works. Times, Sunday Times
  • The church has an anchorage or cell where a succession of anchorites (hermits) lived from 1383 until the reign of Henry VIII.
  • We're all like hermit crabs : little naked creatures that have found a suitable shell and decided to live inside it until it stops fitting. Times, Sunday Times
  • His conscience at once spoke out, and in the agony of his remorse he had resort to a hermit who bade him renounce the world, grave for himself a cell in the face of the melaphyre clay -- the hermit did not give to the rock its mineralogical name -- and await a token from heaven that he was forgiven. Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • And even these are not allowed to pall upon the mental palate, being mingled with anecdotes and short tales, such as the Hermits (iii. 125), with biographical or literary episodes, acroamata, table-talk and analects where humorous Rabelaisian anecdote finds a place; in fact the fabliau or novella. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Asymmetries in the character transition curves describing these zones suggest that Townsend's warblers have a selective advantage over hybrids and hermits.
  • I returned to my old way of life, out of desperation, loneliness, isolation, I was supposedly a hermit and what is called 'acedia' - something many people today think is the 'dark night' - it's not. Archive 2006-07-09
  • The amazing correlation between floors of impact and floors of apparent failure suggests that spray-on nano-thermite materials may have been applied to the steel components of the WTC buildings, underneath the upgraded fireproofing (Ryan 2008). 20 « August « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Insects, spiders, and other invertebrates make up most of the Hermit Warbler's diet.
  • January 24th, 2010 at 6: 15 pm bilbo: He denies that nanothermite was in the building, even though there is now a peer-reviewed paper stating there was. 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • So when he was houseled and aneled, and had all that a Christian man ought to have, he prayed the hermit that his fellows might bear his body to Joyous Garde.
  • Hermits usually form leks and congregate on traditional lekking grounds, where females visit to choose a mate.
  • A hermit crab carrying a sea anemone around on its shell.
  • Happiness is solitude, thinks the hermit who lives alone on his island.
  • A writer in the "Atlantic" [1] gravely tells us the wood thrush is sometimes called the hermit, and then, after describing the song of the hermit with great beauty and correctness, coolly ascribes it to the veery! In the Catskills Selections from the Writings of John Burroughs
  • Just want my hermitry to stay and my coffee to go. Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
  • Phoenix's character chooses to live life in the Nevada desert as a hermit making Navajo kachina dolls that he believes have magical powers (a kachina is a spirit in western Pueblo cosmology and religious practices). Marina Cashdan: On the Anniversary of River Phoenix's Death, Artist Slater Bradley and Cinematographer Ed Lachman Revisit his Final, Unfinished Film.
  • In fact, to burn at high temperatures, thermite must contain large amounts of unoxidized aluminum, rather than aluminum oxide. Was it Nanotech-Thermite or Phasers that took down the WTC?
  • Of particular interest in this volume is the review of Sympagurus hermit crabs, some of which live in symbiosis with sea-anemones or zoantharians than can produce pseudo-shells.
  • While it is the sheer physicality of Mr. Hurt's performance that impresses most—he totters about the stage with the squeaky-shoed grace of the music-hall clowns that Beckett loved—you will be no less stunned by the sound of his creaky, rusty voice, which suggests a hermit who never has occasion to speak a word aloud for months at a time. The End Of the Line
  • The calling to a hermit's life became strong again and in 1989, Frances moved back to Whitby and set up her second hermitage.
  • It became clear to the factory leadership that neither the emperor nor the empress were interested in copies on porcelain of paintings in the Hermitage.
  • Reaching the little square in front of the Hermitage, he rested from the ascent, stretching out full length on the crescent of rubblework that formed a bench near the sanctuary. The Torrent Entre Naranjos
  • The pattern of introgression found by Rohwer and Wood predicts that Townsend's males will be superior to hermits in these behavioral measures.
  • Even the hermit was expected to supply the needs of the sick and the destitute through the money he earned from his own handicraft.
  • Both spiney lobsters and hermit crabs have been observed attacking gastropods in this fashion and both produce the distinctive notched gastropod remains.
  • We can never thank her sufficiently for cutting out endless pages of songs and recitative by the melancholious old Hermit who, in the original version, was to commence the opera, and wander in and out of it incessantly. The Love Affairs of Great Musicians
  • Like the Hermit, the Shepherd makes havock amongst the King's game; but by means of a sling, not of a bow; like the Hermit, too, he has his peculiar phrases of compotation, the sign and countersign being Passelodion and Berafriend. Ivanhoe. A Romance
  • ‘Yeah, but a container of thermite will do the same thing,’ the engineer retorted.
  • Hermit thrushes ate 14 pondberry fruits during six observation periods in 2000-2001, and 13 drupes during five observation periods in 2001-2002.
  • They will safely see you through Hermit Rapid at 12,000 cubic feet per second.
  • Jabaster, too, realizes the need for such a balance although he himself has lived in hermit-like, mystical isolation, apparently only awaiting the arrival of the deliverer. Levine - Criticism - Critical Contexts
  • Or, contrariwise, if you want to blow up a building with nanothermite, then concoct a story about terrorists with nanothermite instead of hijackers. 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • The world's largest art gallery is the Winter Palace and the neighboring Hermitage in Leningrad, U.S.S.R.
  • Anyone who has tried to remove a hermit crab from its shell will know how tenacious these creatures can be.
  • A local guide took us out the first morning for a half-day of birding, including a visit to a lek of performing green hermit hummingbirds, and then got us on our way to the Canopy Tower, a short distance north of the city.
  • Shining our torches onto the sand reveals thousands of hermit crabs scuttling from the light.
  • Towards the end of his life, he became a hermit and lived among holy men.
  • It is something that we will never stop being fascinated in, until one day we all become hermits and live in solitary caves.
  • She had paid for the tiny creature, the cage, the bedding, the hermit hut, and the food.
  • Anyone who has tried to remove a hermit crab from its shell will know how tenacious these creatures can be.
  • I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermit miner. The Trimmed Lamp, and other Stories of the Four Million
  • The Company's mailing address was a postal box near Mr. Hermitt's home.
  • The cove provided plenty of entertainment with corkwing wrasse, little cuttlefish, hermit crabs and pollack aplenty. Irish Blogs
  • Juvenile rockmover wrasse and dwarf scorpionfish, ghost pipefish, razorfish, stonefish, mantis shrimps, snake eels, and the flamboyant anemone hermit crab are frequently seen in this area.
  • By doing that she noticed the old muslin curtain was dingier than common ... she continued to clean, and then began going to church, and you wouldn't believe the change that came over the little old brown house just because a little girl gave her little potted rose plant to the old hermit woman. Subtle Frugality
  • This question applies with particular acuteness to the situation of hermits or solitaries.
  • Discover the hermit thrush as you hike through shady maple and hemlock groves, or encounter bobolinks in golden hayfields and northern waterthrush in subarctic swamplands.
  • Men who were before this age, who kept themselves in soothfastness, and spoke nothing idle, won from GOD what they prayed for: and that was shewn to a holy hermit The Form of Perfect Living and Other Prose Treatises
  • The only alternative we have is to release the hallucinogenic agent before they ignite their thermite.
  • The history in question is Russian, and the ark is St. Petersburg's Hermitage Museum, one of the world's greatest repositories of European art and civilization.
  • In 1897 he entered into the life of a hermit at Nazareth. COLLINS DICTIONARY OF SAINTS
  • There is one exception to this behaviour, and that is the specialised hermit crab Parugrita, which uses a crack in the reef or a discarded tubeworm cast as a home.
  • And even these are not allowed to pall upon the mental palate, being mingled with anecdotes and short tales, such as the Hermits (iii. 125), with biographical or literary episodes, acroamata, table-talk and analects where humorous Rabelaisian anecdote finds a place; in fact the fabliau or novella. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For the last year or so I've been very hermitish, reading bizarre occult books and other esoterica.
  • Accordingly it fell to my lot to assume the appearance of madness, which made greatly for my purpose, as they consider mad men to be holy, and they therefore allowed me to go much more at large than before, until such time as the hermits might determine whether I were _holy mad_, or raging mad, as shall be shewn hereafter. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
  • Chapters are organized by major Franciscan currents: life in poverty; care of the lepers; the role of hermitages; the theology of the cross; and love for God's creation.
  • Towards the end of the eighteenth century a picturesque rock landscape with a cascade, grottoes and a hermit's cave was constructed.
  • Interest in seeing the full extent of the island overcame her hermit's reticence. FOLLY
  • They chased one to the hermitage of Eskdaleside, near Whitby, where the hermit protected the exhausted boar and refused to hand it over.
  • The vertically filtered station data from each section are interpolated onto an evenly spaced latitudinal or longitudinal grid depending on section orientation at 0.033° spacing using a shape-preserving piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant at each pressure level. Recyclable AbathyThermograph Instruments « Climate Audit
  • This probably explains why the South Tower started its descent by tipping over first, since the thermite was already taking out columns on one side, first. 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • His dumpy women bathers at the Hermitage and the Leiden Museum sit under such trees, with Rembrandtian simplicity dabbling their feet in mere runnels of water.
  • [The ancient Mariner earnestly entreateth the Hermit to shrieve him; and the penance of life falls on him.] "O shrieve me, shrieve me, holy man! English Songs and Ballads
  • The wood and hermit thrushes and their cousin the veery have taken a severe hit from the cowbirds, so that they are on the brink of becoming endangered species.
  • Though not hermits or recluses, they do enjoy their own space to ruminate about what makes the world go round not to mention what makes people tick.
  • It may be noted that this kind of discipleship, which, as we have already seen, was attempted by Palladius, was a recognized thing among the Egyptian hermits. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The torch picked out a tiny red hermit crab as it climbed laboriously across the top of a sponge.
  • There they chanced on the ruins of a temple, where among the broken walls an old monk had established his hermitage.
  • The mind can weave itself warmly in the cocoon of its own thoughts, and dwell a hermit anywhere. James Russell Lowell 
  • The knight plays along, and gulps up much of the venison pastry the hermit brought out.
  • Early British incendiaries filled with thermite - a mixture of iron oxide and powdered aluminium - produced great heat but this dissipated quickly and was confined to a small area.
  • The term ashram refers in Sanskrit to religious hermitage but nowadays often denotes a locus of Indian cultural activity, such as yoga, music study or religious instruction. Hurriyet Dailynews
  • That said, like all weirdo songwriters destined to evolve into cranky, bearded hermits, he has inspired his own legion of obsessive completists.
  • Three months after his full ordination, he took the unusual step of going into a mountain hermitage on Mt. Hiei for an extended solitary retreat.
  • Contrast his public services with his public and private vices, and see what he is -- the despised of the whole world, eking out a miserable existence in hermitical seclusion with a woman of ill-fame. The Memories of Fifty Years Containing Brief Biographical Notices of Distinguished Americans, and Anecdotes of Remarkable Men; Interspersed with Scenes and Incidents Occurring during a Long Life of Observation Chiefly Spent in the Southwest
  • The child should not be looking at the mother as a sexless hermit, because that's not a good model either.
  • Sometimes you can find a Zebra flatworm sharing the snail shell with the hermit crab.
  • He advanced towards the light, and finding that it proceeded from the cottage of a hermit, he called humbly at the door, and obtained admission. The Rambler, sections 55-112 (1750-1751); from The Works of Samuel Johnson in Sixteen Volumes, Vol. IV
  • Lesley and I were in the school orchestra together in Bury in the days of sixpences and Herman's Hermits.
  • On the breeding grounds, Hermit Thrushes are strict insectivores, eating primarily coleopteran adults and larvae and lepidopteran larvae.
  • Amazingly, the hermit crab's body is asymmetrically twisted so that it fits snugly into the shape of the shell.
  • The Bishop of Middlesborough received and consecrated her as a hermit in 1994 and she took her vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
  • The heroine, Portia, about to arrive home, is reported to be kneeling at holy crosses in the company of a hermit.
  • He lived as a hermit from the age of 18 until his death. Times, Sunday Times
  • The design of the hermitage reflects this vision. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's all going swimmingly well, until a strange old hermit blunders in to their lives and infects one of them with a hideous bug that literally eats you alive.
  • The current nugget is … Eric Texier, 2000 Hermitage rouge for $69. Finding a deal on the wine list at Bar Boulud in NYC | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Carmelites world wide, men and women, see themselves in the tradition of the early medieval hermits who withdrew to the caves of Mt Carmel in Palestine in imitation of the Prophet Elijah's life of contemplation.
  • But don't assume that packing food means lunch hours secluded in our cubicles like antisocial moles or hermits.
  • The hermits, unable to find an answer to Narad's question, summoned a great assembly.
  • Common lobsters, edible crabs, velvet swimming crabs, shore crabs and hermit crabs were common.
  • A Zen koan: A hermit's cabin burns down in the woods; does anyone hear but the trees? FOLLY
  • Gloomy caves appear, surrounded by hawthorn and holly that "outdares cold winter's ire," and sheltering old hermits, skilled in simples and the secret power of herbs. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • In amongst the wildly contorted Proterozoic strata, we spotted small fish, an assortment of hermit crabs (Pagurus spp.), small spider crabs (Libinia spp.), and a number of different taxa of cancroids, including juvenile Rock crabs (Cancer irroratus). "Here, by the ocean, the sky's filled with leaves..."
  • And when Sir Launcelot might not overget him, he threw his sword after him, for Sir Launcelot might go no further for bleeding; then the hermit turned again, and asked Sir Launcelot how he was hurt. Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 2
  • It's a vicious cycle that sees me slip further and further into hermitism.
  • The Hermitage, a large house in Newtown that was originally built in 1859/60 for the Armytage family, was bought by the archdiocese for £6,000, and another £6,000 spent on electric wiring, furniture, and other improvements. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Crabs are a particular favourite of mine - shore crabs are numerous, and every other periwinkle shell seems to harbour a hermit crab.
  • For the past 15 years, Margaret Wertheim has been collecting similar works by such hermit scientists, or what she calls "outsider physicists. On the Margins of Science
  • Pedreira EM, Romano A, Hermitte G, Maldonado H (1998) Context-US association as a determinant of long-term habituation in the crab PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • After all, he is a hermit crab who predicts football results. Times, Sunday Times
  • EPHRAIM †A Brigham Young University physicist said he now believes an incendiary substance called thermite, bolstered by sulfur, was used to generate exceptionally hot fires at the World Trade Center on 9/11, causing the structural steel to fail and the buildings to collapse. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: Principia Wingnuttia
  • She seems to have few friends and has complained that she is forced to live'the life of a hermit crab '. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was in the early throes of a spell of misanthropic hermitism.
  • First, Father David Jones O Praem is attempting to incardinate into the diocese as a hermit within the Praemonstratentian family at the invitation of the Bishop of Meath, Mgr Michael Smith. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Sergius obeyed the starets, showed his letter to the Abbot, and having obtained his permission, gave up his cell, handed all his possessions over to the monastery, and set out for the Tambov hermitage. Father Sergius
  • Red and gray chips of the world's most sophisticated nano-thermite, or super-thermite, are dispersed throughout the approximately 30,000 tons of dust generated in the demolitions of WTC 1, 2, and 7; so too are maybe 10 tons of tiny iron-rich spheroidal droplets, another signature of super-thermite explosives. Apathy, Conspiracy's Best Friend
  • He is known for a number of mathematical entities that bear his name, including Hermite's formula of interpolation.
  • 'At any time the word hermit was enough to transport him.' The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • The children have been shifted to an ashram or hermitage run by a local sage where they are being made to recite Vedic mantras and fire rituals are being performed to drive the spirits away.
  • At 6: 15 p.m. on August 29, 2010, at a secluded mountaintop hermitage overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Sonoma County, California, four women, all long-time dedicated practitioners, were declared fully ordained as bhikkhunis, Buddhist nuns, in the Thai Theravada tradition. Sylvia Boorstein: Ordination of Bhikkhunis in the Theravada Tradition
  • One half the hermit crab is as naked as the "human animal," and even less fitted for exposure; for it consists of a thin-skinned, soft, unmuscular bag, filled with delicate viscera; but not even the human animal is more skilful in clothing himself in the spoils of other animals than the hermit crab in wrapping up its naked bag in the strong shell of some dead fusus or buccinum, which it carries about with it in all its peregrinations, as at once clothes, armor, and house. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • By slow degrees, he had allowed himself to be drawn from his academic hermitry into contact with the visible life around him. Queed
  • His Christian connection still strong, Steele would go on frequent meditation retreats at a Catholic hermitage in Big Sur, and, for a time, even considered joining the order.
  • Reply: When you said 'nanite' (?) were you referring to 'nanothermite' .. OpEdNews - Diary: Some Truth For A Change
  • A hermit crab sticks sand and weed on its shell, and all Jay's glitz was camouflage.
  • The muse sits neglected, if not forspent, in the hemicycle of the arts: —“Dark Science broods in Fancy’s hermitage, 0 Introduction. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, ed. 1900. An American Anthology, 1787-1900
  • The hermit maintained and bucklered his opinion, by quotations from The Bride of Lammermoor
  • For the first time, teacher Kevin Stinnette thought, his students could do hands-on lessons with cold-water species such as frilled anemones and Acadia hermit crabs. Delusional Duck
  • Many monks live independently of the monasteries, some in well-furnished villas, others as hermits in wooden shacks in the forest. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the course of her research Colegate, who is evidently well-travelled and well-read, has wandered both locally and exotically, fanning out from her own garden in Wiltshire where she restored an ancient hermitage.
  • Nhat Hanh keeps an image of Jesus next to the Buddha on the altar in his hermitage in France where, in a place called Plum Village, he maintains a meditation center.
  • Then wot I, said the hermit, for he that shall sit there is unborn and ungotten, and this same year he shall be gotten that shall sit there in that Siege Perilous, and he shall win the Sangreal. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Those mean hermits don't seem to be anywheres close, now are they?
  • It was Bold Walter of Buccleuch and his men, and each of them had stuck a branch of witch's hazel in his basnet, for 'tis said that a twig of hazel protects its wearer from the arts of magic, and they had no mind to be bewitched by the Lord of Hermitage. Tales From Scottish Ballads
  • Who is this modern hermit, this recluse of the St. Leger-week, this inscrutably ungregarious being, who lives apart from the amusements and activities of his fellow-creatures? The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • Only the hermit crab, as far as I can recall, searches for empty shells, of whelks or periwinkles, or indeed any other hollow object and crawls inside, to serve as shelter and protection of the body.
  • The traveler may call it stupid and ugly, if he calls it at all; our Hermitage still patiently wears its havelock of weather-beaten shingles, for _it_ knows that beneath its lowly roof -- radiant with whitewash and fresh paper -- are cozy, coolly curtained rooms, where friendly books look down from the wall, and drowsy arm-chairs woo from the corners. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2 No 4, October, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • We're obsessed with the need for "alone time"; sometimes, many weekends in a row, this leads to unwitting hermitism.
  • He met children from Hermitage Primary School in Tower Hamlets and St Peter's Primary School in Woolwich as they enjoyed workshops in royal regalia, arms and armour.
  • [Sidenote: The ancient Mariner earnestly entreateth the Hermit to shrieve him; and the penance of life falls on him.] 'O shrieve me, shrieve me, holy man!' Rime of the ancient mariner
  • It is bedrock biblical wisdom that the human person was not created for isolation; the way of the hermit has always been the cautious exception rather than the rule in the Christian tradition.
  • John Major in the life of John the monk, that lived in the days of Theodosius, commends the hermit to have been a man of singular continency, and of a most austere life; but one night by chance the devil came to his cell in the habit of a young market wench that had lost her way, and desired for God's sake some lodging with him. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Roche hermitage in Cornwall occupies a spire of rocks of schorl that shoots 100 feet above the surrounding moor. Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • As are the ruins of their monasteries and hermitages (apart from a crumbling monastery tower, and a winsome Welsh chapel).
  • We're all like hermit crabs: little naked creatures that have found a suitable shell and decided to live inside it until it stops fitting. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in the second spring of my hermitical life a report was circulated that the Countess, with her husband, was coming to spend the summer on her estate. The Shot
  • Hermite had posed the problem of finding the minimal values of quadratic forms in n variables whose coefficients were real.
  • a hermit chooses to live solitarily
  • Such alternative materials could have been spray-on nano-thermites substituted for intumescent paint or Interchar-like fireproofing primers (NASA 2006). 20 « August « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Yaupon and privet together constitute 86-96% of total fruit eaten by Hermit Thrushes at our study sites.
  • Finally, we got to Hermit's Rest: The sun started breaking through, the clouds started parting, and the fog lifted.
  • In Maynard's book, Salinger came across as a crank, drinking his own urine and eating macro-biotic food, a misanthrope and a hermit who had got out of the kitchen even before the heat was turned up.
  • It is a cultural institution, no less important than the Hermitage or the Bolshoi Theatre.
  • He lived as a hermit from the age of 18 until his death. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Immortal Alexander the Great," at Amsterdam's branch of the Hermitage, will include the Gonzaga Cameo, a reddish sardonyx engraving of Alexander that shows off his fabled good looks, and brightly painted manuscripts from 15th-century Persia like "Iskandar and the Hermit," created to entertain the sultans. Xanadu, Sacramento and Beyond
  • I'll grab a blanket and a pizza takeaway menu and settle in for a week of hermitism. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the left side next to the staircase, there is a corridor which leads to the refectory, the kitchen and six hermit cells.
  • Steph, will you call the wench and plan something, we are so hermitish these days. Procratina-meme - And She Knits Too!
  • These tonnish people, cordially as I despise them, lead the world; and if one has not a few of them in one's train, 'twere as well turn hermit. Camilla
  • Apparently, it had been there for two months, hunched over a branch like a hairy hermit in solitary contemplation. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the Hermitage in Geelong on February 20, 1911, Granny recalled seeing the first Bristol Box Kite aeroplane to fly in Australia, a black speck that first appeared over the You Yangs. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The Hermitage caves are cut into soft red sandstone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Advocates of economic modernization, such as Abbot Matthew ‘the Poor,’ sometimes found Samuel's preoccupation with third-century hermits obscurantist.
  • The anonymous author of the Libellus classified monks and canons into three groups based on whether they lived far from men, like the Cistercians, or close to men, like the Victorines, or as hermits.
  • This is where those eigenvalues of random Hermitian matrices enter the picture.
  • The cave was inhabited by a hermit.
  • We still have to explain the unburnt nanothermite. 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • Unless your giftee is a complete hermit who shuns contact with the outside world, a second Winnipeg Sun
  • I lived like a hermit, studying. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the spandrel above Saint George sits Saint Augustine, who appears as a hermit dressed in the habit of the Eremitani (also known as the Austin friars), wearing a scapular, his bishop's miter resting at his feet.
  • Come on out, you hermit crabs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then wot I, said the hermit, for he that shall sit there is unborn and ungotten, and this same year he shall be gotten that shall sit there in that Siege Perilous, and he shall win the Sangreal. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The dialogue around Marina's forgetfulness is extremely well done, and the Hermitage material has depth. The Madonnas of Leningrad: Summary and book reviews of The Madonnas of Leningrad by Debra Dean.
  • The new display will also include tropical hermit crabs, crawfish, horseshoe crabs, and other species.
  • Separated from all the world, and as a homeless wanderer, or as a hermit in forest or desert, the pious man should live in beggar-garb, devoid of adornment, utterly possessionless, entirely isolated, indifferent to joy and grief, and dead to all emotions. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • In the bottomland forests and ravines along the river, look for a variety of warblers, including cerulean, blackburnian, and black-throated green warblers, as well as acadian flycatchers and hermit thrush.
  • But in revenge for this the sons of the king, when Parasurama was away, returned to the hermitage and slew the pious and unresisting sage Jamadagni, who called fruitlessly for succour on his valiant son. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • A hermit crab sticks sand and weed on its shell, and all Jay's glitz was camouflage.
  • Apparently, it had been there for two months, hunched over a branch like a hairy hermit in solitary contemplation. Times, Sunday Times
  • A screwed up psycho from a rich family has been garrotting strangers and taking their identity, ‘like a hermit crab.’

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