
How To Use Heritable In A Sentence

  • In modern times, they are generally alienable, devisable and inheritable.
  • By making a will containing such provisions as you see fit and ensuring your estate consists of heritable property only, you can disinherit your children.
  • The Church of Scotland Trust is undertaking a review of all heritable property owned or leased on behalf of the Church of Scotland outwith Scotland.
  • He does not seem to believe in any heritable effects on our behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tame animal does not pass that tameness onto its offspring; taming is not a heritable, genetic change, and there is no simple way to discover when a hominid first tamed another species.
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  • an inheritable title
  • A trait or disease is called heritable if monozygotic twins are more similar to each other than dizygotic twins. - latest science and technology news stories
  • There is nothing to show that the inheritable portion of the full original thickness was not gained by natural selection rather than by the directly inherited effect of use; and the latter, being cumulative and indiscriminative in its action, would apparently have made the sole very much thicker and harder than it is. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
  • In the post-genome era, disease gene mapping using dense genetic markers has become an important tool for dissecting complex inheritable diseases.
  • In some States he descended as realty, in others as personalty, while in others still, he constituted a separate kind of heritable estate, which was especially provided for in the canons of descent and statutes regulating administration. Bricks without Straw A Novel
  • Although its cause remains a mystery, evidence suggests that it is at least 80% heritable, stemming from complex interactions among several genes and non-genetic influences.
  • If a trait is inheritable today, can we not assume it was inheritable in the past? A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • And heritability itself is a funny thing that isn't as heritable as people often imagine. ADHD's roots are complex
  • In many areas land is communal property of a kin or local group, while household goods, personal items, or productive equipment are familial or individual inheritable property.
  • I believe that I was sufficiently clear in my last post on why heredity causes a gaussian distribution in the expression of complex heritable characters. What a Bunch of Apes! « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Ecologists are now taking an interest in measuring immunocompetence and determining its importance as a heritable trait for the survival, both of the individual and the population.
  • In Wales it was not unknown for son to follow sire in the cure of a parish, and worse, for the sons of bishops to take it for granted they should succeed their mitred fathers, as though the supreme offices of the Church had been turned into heritable fiefs. His Disposition
  • We know from classic genetics that many physical and psychological traits are substantially heritable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is hardly surprising, but it was also found that age at first reproduction is a heritable characteristic.
  • Prior to the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions in 1747, those nobles who possessed extensive judicial rights controlled their own patronage.
  • In the Highlands, however, the system of heritable jurisdictions was intertwined with a distinctive set of social arrangements.
  • These new privileges were to be perpetual and inheritable, like any other form of personal property.
  • Ammonoids reflected changing environmental conditions by changing their fecundity, whereas in nautiloids a strong heritable differential occurred between genotypes.
  • In the Belgian tervuren and sheepdog, epilepsy is highly heritable with a polygenic mode of inheritance, though apparently influenced by a single autosomal recessive locus of large effect.
  • Having defined hereditaments as inheritable interests, the common law went on to distinguish between corporeal and incorporeal hereditaments.
  • heritable" should never be used so casually in a New York Times article, for the very simple reason that it does not mean what non-scientists think it means. The Genius in All of Us
  • It is well known that if a trait is heritable, the easiest and most practical way to change the trait in a herd of cattle is through selection of the sire.
  • Germ or reproductive cells are the body cells that develop into the egg or sperm of a developing organism and convey its inheritable characteristics.
  • But I hadn't realized that conning was an inheritable trait.
  • The degree to which migrant groups continue to be racially defined will have huge consequences for their children, because race, unlike ethnicity, has historically been viewed as an inheritable trait.
  • There are different skull shapes, different frequencies of blood types, different incidences of heritable diseases.
  • In practice, these estates were only rarely intended to become the heritable property of daughters or female relatives.
  • Providing an assessment of heritable risk factors and information to patients and their relatives concerning the consequences of a condition, the probability of developing or transmitting it, and ways in which it can be prevented, treated and managed. Glossary
  • All titles were heritable and followed the male line of descent almost exclusively.
  • After the Act for the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions in 1748 the portion of Auchterarder strictly burghal ceased to have titles completed in the burgage form. Chronicles of Strathearn
  • Smith creates a ‘money plot’ and centers the novel's love story of Orlando and Monimia around the Manor House, Rayland Hall, as inheritable property.
  • Of all the benefits, real or imaginary, of a robust vocabulary, perhaps the most appealing is that vocabulary is heritable — that you can pass it along to your children like an acquired trait in Lamarckian evolution. Word…
  • This suggests the existence of inheritable traits connected with tolerance of submergence that apply to a wide range of conditions.
  • All kinds of property including slaves are inheritable by relatives.
  • It means that they have view of religion as a strongly 'heritable' characteristic, much more so, I would argue, than is empirically the case in developed capitalist democracies. Those Evil Muuuuslems
  • Marks of cadency are determined and granted for life to the individual by Royal Warrant (from the 19th century, members of the Royal family do not have arms until assigned to them, and these arms are not necessarily inheritable).
  • Most agricultural land has been collectivized or is part of a cooperative and thus is not inheritable.
  • There are many sources of inheritable variation in biology.
  • Nobody has suggested that a ship is prima facie heritable and I do not think such a suggestion could reasonably be made.
  • Each of three measures of face-specific processing was heritable, i.e., more correlated in monozygotic than dizygotic twins: face-specific recognition ability, the face-inversion effect [2], and the composite-face effect [3]. Is Facial Recognition A Non-g Factor Mental Module?
  • There is now a balance of fully L200,000 of cash in the hands of the managers, besides the immense stock of materials, and goods, and heritable property, all paid for, and the goods daily going off in great abundance.
  • It is important to remember that the functional consequence of the mutation is not an indication of evolution itself — evolution merely requires a heritable change in the genes, which is brought about by either neutral or functional mutations in viable gametic cells. Evolution
  • First, reproductive cloning and inheritable genetic modification should be banned.
  • As they came to view themselves as the originators of their work, they also began to claim that their creations were their own property, as susceptible to legal protection and as inheritable or saleable as any other form of property.
  • In it he predicted that a large molecule carrying a genetic code would explain heritable characteristics.
  • inheritable traits such as eye color
  • Bouchard and colleagues used the words "heritable" and "heritability" to describe their results. The Genius in All of Us
  • To the extent that the physical make-up of organisms provides heritable variation, it becomes a malleable clay that can be sculpted by selection.
  • The nineteenth-century interest in craniometry and the ranking of species and races had assumed that intelligence was both biological and inheritable.
  • For the occupational toxicants acrylamide and 1,3-butadiene a genetic risk assessment was performed based on heritable translocation data.
  • One of the long-discussed questions of evolutionary biology is whether new heritable traits originate spontaneously and independently from the influence of external conditions.
  • _Incorporeal_ hereditaments are inheritable rights which grow out of corporeal inheritances, or which consist in their enjoyment; as the right of pasturing a common; a right of passage over the land of another; a right to the use of waters, sometimes called _aquatic rights_, &c. The Government Class Book Designed for the Instruction of Youth in the Principles of Constitutional Government and the Rights and Duties of Citizens.
  • But what the doctors call a diathesis, a predisposition to some given disease, is most certainly heritable -- a fact which Karl Pearson and others have proved by statistics that can not be given here. [ Applied Eugenics
  • Collecting often runs in families - think of the Rothschilds - suggesting that it is an inheritable trait.
  • Nearly everyone would like something to pass on to his descendants, yet there is no inheritable property accumulation in our Social Security system.
  • If your genome is altered during your life (say, you get sun cancer, or catch a 'bug' that inserts DNA into your genes) it is not supposed to be heritable – individual organisms do not evolve. Assessing Causality
  • If George wishes to deny the right of inheritance, ‘he must do so with regard to movable as well as in the case of immovable goods, or at least he must demonstrate why immovables, and not movables, should be inheritable.’
  • I murrieta homes for sale nontelescopic stateless teleprompter in the yell of not uncommunicative any way nonheritable what quantifier i was redetermination out of and sexually if i was nullifier the deterministic brisling and the dactylopteridae inhumane a highfaluting anoectochilus. Rational Review
  • In this species, male courtship drumming has been shown to be an honest indicator of heritable viability.
  • The comparison to being Black is based only on immutability, not inherence nor being inheritable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Federal challenge to Prop 8:
  • As evolution is defined as heritable allelic changes over time, if sufficient time does not pass, evolution may not happen. Evolution
  • It is well known that if a trait is heritable, the easiest and most practical way to change the trait in a herd of cattle is through selection of the sire.
  • He points out that multiple prion-based heritable states can propagate independently within one cell.
  • However, when registered wills from the early 19th century to the present are examined, berths were never mentioned as inheritable property.
  • More than two-thirds of people with bipolar disorder have at least one close relative with the disorder or with unipolar major depression, indicating that the disease has a heritable component.
  • [73] The entire field of race betterment and social improvement is divided between _eugenics_, which considers only germinal or heritable changes in the race; and _euthenics_, which deals with improvement in the individual, and in his environment. Applied Eugenics
  • Genetic changes in the hemoglobin molecule that affect the shape of the red blood cell and the oxygen carrying capacity of the cell result in the inheritable diseases of sickle-cell anemia and beta-thalassemia.
  • I assume that male quality is a heritable trait that determines female fitness from mating.
  • The term epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene expression and phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in DNA sequence. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • All kinds of property including slaves are inheritable by relatives.
  • Because organisms vary, selection is non-random, and because variation is inheritable, populations of organisms change as one generation succeeds another.
  • To define mechanisms underlying heritable changes in the phenotype, we analyzed the possibility of extranuclear inheritance by transferring some factors via the male.
  • An action of the environment on the organism to produce selectable and inheritable variation would solve a number of problems for Darwin.
  • Genetic factors, scientists believe, account for 70% of cocaine addiction, making it as heritable as schizophrenia and other mental health conditions.
  • The nineteenth-century interest in craniometry had assumed that intelligence was both biological and inheritable.
  • The simple engine of evolution - inheritable changes in the species occurring over thousands of generations - can produce extraordinary results.
  • The sociobiological theories emphasize a heritable propensity for violence at both the individual and the social level. Bloodlust
  • There are many sources of inheritable variation in biology.
  • One such mechanism is extranuclear inheritance, which involves no physical change in the cell's genome, though it may involve changes in a heritable pattern of protein expression as in the following example.
  • An action of the environment on the organism to produce selectable and inheritable variation would solve a number of problems for Darwin.
  • The basic idea of natural selection is that a population of organisms can change over the generations if individuals having certain heritable traits leave more offspring than other individuals.
  • Race defined as, he categorization of humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - BSG at the UN
  • In fact IQ is a great example of a trait that is highly heritable but not genetically determined.
  • If the average value of the trait in the offspring is higher than the parental generation average, the trait is heritable.

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