
How To Use Hereby In A Sentence

  • To let his brain swell and keep the blood flowing, thereby preventing the damage from worsening, doctors removed virtually the entire left side of his skull, a procedure known as a craniectomy. Traumatic brain injury leaves an often-invisible, life-altering wound
  • Some of these chemicals may mimic hormones, thereby disrupting the endocrine system.
  • · The tailstock quill is brought into working position (Fig. 14) whereby special attention must be given to quill cleanliness. 3. Preparations for thread cutting by dies and taps
  • In a healthy pregnancy, cells that come from the embryo's placenta-called trophoblast cells-move into the walls of the uterus and help to open up maternal arteries, thereby increasing the available blood and nutrient supply. Slate Articles
  • This was the theory of alienation whereby the audience, already familiar with the story line, does not get caught up with the narrative.
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  • [K. Philip and Queene Mary hereby do disannul Pope Alexanders diuision. 177]. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Thereby, one-dimensional or multidimensional attribute of call events is displayed simultaneously through the invention.
  • Tribal traditions and a male-dominated reading of Islam have produced a deeply rooted ideology of women as temptresses, who must be kept under control to avoid "fitna" or social strife, thereby safeguarding the "peace of Islam. Ida Lichter, M.D.: Afghan Women's Movements Deserve More From the West
  • Appropriately, seborrhea by itself is a condition whereby the skin produces to much oiliness. Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » Scalp Psoriasis Vs. Seborrheic Dermatitis
  • At least half of the country's population voted, thereby validating the result.
  • To overcome this problem, the Purdue researchers developed a means to create LEDs on low-cost, metal-coated silicon wafers, whereby the the silicon substrate is metalized with a built-in reflective layer of zirconium nitride. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Low Cost LED Technology
  • Your stepson could have been left in a dysregulated state whereby he is primed to be constantly hypervigilant to threat and to respond. Times, Sunday Times
  • So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
  • Festivals that provide a forum for Arab and Israeli art and culture, and universities and academies that offer joint courses in the Qur'an and the Bible, midrash and tafsir, cabbalah and Sufism, thereby placing them in their original relation to one another, are today only feasible in exile -- in the West, of all places, which bears part of the blame for the present-day impossible situation.
  • The chair is also available with adjustable armrests, a height-adjustable backrest and variable seat depths, whereby the active lumbar support is always in the correct position.
  • The Protestant Reformers defined the Roman doctrine of Works as a form of barter system, whereby believers could accrue spiritual benefits for themselves and salvation through their performance.
  • The entire novel must be read in the light of the comic paradox whereby Zeno thinks he is analysing himself while at the same time being certain that psychoanalysis lacks the means to analyse him.
  • After a time my brothers began pressing me to travel with them; but I refused saying, “What gained ye by travel voyage that I should gain thereby?” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Thereby, you will be able to navigate your way ahead, carefully picking your route around bloated wobbly people, inconsiderate ‘wallowers’ and arsey posers as they try to impress the girls.
  • Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • The process of forging permanent neural pathways, whereby changes occur at the synapse between neurons that enhance and strengthen the connection, is called long-term potentiation. After the Diagnosis
  • He thereby provides both a theology of the resurrection and a theology of the liturgy: one encounters the risen Christ in the word and in the sacrament; divine service is the fashion in which he becomes touchable to us and recognizable as the living Christ. The book by Joseph Ratzinger that "changed history"
  • The intent was to redirect some of the hunters' energy from shooting game to caring for it, thereby preserving enough game to satisfy increasing numbers of hunters.
  • It kinks, detaches itself from actin, unkinks, and reattaches, and thereby ratchets along the actin filament in a series of power strokes.
  • Every few years Oscar sees fit to reward genuine artistry, thereby reminding us why we watch the show in the first place.
  • This is a metabolic disorder whereby excess uric acid in the blood gets deposited in joints.
  • The intention behind not allowing the registration of cases is to keep the crime figures low thereby projecting a crimeless state. Why Dalits have slammed Mayawati's Sarv-jan Formula?
  • They must not demand a very high cash outlay or demand a very high degree of risk thereby endangering subsistence.
  • He further concluded that these cadaverous particles could adhere to the hands of physicians and thus be transferred to the women, thereby transmitting puerperal fever.
  • He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
  • Even though this denial has to some extent to do with Habermas’s understandable fight with the ghost of Heidegger, he seems now to turn this into a new orthodoxy, thereby showing how critical theory is incapable of critiquing its very foundational presuppositions such as valorization of rational argumentations, performative competence, validity claims and linguistic intersubjectivity instead of emotional intersubjectivity Craib, 1998. Jürgen Habermas, Sri Aurobindo and Beyond
  • During a recent conversation with somebody who is sticking to the term blessing, they said that the term inspiration sounds as though it only applies to the description of the process whereby one focuses on a person who has set a constructive encouraging example. Inspiration (���Blessings���) and Its Relation to Mantras and Oral Transmission
  • And this is the only symptom whereby we find out and discern the nature of threatened impendent judgments. The Sermons of John Owen
  • In the second place, he invented fishnets, a cruel device whereby innocent fish leap weeping to your frying pans.
  • They rotate their crops, thereby helping the soil to recover from centuries of monoculture under sugarcane.
  • He caught the consumption from his son, whereby he soon followed him to the grave.
  • They delivered emergency aid to the camps, not to stricken neighbourhoods, thereby ensuring the exponential growth of those camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stand here today humbled works on antithesis, a putting of terms into opposition with each other, whereby stand, apart from connoting the witness stand and stealing some of its sincerity, erects an uprightness to contrast with the lowness of humbled, from the Latin humus, meaning earth. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • Thereby, in the absence of other myocyte structures as well as the absence of endogenous Cav1. 2, ectopic expression of BIN1 is sufficient to concentrate surface Cav1. 2. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Chitting describes the process whereby seeds are placed between layers of damp kitchen towel and allowed to sprout prior to planting.
  • If the Constitution “will bear the examination of the people, who are to be bound thereby, why is such precipitancy used?” Ratification
  • Koinōnia idiōmatōn, — that communication of attributes in the person, whereby the properties of either nature are promiscuously spoken of the person of Christ, under what name soever, of God or man, he be spoken of, Acts xx. 28, iii. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Meysman et al. also assign a "revolutionary" position to bioturbation in the grand scheme of evolution: "Benthic fauna had to adapt to the newly emerging bioturbated sediment conditions, thereby fuelling the 'Cambrian explosion'". Bioturbation all around you
  • He took swift and firm action, thereby saving the life of the future president of the Chinese Republic.
  • Others have attributed the transmission of common motifs and themes to a process of diffusion, whereby ideas are carried from culture to culture by humans involved in such activities as war and trade.
  • LOCK OUTS, are mechanical locks that will be fixed to certain isolators with individual keys for each technician, thereby allowing only the originator to switch the nit back on.
  • Aside from the inheritance proper, a will could contain legacies whereby things were bequeathed by a single title and by express words; they could be imperative or precative. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • That is very much part of the social bargain whereby writers are "left alone" to implement their craft, as opposed to being harassed or hounded out of existence; they get their NEA and Guggenheim fellowships, and everyone is happy since the power equations in society remain undisturbed. Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • I have been told that many of them wear patent complexions, "boughten" bangs, and pad out scrawny forms until they appear voluptuous Junos, and thereby deceive and ensnare, bedazzle and beguile the unsuspecting sons of men. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • = In gauze weaving all the warp threads are not parallel to each other, but are made to intertwist more or less among themselves, thereby favoring the production of light, open fabrics, in which many ornamental lace-like combinations can be obtained. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • God then willed the revolution of the outermost sphere, known as the diurnal sphere, which caused all the other spheres to revolve with it, thereby producing changes in the hyle in accordance with the motions of the sphere. A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • The new technologies makes it possible to embed passive components such as condensers into printed circuit boards, such as FR4, thereby achieving miniaturization and cost reductions of circuit boards.
  • A fingerprint is disposed to close the open circuit by making contact and thereby serving as a ‘temporary’ back electrode.
  • The four quadrants of Kolb's model deal with the processes whereby knowledge is transformed through experience.
  • And thereby to subduct them from under the absolute power of the vanity of their minds, by one means or other he fixeth in them steady thoughts concerning himself, and their relation unto him. Pneumatologia
  • Some believe that the government of the city was hereby separated from that of the shire wherein it was situate, and that the right of appointing their own justiciar which the citizens obtained by this charter was the right of electing a sheriff for the city of London in the place of the non-elective ancient port-reeve. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • As technology improves, thereby making it possible to set a lower emission standard, new sources face increasingly more strict controls.
  • He even abolished the system whereby the police controlled prisoners once they were released and introduced what we call the probation system where an independent probation service, a non-police service, supervises the prisoners. Churchill: A Life
  • Difficulties cannot be artificially overcome," said Mirabeau, "nor is there any invention whereby a man may be spared the trouble of conquering them; they must be grasped firmly, strangled, crushed, trampled down in manful fight. Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • Discourse is thereby conceived as a ‘generative mechanism’ rather than as a self-referential sphere in which nothing of significance exists outside it.
  • He explicates both character and action, thereby pulling the entire story to his level where all human motivation is lechery, which leads only to ‘the bone-ache.’
  • In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts.
  • According to the survey, bosses thought the most effective method of reducing absence was ‘return to work’ interviews, whereby a returning employee is quizzed about the illness.
  • Typically, omnibus farm bills address a wide range of agriculture-related policies, thereby creating a coalition of otherwise diverse and sometimes even opposing interests in support of the legislation.
  • The adjusting disks thereby invariably define a position of the kingbolt with respect to the supporting arms.
  • They hoped to regulate the flow of water between the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and thereby warm the frozen Russian north.
  • The shire's existing bowling club has become too expensive to maintain, especially with the price of labour and of materials such as fertiliser and weedicides constantly rising thereby putting more burden on a declining membership.
  • This phrase is a clue, becoming a means whereby adherents of the same movement can be identified.
  • A new provision provides that the regulations do not apply where the outgoing employer is subject to proceedings whereby he may be adjudicated bankrupt or wound up for reasons of insolvency by order of the High Court.
  • Lieberman says he has his own reasons for refusing to give up the Senate bid: if he quit now, his successor would be picked by the state's Democratic committee, rather than by the voters, thereby subverting the democratic process. Missouri Grieves For A Friend
  • Because of the universals I see, I'm much more interested in sociobiology, though -- the sense that evolution has formed our minds and thereby, in deep and powerful ways, constrained the types and shapes possible in human societies. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Gord Sellar
  • God without Being: "the Ungrund is contaminated from the start by the universe it subtends, making the impulse to misrecognize the groundless as the primal ground, and thereby firmly reappropriate it to ontotheology, quite irresistible"; Hegel on Buddhism
  • Dual exhaust system has two tailpipes, which allows the engine to exhaust more freely, thereby lowering the back pressure which is inherent in an exhaust system.
  • During discharge, electrons flow from the negative electrode to the positive via this ‘external load’, thereby doing electrical work.
  • Here, Schumpeter provides a brilliant and pertinent explanation of the mechanism whereby non-banks can become creators of ‘circulating medium’ and credit.
  • Its "proverbial sentences, chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality as the means of procuring wealth and thereby securing virtue," were sown like seed all over the land. Benjamin Franklin
  • The absence of pigment in the human sclera (the whites of the eyes) highlights the iris and thereby enhances the interpretation of eye movements.
  • The notion that vitamins and colloidal minerals, herbs, coffee enemas, colonic irrigation, Laetrile, meditation, etc., can enhance the immune system and thereby help restore health is bogus.
  • Brazil is also leading the charge in innovative biometric technology which it uses to identify voters and thereby cut down on impersonation. Nikolas Kozloff: Part III: What Is the Brazilian Brand?
  • Whatever be the parts or abilities of men, whatever diligence they may use in the investigation of the truth, whatever disciplinary knowledge they may attain thereby, the Spirit of God never did nor ever will instruct a proud, unhumbled soul in the right knowledge of the Pneumatologia
  • More generally, there are the well-known patterns whereby plants with large genomes cannot adopt an annual or ephemeral lifestyle and in which weeds tend to have small genomes.
  • They coauthored a statement “that we are indeed guilty . . . and that hereby we have forfeited our lives into the hands of public justice.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Ricciardo loving this Madam Catulla, and using all such means whereby the grace and liking of a Lady might be obtained; found it yet a matter beyond possibility, to compasse the height of his desire: so that many desperate and dangerous resolutions beleagred his braine, seeming so intricate and unlikely to affoord any hopefull yssue, as hee wished for nothing more then death. The Decameron
  • The industry would respond by pointing out that, no matter what the current price, the bonds will be paid in full at maturity, thereby eventually eliminating any interim price decline.
  • And I rejoice that I was left to deal with the Bible alone; for if I had had some theological "explainer" at my side, he might have tried, as such do, to lessen my indignation against Jacob, and thereby have warped my moral sense for ever; while the great apocalyptic spectacle of the ultimate triumph of right and justice might have been turned to the base purposes of a pious lampooner of the Papacy. Science & Education
  • He who votes against the rights of another whatever his religion, colour or sex, thereby abjures his own.
  • One is a parity grid arrangement, whereby upper and lower intervention rates are established for each currency against every other currency.
  • Political scientists use the term corporatism to describe a practice whereby a state, through the process of licensing and regulating officially-incorporated social, religious, economic, or popular organizations, effectively co-opts their leadership or circumscribes their ability to challenge state authority by establishing the state as the source of their legitimacy, as well as sometimes running them, either directly or indirectly through corporations. Libertarian Blog Place
  • *A tontine is a financial arrangement whereby a fixed group takes shares in an investment—in this case the coffeehouse—paying out pro rata as each dies or drops out; the last one standing gets the whole shebang. City of Glory
  • Seeing then to the offensiveness of man's nature one to another, there is added a right of every man to every thing, whereby one man invadeth with right, and another with right resisteth; and men live thereby in perpetual diffidence, and study how to preoccupate each other; the estate of men in this natural liberty is the estate of war. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • The regulator says Trillium, through nine proprietary traders, sent non-bona fide orders into the markets to create false volume, thereby attracting buying or selling interest.
  • It's time for a policy of containment, which I hereby revise to include a blockade.
  • Picrochole thus in despair fled towards the Bouchard Island, and in the way to Riviere his horse stumbled and fell down, whereat he on a sudden was so incensed, that he with his sword without more ado killed him in his choler; then, not finding any that would remount him, he was about to have taken an ass at the mill that was thereby; but the miller's men did so baste his bones and so soundly bethwack him that they made him both black and blue with strokes; then stripping him of all his clothes, gave him a scurvy old canvas jacket wherewith to cover his nakedness. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 1
  • Here you recall a memory of when you felt incredibly energetic and relive it as vividly as possible, thereby accessing all the energetic feelings. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a eurozone country experiences an economic shock it cannot devalue its currency to make its exports more competitive, thereby supporting employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Senator McCain trotted out a truly weird attack against Senator Obama last night, accusing him of wanting to invade Pakistan and thereby undermine our good buddy President Musharraf. McCain: tough on Obama, soft on terrorists
  • SECTION 2 The transportation or importation into any State, Territory or Possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxi - cating liquors in violation of the laws thereof is hereby prohibited. Legacy
  • First excess sedation may be a problem if too large a dose is used, thereby resulting in the patient being less arousable.
  • Evolution proceeds by the accidental combination of already existing stable sub-assemblies, thereby producing new stable assemblies of higher complexity.
  • Graves's disease is a malfunction of the body's immune system whereby antibodies mistakenly attack the thyroid gland.
  • He thereby lends some countenance to Saintsbury's later mantra that what passes for English dactylics are in fact ‘tipped-up’ hypermetric anapests.
  • Sir Patrick made a special arrangement with the Treasury whereby additional funds would be made available to meet the cost.
  • Greenford first, said Birdalone, and after whither the Good Lord shall lead me; and as for what I will do, I am now deft in two crafts, script and broidery to wit; and, wheresoever I be, folk shall pay me to work herein for them, whereby I shall earn my bread. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • But suppose I do what nearly all of the doctors do, who use electricity with any regard to polarity; that is, if treating acutely inflamed eyes, for example, apply the negative pole to the eyes, thinking thereby to make them more negative; or, if treating amaurosis, apply the positive electrode to the affected parts, thinking thereby to make them more positive! A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • Did television marginalize the Alliance and thereby contribute to its failure?
  • Not one person outside of Congress has shown this to be anything else than a financial train wreck ... but Libs think we can pay for things with "Social Merits" and imaginary cost savings ... leave it to the Left to misidentify a problem thereby ensuring the wrong solution ... vwrtb Reid to Senate: Get ready to work overtime on health care
  • There probably hasn't been a time in history whereby there's so much uncertainty.
  • Insensitive bureaucrats in the capital should not be allowed to procrastinate and thereby delay the delivery of food to the needy.
  • Australian tradition whereby leading bowler "outs" English batsman he intends to install as personal whipping boy usually captain, star man, or chief posho. The Ashes 2010 A-Z: baggy greens, doing a Harmy and lucky red hankies
  • Vitamin B5, in the form of CoA, can be used to help acetylate proteins, thereby protecting them from chemical breakdown. The World's Healthiest Foods
  • *** My husband would like it on the record that he had nothing to do with this particular piece of cheese, and the pansy is thereby distancing himself from said joke and any particular wife who may have thought it funny …. Pass the Puns, Please @ Attack of the Redneck Mommy
  • With consideration to the strategic review by Miller Tabak and the condition to the transaction with DMRJ. the Company executed an Asset Purchase Agreement and a Note with Skinvera LLC, a company wholly owned by Frank J. Massino, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, whereby Skinvera purchased all assets and assumed all existing liabilities of the Company's skincare business (except for assets and liabilities related to kinetin and zeatin) and received $1.8 million in cash in return for a $1.8 million Secured Promissory Note which bears interest at 6% per annum and is due on the seventh anniversary of the Note. Medindia Health News
  • Third, the Palestinian state must remain demilitarized, not only to satisfy Israel's requirements but also to conserve financial resources to enable investments in the infrastructure of the state, thereby increasing the vested interests in maintaining peace. Alon Ben-Meir: Reconciling Israel's Security With Palestinian Statehood
  • And for the assertion laid down, I desire that those who despise and reproach it would attempt an answer unto the ensuing arguments whereby it is confirmed, with those others which shall be insisted on in our description of the nature of the work of regeneration itself, and that upon such grounds and principles as are not destructive of Christian religion nor introductive of atheism, before they are too confident of their success. Pneumatologia
  • If we had delayed, the Danish fleet would soon have been in the hands of the enemy; hence his maledictions against what he termed our "aggressions:" we had anticipated him, and he was mortified with the bitter disappointment he thereby sustained. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • A compromise was reached whereby Lapsley would commit himself not to publicly associate with the ANC, while he would not have to "foreswear" his ANC membership. Contents
  • I filled all the little spaces that occurred between the remarkable days in the calendar with proverbial sentences, chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality as the means of procuring wealth, and thereby securing virtue. Elson Grammar School Literature v4
  • Internal tensions can be resolved through a creative channelling and thereby reinforce the group's own boundary.
  • The impression is thereby given that an emphasis on revival is a peculiarly Welsh phenomenon.
  • He repudiated his first wife and married a recognised Judaic princess, thereby seeking at least a form of legal sanction.
  • It increases the number of calories the body burns each day, including calories from bodyfat, and it blunts hunger, thereby decreasing the amount of calories taken in.
  • In short, I hope the reader who is now looking at this preface will carefully read every word in the following pages; and not only _read_, but _remember_, the lessons there taught, and thereby become wiser and better. No and Other Stories Compiled by Uncle Humphrey
  • On the other hand, it is also possible that joint load may add variable forces across the elbow joint articulation thus, increasing joint wobble, thereby increasing measured length changes.
  • Those of you old enough to remember the beforetime are hereby charged with dispensing the truth to your fellow citizens. Veracity
  • It is thought that the weaker phytoestrogens can compete for estrogen receptors with the more potent endogenous estrogens thereby decreasing the overall estrogenic activity when it is deemed to be too high.
  • And even like thanks be given unto our nobility, gentlemen, and others, for their continual nutriture and cherishing of such homeborne and foreign simples in their gardens: for hereby they shall not only be had at hand and preserved, but also their forms made more familiar to be discerned and their forces better known than hitherto they have been. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • In September it was still intending to close its special liquidity credit line to banks this month, thereby fanning the panic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Copies of optometry feedback are sent to the patient's general practitioner, who is thereby kept informed of eye assessments.
  • Any law enforcement agent who conducted a wiretap or private search would thereby always be presumptively guilty of a crime, and would have to cross his fingers and take his chances that prosecutors or jurors would ignore or obviate the law in his particular case. The Five Techniques
  • Then early in the Obama administration, regulators threw the real estate industry a bone, expanding a financial rescue program, the term asset-backed securities loan facility (TALF), to commercial-mortgage-backed securities, thereby muffling calls for a broader industry rescue. The Other Shoe
  • The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
  • I hereby renounce and deject this superdelegate and the President he served. Obama Campaign Moving Joe Andrew All Over Indiana Today
  • These anaesthetics block sodium channels and thereby the excitability of all neurons, not just sensory neurons.
  • -- N.S. (Fig. 141.) Shell fusiform, contracted above the body-whirl, and forming thereby a sub-cylindrical spire; spire obtuse apex papillated and hooked; body-whirl plaited longitudinally at its top; columellar lip furnished with only two plaits. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Above him towered infinitude, immensity, potent on his mind through shape to his eye in a soaring dome of blue -- the one visible symbol informed and insouled of the eternal, to reveal itself thereby. Sir Gibbie
  • Whereby I cannot see what good they have done: but that men may more sickerly be evil. The First Book. The First Book of the Communication of Raphael Hythloday, Concerning the Best State of a Commonwealth
  • We have a very silly situation whereby Queenstown and Taupo are able to open for business and we are not.
  • The main disadvantage of the network approach is that areas which are not covered are thereby excluded completely.
  • Nathan, I hereby denounce you and those filthy words you wrote, no matter what they were.
  • The external mapping file enables developers to customize the data mapping and thereby gaining more control over the way mapping can be derived.
  • September, 1855, he had been promoted to the rank of captain, which, prior to the Civil War, was the highest grade in the United States Navy; the title commodore, then so frequently applied to the older officers of the service, being simply one of courtesy given to a captain who had commanded a squadron of several vessels, but who did not thereby cease to be borne as a captain upon the Navy Register. Admiral Farragut
  • A key adaptation allowing a continued high level of glycolysis in crucian carp is the production and excretion of ethanol as the glycolytic end-product, thereby avoiding lactate self-poisoning. Evolution versus "Intelligent Design" - The Panda's Thumb
  • For example, queer theorists usually argue that one of the advantages of the term ˜queer™ is that it thereby includes transsexuals, sado-masochists, and other marginalized sexualities. Homosexuality
  • We hereby assume that he only sells his coats for the same price as his competitors, and does not take advantage of these economies to underbid them.
  • If one continues to look at it, one's sight becomes dazzled and dimmed, so it is preferable to look at its image in water and avoid a direct look at it, because the intensity of its rays is thereby reduced.
  • For the latter part of the power of the prerogative, or that whereby they are the supreme judicatory of this nation, and of the provinces of the same, the cognizances of crimes against the majesty of the people, such as high treason, as also of peculation, that is, robbery of the treasury, or defraudation of the commonwealth, appertains to this tribe. The Commonwealth of Oceana
  • The term gopher wood appears only in the Flood account (thereby making it a hapax legomenon), and thus the Bible gives few clues to its actual meaning. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • These programs benefit New York City and communities all over the state by helping individuals transcend the cycle of incarceration and live more stable and happy lives, thereby reducing the pain and economic costs that crime incurs. Anthony Papa: Incarcerated Men on Rikers Island Cook Thanksgiving Meals For the Hungry
  • Under the law, there is a provision whereby judges can recuse themselves - that is, stand aside on the grounds of apparent bias.
  • The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
  • I hereby attach a statutory declaration in support of the objection ( see note 10 ).
  • They know that every public dollar slashed and every public employee laid-off or "furloughed" in the nation's most economically important state is another obstacle to Obama getting the economy moving again and thereby maintaining his popularity. Joseph A. Palermo: Arnold Schwarzenegger: Tea Bagging California
  • In centuries past, graves would be exhumed, and any bones remaining would be collected and buried deeper down, thereby allowing fresh graves on top.
  • For example, one might provide for group action, whereby associations of, say, homeless people, would be able to challenge government housing policies on grounds of unconstitutionality.
  • The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
  • But there's also a lot of interesting stuff at the low end - notably The Ghost in the Machine which is a proposed explanation for some ghost sightings, whereby there's some infrasonics (caused by wind through a room or whatever) that hits the resonant frequency of the human eye, around 18Hz according to NASA (pdf) causes weird visual artifacts. Danny Ayers : Raw Blog
  • In reference to Roger's referenced reference, I'd say that if the librarians didn't give such a "Very" title a coveted award -- triggering an orgy of literary consumption that surely the AVN people would step in and give THEIR award to the film version, thereby triggering SOME sort of orgy. In Bed with WHO?
  • In northern Italy and in France, south of the Loire, the main tenurial development of the seventeenth century was a massive extension of share-cropping, whereby landlords received rents as a fixed percentage of their tenants' crops.
  • The whole emphasis is placed on the terms being negated, thereby reflecting a profound bias towards aggression as the norm.
  • As demand begins to exceed supply of waste collected through disposal systems, the price will rise, thereby making it worthwhile to provide incentives for the disposal of stored durables.
  • This reduced its helicity and increased its average tilt, thereby presumably reducing fusion efficiency.
  • Historical thought redefines the present in terms of a reinterpreted and reconstructed past and thereby facilitates passage into the future.
  • Thereby, color space compression is unnecessary when outputting an image from each output device, and output images from output devices have the same color tone.
  • Staff at a hotel in east Slovakia also hinted that he was unwelcome — until, that is, one of his sons spoke in English, thereby revealing that this was an American family in possession of hard currency. Love of Country Lost and Found
  • We hereby nominate and authorize the following staff as member(s) to receive the bonus points to participate and enjoy the benefits of the BRIO ecReward Scheme.
  • The entire novel must be read in the light of the comic paradox whereby Zeno thinks he is analysing himself while at the same time being certain that psychoanalysis lacks the means to analyse him.
  • Specifically, it might inspire them to revisit the politically arduous and philosophically complex struggle whereby modern liberalism overcame the sanguinary terror of religious conflict in post-Reformation Europe.
  • Peenplus has been specifically developed to allow architects and specifiers to create a new shot-peened finish using entirely non-ferrous shot, thereby eliminating the risk of any cross contamination from the old steel shot methods used previously. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • At first the seeds lay mingled without order; but nous set the unarranged matter into motion, and thereby created out of chaos an orderly world.
  • Wool insulation can absorb up to 35% of its own weight in moisture from the atmosphere, thereby helping to preserve timbers from mould. Times, Sunday Times
  • This, in turn, should help us identify selective forces that act within genes and thereby understand which genic features are of functional significance.
  • He provides thereby an often neglected human dimension to science.
  • I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25 July.
  • The relentless search for new revenues during the Dutch war had led him in 1673 to seek an extension of the regalian rights whereby the crown enjoyed the revenues of vacant episcopal sees.
  • One of the biggest areas of concern for the IAEA is evidence that Iranian scientists have conducted research on hemispherical arrays of explosives, of a type used in the construction of nuclear weapons to crush a spherical core of fissile material and thereby trigger a chain reaction. Iran nuclear report: IAEA claims Tehran working on advanced warhead
  • What do we do as a MOP, do we just let them in with open arms - ‘please steal my things - I wont resist I wouldnt want to effect your human right to burgle me’? or does it have to reach the other end of the spectrum, whereby if you want justice people are forced to action? The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He developed the system whereby every known living creature is assigned to a kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
  • We don't know or understand the process whereby the Burmese junta changed its mind so radically on how the country should be run. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was known for facilitating the process whereby tumor markers, or lab tests for tumors, were brought into the marketplace.
  • When this motion is completely arrested, I suggest that we blow up the Aleutian Isles and enlarge Bering Strait, so as to allow what corresponds to the Atlantic Gulf Stream in the Pacific to enter the Arctic Archipelago, which I have calculated will raise the average temperature of that entire region about thirty degrees, thereby still further increasing the amount of available land. A Journey in Other Worlds
  • It can withstand weeds, insects and a harsh climate, thereby producing blossoms one after another.
  • They no longer have any sense of working class solidarity, whereby communities would work together to confront common problems (such as the Depression).
  • I was half tempted to pick up a nearby acorn and chuck it at his head, in a feeble attempt to render him unconscious, thereby allowing myself to return back to my sleeping bag.
  • By way of protest, I hereby offer to anyone who wants it my assistance in setting up a Blogspot Blog.
  • Iron supplementation may improve maternal appetite, thereby increasing energy consumption during pregnancy with resultant increased intrauterine growth.
  • They can thereby create patient expectation of the level of demand that will be serviced.
  • And what other job subjects its staff to the "touch toes test", whereby the cabin services director checks to see if naked buttocks can been seen under the skirt - the VPL is the enemy of the well turned-out air hostess, so some of them simply ditch their underwear. Top stories from Times Online
  • As I pointed out in an earlier post, after journalist Jill Carroll was released late last week Washington Post media columnist Howard Kurtz wrongheadedly questioned her first interview, which was taped by Iraqis before she was handed over to U.S. forces, and lent credence to the idea that she was too sympathetic to Arab causes, thereby making her somehow anti-American. Eric J. Weiner: Someone Send Howard Kurtz to a War Zone Immediately
  • While most of the waste produced within the Village will be managed by the AQUH system, as much waste as possible will be "up-cycled", thereby demonstrating how to turn a liability into a profit center for Village cottage industry.
  • To website and electronic business affairs, more important still depend on, whether offer a few appreciation to serve to make the user arises to the website thereby stronger agglutinant .
  • In tropical vegetated seabird colonies such as Aride, predatory ants may feed on tick eggs and larvae thereby reducing tick levels.
  • Chewing is a cyclic motion of the mandible and tongue apparatus, whereby food is reduced between the maxillary and mandibular teeth.
  • He urged wealthy nations to plant tropical hardwoods in desert lands, thereby tripling the area under tropical timber within a century.
  • The uncertainty and ignorance of things to come, makes the world new unto us by unexpected emergencies; whereby we pass not our days in the trite road of affairs affording no novity; for the novelizing spirit of man lives by variety, and the new faces of things. Christian Morals
  • I hereby declare Mr Rogers elected.
  • One minute you're in a fight with him, the next, dude is kissing your hand and making you all melty, thereby circumventing the whole conflict.
  • You and this site also agree and hereby irrevocably submit and attorn to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the Province of Ontario with respect to such matters. Eric Margolis
  • The characterisation of magic as a semiotic skill has, in fact, resulted in a back-reading whereby it becomes symbolic of semiotic skill itself -- a metonym of the power of language, of consciousness, of "spirit". Archive 2008-07-01
  • These grooves create microscopic vortices in the water next to the swimmer, thereby disturbing the flow of water along the body and reducing the surface friction drag.
  • Conversely, the rationale for starting cattle on a diet with less roughage and more concentrate is based on the perceived improvement in performance and, thereby, increased profitability.

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