
How To Use Herbaceous In A Sentence

  • Still, the same rule can be applied in a household garden when planting herbaceous plants and smaller shrubs.
  • It is in lawn and includes mature trees and shrubs, herbaceous borders, a rockery and a water feature.
  • Technically there are three kinds of peony: herbaceous, tree and intersectional. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other herbaceous plants included Abutilon theophrasti, Cycloloma atriplicifolium, Datura stramonium and Xanthium strumarium and the planted Maclura pomifera.
  • Among these herbaceous plants we find at intervals the Avicennia tomentosa, the Scoparia dulcis, a frutescent mimosa with very irritable leaves, * and particularly cassias, the number of which is so great in South America, that we collected, in our travels, more than thirty new species. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
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  • The species grows as a partially herbaceous deciduous vine, with fairly pale green, somewhat cut foliage and campanulate light rose-purple flowers.
  • Where does Bai Cheng City produce pure white herbaceous plant?
  • Lavender oils and flowers in potpourri is almost always from the hybrid lavandin, as real lavender officinalis has a more woody, herbaceous scent and is not as easy to grow in lower elevations. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • Overwintering herbaceous plants or evergreen trees can only survive the winter seasons of cold climates when they are able to acclimate.
  • These herbaceous perennials have tough underground stems, and you may need to use a small saw to cut them up. The Sun
  • Results showed that the herbaceous vegetation could weaken kinetic energy of raindrops, and had a significant diffluent function during rainfall events to reduce effective precipitation on the slope.
  • A profusion of roses, old fashioned and modern, and herbaceous plants scent the air.
  • Yes, the station had a perfectly charming garden including a herbaceous border, rose beds, lupins and mop-headed bay trees in green tubs.
  • All these varieties are hardy herbaceous perennials. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • In the formal gardens, the grandest expanse of all running the full length of the house is the Italian garden, laid out as a geometric parterre with herbaceous plants.
  • Often found on herbaceous plants eating aphids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Planted with a southern aspect to take advantage of the low arc of the winter sun, it has trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and dwarf bulbs.
  • There will also be plants grown especially for the vegetable plot as well as herbs, herbaceous perennials and shrubs.
  • Walk slowly and scan grasses and herbaceous plants too. Times, Sunday Times
  • In that time we have planted more than 54,000 native trees and shrubs and reintroduced 88,000 herbaceous plants citywide.
  • This is the backdrop against which she experiments with herbaceous perennials. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paths often passed through these rocky clefts, which in the depths of the forest were gloomy and dark in the extreme, and often full of fine-leaved herbaceous plants and curious blue-foliaged Lycopodiaceae. The Malay Archipelago
  • Tonka bean and hay absolute at the base along with ho wood very linalool rich at the heart complete the fougere picture and the pine was replaced by rosemary verbenone to add clean, herbaceous freshness. Lavender-Violet
  • This is a discursive way of building up a herbaceous planting but one which lends itself to gardens of any size. The Education of a Gardener
  • The school also has a fruit orchard, herbaceous border, bird garden and butterfly garden.
  • The natural foraging diet of wild deer ranges from heather and shrubs to herbaceous parkland. Times, Sunday Times
  • The herbaceous Paeonias are part of the glory of flower borders in the early summer.
  • In some areas of Argentina, the Andean degraded caespitose (growing in dense tufts) herbaceous vegetation with open stands of dwarf shrubs includes Acantholippia hastulata, Adesmia horridiuscula, Baccharis incanum, Ephedra breana, Fabiana densa, Junellia seriphioides, Psila boliviensis, Senicio viridis, and Tetraglochin cristatum. Central Andean dry puna
  • In dune areas, anchoring shrubs such as Havard shin oak, fourwing saltbush, and yucca stabilize the dune sand for herbaceous grasses and forbs such as sand verbenas, sunflowers, fringed sagewort, and hoary rosemary-mint. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • The arctic meadows, tundras, and steppes contained the herbaceous plants, leaves, and sprigs of shrubs and low shrubs needed for the mammoth to feed on and survive in glacial Siberia.
  • Walk slowly and scan grasses and herbaceous plants too. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the highest altitudes (c. 3,000 m) the forests become shrubby, with the vegetation consisting of Hypericum patulum and Rhododendron burmanicum, and the herbaceous plants include Aconitum, Lactuca, Pedicularis, and Veronica. Chin Hills-Arakan Yoma montane forests
  • Much of the area is open marsh covered by phreatophytic grasses, reeds, sedges, and other aquatic herbaceous plants. Everglades Province (Bailey)
  • You can buy 10 plugs for £3 from a wholesaler and grow them on, or spend £4.50 and get a good single specimen of a herbaceous perennial that will be really doing its stuff at this time of year.
  • The mesophilous semideciduous forest with fluctuating moisture has an arboreal story 8-15 m high, an undergrowth of microphyllous and thorny deciduous species (with leaves 1-6 cm long), and a rich herbaceous layer formed by numerous geophytes. Cuban dry forests
  • It will prove efficacious to plant trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in the autumn because they will get their roots down faster during their first wet winter.
  • Herbaceous elements such as Bouteloua breviseta, Bouteloua gracilis and B. hirsuta, among others, become dominant near the Sierra Madre Occidental. Chihuahuan desert
  • Gardens with an extensive herbaceous border, feature lawns, rockery and Victorian kitchen garden.
  • The thieves entered the premises after removing the padlocks with bolt cutters and a substantial number of potted shrubs and herbaceous plants were removed in broad daylight.
  • Entering through the dense hedges is irresistibly romantic, as are the thatched barn, granite tower, and blousy herbaceous planting, at its peak in July with sidalceas, astilbes and dioramas, to draw you onward.
  • Stachys byzantina is a herbaceous perennial grown mainly for its soft, hairy silvery-green leaves, which often remain evergreen. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the front is a large forecourt with herbaceous borders and colourful flowerbeds.
  • Herbaceous, winter fruit aromas, complex violet and ripe berry fruits with hints of spice and dried orange peel.
  • It is dominated by woody Myosporum obscurum and Coprosma petiolata and the herbaceous species Asplenium obtusatum, Cyperus ustulatus, Disphyma australe, and Scirpus nodosus. Kermadec Islands subtropical moist forests
  • The first task should be clearing away summer bedding and cutting back herbaceous plants that are past their best.
  • The diverse herbaceous flora included three species of calciphilic sedges, Carex albursina, Carex jamesii and Carex laxiculmis, and a fern Diplazium pycnocarpon, which is also a calcicole.
  • Sow seeds of herbaceous perennials and alpine plants in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse.
  • The growth of a few scattered shrubs and herbaceous plants such as lichens enables certain specialized insects and poisonous spiders to colonize these deserts. Atacama desert
  • Similar salt concentrations can be measured in soil solution of salt-marshes inhabited by a large variety of herbaceous flowering plants.
  • This potent recipe seems to satiate the hunger of both shrubs and herbaceous subjects.
  • Walk slowly and scan grasses and herbaceous plants too. Times, Sunday Times
  • That aroma is variously described as fatty, herbaceous, and penetrating, and is due to a terpene called ascaridole. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Bordeaux whites, based on Sauvignon Blanc and sometimes blended with Semillon, are crisp and dry but usually not overtly herbaceous.
  • It is characterized by the domination of Abies sibirica, Pinus sibirica, and Populus tremula in the canopy, a tall herbaceous layer with a number of relict species, domination of nemoral species and rich ephemeroid flora. Sayan montane conifer forests
  • An erect, herbaceous, dichotomously branched perennial, 60-180 cm high, with large, fleshy, cylindrical, obovoid subterranean rhizomes, large lanceolate leaves and white flowers arranged in twin clusters, which very rarely produce red seeds. Chapter 10
  • An eighth-grade pupil at Jordan School, Clapp became champion by correctly spelling "eleemosynary" and "herbaceous. Sunjournal - Connecting you with your Community
  • Very few herbaceous plants were growing on the dark forest floor as a result. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Soft, fleshy, herbaceous plants are not always strong enough to support themselves. The Sun
  • Another popular flower is the ‘gladiolus’, which is much in demand for use in herbaceous borders, bedding, rockeries and ornamental pots.
  • Planted with a southern aspect to take advantage of the low arc of the winter sun, it has trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and dwarf bulbs.
  • It is therefore likely that photorespiration of herbaceous leaves is driven by a large carbon pool.
  • Lightly fork up the surface soil between herbaceous plants to remove footprints. The Sun
  • Such fibrous-rooted subjects as bedding plants, lettuces and most herbaceous perennials will tolerate being transplanted.
  • Herbaceous borders, a grass walk banked with magnificent hydrangeas and plum, peach and apple trees are also to be found.
  • There is a larger than average paved patio, raised beds with perennial and herbaceous border plants as well as dwarf trees.
  • Herbaceous borders are planted with a wide variety of hostas, pelargoniums, ferns, iris, dicentras and spring bulbs.
  • Such spring-flowering perennials as the white arabis, herbaceous candytufts, aubretias, primulas, and polyanthuses, should now be placed in situations where it is desired for them to flower. Little Folks (November 1884) A Magazine for the Young
  • As well as bedding plants, Mrs Malkinson grows a range of herbaceous perennials and alpines which are displayed at her front door.
  • (CALAMUS,) GLYCERIA, KENNEDYA, MUCUNA, and a strong growing IPOMEA, with herbaceous-fibrous roots and palmate leaves; and in a few places bamboos were growing. Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
  • The only lineage that has survived is the horsetails, which are herbaceous and share characters with their extinct progenitors such as articulate stems with microphylls arranged in whorls.
  • A number of experiments conducted with grafting of the herbaceous growth of trees in advance of lignification has resulted wholly in failure with both soft wood and hard wood trees. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
  • Soft, fleshy, herbaceous plants are not always strong enough to support themselves. The Sun
  • Tree species include Acacia raddiana, Balanites aegyptiaca, Maerua crassifolia and Capparis decidua; herbaceous species are Panicum turgidum, Cassia italica, Pergularia tomentosa and Heliotropium bacciferum. Banc d'Arguin National Park, Mauritania
  • Where does Bai Cheng City produce pure white herbaceous plant? Pure white.
  • While the peonies described above are herbaceous perennials, an interesting variation of the genus are the tree peonies, deciduous shrubs with lovely foliage and flowers.
  • Trillium grandiflorum inhabits mesic habitats, where herbaceous cover is dense relative to drier, less fertile sites.
  • As herbaceous plants die off and you can see the soil again, there is still time this month to plant tulips in the gaps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Open chaparral, often a transmontane desert phase, is the preferred U.S. habitat of this herbaceous perennial.
  • Eighteen private gardens at Wilmslow are being thrown open to the public tomorrow, offering a rare glimpse of beautiful herbaceous borders, shrubberies, water features, - and even a working steam railway!
  • The herbaceous peonies include five general flower types: single, semi-double, Japanese, anemone and double flowering.
  • Together with epiphytic herbaceous communities (orquedeae, bromeliaceae, cacti, and mosses), and rhodophytes, the mangroves form complex forests responsible for providing a physical buffer against sea swells and winds on the coast, purifying the salt in marine breezes, enriching the coastal profile and producing soil recovery. Manabí mangroves
  • It is a short-lived hardy herbaceous perennial. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • The four acre garden provides a decorative home for many interesting and unusual plants including a large rock garden with rare alpines, colourful herbaceous borders, rhododendrons and a choice collection of tress and shrubs.
  • Therefore, cleavers, a fast-growing herbaceous annual with a scrambling-ascending growth habit, was chosen for this study.
  • This is laid out over two levels and has a manicured lawn with herbaceous borders and a patio area with Indian limestone tiling.
  • In this subzone, herbaceous dicots, grasses, rushes, and cryptogams are dominant, and woody plants and sedges are absent.
  • As temperatures plummet, our deciduous herbaceous plants die back and it's always tempting to get out into the garden to tidy things up. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not a designer who minds getting grubby; she did most of the herbaceous planting herself. Times, Sunday Times
  • These herbaceous perennials have tough underground stems, and you may need to use a small saw to cut them up. The Sun
  • They look great when planted in clumps and can be grown between shrubs and herbaceous perennials.
  • A plantswoman's garden created over the past 12 years, it has roses, a pond, a rockery, and herbaceous borders, all in less than one acre.
  • One area within this ecoregion that has been well-studied is the level Casiquiare peneplain (lowland) in Venezuela which hosts a mosaic of forests, savannas, and other types of herbaceous vegetation. Negro-Branco moist forests
  • Herbaceous plants that are dying back may be prone to fungal attack and can look awful, but don't be too hasty.
  • In the herbaceous border they don't seem to care for eryngiums, paeonies, iris or kniphofias.
  • In pre-filled flagons, they had Parrot & Jigger's two Katipo Pale Ales - go for their stronger Pale Ale as it's still easy to drink and more hoppy, herbaceous and spicy in the flavour.
  • They indicated that Big Savannah was completely treeless and supported an unusually dense and rich herbaceous flora.
  • Put stakes and supports in place for tall, herbaceous plants, like peonies and delphiniums.
  • This is a herbaceous perennial dying right back in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • These crisp, bracingly acidic white wines can be terrific with food (especially shellfish), but they also can be too herbaceous for many wine aficionados.
  • Spring garden, daffodils, fritillaries, rhododendrons, old-fashioned roses, herbaceous borders.
  • Epimediums are herbaceous perennials, some clump neatly, while others slowly spread through their rhizomes. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have a colorful herbaceous border round our garden.
  • These herbaceous biennials produce tall spires clustered with tiny flowers, each of which is surrounded by its own emerald bell.
  • The Banbury Road was in full flower—herbaceous borders still boasting a few bluebells, the forsythia giving way to prunus, bridal wreath, and lilac. Day of the Dandelion
  • All are hardy herbaceous perennials. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
  • Lightly fork up the surface soil between herbaceous plants to remove footprints. The Sun
  • Group members cooperatively defend territories, harvest herbaceous food, and give alarm calls and footdrum in response to predators.
  • This is a herbaceous perennial dying right back in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a short-lived hardy herbaceous perennial. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • Often found on herbaceous plants eating aphids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Herbaceous associates of the forest communities include large-flowering trillium, mayapple, violets, troutlillies and other woodland spring species. Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve, Ohio
  • The same situation may be observed in such herbaceous perennials as anthemis, Asclepias tuberosa, asters, Euphorbia corollata, gaillardia, gypsophila, hemerocallis, liatris, limonium and yucca.
  • Most species of Metagentiana are herbaceous local endemics growing in alpine scrub, meadows and coniferous forests.
  • If you want a knot garden in your own space, stack the central spaces in the middle of your evergreen outline now with as many herbaceous perennials as you can.
  • All these varieties are hardy herbaceous perennials. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • This is not a designer who minds getting grubby; she did most of the herbaceous planting herself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walk slowly and scan grasses and herbaceous plants too. Times, Sunday Times
  • In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
  • As with herbaceous peonies, tree peonies are long-lived and resent being transplanted, so you should choose their locations with care.
  • It is therefore likely that photorespiration of herbaceous leaves is driven by a large carbon pool.
  • Linework follows UNESCO, who classify this as "caespitose herbaceous community". Southern Andean steppe
  • First, be sure that the plant will respond to being split; not everything does, herbaceous peonies being a prime example.
  • Kenaf, an annual herbaceous plant, indigenous to West Africa, apart from use in production of pulp and paper products, has proved very effective as an oil absorbent in cleaning oil spills.
  • There are lots of summer flowering patio plants, garden flowers, trees, shrubs and all kinds of rose bushes, herbaceous plants, baskets, tubs and ceramic containers.
  • Begin to stake early-flowering herbaceous plants, such as peonies, that are inclined to flop over following rain and strong winds.
  • They're quite an attractive plant and the flowers are rather jolly too, so like the cardoon this would make a good space filler for the back of a large herbaceous border, with the added bonus of a harvest at the end of the summer.
  • When I visited Windy Hall last week the gardens were looking wonderful, packed full of unusual and interesting trees and shrubs, underplanted with a profusion of herbaceous plants.
  • Next come the herbaceous notes, and there are plenty: rosemary, helicrysum, lavender, sage, clary sage, Roman chamomile, etc. and many types of pelargonium, including this strange looking one, Eucaliptus scented pelargonium and one that didn't have a sign and smelled intensely of animalic musk. Archive 2009-05-01
  • persisting for several years usually with new herbaceousgrowth from a perennating part b : continuing without interruption : constant, perpetual clutch at 1:10 PM December 24, 2010 - News
  • This is a herbaceous perennial dying right back in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • They further vary in that some are herbaceous, disappearing entirely in winter, while others, Moutan or Tree Pæonies, are shrubs; and in favourable seasons, when the shrub is not injured by spring frosts, there is no grander shrub than an old Tree Pæony in full flower. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
  • Please bring labelled seedlings, herbaceous plants, house plants and bunches of flowers, unwanted accessories and gardening books and magazines etc.
  • The predominant vegetation in this region are hydrophilous trees and palms, with abundant epiphytes and scattered herbaceous layer. Orinoco Delta swamp forests
  • All these varieties are hardy herbaceous perennials. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • It consists chiefly of low mats of such herbaceous and shrubby species as dwarf arctic birch, crowberry, Labrador-tea, arctic willow, resin birch, and dwarf blueberry. Brooks Range Tundra - Polar Desert Province (Bailey)
  • Threequarter-acre garden with terraces, roses, yew hedges, box parterres, geraniums, pelargoniums and double herbaceous borders leading to a meadow planted with eucalyptus.
  • For herbaceous dicots and small woody shrubs we have used the same phenology as that for monocots.
  • He purchased and planted about 1,000 herbaceous peonies and planted them in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he leased land from his brother-in-law.
  • The flowers are stamineous and seem to be of an herbaceous colour, growing among the leaves, which are short and almost round, very stiff and ribbed on the underside, of a dark green above, and A Voyage to New Holland
  • The scrub stratum is composed mainly of Acacia farnesian, and Eysenhardtia polystachya, and herbaceous stratum is composed of Bouteloua filiformis, B. curtipendula, Hilaria cenchroides, Muhlenbergia stricta, and M. rigida. Bajío dry forests
  • This herbaceous clarkia isn't simply a California native, it's endemic to Northern California, populating the lower elevations of nearby mountains. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Around the house are herbaceous beds with cranesbill, catmint, astrantias, irises and hostas in subtle colours.
  • Herbaceous, weedy species remained dominant through 1999, and exotic grasses were an important component of the vegetation.
  • A herbaceous perennial, this plant dies back at the end of summer and remains dormant until late winter when leaves gradually begin to break through the surface of the soil and unfurl.
  • Outside, the property includes a side lawn with herbaceous borders and colourful flowerbeds as well as a large cobblelock driveway and a single garage with up-and-over door.
  • Configuration feature : Perennial is herbaceous, have a stem, ramose , be as high as 80 centimeters.
  • The areas round the house, where the borders are filled with herbaceous plants, were the territory of his wife, Elisabeth, an equally keen gardener, who died last year.
  • Caltrop is an herbaceous annual that commonly grows prostrated on the ground.
  • This species feeds primarily on fruits and the seeds of herbaceous plants.
  • These herbaceous perennials have tough underground stems, and you may need to use a small saw to cut them up. The Sun
  • The calceolaria of the present day has [v. 04 p. 0969] been developed into a highly decorative plant, in which the herbaceous habit has preponderated. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The dominant herbaceous ground vegetation at higher elevations is composed of hemicryptophytes such as Polygonum amplexicaule, Rumex nepalense, Fragaria nubicola, and Berberis spp. and geophytes such as Polygonatum geminiflorum, Lilium polyphyllum, and Habenaria aitchisonii. East Afghan montane conifer forests
  • Some thin, sharp-featured examples from notably chilly districts taste not merely herbaceous, but downright vegetative.
  • All these varieties are hardy herbaceous perennials. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • At the back he eroded the once rectangular lawn into undulating islets of herbaceous beds and fruit trees.
  • Native or closely related species of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and grasses are positioned close to the perimeter.
  • A total of 441 are annuals, biennials, and herbaceous perennials; 97 are woody and suffrutescent taxa.
  • This hardy herbaceous perennial flowers from June to September. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neb prepared some agouti soup, a smoked capybara ham, to which was added the boiled tubercules of the “caladium macrorhizum,” an herbaceous plant of the arum family. The Mysterious Island
  • Two separate and distinct types of peonies include the herbaceous which are perennials which take the form of small shrublike plants; these generally die back in the winter. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Jane was frankly disappointed, as she admitted to having pictured in her mind's eye a series of peripatetic herbaceous borders in full flower, cruising about the lake at their own sweet will and tended by fair Kashmirian maidens. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • It contains many rare plants and shrubs, herbaceous border, parterre, old-fashioned flowers and shrub borders, and fruit and vegetables.
  • In addition, they create a clean edge to a planting scheme and disguise the unsightly lower section of many herbaceous perennials.
  • Overwintering herbaceous plants or evergreen trees can only survive the winter seasons of cold climates when they are able to acclimate.
  • Most scrub dominants recover by resprouting and clonal spread, while many herbaceous species are obligate seeders.
  • Such herbaceous monocots are envisaged as evolving in the relatively uniform environment of the moist tropics.
  • For portions extending into Argentina and Chile we referred to the classifications scheme of UNESCO, and our linework lumps their "Andean caespitose herbaceous community (very dry puna)" and "subdesert semi-deciduous, facultative deciduous, shrubland (halophye communities". Central Andean dry puna
  • Native or closely related species of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and grasses are positioned close to the perimeter.
  • Shoot in a rose, or a calceolaria, or an herbaceous border, or something, I gather, and you have made a formal proposal of marriage without any of the trouble of rehearsing a long speech and practising appropriate gestures in front of your bedroom looking-glass. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
  • Most of these species are herbaceous, although some representatives are shrubs or trees.
  • Surveying the herbaceous border, Miss Marple clicked her tongue vexedly and pulled up a flourishing plant of groundsel. Twin Moons
  • The genus Pilea, a member of the family Urticaceae, contains over 200 species of herbaceous perennials and annuals found in the tropics except Australia.
  • The herbaceous vegetation would have been rich and diverse, including, for example, cattail, buttonbush, numerous sedges, grasses and rushes, and bushy willows and alder.
  • The dunes and strand support only a few species of xerophilous herbaceous plants and are characteristically unwooded. Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • A member of the arum family, the caladium is a tuberous - rooted, perennial, herbaceous plant, in leaf from May until late September.
  • The semi-desert cover is a xerophytic shrub vegetation accompanied by a poorly developed herbaceous layer. Temperate Steppe Division (Bailey)
  • The only lineage that has survived is the horsetails, which are herbaceous and share characters with their extinct progenitors such as articulate stems with microphylls arranged in whorls.
  • Established plants can be moved, of course, and autumn is as good a time as any to relocate herbaceous perennials, deciduous shrubs and small trees.
  • A member of the arum family, the caladium is a tuberous - rooted, perennial, herbaceous plant, in leaf from May until late September.
  • Six acres of grounds with herbaceous plants, shrubs, climbers and trees including cedars, wellingtonias, acers, oaks and rhododendrons, wild flower walk and terraced lawns leading to a series of lakes.
  • Many species of native shrubs, vines and herbaceous plants were observed along hedgerows.
  • Many species of native shrubs, vines and herbaceous plants were observed along hedgerows.
  • The first is that you have been strong-minded enough to cut back the early herbaceous plants such as oriental poppies, delphiniums, geraniums and lupins.
  • These herbaceous perennials have tough underground stems, and you may need to use a small saw to cut them up. The Sun
  • The Graham's beardtongue is an herbaceous perennial plant within the sub-genus Cristai.
  • The occurrence and vigor of certain herbaceous plants are especially indicative of fertility of the soil, as, for example, ragweed, bindweed, certain plants of the sunflower family, such as goldenrod, asters and wild sunflowers. The Young Farmer: Some Things He Should Know
  • It is a deeply floral, warm, rich, and highly diffusive odor, with a peculiar honeylike sweetness and a waxy-herbaceous, oily-fruity and tealike. Museum Blogs
  • Early focus of this school was on autecology of herbaceous plants, especially the edaphic basis of population differentiation and on synecology of grasslands, especially the grazing effects.
  • Lightly fork up the surface soil between herbaceous plants to remove footprints. The Sun
  • The thieves entered the premises after removing the padlocks with bolt cutters and a substantial number of potted shrubs and herbaceous plants were removed in broad daylight.
  • While herbaceous perennials are best grown together in a border, they work just as well grouped in patio tubs and pots.
  • The banana is a herbaceous perennial that grows from an underground corm.
  • Saintpaulia, commonly known as African violet, is a genus of 6 species of herbaceous perennial flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae, native to Tanzania and adjacent southeastern Kenya in eastern tropical Africa, with a concentration of species in the Nguru mountains of Tanzania.
  • Put stakes and supports in place for tall, herbaceous plants, like peonies and delphiniums.
  • Many species of native shrubs, vines and herbaceous plants were observed along hedgerows.
  • Species were classified according to their growth form; forbs include all herbaceous dicotyledonous species (including Fabaceae).
  • The potato is a herbaceous, freely branching dicotyledonous perennial, usually between 30 and 100 cm tall, with alternate, pinnately compound leaves, made up of three or four pairs of oval leaflets and a terminal leaflet. Chapter 25
  • It is a herbaceous perennial plant, where the leaves are glossy and flower heads are arum-shaped.

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