How To Use Hepatica In A Sentence

  • On this day, the first hepatica buds were poking through the leaf mat, and some were opening into startlingly light-blue flowers.
  • Wildflowers like bloodroot, Trillium and Hepatica also bloom in late winter.
  • The parasite (fasciola hepatica) uses a snail called lymnea truncatula as intermediate host for its development. Unalog
  • The real gemmae of the Hepaticae puts the question of gemmae out of doubt. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Garlic mustard shares the same territory and season as bloodroot, Dutchman's breeches, spring-beauty, wild ginger, hepaticas, toothworts, trilliums, and others that suffer at its hands - or roots.
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  • Between the Hepaticae, Anthocerotales, Sphagnales and Musci, there are no connecting forms known, and it must be left as an open question whether the Bryophyta are a monophyletic or polyphyletic group. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Other wildflowers are common Solomon's seal, false Solomon's seal, two kinds of golden bellworts, hepatica, wild columbine, monkshood, bloodroot, toothwort, and wild ginger.
  • It competes with native wildflowers that also flower in the spring, like spring beauty, wild ginger, bloodroot, Dutchman's breeches, hepatica, toothworts, and trilliums, stealing light, moisture, nutrients, soil and space.
  • It gathered flowers from the forest floor as they walked: yellow celandine and primrose, pale anemone, pink-veined wood sorrel, purple hepatica, lilac and plum violets.
  • The CT shows that this patient is referred for lipoatrophy of thigh and cnemis, increased visceral fat, adiposis hepatica.
  • Twenty feet high, the cataract drops its riches into the upper end of the pool, cloaked by hepatica and trailing vines.
  • We took diagnose to 23 deers in People's Park of Xinxiang, and 11 deers had fascioliasis hepatica, the infection rate was up to 48%.
  • Many of our loveliest spring wildflowers - trillium, wild ginger, Dutchman's breeches, and hepatica among them - simply can't compete.
  • Mr. Ferber speaks of the pleasure he received in observing in the buds of Hepatica and pedicularis hirsuta yet lying hid in the earth, and in the gems of the shrub daphne mezereon, and at the base of osmunda lunaria a perfect plant of the future year, discernable in all its parts The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • The forest has not been cut for 300 years, and I found myself surrounded by ground flora such as Solomon's seal, lily of the valley, yellow wood anemone, toothwort, asarabacca, herb paris and hepatica.
  • [Illustration: Hepatica] "And a scape was a 'grace' or a 'goat' according to its activities," concluded Tom. Ethel Morton's Enterprise
  • The two which, throughout the Northern Atlantic States, divide this interest are the _Epigaea repens_ (May-flower, ground-laurel, or trailing-arbutus) and the _Hepatica triloba_ (liverleaf, liverwort, or blue anemone). The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 42, April, 1861
  • The forest has not been cut for 300 years, and I found myself surrounded by ground flora such as Solomon's seal, lily of the valley, yellow wood anemone, toothwort, asarabacca, herb paris and hepatica.
  • A map with the potential evolution of fasciola hepatica in switzerland Unalog
  • In the next bed were the medicinal herbs she used in potions for sick folks: squaw weed, hepatica, goldenseal, ginseng for the brain, jewelweed for poison ivy rash, wolf milk for warts, and fleabane and pale hergamot, which Granny would rub on her face and arms to keep off mosquitos and gnats. Archive 2007-06-01
  • 'It's the _Hepatica_, Miss Esther; folks call it liverleaf. A Red Wallflower
  • The forest has not been cut for 300 years, and I found myself surrounded by ground flora such as Solomon's seal, lily of the valley, yellow wood anemone, toothwort, asarabacca, herb paris and hepatica.

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