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[ UK /hˈɛnɐ/ ]
[ US /ˈhɛnə/ ]
  1. apply henna to one's hair
    She hennas her hair every month
  1. a reddish brown dye used especially on hair

How To Use henna In A Sentence

  • The scene near the Chennai Kaliappa Hospital, on Tuesday was supremely ironical, and drew sharp reactions from tree lovers who were passing by.
  • She died her hair red with henna and then to raven black. Times, Sunday Times
  • (O father of a felt calotte!) 75 In times of mourning Moslem women do not use perfumes or dyes, like the Henna here alluded to in the pink legs and feet of the dove. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As Mona she wears glittering, flimsy garments with sheer embroidered scarves, hennaed hair, nail varnish and lipstick.
  • As the car swings onto the East Coast Road, on the way back to Chennai, we find a man-lion dancing on the sandy strip between kiosks advertising Kodak film and ‘Frooti’, and the metalled speedway.
  • Clouds gather, sometimes developing into a cyclone but will a water-starved Chennai see its tanks, lakes, wells and reservoirs full this year?
  • This practice is still part of Middle Eastern cultures today, particularly for special occasions such as weddings, when along with the bride, her mother, aunts, and friends will henna themselves as well.
  • My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms In the vineyards of Engedi.
  • Also increasing in popularity in the United States is body painting with henna.
  • Henna powder can be found at Indian grocery stores, on the Internet, and in mail-order catalogs.
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