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  1. a farm building for housing poultry

How To Use hencoop In A Sentence

  • Farmers are required to sterilize all the hencoops, breeding farms and bird flu-prone areas at least three times a week.
  • He bent over him and attempted to move the hencoop. The Moving Finger A Trotting Christmas Eve at Warwingie Lost! The Loss of the "Vanity" Dick Stanesby's Hutkeeper The Yanyilla Steeplechase A Digger's Christmas
  • Deep inside the woods there are hencoops, formed basically by wild-tobacco, pororocas, pepper trees, snow bells and pixiricas.
  • He accompanied the female fox to the hencoop.
  • Coops used for rearing young hens should be organised pretty much along the same lines as the laying hencoops.
  • I embraced this proposal with joy, and was immediately conducted to the place, where I was treated, while my illness lasted, with the utmost tenderness and care by this grateful halberdier, who had no other bed for himself than a hencoop during the whole passage. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Some of them complained that my dad had pilfered eggs from their hencoops, and had stolen hens and chickens as well.
  • Large hencoops are, of course, best, for they give them space to run and shelter from sun, rain and wind.
  • When we had rowed a little further, we discerned it to be a man riding upon a hencoop, who, seeing us approach, pronounced with a hoarse voice, “D — n your bloods! why did you not answer when I hailed?” The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • “It takes you a long time, my son, to mend a hencoop,” he said. The Years
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