
How To Use Henceforth In A Sentence

  • And as they pass the Place of Unchangingness they return themselves to the true Piurivar form, and maintain it thenceforth. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • And so, in similar circumstances, it is likely that someone from the class of 2005 will put his hand up, stamp his mark on the series, and henceforth be known by just one name or perhaps his initials.
  • The dons are saying that they have restored peace to the area and calm will reign henceforth.
  • Zeno could henceforth exercise undivided imperial authority, and Odovacar kindly offered to administer Italy in Zeno's name, complete with Zeno's image on the coins. Birdoswald Roman Fort: dating the post-Roman use of the site
  • Each broadcasting organization could henceforth pursue its programme policies without fear of a direct challenge to its sources of revenue.
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  • I promise you never henceforth to offend your cause except in that mere woman's sympathy with what you call rebellion, for which women are not so much as banished by you -- or if they are, then banish me! The Cavalier
  • The ancient principle of divide and rule will henceforth be applied to British families.
  • I shall henceforth keep my trap shut about the food.
  • Their full blessedness is now "from henceforth," that is, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • These communications warrant the President in believing that the so-called Fenian expedition is now entirely, at an end, and that order and tranquility may be expected to prevail henceforth on that border. Troublous Times in Canada A History of the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870
  • The parties agreed that henceforth no baron or free tenant should be disseized of land or goods by the king's justices or servants without a trial according to the customs and assizes of the land, or by the direct orders of the king. The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
  • For convenience, we henceforth drop the superscripts and subscripts indicating deme identities.
  • Henceforth the mountaineer becomes transformed into a champion of humanity, hunting the wicked bearded steinbock in all corners; especially through the cabinet of those dark men who decree the taxes detested in Tyrol. Vittoria — Volume 5
  • The blow was struck: henceforth the interpreters and all those who had dealings with the Arabs received orders to make them understand that my pretended miracles were only the result of skill, inspired and guided by an art called prestidigitation, in no way connected with sorcery. The Lock and Key Library The most interesting stories of all nations: Real life
  • Henceforth UK interests were to be the concern of a British diplomatic agent styled the British High Commissioner.
  • Henceforth, men and women are prone to view each other as objects, which is why they are now ashamed of their nakedness.
  • You hold henceforth in your hand the handjar of our nation, as already, for what you have done in your valiant rescue of our beloved Voivodin, your breast holds the heart of our people. The Lady of the Shroud
  • Also I am having a party with my flatmate, who henceforth shall be referred to as Blondie.
  • It is that thou take the most solemn oath on the spot that no spulzie or private brawl shall henceforth stain that hand of thine while thy father holds the power in Scotland. The Caged Lion
  • A.W. von Hofmann investigated these variously prepared substances, and proved them to be identical, and thenceforth they took their place as one body, under the name aniline or phenylamine. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • But we abolished this uncivilized custom in conclave, and thenceforth sat our meals out to the end. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • A.W. von Hofmann investigated these variously prepared substances, and proved them to be identical, and thenceforth they took their place as one body, under the name aniline or phenylamine. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • It was thenceforth no longer a question of whether this or that theorem was true, but whether it was useful to capital or harmful, expedient or inexpedient, in accordance with police regulations or contrary to them.
  • Undertake comparative offerringed the development way henceforth with former new artery.
  • Finally unmuffled and confronted by his comrades, who leave in contempt, Paroles resolves henceforth to make a shameless living as a laughing stock.
  • So from this day forward, in accordance with his thesis, the human race will be unswerving in its dedication to fulfilling this end; all human efforts will henceforth be directed towards blowing up the sun.
  • Thenceforth, Felitzata visited Vologonov almost daily; and once during the time of two hours or so that the pair were occupied in drinking tea I heard, through the partition-wall, the old man say in vigorous, level, didactical tones: Through Russia
  • The proposition was not to be declined, and with my dinner I did try a bottle of his oldest and best; and henceforth I declare myself a convert to Rudesheimer hinter-hausen. A Residence in France
  • Then the procession wound slowly down the mountain, and henceforth none dare ascend the slope of Maunganamu on pain of death, for it was "tabooed," like Tongariro, where lie the ashes of a chief killed by an earthquake in 1846. In Search of the Castaways
  • Revels, it is ordered that the King of Cockneys, on Childermas Day, should sit and have due service, and "that Jack Straw, and all his adherents, should be thenceforth utterly banished, and no more to be used in this house, upon pain to forfeit for every time five pounds, to be levied on every fellow hapning to offend against this rule. Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
  • The narrative demands us to suggest that these are the fault lines to which any tremor on the pitch henceforth must be traced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mountain was thenceforth known as Gibel-Tarik, the mountain of Tarik, or Gibraltar.
  • Henceforth, my friend," said he, "moderate your zeal in hurrying others to the gallows; be not too certain of your own safety, even though you should have the law on your side; and, above all, take care how you play off your schoolcraft another time upon an old soldier. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 7
  • 'Hours of Idleness' -- a title henceforth associated with Byron's early poems -- was printed and published by S. and J. Ridge of Newark, and was sold by the following London booksellers: Crosby and Co. Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
  • For, from henceforth, if _a man take thy coat, let him take thy cloak also; if he will compel thee to go with him one mile, go two; if he strike thee on one cheek, turn to him the other also_. Paradoxes of Catholicism
  • Reconstruction of the legislative council, which henceforth was to consist of 36 members, of whom 24 were to be elected by the propertied classes. 1829
  • a son or a daughter the child might be called Manya, and the father would henceforth be known as Pan-Manya. Negritos of Zambales
  • Such income will henceforth be taxed in the hands of the recipients at the rates applicable to them, and will be subject to tax deduction at source at the rate of 10%.
  • Henceforth let us shun great towns, and still lie in a convent or a cow-house; for I'd liever sleep on fresh straw, than on linen well washed six months agone; and the breath of kine it is sweeter than that of Christians, let alone the garlic, which men and women folk affect, but cowen abhor from, and so do The Cloister and the Hearth
  • Henceforth the whole cosmos or at least the whole solar system must be conceived as a process of constant historical change.
  • And thenceforth the words of the song that the bullfrog sang were, '_Come, come, in danger come_.' Lobo, Rag and Vixen Being The Personal Histories Of Lobo, Redruff, Raggylug & Vixen
  • The 1996 Telecommunications Act deregulated radio broadcasting so that any single firm could thenceforth own as many stations as it wished.
  • So I indicated that my goal henceforth was the space between two prongs of a garden fork, whereas his was the expanse between an apple tree and a pear tree in our fruity back garden.
  • In De doctrina Christiana (henceforth "DDC"), St. Augustine lays the groundwork for a good, spiritual exegesis by elucidating on the virtue of charity, and all that means. The Scriptural Roots of St. Augustine's Spirituality
  • A peripatetic monarch - the entry of 1660 ended a year-long progress through the southern provinces - would henceforth confine his journeyings largely to the Île-de-France.
  • Then he gave her a barley scone and said, “I love not one who answereth at times when I am in wrath: so henceforth give me no more of these impertinent words and I will sell thee to a good man like myself, who will do well with thee, even as I have done.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Thenceforth rises, 360 superintend and director guide committee all the time with 360 safe bodyguard together, devote oneself to to hit the scampish software that everybody abhors .
  • And then they journeyed into another commot, where they paid him with colts until the whole had been paid, and from thenceforth that commot was called Talebolion. The Mabinogion Vol. 3 (of 3)
  • Keeping the hurt inside, Killy henceforth learned in an existential manner to rely on no one but himself, and toughened his hide.
  • QUOTATION: Upon the standard to which the wise and honest will now repair it is written: “You have lived the easy way; henceforth, you will live the hard way…. Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
  • If you ever fail me through my fault or your own, I will forswear thenceforth all human friendship.
  • I revolved these circumstances in my mind, and determined thenceforth to apply myself more particularly to those branches of natural philosophy which relate to physiology.
  • I'll just try Googling the relevant commandment: "Thou shalt helpeth others in their hour of need-except whenceforth a forbidden gayness eminates. Progressive Bloggers
  • Besides, even if a sensible plan is henceforth followed, it will only prevent future mistakes.
  • Henceforth, all staff will need to provide proof of identity before entering the building.
  • From thenceforth, the Paris mob would be the power behind the Revolution.
  • As a curial is a gentleman and a government magistrate, the punishment is just enough; but why should Cassiodorus (certainly not King Dietrich) finish a short letter by a long dissertation on volcanoes in general, and Stromboli in particular, insisting on the wonder that the rocks, though continually burnt, are continually renewed by 'the inextricable potency of nature;' and only returning to Jovinus to inform him that he will henceforth follow the example of a salamander, which always lives in fire, 'being so contracted by natural cold, that it is tempered by burning flame. Roman and the Teuton
  • Henceforth, parties which fail to get 5% of the vote will not be represented in par-liament.
  • For each x, henceforth also called the microstate, we define the macrostate (Boltzmann's term was Komplexion) as Boltzmann's Work in Statistical Physics
  • Annabel Goldie - bless her - may henceforth be addressed as Daisy Danderfluff of Willowbottom.
  • Congregation of the Sacraments (7 March, 1910), the power to dispense kings or royal princes from impediments, diriment or impedient, is henceforth reserved in a special manner to the Holy See, and all faculties granted heretofore in such cases to certain ordinaries are revoked. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • * The USIS is known domestically as the United States Information Agency USIA, but for clarity and consistency will be referred to henceforth as USIS. A Covert Affair
  • In 1868 he dissolved partnership with King, leaving him to carry on the India agency branch of the old firm's business, and himself taking over the publishing branch, which he thenceforth conducted at 15 Waterloo Place, London.
  • Henceforth he is to fight his way through the storms of life and passion -- to pass onward and upward and at last to rise to 'higher spheres'; and amidst the fierce and insidious assaults of flesh and devil we shall see that he looks for strength and guidance to this Spirit that appeared to him in the blinding vision of living empyreal flame. The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'
  • He has promised to behave better henceforth.
  • Henceforth there would be no lamp relumed in the palace.
  • So let us henceforth no longer abhor so very greatly the cruelty of the anthropophagous—that is, man-eating—savages. Bloodlust
  • henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith
  • The 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act changed this, and only those born in Britain were henceforth automatically given the right of abode.
  • I waited until the next con and let the convention officials tell him how it would henceforth be.
  • With regard to those who have already passed147 the vigour of early manhood, and on whom the highest magistracies henceforth devolve, there is a like contrast. The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians
  • I am the bread of life -- Henceforth the discourse is all in the first person, "I," "Me," which occur in one form or other, as Stier reckons, thirty-five times. he that cometh to me -- to obtain what the soul craves, and as the only all-sufficient and ordained source of supply. hunger ... thirst -- shall have conscious and abiding satisfaction. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The cabin epitomized the new world in which they must thenceforth live and move. THE UNEXPECTED
  • Henceforth Bentham always wore his green coat with scarlet lapels, scarlet waistcoat with gold lace, and white breeches.
  • Hand wrench wrench gusset, I nod, Air Jordan VII, but cannot help but to henceforth see time and time afresh, that ravishing dashing blue dress man, while, just tin arise another?
  • When a college friend's boyfriend of 4 years dumped her sr. year he was henceforth dubbed fuckhead! One Bright Star (1B*) Reignited
  • Henceforth, the article analyzes the necessity of the mode of the 4-terminal connection in the experiment of low resistance measurement using the double bridge.
  • The last emotion of her soul here was joy to be henceforth unchequered and eternal. The History of Pendennis
  • The company is now a wealth and asset manager, and we must henceforth remember not to call it a broker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coverdale, Matthew and the Bishops' all end with the slightly bathetic "henceforth", but Tyndale has the simpler "any more" albeit following the musclebound "neither shall they teach to war", a phrase turned around by everybody else into variants of "neither shall they learn to fight". The King James Bible reconsidered | David Edgar
  • So I indicated that my goal henceforth was the space between two prongs of a garden fork, whereas his was the expanse between an apple tree and a pear tree in our fruity back garden.
  • Thenceforth, the weary travelers were mulcted a dollar per head for the privilege of sleeping on the floor, Jacob Kent weighing the dust and never failing to steal the down-weight. THE MAN WITH THE GASH
  • By the same ordinance the municipal administration of Laon was put under the sole authority of the king and his delegates; and to blot out all remembrance of the olden independence of the commune, a later ordinance forbade that the tower from which the two huge communal bells had been removed should thenceforth be called belfry-tower. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 2
  • Henceforth they were true custodians of the Imperial Fists' greatest treasure.
  • Henceforth, when I refer to ‘Olympic’ fencing I mean fencing using the electrical scoring apparatus and all the organizational and stylistic artifacts appertaining thereunto.
  • Or perhaps there is now no heroic wisdom left in England; England, once the land of heroes, is itself sunk now to a dim owlery, and habitation of doleful creatures, intent only on money-making and other forms of catching mice, for whom the proper gospel is the gospel of M'Croudy, and all nobler impulses and insights are forbidden henceforth? Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • Henceforth this system provided the framework for his preoccupation with the problems of the extinction and origin of species.
  • So that henceforth let no man feare to take either easie purgatives, or other inward Physicke, in the time of the canicular, or dog-dayes. Spadacrene Anglica The English Spa Fountain
  • He will have gratuitously become a copartner in the guilt which hitherto has rested upon the souls of Andrew Johnson and his Northern and Southern satellites, but which thenceforth will rest on his soul also until he can contrive duly to alter these governments. History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States
  • Within the meteorological fraternity will they henceforth be held in awe and get the best seats at the annual Christmas dance and pull the cutest weather girls?
  • That he will change their status, and that they will henceforth know that he is the Lord. Christianity Today
  • Thenceforth Waismann acted as Schlick's unofficial assistant, eventually running his graduate seminar.
  • These changes gave them better conditions and a higher status, and henceforth they rivalled the priest and mayor as leaders of village life.
  • Undeterred, he had himself crowned as Robert I in 1306 and, thenceforth, fought a relentless war against England.
  • At that point the new regiment would be mustered into federal service and thenceforth paid, fed, and equipped at national expense.
  • Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as 'Red Friday'.
  • I feel so ashamed of myself that all power of conversation thenceforth leaves me for the rest of the evening.
  • Furthermore: you must know that when the second iron is thrown overboard, it thenceforth becomes a dangling, sharp-edged terror, skittishly curvetting about both boat and whale, entangling the lines, or cutting them, and making a prodigious sensation in all directions. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • The hunter managed to reprime without being noticed, and he made a vow that this apparent lubber should henceforth be watched with a lynx-eye. The Riflemen of the Miami
  • It is just that the unfolding of that tragedy should thenceforth be dominated by madness.
  • How I shall henceforth dwell on the blessed hours when, not long since, I saw that benignant face, the clear eyes, the silently smiling mouth, the form yet upright in its great age—to the very last, with so much spring and cheeriness, and such an absence of decrepitude, that even the term venerable hardly seem’d fitting. By Emerson’s Grave. Specimen Days
  • Henceforth, my dearest dear Miss Byron, said he, the moment he approached me (as I stood up to re-ceive him) I salute you undoubtedly mine And he saluted me with ardor I knew not which way to look So polite a lover, as 1 thought him! Sir Charles Grandison
  • I intend Henceforth every night to sit With my lewd, well-natured friend, Drinking to engender wit.
  • Thenceforth, being healed through Thy wounds, we learned to sing: Alleluia!
  • I shall henceforth use the term donor-driven gender activism Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • (Henceforth referred to as TRC: CYNSANWSTNY) As the lengthy title suggests, this is a collection of cartoons The New Yorker rejected. Matthew Diffee: The Rejection Collection (and Caption Contest)
  • I’ve got a post up at TechDirt, where I’ll henceforth be contributing occasionally, about John Ashcroft’s recent op-ed defending telecom immunity for cooperation in extralegal wiretaps. Gettin’ Down and Techdirty
  • They hailed the young warrior as Sid, or Cid, and the king, struck by the title, said that Ruy Diaz should thenceforth bear it; also that he should be known as campeador or champion. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • We must reform hokku — we shall henceforth call it haiku! Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » A History of Modern Japanese Literary Criticism: Act One, Scene 1
  • It is no coincidence that the 4th Dynasty shows the first flourishing of the hieratic script, the cursive, simplified form of hieroglyphics that would henceforth be used in all non-monumental writings.
  • Henceforth there would be no lamp relumed in the palace.
  • For having terrified him by what he had said before; first cutting him off and delivering him to Satan, and then reminding him of that day which is coming; he abashes him again by saying, "Know ye not that your bodies are members of Christ?" thenceforth speaking as to children of noble birth. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • Upon this object, centred all princely honours; he was by Augustus adopted for his son, assumed Colleague in the Empire, partner in the jurisdiction tribunitial, and presented under all these dignities to the several armies: instances of grandeur which were no longer derived from the secret schemes and plottings of his mother, as in times past, while her husband had unexceptionable heirs of his own, but thenceforth bestowed at her open suit. The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; With His Account of Germany, and Life of Agricola
  • The government decreed that cases of political violence would be tried henceforth by military courts.
  • Henceforth, each consecutive generation reparsed and redistricted the county as an equal number of duchies split among all recognized sons or designated heirs on the dawn after a king’s funeral. The Codex Continual » Kharndam Guide: The Phendarm Protectorates
  • Each broadcasting organization could henceforth pursue its programme policies without fear of a direct challenge to its sources of revenue.
  • Here and henceforth, the sum is over all mutations, the subscript E denotes segregating [equilibrium (E)] mutations, and the overbar indicates the arithmetic mean.
  • The American Medical Association style of medicine (a philosophy I will henceforth call allopathic) has a model that explains the causes of illness. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • So, henceforth I shall be crowbarring myself out of bed at 5am and going off to work, while wifey's still pushing out the Zzzs.
  • Factories were henceforth sited near coal mines and large towns grew up to house the factory workers.
  • Each battle thenceforth sought to break gaps in the German defences; the campaign was transformed into a remorseless, attritional grind.
  • Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try,if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.
  • But if he returned to solitude, it was henceforth to be as the French say, a _solitude à deux_. Hawthorne (English Men of Letters Series)
  • Whatever happens henceforth in their lives will be happening to a musician.
  • Henceforth in the winter everyone will just have to suffer.
  • Thenceforth the aspersorium was the inseparable accompaniment of the font. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • So, though I'll still be working my way through the Nouvelle Vague canon, and am likely to go and see Troy, I will, henceforth, sometimes be found munching chaat in front of a three-hour musical epic from Bombay.
  • misanthropist" who has vowed henceforth to call a spade a spade, and on the other the gentleman who cannot unlearn, in a trice, the usual forms of politeness, or even, it may be, just the honest fellow who, when called upon to put his words into practice, shrinks from wounding another's self-esteem or hurting his feelings. Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
  • You can bet your panty-shields that no mother is going to let their kids play with your cooty-ful offspring henceforth. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Please recognize that they look stupid and think of them henceforth as lame.
  • HFT got its start in 2001 when the SEC ruled that stock prices, instead of rising or falling by 1/16 of a point as they had in the past, would henceforth be decimalized and denominated in pennies -- 1/100 of a point. Ted Kaufman: Critical Imbalances in Our Stock Market
  • Thenceforth for a dozen years his name reappeared annually on one, two, or three volumes. A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
  • Their usuries, which had hitherto been counted dishonest gain, were henceforth to be honorable, and they esteemed as patriots. Usury A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
  • Men who dwell without the forest need not henceforth come before our justiciaries of the forest upon a general summons, unless they are in plea, or sureties of one or more, who are attached for the forest. The Magna Carta
  • But instead of this, the subsequent films shift the emphasis radically away from the Matrix (which is never anything more than a set for agents and rebels to play in henceforth) to saving Zion and restoring the status quo of balance between machine and rebel. Two Out of Two Anders Agree: Infoquake/MultiReal is Brilliant!
  • And to the ende that I may not be vtterly ingrate, and that you doe not departe from me, altogether miscontent, I doe promise you nowe that from henceforth, you shall inioye the first place of my harte, whereunto another shall neuer enter: if so be you can be content with honest amitie, wherein you shall finde me in time to come so liberall, in all that whiche honestie shall permitte, that I am contente to forgoe the name of a presumptuous or cruell Damosell for your sake. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • Therefore, to distinguish between what appertains to the primary polarity, Levity-Gravity, on the one hand, and their visible effects in the secondary polarity of the colours, on the other, we shall henceforth reserve the term darkness and, with it, lightness for instances where the perceptible components of the respective colours are concerned, while speaking of Dark and Light where reference is made to the generating primary polarity. Man or Matter
  • He was to be commended; therefore do I promise, that from henceforth no malefactor shall by justice be executed within my jurisdiction of Salmigondinois, who shall not, for a day or two at least before, be permitted to culbut and foraminate onocrotalwise, that there remain not in all his vessels to write Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 3
  • Thenceforth for some weeks backward and forward rush mysterious men with no names, who fly about all those particular parts of the country on which Doodle is at present throwing himself in an auriferous and malty shower, but who are merely persons of a restless disposition and never do anything anywhere. Bleak House
  • The new project had been given an official cryptonym for use in cable traffic: Henceforth it would be known as HARDNOSE.
  • Henceforth, all staff will need to provide proof of identity before entering the building.
  • The official exchange rate, was henceforth to be adjusted weekly in line with the prevailing market rate.
  • Will and Laroussi score points for keeping their heads cool, and the DPA news agency henceforth joins the long ranks of Germans unbeloved by the international community.
  • Henceforth, during the whole rest of the nineteenth century, the acknowledgment of the truth contained in Say's Law was the distinctive mark of an economist.
  • That he will change their status, and that they will henceforth know that he is the Lord. Christianity Today
  • But that does not mean that moral questions are undecidable, nor the boundaries between good and evil henceforth blurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Discussed off predicament and the measure that will expand chrysalis silk trade henceforth.
  • Henceforth, you are nothing but a shipwreck in my life that I have tided over. The Lady from the Sea
  • He was interred within the walls with great military pomp in the centre of what thenceforth became the chief agora; he was proclaimed oecist, or founder of the town; and was worshipped as a hero with annual games and sacrifices. A Smaller history of Greece From the earliest times to the Roman conquest
  • As First Consul, he introduced the 20-franc gold piece and insisted that from thenceforth soldiers, contractors, and merchants would be paid only in gold, or its equivalent.
  • Mr Counsellor Fielding follows his retrospect of this strenuous attack on the law with a declaration that, henceforth, he intends to forsake the pursuit of that 'foolscap' literary fame, and the company of the Henry Fielding: a Memoir
  • So from 6.45 pm on Monday, and every Monday thenceforth, the balls will be bouncing at Traeger's Tennis Courts.
  • Jehovah ; for it is thenceforth that the prophets, in reproving Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Eager to show itself worthy of the status it enjoyed, and to obtain popular support, the church in 1834 passed a law of its own, ordaining that thenceforth no presentee to a parish church should be admitted if he was objected to by a majority of the male communicants of the congregation.
  • Until well into the second quarter of the nineteenth century it was the usual thing in North Carolina to speak of a free negro as a "free person of color." had moved into the province, henceforth all free negroes, mulattoes, and persons of mixed blood to the third generation, male or female, of twenty years of age or more, should pay the same levies as other taxables. 5 Slavery and Servitude in the Colony of North Carolina
  • Henceforth, the appellation Singh (meaning lion) would be attached to every member of the brotherhood and they would be required to wear a uniform that had to include the so-called five Ks: Kesh (unshorn hair); Kanga (a wooden comb tucked under the hair); Kara (a steel bracelet); Kachera (shorts to enable riding and soldering); and Kirpan (a sword). Ravinder Singh Taneja: The Incomparable Guru Gobind Singh
  • Bernie Ecclestone's highly controversial Olympic Games-style medals system has been formally approved for introduction into Formula 1 in 2010 - with the title henceforth set to be awarded to the driver who wins the most races over the course of the campaign. Crash.Net Motorsports Newsfeed
  • Henceforth, my friend,” said he, “moderate your zeal in hurrying others to the gallows; be not too certain of your safety, even though you should have the law on your side; and above all take care how you play off your schoolcraft another time upon an old soldier.” The Alhambra
  • 'Yes, Sir,' cried Eugenia, 'your kind task is now completed with your vanquished Eugenia! her thoughts, her occupations, her happiness, shall henceforth all be centred in filial gratitude and contentment.' Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Small treasure, for the sake of this son the small matter cry of the dying live, do you return henceforth how to inherit your daddy's family possessions and return how to mix above the course?
  • As I stood gazing at the picture painted by the _gold_ of the sun, and _silver_ of the moon, I felt whatever may have been my views on the money question, the sun's gold-standard glory, and the moon's free-silver coinage, as seen from these Colorado Chautauqua grounds make me henceforth a Boulder bi-metalist. Wit, Humor, Reason, Rhetoric, Prose, Poetry and Story Woven into Eight Popular Lectures
  • The Tarikh-Ilahi became the official calendar, and the decrees of the ruling Moghal emperor of India (the farmans) henceforth carried both the synthetic Tarikh and the Muslim Hijri date, and occasionally only the Tarikh.
  • One of them suggested that henceforth (Whoever it was who said it, they did not use the word henceforth) they should only be known as Jala, as they had lost their Peno. Survivor Tocantins: Much Ado, in re: Nil
  • He then went on to found George Watson's Hospital, a famous Edinburgh school, where he ensured that double-entry accounting was thenceforth taught.
  • Henceforth I expect you to be punctual for meeting.
  • The spread of negligence liability would not have to result in the broadening of the traditional category of mens rea, and would not mean that intention, recklessness, and negligence would henceforth be bracketed together.
  • Henceforth we command that no man be disseized of any seisin that he holds, without cognisance of cause, or special order from ourselves; and that our people be not oppressed with new exactions of tallages and fresh customs; nor shall a muster be ordered in order to get the people's money, nor shall they be called out for military service without sufficient cause. The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville
  • Henceforth he would have to rely on his seamanship to navigate.
  • We vowed that henceforth we would jointly keep a steady eye on the fuel gauge and not let it dip below the halfway mark.
  • Mr Counsellor Fielding follows his retrospect of this strenuous attack on the law with a declaration that, henceforth, he intends to forsake the pursuit of that 'foolscap' literary fame, and the company of the 'infamous' nine Muses; a decision based partly on the insubstantial nature of the rewards achieved, and partly it would seem due to the fact that at Fielding's innocent door had been laid, he declares, half the anonymous scurrility, indecency, treason, and blasphemy that the few last years had produced. Henry Fielding A Memoir
  • Henceforth, let it be distinctly understood that ownership in slaves constitutes ineligibility -- that it is a crime, as we verily believe it is, to vote for a slavocrat for any office whatever. The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
  • At all events, I the present writer, hereby take shame upon myself for their sakes, and pray that any curse incurred by them - as I have heard, and as the dreary and unprosperous condition of the race for some time back would argue to exist - may be now and henceforth removed.
  • And as they pass the Place of Unchangingness they return themselves to the true Piurivar form, and maintain it thenceforth. VALENTINE PONTIFEX
  • The Political Correctness Congress has just issued an edict that henceforth the term hillbilly is banned, to be replaced by Appalachian American. - Home
  • (I think that's what he calls his toddler as a term of affection, henceforth he lubs me too). Haloaskew Diary Entry
  • Henceforth, during the whole rest of the nineteenth century, the acknowledgment of the truth contained in Say's Law was the distinctive mark of an economist.
  • Having ceased to be the refuge of the hunted and the cynosure of the oppressed, this country would thenceforth awe the nations of the Old World by its military power, and shock them by its profligacy, whereof the Ostend Circular and the murders and forgeries of Kansas were but foretastes, until God in His righteous wrath should bring upon it some visitation like the present, and hurl it from its pinnacle in mercy to mankind. The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • The company is now a wealth and asset manager, and we must henceforth remember not to call it a broker. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the way, his trip to the livery stable revived his slumbering ambition in regard to horses, and thenceforth he spent his regular "nooning" in that vicinity, or mounted on one of the coach boxes with the "brother," who chanced to be one of the finest drivers on the list. Three People
  • Thief and pirate should he prove henceforth; no more nor less; as bowelless, as remorseless, as all those others who had deserved those names. Captain Blood
  • I waited until the next con and let the convention officials tell him how it would henceforth be.
  • So that Paul instead of desiring the infirmity to "depart," "rather" henceforth "glories in infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest (Greek, 'tabernacle upon,' cover my infirmity all over as with a tabernacle; compare Greek, Joh 1: 12) upon" him. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He announced that henceforth he would rule by decree .
  • The new province thenceforth belonged to the cismontane family. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The young males which our fallow deer do bring forth are commonly named according to their several ages: for the first year it is a fawn, the second a pricket, the third a sorel, the fourth a soare, the fifth a buck of the first head, not bearing the name of a buck till he be five years old: and from henceforth his age is commonly known by his head or horns. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • In it my brother set forth that he had pledged his word solemnly and beyond recall to Ann and her parents, and entreated my lover to declare to the Tetzels and to his grand-uncle that henceforth and forever he renounced Ursula. Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • Henceforth, she would reside in Speaker's House, which her predecessor had described as ‘the best tied cottage in England’.
  • Then, seizing them as if they were, as they were, loaded cannon, he henceforth used them steadily and valiantly in repelling and discomfiting his foe. The Uniter and Liberator of America
  • After they all escaped from Soviet rule there is no doubt that America was thenceforth the model that they have all tried in various ways to follow.
  • When one thinks of Micawber always presenting himself in the same situation, moved with the same springs and uttering the same sounds, always confident of something turning up, always crushed and rebounding, always making punch -- and his wife always declaring she will never part from him, always referring to his talents and her family -- when one thinks of the 'catchwords' personified as characters, one is reminded of the frogs whose brains have been taken out for physiological purposes, and whose actions henceforth want the distinctive peculiarity of organic action, that of fluctuating spontaneity. The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
  • He must be henceforth treated like a moral leper to satisfy our conviction that endless ongoing punishment without mercy is ours to mete out to him forever.
  • From the time he took up his headquarters on the hill at Cassel, he became “a desk man”; it was no longer his function to execute orders; thenceforth he had the far more trying duty of issuing orders ” a truly awful responsibility and one which demands much solitude, much soul-searching as well as map-pondering and other weighing of the ponderable which is so easily off-set by the imponderable, the unguessable. Foch the Man
  • Hogni said, “Do according to thy will; merrily will I abide whatso thou writ do against me; and thou shalt see that my heart is not adrad, for hard matters have I made trial of ere now, and all things that may try a man was I fain to bear, whiles yet I was unhurt; but now sorely am I hurt, and thou alone henceforth will bear mastery in our dealings together.” The Story of the Volsungs
  • Conversation: "an unfigurable Universe (a term henceforth deceptive); a Universe escaping every optical exigency and also escaping consideration of the whole — essentially non-finite, disunified, discontinuous" (350). Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • Circean spell, having cast common-sense and prudence to the winds, and decided to be ruled henceforth by the man who can tickle our ears with the longest speeches and the smoothest words. The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • Just a short discourse and then this topic is closed on my blog henceforth.
  • Should the boycotting of PG-13 horror begin henceforth? Clive Barker Applauds ‘Hellraiser’ Remake, Declares War On PG-13 Horror » MTV Movies Blog
  • All of them are longer unembarrassed sacramento california homes for sale, men with meconopsis who hematocolpos genealogically the attributable they pyjama to see cannister and seediness henceforth deprecatively. Rational Review
  • Long associated by Westerners with the whole of Vietnam, the name Annam became associated henceforth with central Vietnam; and Tonkin (or Tongking) became associated with the north (taken over by the French, 1884). 4. Vietnam, 1802-1902
  • Trent, however, decreed that "it shall not henceforth be lawful for abbots, ... howsoever exempted, ... to confer the tonsure and minor orders on any but their regular subjects, nor shall the said abbots grant letters dimissory to any secular clerics to be ordained by others" [Can. et Decret. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize

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