

[ US /himəˈfɪɫiæk, himəˈfɪɫjæk, himoʊˈfɪɫiæk, himoʊˈfɪɫjæk/ ]
  1. someone who has hemophilia and is subject to uncontrollable bleeding

How To Use hemophiliac In A Sentence

  • She was haemophiliac, a condition passed down through the maternal side.
  • The extra consultant would allow her department to provide a separate clinic for infected haemophiliacs.
  • Haemophiliacs need to inject themselves two or three times a week with clotting concentrates for bleeds.
  • Due to the abnormal metabolism of the hematoblasts in the blood,blood coagulation generally takes longer for an irregular patient such as a hemophiliac or a patient with problem of liver function.
  • Haemophiliacs are ill and are suffering and time is not on our side.
  • Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood.
  • More than 100 haemophiliacs contracted HIV and more than 260 contracted hepatitis C from contaminated blood products.
  • Risk to haemophiliacs was thereby sharply reduced.
  • He has had four heart ops and is banned from sport because he is a haemophiliac. The Sun
  • - Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for high risk occupational and nonoccupational exposure (such as needlestick injuries among medical staff or rape) - Pre-exposure prophylaxis of high risk groups (for example, haemophiliacs) - HAART therapy to reduce sexual transmission among discordant couples (where one partner is HIV-positive and the other negative). ANC Daily News Briefing
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