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How To Use Helot In A Sentence

  • Instead, for the sake of avarice, power and even religious helotism, the members of the U.N. allow villains who desire war to obtain nuclear technology and ignore their own resolutions to disarm terrorists. We Need a United United Nations
  • Compulsory labour takes a considerable variety of forms, today as in the past - debt bondage, clientship, peonage, helotage, serfdom, chattel slavery, and so on.
  • Sparta had also, in the late 8th century, defeated and annexed the territory of Messenia, its western neighbour, reducing its population to helotry and dividing its land among the full Spartiate citizens.
  • The Spartans, he said, would never dare attack Attica with an Athenian army in their homeland, and an invasion would likely spur a revolt of the helots.
  • He next persuaded Athens to send him with a large hoplite force to help Sparta against the helots, now in revolt.
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  • The alternative before white working men was to be driven with the African into helotry or to advance with him to freedom. Class & Colour in South Africa - Chapter 13
  • Ancient and modern authors have found it very difficult to define helotism, because it was not considered to be an ordinary type of unfree labor.
  • In addition to being super-exploited, Dubai's helots are also expected to be generally invisible.
  • I also do not want to live in Sparta, transformed into a garrison society due to the need to suppress the helots. Cheers for a Two-Tier Society, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • African communities that had submitted to the Boer yoke earlier were rightless helots from amongst whom the Boer farmers could impress labourers. SPEECH DELIVERED BY Z PALLO JORDAAN - ANC MP DURING THE DEBATE ON THE PRESIDENT'S STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS
  • Plato, for example, remarked that the helot system was the most controversial example of servitude in Greece.
  • The Nazis apparently intended to reduce Slavs such as the Poles to the status of helots.
  • There is not the slightest likelihood of rebellion on the part of the negroes after 1840, unless some unrighteous attempts be made to keep up the helotism of the class by enactments of partial laws. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Argos with their whole forces, including the Helots, under the command of Agis the son of Archidamus, the Lacedaemonian king. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • But in a 19-year war, Sparta finally defeated the Messenians and reintroduced helotry. C. 650-630
  • It was officially said that he had intimidated his helot jailer into giving him the knife, and had so mangled himself.
  • He urged him to abolish the prerogatives claimed by nobles and the helotism of all who were not noble, and suggested that judges should be appointed for life and justice rendered free of expense.
  • Altogether, these papers provide a stimulating overview of the major questions, debates, and methodologies in current scholarship on helotage in one accessible volume.
  • Whatever the origins of helotism and its relation to slavery, it is reasonably certain that when the Spartans conquered Messenia in the southwest of the Peloponnese (probably in the eighth or seventh century), the native population became helots. OpEdNews - Diary: Palestinians in Gaza, the Modern Helots
  • The numbers amount to a huge under-estimate of the actual rise in state-subsidised helotry.
  • No sign of the times more plainly discovered the helotism to which the Restoration had condemned the young manhood of the epoch. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • South African tourist as against the banishment - for that is virtually the goal of the anti-Asiatic party - of a hundred and fifty thousand Indian settlers, or at least their reduction to helotry. 27. LETTER TO THE PRESS, AUGUST 13, 1919(1)
  • Verhoeven NM, Salomons GS, Berthelot J, Vianay-Saban C, et al. (2006) D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria in three patients with proven SSADH deficiency: genetic coincidence or a related biochemical epiphenomenon? PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The new, networked society of global helots is here and now.
  • This form of helotism flourished but three years on American soil. Woman and the Republic — a Survey of the Woman-Suffrage Movement in the United States and a Discussion of the Claims and Arguments of Its Foremost Advocates
  • Compulsory labour takes a considerable variety of forms, today as in the past - debt bondage, clientship, peonage, helotage, serfdom, chattel slavery, and so on.
  • The Scottish Socialist Party, the sole ark of salvation to which 128,026 Scots look for emancipation from capitalist helotry, is in meltdown.
  • The hard helotism to which the tremendous range of the sciences condemns every scholar today is a main reason why those with a fuller, richer, profounder disposition no longer find a congenial education and congenial educators.
  • Probably, helotism is a very ancient category; it may even be a survival from Mycenean times. OpEdNews - Diary: Palestinians in Gaza, the Modern Helots
  • No sign of the times more plainly discovered the helotism to which the A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • Rovere, or of other smaller fry who have lent their helot's pens to weave mendacious records of her life, dubbing her murderess, adulteress, and Heaven knows what besides -- I will but refer them to the archives of Ferrara, whose Duchess she became at the age of one-and-twenty, and where she reigned for eighteen years. The Shame of Motley: being the memoir of certain transactions in the life of Lazzaro Biancomonte, of Biancomonte, sometime fool of the court of Pesaro
  • Before the wolves can get him, however, he is rescued by a wise old shepherd and brought up as a helot, one of the aboriginal population the Spartans have enslaved.
  • My view is that we really need a new Home Secretary who is wedded to the values our democracy is supposed to represent, not someone who seems to have it as his mission to turn us into a nation of helots.
  • Boeotia was agriculturally rich but had neither Athens' silver nor Sparta's helots.
  • If we permit them - and only our principled resistance, peaceful where possible, but forceful where necessary, is the only thing that will stop them - those who presume to rule us intend to reduce us to abject helotry. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Mrs Pandit 'would mean' permanent helotry 'for Africans. Class & Colour in South Africa 1850-1950 - Chapter 23
  • He convoked an urgent meeting Wednesday at the Elysée Palace with Prime Minister François Fillon and Bachelot to review the country's soccer options. Thousands of striking French workers hold nationwide protests
  • By abandoning the effort, we are, in effect, implementing a new form of helotage.
  • None of this is unique, and ancient and modern authors have found it very difficult to define helotism, because it was not considered to be an ordinary type of unfree labor. OpEdNews - Diary: Palestinians in Gaza, the Modern Helots
  • If Joe Public shrugs off each new encroachment as minor in itself, he will have only himself to blame if he ends up in state-controlled helotry.
  • Explain the following terms: oracle; amphictyony; helot; Hellas; Early European History
  • The military structure of Spartan society was shaped by the necessity of holding down the helot class that did all the actual work.
  • Before the wolves can get him, however, he is rescued by a wise old shepherd and brought up as a helot, one of the aboriginal population the Spartans have enslaved.
  • The Spartans had a way of "drenching" a helot with liquor, then parading him in his drunken antics before the boys of the town to disgust them with dram-drinking. The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
  • The Spartans had, in the archaic era, annexed the adjacent territory of Messenia and forced the once-independent Messenians into helotage.
  • However while Sparta tried to deliberately avoid creating a class structure among its citizens, the existence of helotage ensured that there was always the possibility of a class war and opportunity for large-scale revolt.
  • The Helots, and the Spartans ' severe treatment of them, at first puzzled and later disturbed the more sensitive Greek observers.
  • It could hardly be said that the relations were entirely harmonious between the military-minded rector, who held to the righteousness of helotry and the value of ignorance in the class beneath him, and the young curate burning with zeal and oppressed with the desire to put all the crooked things of life straight. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
  • The ultimate aim was to make South Africa a ‘white man's country’ built on black helots.
  • It would be worth his while to keep his commercial helotry supplied with sceptical literature. Orthodoxy

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