How To Use Helm In A Sentence
You know that moment when really liking someone turns into a radiant love - overwhelming, a little frightening and almost exasperatingly fresh?
The sheer volume is so overwhelming that the police cannot get on top of it.
The Sun
I was overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness as I watched her being wheeled into the operating theatre.
Perhaps in their heyday around 2006-2007, they were overwhelmed with the explosive rowth, however it was reported that prior to the recent management shuffling, they had a 1000 employees?
Why MySpace Is Really GeoCities 2.0
Does a father react angrily when his tired, overwhelmed twelve-month-old flails out and hits him on the nose?

Enforcers in full-face helmets were everywhere, striding through the crowd with arrogance born of unchallenged supremacy.
On a sunny summer day one can be overwhelmed by the abundance of the wildlife.
Times, Sunday Times
Before one embarks on this high flying experience, the organisers supply a crash helmet, and a safety waist belt which is securely tied with a long and strong rope to the huge multi-coloured parasail.
Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters — one of whom cowered on the ground, covering his face.
Tunisian leader flees amid protests; PM takes over
Thelma has several drug-related convictions and is awaiting trial on a charge of violent disorder.
It bemuses me that I need a face-to-face situation in order to be able to construct my own argument without feeling overwhelmed.
The sheer volume is so overwhelming that the police cannot get on top of it.
The Sun
The river up which we came after leaving the Helmund, is fully equal to that in size; it is very rapid: the ravine is very narrow, occasionally widening into swardy spots.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
I had given my replacement my helmet, and I sat on the bench seat deaf and dumb.
With each soft shadow and sharp crimp exquisitely rendered, the act of painting serves to overwhelm the subject.
They realized it would be suicidal to resist in the face of overwhelming military superiority.
Your problem becomes a series of small tasks, rather than an overwhelming amorphous mass.
Times, Sunday Times
Not even his trusty silver medallion of St. Christopher could protect him against such overwhelming numbers.
Physicist and ufologist Stan Friedman argues that it's overwhelmingly likely that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Posthuman Blues
Details of how British electronic components have been found in roadside bombs were given to David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, when he visited British troops at their military compound at Lashkagar, in Helmand province, earlier this week.
Religion News Roundup — Islam: Music, Chess, and Sin
They're either putting itchy cream in your jock or Vaseline in your helmet or baby powder inside your clothes.
The boat seemed very slow to answer to any movement of the helm.
And if signage is any indicator, supporters were overwhelmingly in favor of the public option.
Archive 2009-08-01
It's fun and looks good, but I tend to think the "shazam" factor overwhelms the actual participatory value. NN08: Annette Taddeo Is a 'Future Leader'
I had given my replacement my helmet, and I sat on the bench seat deaf and dumb.
This done with expedition, like men skilful in such mischief, as they took their cockboat to go aboard their own ship, it was overwhelmed in the sea, and certain of these men there drowned; the rest were preserved even by those silly souls whom they had before spoiled, who saved and delivered them aboard the _Swallow_.
Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
They document why large anthelminthic mass treatments may be worth being assessed as malaria control policies.
Elites TV
Older people overwhelmingly feel that children have less respect for the older generation and older people are unable to discipline their children and grandchildren.
She felt an overwhelming desire to return home.
Which made for a nice complement to another underwhelming, uninspired production from Graham Vick who once again drums up some gray walls to contain the action and wishes everyone the best of luck.
Archive 2008-06-01
Almost all of the fatal cases of helminthic infection in the United States are caused by an autoinfecting nematode.
Lia could feel a familiar weight reside within her chest, an overwhelming sense of unease overcoming her.
Yet again invidious comparisons are made with our continental neighbours whose milk consumption, in part because of very different climatic conditions, is overwhelmingly of UHT milk.
Archive 2007-10-14
Fifteen to 20 teams will take part, and the one who helms the first race will crew the second race.
How he tackled this brain teaser is an interesting insight into the man at the helm of Microsoft.
Boing Boing: September 19, 2004 - September 25, 2004 Archives
Guiding the Red Sox to their first World Series title since 1918 in his first year at the helm is a feat that cannot be duplicated. - Red Sox's Francona not as pressured
Scholars do not yield their ground readily unless the evidence against their position is overwhelming.
That's because she has traveled many of the nation's lakes, rivers and inlets behind the helm of her 34-foot Silverton, Buy the Hour.
Five challengers have launched campaigns to deny Jacob a second four-year term at the helm of the diverse district.
To the surprise of many, he remains at the helm despite this most depressing afternoon of a season that has become an ongoing ordeal by fire.
The Sun
This embossed, etched, and gilded steel close helmet is attributed to German armourer Kolman Helmschmid.
Would This 16th Century Helmet Terrify a Jousting Opponent?
Another man came from behind me and removed his richly plumed helmet.
Manned Orbiting Laboratory gloves with sharkskin palms and sewn-in steel fingernails, so nimble that an astronaut could pick up a dime while wearing them, even when they were pressurized; long johns laced with plastic pipes, to water-cool the wearer; and box after box of headgear, including Armstrong's gold-visored external helmet, once thought to have been left on the moon.
The Seattle Times
He was dressed in leather-and-bronze armor, a sturdy helmet, and he held in one hand a pentagonal shield, covered in studs and raised images.
It includes the overwhelming majority of the voters and is consequently more heterogeneous in its social and ideological composition.
They sport homed helmets, sooty eye makeup, and long, black, stringy hair.
His mechanics wore T-shirts designed as a tribute last night and he wore a helmet imprinted with the names of his team.
Times, Sunday Times
Its 200 highly trained members dress in white overalls, padded clothing and crash helmets to protect themselves against police batons and shields.
The general odor of the man she loves, one woman states, is highly, sometimes even overwhelmingly, attractive to her; but the specific odor of the male sexual organs which she describes as fishy has no attraction.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
The technology avalanche often leaves her feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and exhausted.
As the battle stations alert and klaxon alarm sounded, he donned a helmet and life jacket as he left the bridge and headed below.
Mr. Masson's discussions of Milton's English are, it seems to me, for the most part unsatisfactory He occupies some ten pages, for example, with a history of the genitival form _its_, which adds nothing to our previous knowledge on the subject and which has no relation to Milton except for its bearing on the authorship of some verses attributed to him against the most overwhelming internal evidence to the contrary.
Among My Books Second Series
He did throw a strop, hurling his mallet and helmet to the ground in fury.
The Sun
Mormons, an overwhelmingly Republican demographic (nicknamed the blacks of the GOP), make up something like a third of the people in dentistry school.
Matthew Yglesias » By Request: Teacher’s Unions
Others can be classed as motor vehicles meaning riders need to wear a crash helmet and have a licence and insurance.
Police have declared war on rogue street sellers causing a nuisance to shoppers and traders in Chelmsford.
He is getting an overwhelming amount of money by way of the pension; furthermore, this pension is tax free for this financial year.
Once I was in a conga line around the pool when my foreign editor called to discuss a trip to Helmand.
Times, Sunday Times
In November of 1997, after a massacre in Luxor that killed fifty-eight tourists and provoked overwhelming revulsion, Egypt's Gamaa al-Islamiya halted its armed struggle.
The capital city needs at its helm a person with ideas and energy who can combat the forces of inertia and inefficiency, and who can initiate and manage urgently needed change.
Even given this broad re-engagement with Jewish culture and history, the nostalgia for and interest in the shmatte business over the past decade has been overwhelming.
Shmatte Chic | Jewschool
The helmet is designed to limit the rotational forces affecting the head during an impact and is currently undergoing bench tests.
The weather was warm and clear; the mood happy in this, the cradle of the American Revolution, which is overwhelmingly pro-Obama.
At the Polls: Lines and Lawsuits - The Caucus Blog -
In baggy collarless cream shirt and hip-hugging chino trousers he looked so overwhelmingly attractive that she couldn't drag her eyes away.
Behind the dish's overwhelming dose of lime juice, the broth was tinny and under-salted and left an unpleasant, lingering taste that I associate with the pre-prepared garlic paste you buy in jars.
Here the goddess wears her high-crested helmet, and a himation replaces her aegis over the peplos.
Yet many street riders don't even wear helmets.
Miguel blinked, appalled and overwhelmed before rationally reasoning with himself, as all mathematicians can.
Their heads were helmed and crested in silver, and their skin was a black that could also have been green, or deep gray.
Against overwhelming odds, I surrendered myself and watched a glut of documentaries about the military hardware.
I watched with dry, weary eyes as the pale light of dawn overwhelmed the amber glow of the Parisian night sky.
We are talking about days when he had a cloth cap on, not a helmet.
Times, Sunday Times
And, while we are at it, and just to pick up on one of Arnold's areas of interest, the overwhelming majority of students and people are completely unaware of how lousy is the US performance in life expectancy and infant mortality compared to the rest of the world, nor how much more we pay for this wonderful performance than do those elsewhere.
I Heart Textbook Authors, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The succession of blows—the Agency’s decision not to provide us with any security, followed by the horrifying SSCI report and its Additional Views section, then my colleague’s inability or unwillingness to retestify before the SSCI, and the continuing media onslaught—were overwhelming.
Fair Game
On Wednesday the Clinton camp started pushing hard on the idea that a delegate is a delegate and if they need to pack on super delegates to overwhelm Obama's edge with elected delegates then so be it.
More on John Lewis' defection to Obama
Early as it was, crowds of American, English, and Continental tourists were abroad, their gleaming white drill attire and tobies and helmets, conspicuous among the grander colour of the natives.
The Mark of the Beast
He still had his flying helmet on but the goggles were smashed.
Nepal is overwhelmingly patrilineal and patrilocal.
It was a feeling of overwhelming love.
The Sun
But this particular morning, my tears were salted with frustration and exhaustion as my body and soul crumpled, overwhelmed by the weight of empathy.
Christianity Today
First, early helmets did not take into account how often pilots use peripheral vision during a close-range dogfight.
A trimmer / helmsman on board had only one thing on his mind when he arrived in Capetown at the end of leg one - romance.
Measuring at an overwhelming 2.4 metres long and weighing 340 kilograms, this fish is shown at a seafood market in Wenzhou, east China Zhejiang Province on 23 January, 2007.
2007 » January
I was at the helm of the boat that day and I recall that fire vividly.
Thelma : ( proudly ) He gave me a set of books called Greek Myth mythic - mythiologgio, that's it!
A strap fastens under the chin to keep the helmet in place.
This section of road was flat and not having the wind whistling through our helmets we became acutely aware of just how isolated and tranquil our surroundings were.
She says the men connived at their own obliteration from history, overwhelmed at learning of the deaths of Scott and the other members of the south pole party, for which any one of them could have been selected.
Scott of the Antarctic anniversary to focus on science, not the sideshow
Chelmsford crown court had heard her admit grievous bodily harm and she was sentenced to two years prison, suspended for two years.
The Sun
My fear it would go wrong again was overwhelming.
The Sun
I keep sitting down here and trying to write about how terrified and unterrified and overwhelmed and unenthused I am.
Hamletwildie Diary Entry
Venus' face is a blurred reflection in a mirror and in Mars (which depicts the unheroic body of a strong old man got up in drapes and a helmet) the face is in shadow.
Nearchus, however, went along the deck encouraging the men to remain firm and—in a move that must have struck the frightened sailors as sheer madness—ordered the helmsmen to turn their bows toward the whales in attack formation.
Alexander the Great
Against this, however, stood the successful isolation of the political resistance organizations and the overwhelmingly closed nature of the different social milieux inherited from the Weimar period.
The hour-long Director's Series will be a highlight this summer, profiling today's top Hollywood helmers, including Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorcese, and Clint Eastwood.
A new Constitution was overwhelmingly approved in a referendum on Dec. 23, 1990.
He excoriates the McSweeney's crowd and "the ridiculous dithering of John Barth ... [and] the reductive cardboard constructions of Donald Barthelme," and would excise from the modern canon "nearly all of Gaddis, Pynchon, DeLillo," and — while he's at it — "the diarrheic flow of words that is Ulysses ... the incomprehensible ramblings of late Faulkner and the sterile inventions of late Nabokov.
New & Noteworthy
Worst hit was Helmsley where the River Rye burst its banks.
Sonically overwhelming throughout its eight tracks, the album affirms the enduring significance of alt-rock's most pervasive clichés.
News of most of the phone's features had already leaked out, making for a competent but slightly underwhelming presentation.
Times, Sunday Times
Somehow, in such situations, we are overwhelmed by a desire to help.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a huge pit in the faceplate of my helmet, almost over my left eye, and a stinging sensation from my left arm.
Sublime Frequencies -- the reissue label helmed by onetime Sun City Girl Alan Bishop -- has produced some of the most challenging and fulfilling reissues in the past 10 years.
NPR Topics: News
Though commentators and critics do not agree as to whether the later Wittgenstein is still a finitist and whether, if he is, his finitism is as radical as his intermediate rejection of unbounded mathematical quantification (Maddy 1986, 300-301, 310), the overwhelming evidence indicates that the later Wittgenstein still rejects the actual infinite
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
Wilhelm lifted his head and fastened his eyes on the darkened house for a long moment, as though etching that sight into his mind forever.
With all their profundity and gravitas, they have striven hard to sanitize all abusage in application yet, pitiably, they seemed to have been overwhelmed by the brutality of the crisis
Too many students left the teach-in feeling intimidated not by the overwhelming opposition to the war, but to the way an academic forum became a fervid presentation of an exclusive viewpoint.
In the absence of payment, amateur reviewers write overwhelmingly about topics they love.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
Three out of four British skiers and boarders wear helmets, more than any other nation.
Times, Sunday Times
At Claremorris on Sunday afternoon, the visitors overwhelmed the home side with an emphatic victory.
Then such a wave of despair and anguish overwhelmed him, the irrevocableness and implacability of fate so smote him, that he lifted up his head and howled aloud.
Flush: a biography
I watched with dry, weary eyes as the pale light of dawn overwhelmed the amber glow of the Parisian night sky.
Then she stepped beyond the threshold of the dark and foreboding hole in the mountain, and turned on the lights at each side of her helmet.
We do get a window into how the film was helmed from a behind-the-scenes setting.
They were truly doing their best, but they were a little overwhelmed.
Times, Sunday Times
We got suited up with our life jackets, helmets and sprayskirts, and then put our kayaks in the water.
It seated three people in a row behind the engine, with the front two who had to wear crash helmets while the last one did not.
When most people think about Australian national identity, the images they remember are overwhelmingly blokey - drovers, surfies, lifesavers, Anzac soldiers.
They fear that the overwhelming support enjoyed by the two men could ultimately factionalize the party should one of them fail to get the job.
National Convention: Make Or Break For PDP Of Nigeria
The helmsman swung the rudder across to take them away from the shore.
We are overwhelmed by information, so conveying a message that sticks is tougher than ever.
Why is she so anxious and feeling so overwhelmed at times that her anxiety spirals into panic?
Times, Sunday Times
While each of these has a field of application the overwhelming bulk of metal is shaped from the simple cast ingot by a series of deformation processes.
Primary education, having become universal and largely public, became overwhelmingly secular.
Refineries in South Africa say they are overwhelmed by orders from Germany for Krugerrand gold coins.
Euro crisis: only root-and-branch financial reform can tame the wolf pack
The British Air Force succeeded despite overwhelming odds against them.
While I admire and respect these Members for coming together and participating in a real dialogue about the future of climate change legislation, I hope that a revenue-neutral carbon tax (the solution the overwhelming majority of economists and scientists agree is best) is being considered.
The In's and Out's of the Upcoming Energy and Climate Bill and Why It's Stalled | Inhabitat
That they make them without blushing is a sign of the power of Tolkien, and the overwhelming quality of his prose.
Infectious language
In her paper, Agnes Helmstetter, now of the University of California, Los Angeles, uses the most complete analysis to date to argue that maps that ignore small quakes miss a big part of the picture.
The overwhelming caseload has made the government reluctant to postpone trials, even though virtually all of the suspects lack defense attorneys.
Wilhelm Schmidt has compiled an overwhelming amount of these stories in a multivolume book totaling four thousand pages!
Modern Science in the Bible
The overwhelming impression of Soul is of a science in retreat, forced to admit the inadequacy of its materialism.
It's among those contracts that the crisis has made rewritable It's also that which Josh Marshall describes as a set of "social bargains that explain why it is that the overwhelming number of people are content with the fact that some people make $45,000 a year and other people make $45,000,000 a year.
Terrance Heath: The Jobs Deficit & The Breaking Point, Pt. 2
A helmet affords the cyclist some degree of protection against injury.
If you're not, you might find the whole thing a little underwhelming.
Times, Sunday Times
Faced by an overwhelmingly superior force, our badly depleted three divisions had barely escaped being bagged in the net of which the enemy had all but drawn the noose in a strategetic surrounding movement.
The Escape of a Princess Pat Being the full account of the capture and fifteen months' imprisonment of Corporal Edwards, of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and his final escape from Germany into Holland
First up in the breezy but not overwhelmingly difficult conditions yesterday was Ian Lawson, in the men's single sculls.
I was most overwhelmed and went to bed having nightmares about socked feet walking up and down my naked body shouting knit one purl one faster faster…
She quickly fastened her helmet onto her head and tucked her long hair in.
She saw the glint of a silver helmet and the slender figure of a Woman.
Convoy Client Seminar is full due to overwhelming response. Thank you for your support!
Make a virtue of your tenacity, or overwhelmingly feel that life is too short?
Times, Sunday Times
He was wearing a crash helmet and full leathers when his bike hit the metal chain.
If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted or just plain rundown, you probably are dealing with unhealthy amounts of stress.
Following an overwhelming response, BBC News Online is publishing a second instalment of answers to your questions.
A scholar from Chelm who finds a hayfork in the road is likely to conclude it's a giant's menorah.
The Man Who Left Chelm
THELMA GUTIERREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Armed with listing sheets and info on comparable properties, these buyers filled two boldly titled buss eager to find a deal among the hundreds of foreclosed properties in Stockton, California.
CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2008
While dockside or at anchor, the back of the helm seat may be flipped forward to make a U-shaped settee for entertaining.
Seated in a large arm-chair, a smoking tumbler of mulled port before him, sat my friend Mike, dressed in my full regimentals, even to the helmet, which, unfortunately however for the effect, he had put on back foremost; a short "dudeen" graced his lip, and the trumpet so frequently alluded to lay near him.
Charles O'Malley — Volume 2
Do not be taken by surprise if you are caught for speeding or riding without helmets this week.
The flood was overwhelming and the city was soon drowned.
The other drags him by the helmet, tearing all the fastening, and he strikes from his head the ventail and the gleaming coif.
Four Arthurian Romances
The parliament has voted by an overwhelming majority to suspend its declaration of independence.
He is despised by the overwhelming majority of the population, and most of them will secretly cheer if he gets a drubbing at the hands of the protestors.
Aragorn, thinking that the hobbits are dead, kicks a discarded orc helmet and falls to his knees howling in anguish.
The Chiefs would have won, whatever defense they played, because their defensive players simply overwhelmed the Raiders.
The firefighters are kitted out in special red one-piece thermal suits as well as boots, a helmet and gloves.
He has five years left at the helm of a government awash with oil revenues.
the President is at the helm of the Ship of State
I suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to laugh.
As we enter Whole Foods, symbols—or what advertisers call "symbolics"—of freshness overwhelm us.
Selling Illusions of Cleanliness
So I was distinctly underwhelmed when a colleague smugly confided that he was a dream date ‘because he cook’.
With some horned helmets and a couple of axes they would have fitted right in on the deck of a longship.
While the overwhelming majority aim to be peaceful there are fears that some protests may turn violent.
American global power was unchallenged and overwhelming.
Times, Sunday Times
Alliance forces met only sporadic resistance to an overwhelming display of firepower.
Times, Sunday Times
The temptation to use that data to answer almost any question about consumption is overwhelming.
Times, Sunday Times
When the boy walked into the synagogue tonight, he did so in reaction to an overwhelming urge to be one with his people in supplicating the Almighty on this holiest day.
The cutter lay like a log on the water, the reef-points rattling on the main-sail like a shower of small shot; and, every time he heard the sound, the man at the helm would raise his eyes aloft, and, fixing them steadily on the gaff-topsail for a minute or two, turn round and scan the horizon; and then, walking to the quarter, moisten his forefinger in his mouth, and hold it above his head.
A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
But successful geoeningeering might also encourage industrialized nations to continue to underwhelm on climate policy, because they would be protected from the consequences of their carbon emissions for longer.
An easy solution to climate change?
Sometimes you discovered a fresh shallow grave topped with a wooden cross or a boltless rifle stuck muzzle-down into the mud with a helmet on top of it.
Sometimes the despair can be sudden and overwhelming.
Times, Sunday Times
One young, unattached aircraftman who is on his first posting summed it up: "The wet can be a pain and there are times when things do feel a bit overwhelming."
The story line is fast-paced from the moment the two quite different in outlook siblings cross through to Karac Tor and never slows down although the ending is overwhelmed with too many unresolved threads (setting up future books apparently).
The Book of Names-D. Barkley Briggs « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
The unmanaged growth of our financial aid budget threatens to overwhelm that commitment.
As the helm is a very small part of the ship, so is the tongue a very small part of the body: but the right governing of the helm or rudder will steer and turn the ship as the governor pleases; and a right management of the tongue is, in a great measure, the government of the whole man.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
He finds out that Helmholtz too has been in trouble for writing some rhymes about being alone, a concept which goes against all principles of sleep-teaching.
Overwhelming relief and joy engulfed Jason upon seeing her and he took a step forward.
Ajax, in the archaic attitude of the ‘kneeling race’, with helmet, jambeaus and armour from which his chiton emerges, is intent on carrying the lifeless body of Achilles, naked and with his long hair falling towards the ground.
What is not meaningful is incremental meliorism in the face of a coming catastrophe and against the opposition of a overwhelming oligarchic hegemony.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
And most importantly, Bynum was still in street clothes, robbing the Lakers of the full complement of length typically overwhelming the Jazz over the last few seasons.
Countries overwhelmed by the human tide of refugees want safe havens set up at once.
He has dark hair and wears a gold helmet with a crest.
At Holy Cross High, the school was overwhelmed by a large number of parents standing in a long queue with their children waiting to be admitted.
He added: 'It is scandalous the law allows people to ride on the road without helmets.
The Sun
Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks.
In fact, it sounded so good that it seemed as though someone with an ear for classical music was at the helm of this company and so we decided to investigate.
Wilhelmi abbatis gestorum liber", the life of his superior at Dijon, printed in Acta SS.,
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
Thelma Lou runs to him, holds him, shushes in his ear.
The overwhelming reason for being involved with the scheme was to meet social obligations.
Personnel Management: A New Approach
But tonight I started thinking about our first SpouseBUZZ Live whenAWTM told the story ofhow overwhelmed she felt right before her husband came home.
Throwing the List Out the Window - SpouseBUZZ
To me the problem lies in one unescapable human flaw - people's overwhelming drive to seek power and control over others.
The pleading, concerned look in his eyes overwhelmed me.
Your ears start to hurt from the pressure in fifth and sixth gears; now I know why people wear helmets with these machines.
A superintendent told the court that no body or weapon had been found, but that there was an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence.
The disparity in fees between different schools can be overwhelming.
[and] brūnecg, _her broad sword with gleaming blade_, 1547. brūn-fāg, adj., _gleaming like metal_: brūnfāgne helm, 2616. bryne-lēoma, w. m., _light of a conflagration, gleam of fire _: nom. sg.,
We have a new prime minister at the helm.
Usually the noise of my best friend's family is comforting, but today it was overwhelming.