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How To Use Hellenistic In A Sentence

  • We know from palynological evidence that farmers already inhabited the valley below the city around 4200 B.C., yet the oldest surface finds in the area were an Early Bronze Age ax and a pre-Hellenistic sherd in the fortress dominating the city. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Conclusions: Urban Development
  • No Hellenistic poet or philosopher quoted it[Sentence dictionary], although modern scholars have sometimes deluded themselves on this subject.
  • Hellenistic literature displayed (sometimes in one and the same work) a mandarin artificiality full of recondite, learned allusions and a lively, realistic interest in everyday life.
  • It's typical of Hellenistic inscriptions, you see, the letter forms.
  • We have already observed that during the time of Hellenistic Greek, the middle voice form was losing ground to the passive.
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  • His fables, written in iambic senarii, consist of beast-tales based largely on ‘Aesop’, as well as jokes and instructive stories taken not only from Hellenistic collections but also from his own personal experience.
  • Hellenistic and Roman times, “lyric poetry” meant poetry, whether monodic or choric, (originally) sung; it did not include elegy or iambics. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • In the other two are ancient vases, lecythi, statuettes and other Mycenaean, Geometrical, Corinthian, Boeotian, Attican and Hellenistic archaeological finds, on loan from the Archaeological Museum.
  • In many ways the Aphrodisians were the direct descendants of Hellenistic and, more specifically, Pergamene sculpture.
  • A whole group of young poets, the so-called ‘neoterics’, shared the same rejection of traditional norms and the same search for new forms and content, and, as in their lifestyle, Hellenistic culture provided the most important.
  • It is a word of encouragement though,it's a sermon, it uses Hellenistic Jewish style--speech styles and rhetoric and Hellenistic Jewish exegetical techniques.
  • H. von Hesburg examines the implications of the appearance of early Hellenistic dynasts on the stage.
  • When Homer said something that would better have been left unsaid, one option for the scholars of Hellenistic Alexandria was simply to athetize it - to declare it spurious on the ground that Homer could not have said such a thing.
  • The masses of statues, in bronze, silver, gold, and marble, accustomed the Romans to this kind of visual display and to Hellenistic luxury.
  • Wisdom of Solomon thus saw a new synthesis of various sapiential traditions in a much broader philosophical/theological framework that could cope with a universalistic and Hellenistic perspective.
  • He took Carlyle for the representative of what he called "Hebraism," and he desired to balance the undue preponderance of that by insisting upon the necessity of the Hellenistic element in culture. Among Famous Books
  • It deals with the making of Renaissance copies of a Roman relief based on Hellenistic figure types, which are then adapted in self-consciously referential ways into contemporary classicizing art in several media.
  • Amongst the first buildings to be set out in the new Hellenistic city were the agora and the monumental temples on the acropolis.
  • Aristotle's philosophy had fallen into neglect and disarray in the second generation after his death and remained in the shadow of the Stoics, Epicureans, and Academic skeptics throughout the Hellenistic age.
  • It is not the same, since truth for Hellenistic philosophers is relativized to times.
  • The earliest representation of the Buddha in the exhibition is a breathtakingly beautiful import from Gandhara with its echo of Hellenistic representationalism.
  • During the Parthian period, Hellenistic customs partially gave way to a resurgence of Persian culture.
  • Most structures were built in limestone gypsum and are an eclectic mix of Assyrian, Hellenistic, Parthian and Roman styles.
  • Orthodoxy" a word espoused as fact in early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism became a taboo word. Mythicism and Inerrancy
  • Hatra's remains reflect the eclectic mix of Assyrian, Hellenistic, Parthian, and Roman styles that set the stage for early Islamic architecture.
  • The beginning of the Hellenistic age is defined as the rise to power of Alexander the Great.
  • A sketchbook page that includes croquis of a Tanagra figure, swathed in draperies, suggests that the inspiration was in fact Hellenistic.
  • There are some important parallels in the Hellenistic Stoics and Epicureans to certain themes in Zhuangzi.
  • The cities he founded became the spring boards for the diffusion of Hellenistic culture.
  • Its translation perspectives were not only shaped by Hellenistic thought patterns but also its texts made diasporic Jews become aware of God's plan for other nations.
  • The white Hellenistic house lecythus consist a particular category of funerary gifts put in the tombs of the Classical period.
  • It demonstrated the superiority of the more flexible Roman legion over the Hellenistic pike phalanx.
  • It was the period when the ateliers of all the great masters of Hellenistic sculpture, Praxiteles, Scopas and Bryaxis were in full production.
  • He also takes over a number of themes from Hellenistic poetry, especially from Greek epigram.
  • By means of an audacious etymology that dates back to the Hellenistic period, this old Thraco-Phrygian divinity has been identified with "Yahveh Zebaoth," the Biblical "Lord of The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • Meanwhile, Fay Glinister has made a great article that seeks to smash apart what she identifies as a dogmatic belief by modern historians in Veiled and unveiled: Uncovering Roman influence in Hellenistic Italy 2009. Archive 2010-09-01
  • Solar pantheism, which grew up among the Syrians of the Hellenistic period as a result of the influence of Chaldean astrolatry, imposed itself upon the whole Roman world under the empire. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • The roots of the substantialist way of seeing the world are Hellenistic and patriarchal.
  • Hellenistic and of Sassano-Arab astrology; the lots have already been mentioned, and to them may be added the prorogator, the Lord of the Year, and the triplicities as employed by Dorotheus. ASTROLOGY
  • In this respect especially, seventeenth-century philosophy has important continuities with the Aristotelian tradition and with Hellenistic philosophy.
  • Scientific research into an - atomy, physiology and pathology, controlled by systematic observation, began rather later, with Aris - totle and his successors, and the medical writers of the Hellenistic period, e.g., Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • While we moderns have lost the distinction between the pleasures and the gratifications, the ancient Greeks and the Romans of Hellenistic bent were keen on it.
  • From these it is clear that Sassanian genethlialogy was essentially an imitation of the Hellenistic (without, however, all the philosophical overtones) onto which were grafted some Indian features, such as the use of the ninths (navāṃśas) and the Řaivite interpretations of the Greco-Egyptian Decans; it specialized in various forms of continuous astrology. ASTROLOGY
  • Deforestation and intensive land use from the Hellenistic period onward seem to have initiated intense soil erosion on the hill slopes, resulting in major alluviation (up to 1.5 mm/year) so intense that the valley bottom got clogged with fine earth material creating the current landscape. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Geomorphological Survey Report 1
  • It is very characteristic of the Hellenistic period, but shows evidence of an Augustan remodelling.
  • Contrary to the late Republic and the early Empire in the West, in the Greek East, the cuirassed statue was already common to the honorific repertoire of the Hellenistic period and adopted there by Roman generals and officials, who introduced it into the Roman repertoire. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Sculptural Studies Report 1
  • The battle of the gods (gigantomachy) is a popular theme in the Archaic through Hellenistic times and was a metaphor for the triumph of ‘reason and order’ over ‘chaos’.
  • In this way, we point out the transition of Platonism theological concept during the Hellenistic and early Christian period.
  • It was also about a Hellenistic conceit revisited by artists, critics, theorists, and poets during the middle decades of the cinquecento.
  • A hundred thousand soldiers seems to have been the maximum any Hellenistic state was able to gather together for a decisive battle.
  • The Essenes were not only greatly inclined to apocalyptic views and legalism, but they were frantically anti-Hellenistic.
  • The basic methods of Indian genethlialogy are not surprisingly, then, similar to those of its Hellenistic counterpart. ASTROLOGY
  • The walls contain only a few reused blocks (spolia) being mainly middle to late Hellenistic cinerary urns (osteothecae). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Domestic Area Report 3
  • Communities of Epicureans sprang up throughout the Hellenistic world; along with Stoicism, it was one of the major philosophical schools competing for people's allegiances.
  • Moreover, this practice was legitimated through an ideology based on Hellenistic ideals.
  • A hundred thousand soldiers seems to have been the maximum any Hellenistic state was able to gather together for a decisive battle.
  • My other two papers are on Apollonius of Rhodes' Medea in comparison to Hellenistic women and interpreting Inanna with archaeoastronomy and Jung. Minxy is as minxy does...
  • The presence of a heart-shaped corner pillar at this location made it possible this had once been the position of a Hellenistic stoa-complex or peristylium. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - The North-South Colonnaded Street Report 2
  • The Hellenistic mind of the Byzantines allowed musicians to draw systems of tones from the music of ancient Greece.
  • He could use a Hellenistic idea like the pleroma, but he was still an outsider.
  • An immense corpus of commentary grew up in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine times around Dionysius' brief text.
  • We have already observed that during the time of Hellenistic Greek, the middle voice form was losing ground to the passive.
  • Much of classical astrology developed as a result of the Hellenistic perspective towards numerology and geometry.
  • It is a remarkable reminder of the culture of the Getes, a Thracian people who were in contact with the Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds, according to ancient geographers.
  • In the framework of a new project, tracking down the import strategy of Sagalassos, several pieces of Hellenistic core formed glass and early Roman millefiori glass (presumably of Italian or Egyptian origin) were sampled. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Glass Studies Report 1
  • Unlike other Hellenistic schools, such as those of Aristotle and the Stoics, the Epicureans were not greatly interested in formal logic, but they certainly needed a theory of the formation of beliefs.
  • It was stated just now that our Lord was deeply versed in uncanonical as well as in canonical Jewish writings, i.e., in Hellenistic Jewish literature as well as in the Old Testament Scriptures.
  • The cataphracts were introduced into the Seleukid army in the Hellenistic era.
  • Longacre’s classical left-facing Liberty on the obverse is said to be modeled after an old Hellenistic sculpture, the Crouching Venus. Liberty Head Double Eagle, Without Motto, 1849-1866 : Coin Guide
  • Origen is influenced by Philo Judaeus, through the intermediary Clement of Alexandria, and this Alex - andrian tradition, which would show parallels in the development of Hellenistic allegory, suggests that major allegory requires a belief in miracles and epiphe - nomena, at least on a verbal level. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Rome and this Hellenistic Orient and half-orientalized Greece, than appeared afterwards between the Romans and Spaniards and The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Accordingly the world which Christianity emerged was partly Semitic and Jewish, partly Roman, and partly Hellenistic.
  • Surrounding the stalagmite was a large number of artifacts, including sherds of high-quality Hellenistic Greek and Illyrian pottery. Phallic Cult
  • Stoicism is one of three main philosophical schools in Hellenistic period, its cosmogony is distinctive in the whole western age.
  • In particular, it can be demonstrated that the choliambs, mixed with iambs, of the Hellenistic fable are comparable to those of a work with very very pronounced Cynic features, the choliambic ‘Life of Alexander’.
  • The origins of Neo-Platonism can be traced back to the era of Hellenistic syncretism which spawned such movements and schools of thought as Gnosticism and the Hermetic tradition.
  • Religious fundamentalism is marked by a fanatical concern with a universally valid and context-free "truth" along the lines of the Hellenistic tradition. David Shasha: Monolingualism, Scriptural Translation and the Problem of Western Civilization
  • The ruins here date from the Hellenistic era, when the kingdom of Pergamon was at the height of its power.
  • The best illustration of this world view - a view of thought rather than of action - was the Stoic and Epicurean therapies of the Hellenistic Age.
  • The exuberance of the carving, attributed to Rhodian sculptors, and the dramatic, illusionistic setting are characteristic of the Hellenistic baroque.
  • Hatra's remains reflect the eclectic mix of Assyrian, Hellenistic, Parthian, and Roman styles that set the stage for early Islamic architecture.
  • Orphism, as the other Hellenistic mystery religions, claimed to teach its adepts the means of securing a blessed immortality.
  • This tradition has its roots in the Protogeometric and Geometric periods and perhaps continues into Classical and Hellenistic times at Lato.
  • But this is hardly a new idea, as biography was a central tool in philosophical instruction in the ancient world, obviously with the example of Socrates, but also in the various later Hellenistic schools, like the Stoics and Epicureans.

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