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How To Use Hellebore In A Sentence

  • Over the meadows spread the regular Chinese-pagodas of the equisetum, (horsetail or scouring-rush,) and the rich coarse vegetation of the veratrum, or American hellebore. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 42, April, 1861
  • A natural glen is planted with an assortment of shade-loving plants, including hellebores, ferns, fucshias, azaleas and primroses.
  • It includes woodland planting of hellebores and spring bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Covering the hillside around the patio is a tapestry of astilbes, azaleas, campanulas, ferns, hellebores, hostas, Japanese maples, moss, and rhododendrons.
  • A natural glen is planted with an assortment of shade-loving plants, including hellebores, ferns, fuchsias, azaleas and primroses.
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  • This seems to me like it would be a difficult color range to achieve, considering the amount of blue in most hellebore flowers.
  • I took the only hint which the address gave: I inquired for hellebore, but they told me it was not now recognized, that the old notion of its value was quite obsolete, and that they had nothing which was considered a specific in senary or septenary cases. A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II)
  • No pharmacopolist could sell one grain of hellebore, -- not a single armourer had a heart to forge one instrument of death; -- Friendship and Virtue met together, and kiss'd each other in the street; the golden age returned, and hung over the town of Abdera -- every A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
  • The shrubs include camellias, hellebores, pieris and hydrangeas, which make a splendid sight when in bloom.
  • The same author comments that quail were not eaten much in classical times, apparently because they were thought to be unwholesome because of eating poisonous plants such as hellebore.
  • Under the trees are beloved clumps of hellebores, erythroniums, and trilliums.
  • A linctus for pneumonia: Galbanum and pine-fruit in Attic honey; and southernwood in oxymel; make a decoction of pepper and black hellebore, and give it in cases of pleurisy attended with violent pain at the commencement. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Running the length of the backyard is an elevated planting area, which the couple filled with woodland plants - vine maples, hellebores, and maidenhair ferns.
  • [2849] Hellebore will help, but not alway, not given by every physician, &c. but these men are too peremptory and self-conceited as I think. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Wild ginger (asarum) is also an article of considerable trade, as well as several kinds of snake root, pink root, puccoon, hellebore, lady's slipper, spikenard, Indian turnip, Indian hemp, and a hundred others. A Guide to Capitalists and Emigrants: Being a Statistical and Descriptive Account of the Several Counties of the State of North Carolina, United States of America; Together with Letters of Prominent Citizens of the State in Relation to the Soil, Climate,
  • Up close they were head-high in a riot of color: red paintbrush, lavender fleabane, hot-pink fireweed, white cow parsnip, lacy green false hellebore, the flashy red of chokecherries, white pearls of baneberry, rich purple huckleberries, fierce yellows of butterweed and arnica. Blood Lure
  • Flowering bulbs such as hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, and tulips, along with hellebores, lungworts, and heathers carpet the ground beneath.
  • In February and March, heathers and hellebores kick off Annemarie's garden's flowering season, which continues until late in the year.
  • Some have picturesque names, like broad-lipped purple side-saddle flower, cobweb houseleek, lion's tail phlomis, livid hellebore, melancholy toadflax, parrot-beaked heliconia, and warty St. John's wort.
  • HOW: Pair this plant, also known as hamamelis mollis, with red-stem dogwoods, picea omorika, stewartia pseudocamellia, Ken Janeck rhododendron, black mondo grass and hellebores for an incredible winter garden. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • However it has helped me decide how to replant the somewhat shady, sheltered bed on one side of my garden: lots of hellebores, aquilegia, ferns, and variegated ivy creeping up the wall of my neighbour's extension wall.
  • Look for winter-flowering hellebores in garden centres.
  • In the Book of Venoms, he listed arsenic, aconite, hellebore, laurel, opium, bryony, mandrake, leopard's gall, and menstrual blood.
  • Under the trees are clumps of hellebores, erythroniums, and trilliums.
  • All hellebores flower in winter or early spring from buds formed during the previous summer.
  • These can grow away nicely while you point your scissors threateningly at your hellebores for posies in early spring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anticyras; a common proverb among the Greeks and Latins, to bid a dizzard or a mad man go take hellebore; as in Lucian, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • At the mouth swallowed or not swallowed: If swallowed liquid or solid: liquid, as compound wine of hellebore, scilla or sea-onion, senna, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • An Ethiopian of old seeing an European eat bread, wondered, quomodo stercoribus vescentes viverimus, how we could eat such kind of meats: so much differed his countrymen from ours in diet, that as mine [1446] author infers, si quis illorum victum apud nos aemulari vellet; if any man should so feed with us, it would be all one to nourish, as Cicuta, Aconitum, or Hellebore itself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The medicine is prepared of the following ingredients: - Of black hellebore, of sandarach, of the flakes of copper, of lead washed, with much sulphur, arsenic, and cantharides. On Ulcers
  • I expected to see coneflowers and verbenas, but seriously, hellebores and pansies in mid-July? July Bloom Day 2008-A Wide Variety « Fairegarden
  • Birch looks wonderful sitting in a mass of plants such as foxgloves, tellima and hellebores.
  • As well as carpets of snowdrops in the five-acre garden, there are hellebores and other winter flowering plants to admire.
  • A group shot of regular ajuga reptans, some lavender pansies, a young hellebore, cerastium and a smidge of dianthus in the background. Bloom Days April 2008 « Fairegarden
  • Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty', Perovskia 'Blue Spire', white and purple hellebores, news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • Spring bulbs were much in evidence, as were hellebores.
  • Look out for the nationally scarce Stinking Hellebore, an impressive perennial forming stout clumps of dark green leaves.
  • That leaves the spiraea and hellebores at the edges and top and the stipa and heuchera at the corner. Dealing With The Daylily Hill-It Is Imperative « Fairegarden
  • The same author comments that quail were not eaten much in classical times, apparently because they were thought to be unwholesome because of eating poisonous plants such as hellebore.
  • Jane and the daffs, hellebore and spirea look spectacular; I even admire a bit of the vinca at their feet. Whine Along With Me « Fairegarden
  • No pharmacopolist could sell one grain of hellebore, - not a single armourer had a heart to forge one instrument of death; - Friendship and Virtue met together, and kiss'd each other in the street; the golden age returned, and hung over the town of Abdera - every A Sentimental Journey
  • Next you hear the rain drum on the broad-leaved hellebore, and beat down the mimulus beside the brook. The Land of Little Rain
  • Enjoy early hellebore flowers by floating flowerheads in a shallow bowl of water.
  • The hellebores are still green, and there are buds forming under the slightly tattered foliage.
  • Among the interesting forest plant species are for instance the rose sowbread, and the mighty stalks of the false hellebore.
  • We left the fertile valley and rose upon the stone-scattered _causse_ where hellebore, spurges, and juniper were the only plants not cropped close to the earth by the flocks of sheep which thrive upon these wastes. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • The cottage style garden in the Adelaide Hills features a collection of hellebores in a range of colours as well as bulbs and winter flowering shrubs like Magnolia.
  • You should put persons on a course of hellebore who are troubled with a defluxion from the head. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Covering the hillside around the patio is a tapestry of astilbes, azaleas, campanulas, ferns, hellebores, hostas, Japanese maples, moss, and rhododendrons.
  • Signs of life are appearing in the borders: pure white hellebores, pots of blue pansies, the tips of blue hyacinths peeping through the earth and tiny white cyclamen among their marbled foliage.
  • As the crowd perambulated among the hellebores and hostas, enjoying the plentiful supplies of champagne and canapes and admiring the elegant garden furniture and sculpture on sale, musicians played. They Must Think Cabbages, Not Carats
  • Plants Delight: Always the catalog with the most clever and timely covers, its pages are filled with unusual and cool perennials, with an emphasis on asarum, hardy ginger lilies, hellebores, hostas and ornamental grasses. The Seattle Times
  • Members were transported to Switzerland, Greece, the Falklands, and France to see gardens and plants in all their glory and were given an insight into some of the hellebores that can be grown in the UK.
  • And my hellebores, sweet woodruff, veronica, foxgloves and Candytuft remained a healthy green all winter, as did the primrose foliage, and that of the smaller geraniums.
  • A linctus for pneumonia: Galbanum and pine-fruit in Attic honey; and southernwood in oxymel; make a decoction of pepper and black hellebore, and give it in cases of pleurisy attended with violent pain at the commencement. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Ensure that you prepare a good planting site by incorporating compost into the soil before you plant, as hellebores enjoy a moist soil rather than one that dries out quickly.
  • The shrubs include camellias, hellebores, pieris and hydrangeas, which make a splendid sight when in bloom.
  • A number of herbs including oleander, adonis, black Indian hemp, black hellebore, lily-of-the-valley, squill, and strophanthus contain an active cardiac glycoside that can potentiate digoxin.
  • Next, to create a casual country look, she interspersed three large fieldstones in the bed, then planted flowering perennials such as astilbe, columbine, delphinium, and hellebore among them.
  • Not violets, dandelions, or even crabgrass, not henbit, corn salad or bitter cress, but the strongest of them all, Hellebores. The Long And Short Of It-A Garden Tour « Fairegarden
  • Then there is the dazzling range of colours and markings from hellebores. Times, Sunday Times
  • The medicine is prepared of the following ingredients: - Of black hellebore, of sandarach, of the flakes of copper, of lead washed, with much sulphur, arsenic, and cantharides. On Ulcers
  • The active principle in aloes is aloin; of jalap, jalapin; of white hellebore, veratria; and of colchicum, colchicin. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • No pharmacopolist could sell one grain of hellebore—not a single armorer had a heart to forge one instrument of death. 23. A Fragment
  • The sesamoides purges upwards when pounded in oxymel to the amount of a drachm and a half, and drunk; it is combined with the hellebores, to the amount of the third part, and thus it is less apt to produce suffocation. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Hellebores, pedate, smooth, of stout substance and dark green colour; the divisions of the leaves are narrow and numerous. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • But do not administer hellebore to such persons as are laboring under empyema connected with abscesses, haemoptysis, and intemperament, or any other strong cause, for it will do no good; and if any thing unpleasant occur the hellebore will get the blame of it. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Their favourite was the rose, followed by hellebores, peonies, clematis, magnolias, lilies, euphorbias, primulas, snowdrops, geraniums.
  • Next, to create a casual country look, she interspersed three large fieldstones in the bed, then planted flowering perennials such as astilbe, columbine, delphinium, and hellebore among them.
  • Nonephemerals that bloom during the summer or fall are Canada lily, false hellebore, and species of aster, goldenrod, and sunflower.
  • Their favourite was the rose, followed by hellebores, peonies, clematis, magnolias, lilies, euphorbias, primulas, snowdrops, geraniums.
  • There were the vegetable poisons known on Earth, such as hellebore, setterwort, deadly nightshade, and the yew tree. The Status Civilization
  • It has been my experience that hellebores do not make good long term pot plants; it's best to get them in the ground as quickly as you can once they are of a size to handle the rough and tumble world of the garden.
  • Even without flowers, she says, variegated lamiums are a spectacular foil for hellebores, especially with the white flecks of the ground cover playing off the darker-flowering hellebores.
  • Covering the hillside around the patio is a tapestry of astilbes, azaleas, campanulas, ferns, hellebores, hostas, Japanese maples, moss, and rhododendrons.
  • Tony has a good article on hellebores - he's always worth reading!
  • Over the meadows spread the regular Chinese-pagodas of the equisetum, (horsetail or scouring-rush,) and the rich coarse vegetation of the veratrum, or American hellebore. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 42, April, 1861
  • A true reality shot, the flowering quince, chaenomeles, is not quite open, and the hellebore in the rear will be loaded with open blossoms any day now. Blooms of February- GBBD « Fairegarden
  • -- Russian tallow in saucers, oil of birch, flowers of sulphur, hellebore, pepper, tobacco, are said to be "bogies," the last especially, to the Dermestes beetles and their cousin, Anthrenus museorum. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • Next, to create a casual country look, she interspersed three large stones in the bed, then planted flowering perennials such as astilbe, columbine, delphinium, and hellebore among them.
  • The active principle in aloes is aloin; of jalap, jalapin; of white hellebore, veratria; and of colchicum, colchicin. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Be very cautious about growing poisonous plants, like castor bean or hellebore, in readily accessible areas.
  • While few perennials are doing anything significant when the hellebores bloom in late winter and early spring, flower combinations can be easily made with some early bulbs.
  • The Upas-tiente derives its energetic powers from the alkaloid strychnia; conia is the active principle of hemlock; veratria of hellebore; aconita of monk's hood; and although there are several poisonous plants in which the active principle has not yet been detected, there can be little doubt that such a principle exists, although it has hitherto eluded the researches of the chemist. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Chocolate cosmos, black hollyhocks, and shadowy hellebores are planted toward the front of borders or in front of contrasting colors so that the dark colors don't recede in the garden like a black hole.
  • Hellebore -- the one-sided Pyrola, the Bladder Campion -- _silene inflata_, the sweet-scented yellow Mellilot, the white Yarran, the Prunella with blue labrate flowers the Yellow Rattle, so called from the rattling of the seeds. Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present
  • I followed his advice - and now, ten years later that hellebore is a fine, strong plant that is blooming as I type this.
  • Recently, however, I've gotten well and truly hooked on hellebores.
  • An Ethiopian of old seeing an European eat bread, wondered, quomodo stercoribus vescentes viverimus, how we could eat such kind of meats: so much differed his countrymen from ours in diet, that as mine [1446] author infers, si quis illorum victum apud nos aemulari vellet; if any man should so feed with us, it would be all one to nourish, as Cicuta, Aconitum, or Hellebore itself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • An Ethiopian of old seeing an European eat bread, wondered, quomodo stercoribus vescentes viverimus, how we could eat such kind of meats: so much differed his countrymen from ours in diet, that as mine [1446] author infers, si quis illorum victum apud nos aemulari vellet; if any man should so feed with us, it would be all one to nourish, as Cicuta, Aconitum, or Hellebore itself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In between the hellebores we have planted Leucojum aestivum, the summer snowflake.
  • It's no surprise that in a recent worldwide poll commissioned by the Hardy Plant Society, hellebores were voted second favourite flower family.
  • In front of the large shrubs are winter-blooming daphne and hellebores, ferns, ‘Pia’ dwarf hydrangeas, and a red laceleaf Japanese maple.
  • These are other powders: - Black hellebore, as finely levigated as possible, is to be sprinkled on the sore while any humidity remains about it, and while it continues to spread. On Ulcers
  • More phlox - our native wildling - with hellebores and hostas My Garden, part 1 « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • The powder from hellebore and sandarach alone answers. On Ulcers
  • A linctus for pneumonia: Galbanum and pine-fruit in Attic honey; and southernwood in oxymel; make a decoction of pepper and black hellebore, and give it in cases of pleurisy attended with violent pain at the commencement. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Pluto said he might, if he could overcome Cerberus without weapons; and this he did, struggling with the dog, with no protection but the lion's skin, and dragging him up to the light, where the foam that fell from the jaws of one of the three mouths produced the plant called aconite, or hellebore, which is dark and poisonous. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History

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