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How To Use Helix In A Sentence

  • Multiple mechanisms have evolved to repair damaged DNA, including the versatile nucleotide excision repair (NER) which is capable of removing a variety of bulky helix-distorting lesions, such as UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This is a "scalariform" Helix aspersa shell from the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum. Archive 2007-10-01
  • In this close - up the DNA is seen as a long twisted molecular ladder, the double helix.
  • He was looking at the picture of the helix.
  • In fact, a wide range of structural proteins have coils in which two or three helices are wound around each other to form a left-handed superhelix conformation.
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  • Programming by the plane curve unwrapped from the helix curve and cutting layer by layer, we created the variable pitch screw on the 3.5 axis NC milling.
  • What took place in 1953 right here in Cambridge, through significant collaboration with Birkbeck and King's Colleges, London, was the elucidation of its structure as a binary helix.
  • Consequently, they proposed a compact structural motif for the entire peptide in which the [beta] sheet structure of the superhelix is a sheet with three strands connected by two turns.
  • The term would denote either a limax or a helix, which are particularly noticeable for the slimy track they leave behind them, by which they seem to waste themselves away. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • An abundance of shells of the helix tribe (Helix bulimus) was found on the top and sides of the hill; and a calcareous substance was observed protruding from the ground in every part, as noticed both by Vancouver and Flinders; * the former also found it on the bare sandy summit of Bald Head, and supposed it to be coral, a circumstance from which he inferred that the level of the ocean must have sunk. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • It described his proposal for a different type of helical structure, which he called the helix.
  • Yah, you better choose something more allegoric like a DNA helix or whatever catches your imagination. Tree Change
  • Fig .6 showing the secondary thickening between the gyres of the helix ( arrow ).
  • The double helix of DNA is held together by hydrogen bonds.
  • Upon absorption of light, the kinked helix is relaxed into a normal helical conformation.
  • In the majority of cases there is a combination of too much cartilage in the central bowl shaped portion of the ear called the concha, and a failure of the natural folds to develop in the portion of the ear known as the antihelix.
  • The gray bands indicate the helix regions of the protein.
  • Closed circular DNA usually exists in a supercoiled, plectonemic configuration, in which the DNA duplex is wound around another part of the same molecule to form a higher order helix.
  • The helix conveyer can transmit material in straight line and also flectional transmission. Because it has high flexibility, it makes operator can arrange all kinds of equipment conveniently.
  • Terrified, he ran to a stairwell; its helix curved upward toward the floors above.
  • The drawing below, showing the branches of the columellar muscle of Helix pomatia, is from the last volume of Libbie Hyman's incomplete series The Invertebrates, published in 1967 shortly before she died. Tangled innards of a snail or how we know the intelligent designer was a klutz
  • The lysosomal localisation of Irgm1 is mediated by the same amphipathic helix that mediates Golgi targeting. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Fear, greed and sexual obsession tangle in a plot that has more twists than a curl of smoke traveling through a double helix.
  • The Hubble Space Telescope has taken photos of the Helix Nebula.
  • Inner conch piercing looks very similar to lobe piercing, but it is placed on the inner conch and surrounds the lower outer helix.
  • Kinetic IR spectroscopy was used to reveal β-sheet formation and water expulsion in the folding of single-chain monellin (SMN) composed of a five-stranded β-sheet and an α-helix. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
  • This is the opening date of a national tour that ends with two performances in the Helix on December 2 and 4.
  • By using bioinformatic and biochemical analyses, we showed that residues 1-18 of FliI very likely form an amphipathic alpha-helix upon interaction with FliH, and that residues 21-91 of FliI resemble the N-terminal oligomerization domain of the F1-ATPase catalytic subunits. Congratulations are in Order
  • Towel repair loom is used to weave cotton yarn , helix satinstrips and decoration satinstrips towel woof , such as face towel , square towel, bath towel with differ materials.
  • Surprisingly, the soft denatured region is most often found in positions where the interwound superhelix forms branches, unlike permanently curved regions, which tend to localize in the apex of the superhelix.
  • The helix conveyer can transmit material in straight line and also flectional transmission. Because it has high flexibility, it makes operator can arrange all kinds of equipment conveniently.
  • Our genetic evidence from Drosophila and previous in vitro studies of mammalian Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1, also called Math1 or Hath1) suggest an anti-oncogenic function for the Atonal group of proneural basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Intervallic cell
  • The crucial trick is that the helix is not even: it has a significantly larger diameter in the middle than at the ends.
  • There's nothing particularly interesting about Mad Hatter, which is exactly the kind of crash-a-minute bodge you'd expect to get from throwing Helix software and Mozilla into a Linux distribution.
  • Among the shells we found a Helix of a brownish colour and of an oval form, approaching that of Bulimus. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
  • One explanation is the metal ions bind inside the dimer between the monomers of a double-helix.
  • The invisible floating universe of kisses, rising up in a sequinned aaahelix of dust and cinnamon Michael dickman | my autopsy « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • He codiscovered DNA's double helix, revealing the code of life to scientists and entrepreneurs alike.
  • They belong principally to the genera _Bulimus_, _Cyclostoma_, and _Helix_. The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
  • Quoting from Hyman [italics mine]:In [Helix pomatia] the [columellar] muscle, after leaving its origin on the columella, forks into right and left parts, of which the smaller right part sends a branch into each tentacle on that side and then loses itself in the tissues of the foot. Archive 2008-08-01
  • This involves formation of a hybrid triplex by two PNA strands and a homopurine strand of dsDNA whereas the other DNA strand is displaced from the double helix.
  • Entry tags: strange coincidences, the internet is a series of tubes if you like double helixes ... Intertribal: if you like double helixes...
  • The crystal structure reveals a novel supercoil structure in which four parallel WAT chains form a left-handed superhelix around an antiparallel left-handed proline rich attachment domain helix resembling polyproline II.
  • Three of the left-handed coiled collagen molecules form a right-handed coiled triple helix called tropocollagen.
  • They found that DNA consists of two connected twisted strands in the shape of a helix.
  • This is important because according to the theory of site-directed dichroism at least three dichroic ratios have to be known to determine the main structural parameters of the helix.
  • After ascending the helix of stairs, I sat down at my computer and pulled up the logs that Marius had sent me.
  • At a recent biology meeting, Jim Watson, codiscoverer of the double-helix structure of DNA, chided MIT's Jacks for saying the revolution in identifying driver mutations and tailoring drugs against them would yield results in 10 to 20 years. Curing Cancer
  • Moreover, a very recent analysis of the Frydman lab showed that polyQ aggregation kinetics is not solely a function of polyQ repeat length, but rather includes the critical contribution of the N-terminal 17 amino acid residues forming an amphipathic helix and promoting rapid Htt aggregation by direct modulation of Htt conformation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The narrow-curved depression between the helix and the antihelix is called the scapha; the antihelix describes a curve around a deep, capacious cavity, the concha, which is partially divided into two parts by the crus or commencement of the helix; the upper part is termed the cymba conchæ, the lower part the cavum conchæ. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 1. The External Ear
  • The population of Helix aspersa (Gastropoda: Helicidae) belongs to an intensive agricultural zone located in Brittany (northwestern France), in the polders of the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel.
  • Consistent with a structural impact of the four alanine replacements, the mutant ATPase activity showed enhanced inhibition by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, which blocks the helix-2 carboxylate. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • For threads in wood larger than about one-inch nominal diameter, it is difficult to avoid incorrect threading, especially at the start of the helix.
  • It customarily refers to the number of monomers in one turn of actin's left-handed helix.
  • Some biological molecules have the form of a helix.
  • Author Michael Burstein delves deeper into the publishing model ideas behing the recently-announced Helix webiste. June 2006
  • Toby essentially says everything that I've been thinking about the current fuss over yet another bile-o-gram from the editor of Helix, this one sent in a "professional" capacity. If you don't want anybody to know you're a racist, maybe you shouldn't say racist things.
  • Genes are segments of the DNA double helix that encode the information for making proteins.
  • It described his proposal for a different type of helical structure, which he called the helix.
  • This paper is based on the features of tooth profile and helix tolerance zone of transmission gears.
  • Part of the gene was not arranged in the double helix structure, they noticed.
  • A deeper characterization of a helix is that it is the unique curve in 3-space for which the ratio of curvature to torsion is a constant, a result known as Lancret's Theorem.
  • Assorted helix lamp socket specification are available .
  • (We are all of us, poor humankind, trapped in this double helix of deceit. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • The Double Helix Nebula is a gaseous nebula near the center of our galaxy.
  • the shape of the DNA molecule is a double helix
  • The backbone of both strands in the double helix is a chain of linked phosphate and deoxyribose molecules.
  • Cuticular matrix isolated from the astomatous cuticular membrane of a H. helix leaf.
  • The results suggest that long inverted repeats can form hairpins or cruciforms when they are located within a region of the helix backbone that is intrinsically curved, leading to large mobility anomalies in polyacrylamide gels.
  • The transmembrane helix of subunit VIIc changes its angle of inclination midway through the helix.
  • A standard endaural incision is made passing through the incisura between the root of the helix and the tragus.
  • Graves "emergent, cyclical, double-helix model of biopsychosocial systems" and their processes and patterns which, in fact, are the manner in which the human species appears to have emerged over time, with the expectation that such a dynamic will continue into the future. Don Beck on Third Tier and Spirit in SDi
  • Upon the heterodimerisation of the α − subunit with HIF-β, the transcription factor, classified as one of a group of heterodimeric basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors, is activated. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The helix shape of hair proteins discovered by Astbury later also proved to be the secret of DNA. Sidelined scientist who came close to discovering DNA is celebrated at last
  • Of course, this behavior can be attributed to deficiencies in the theory, but a more obvious explanation can be found in branching of the superhelix.
  • This paper simplifies the gear change calculation and machine adjustment in machining equiangular helix conical milling cutter with non-circular gear method.
  • If tilt is assumed to be the sole cause, the C-terminal helix of the peptide would need to be at a 300 angle with respect to the bilayer normal.
  • M. Lacaze brought back several Alpine plants, a small Helix which he had found near the summit, and copious scrawls for future croquis — his studies of the “Pins” and the The Land of Midian
  • The double flank rolling gear tester with a 2 - D helix measuring device can obtain more information about gear accuracy and manufacturing process system, so it have wider applications in the aut ...
  • The bonds are then arranged in such a way that the electron and proton are automatically ejected out of the DNA helix and back into the photolyase, presumably so it could start the cycle over again and go on to heal other sites. Medindia Health News
  • This paper is based on the features of tooth profile and helix tolerance zone of transmission gears.
  • The two DNA strands in the sample would, of course, usually relocate their partners and reform the paired double helix.
  • There are five other double helix pairs in the DNA system.
  • Mercator also produced the first globe to have rhumb lines (1541), based on his observation that a ship sailing towards the same point of the compass would follow a curve called a loxodrome (also called a rhumb line or spherical helix). Mercator, Gerardus
  • The major computational expense for the [alpha] helix prediction stage involves the calculation of accurate solvation and ionization energies for a subset of the overall oligopeptides.
  • Even the codiscoverer of the DNA double helix, Sir Francis Crick, displayed humility that is totally lacking in the present day know-alls.
  • The double helix of DNA winds about individual nucleosomes, forming a superhelix.
  • DNA is a very long molecule, composed of two strands twisted around each other to produce the famous double helix.
  • Our genetic evidence from Drosophila and previous in vitro studies of mammalian Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1, also called Math1 or Hath1) suggest an anti-oncogenic function for the Atonal group of proneural basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Archive 2009-04-01
  • • X-ray diffraction studies reveal a cylinder of water surrounding the triple-helix which is hydrogen-bonded to the hydroxyproline side-chains. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • That's possible because phonons have a wavelength which is similar in size to a DNA helix and this allows standing waves to form, a phenomenon known as phonon trapping. Ghost of a flea
  • The cell body is actually a cylinder capped at both ends by hemispheres and the radius of the flagellum helix is smaller than that of the cell body.
  • There is no common normal in the conical involute gear and the fixed chordal tooth thickness can not be measured accurately because of the coexistence of helix angle and taper.
  • Within the body of the cartilage arises a forked eminence called antihelix, which terminates in a small and short tongue called antitragus. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • In contrast to valine, the long flexible side chains of leucine or methionine would make better probes of helix-helix interfaces due to the significant differences between free and restricted line shapes.
  • This displacement allows a strong interaction with the N terminus of the repressor B helix.
  • Accustomed to midnight, the helix and the cold finger of friction.
  • These studies relied on the ability of both halothane and chloroform to effectively quench the fluorescence of W15 located in the hydrophobic core of the four- [alpha] helix bundle.
  • Instead, it attempts to charm all ages with interactive, double-helix-adorned audio-visual displays. The Scientist
  • It turns out that a helix, essentially, is a great way to bunch up a very long molecule, such as DNA, in a crowded place, such as a cell.
  • The Golgi localisation depends on a predicted amphipathic helix in the C-terminal domain of the protein, the αK-helix PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Alternatively, changes in tilt or roll angles may change the direction of the helix axis, giving rise to axial flexibility.
  • Helix perinflata, Pfr.T. umbilicata, globosa, solida, striis incrementi rugosis et lineis impressis antrorsum descendentibus decussata, isabellino-albida; spira convexo-conoidea, apice obtusa; anfr. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • The double flank rolling gear tester with a 2 - D helix measuring device can obtain more information about gear accuracy and manufacturing process system, so it have wider applications in the aut ...
  • The shape of the dna molecule is a double helix.
  • Apart from its effect on the molecular free energy, the topological constraint determines the total length and diameter of the superhelix, and hence, the volume excluded to another supercoil.
  • -- Above bright red ferruginous brown; tips of hair darker, paler beneath; ears pointed and external; edge deeply emarginated; internal edge and basal third of external surface hairy; anti-helix well developed; nasal process apparently very similar to that of _R. mitratus_ (_Kellaart_). Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Formation of these structures involves binding of a third DNA strand into the major groove of a DNA double helix.
  • In the formation of the double helix, a total of 12 rotors are restricted per base pair stack.
  • The dependence of the critical field of unwinding FLC's helix on temperature and frequency in ferroelectric liquid crystal FCS101 under ac electric field is measured.
  • DNA molecules in nature are built from two complementary strands that bind to form the double helix.
  • Serpens, the Australia- sized mainland, had one terrific harbor: the land was stretched into a mountainous rugged helix. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • The crystal structure of the Max homodimer shows it to be a parallel, left-handed, four-helix bundle with a hydrophobic core.
  • The one strand of RNA is annealed with its complementary strand of DNA, which causes the other strand of DNA to be displaced from the helix.
  • Although Concrete art is typically austerely geometrical, it is not necessarily so; Bill's sculpture, for example, often uses graceful spiral or helix shapes.
  • Upon the heterodimerisation of the α − subunit with HIF-β, the transcription factor, classified as one of a group of heterodimeric basic helix-loop-helix Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • For the abaxially coated leaves of Hedera helix the leaf drying curve also exhibits a point of inflection, though the initial decline of the transpiration rate is not as pronounced as for the uncoated leaves.
  • The Antitragicus arises from the outer part of the antitragus, and is inserted into the cauda helicis and antihelix. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 1. The External Ear
  • Do you know why in the Vatican museum the stair is a double helix? The Greatest Spiral Stairs in the World
  • In this close - up the DNA is seen as a long twisted molecular ladder, the double helix.
  • He explained the mechanical principle of the screw as a form of wedge, and he set out the mathematical characteristics of the helix.
  • A new squeezing method to assemble helix-type slow-wave structure is introduced, and a cold squeezing machine has been developed.
  • To minimize steric hindrance, each residue was rotated around an individual axis directed along the local center line of the helix.
  • The different parts of the first division, or external ear, are described by anatomists under the name of the helix, antihelix, tragus, antitragus, the lobe, cavitas innominata, the scapha, and the concha. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 376, June 20, 1829
  • In the work made of the Mollusk's cast-off clothing, I find encrusted the spindle shell of the Clausilium, the key shell of the pupa, the spiral of the smaller Helix, the yawning volute of the Vitrina, or glass snail, the turret shell of the Bulimus The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
  • DNA, which is the genetic material of chromosomes, consists of two complementary polynucleotides coiled into a double helix.
  • Helix's GMP clinical batch of L-DOS47 has been manufactured and vialed, and is currently undergoing quality control testing. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • The DNA molecule is a double helix, resembling a ladder that's been twisted along its length.
  • Swedish manufacturer Koenigsegg is also taking door design to a new level with what it calls the dihedral synchro-helix actuation system. Colin Campbell
  • A series of amino acids may be correlated to a series of codons but the logical linkage can be more like (a) create an acidic surface with the following amino acids (b) place these polar ones over there to enable an interface with another protein (c) disrupt an alpha helix with proline etc. Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
  • Consider a certain triplet in relation to the triplet which is complementary to it on the other chain of the double helix. Francis Crick - Nobel Lecture
  • They also provide an opportunity to study self-assembly of transmembrane helix bundles, a process believed to be important in the folding of membrane proteins.
  • To change to a left handed helix it must pass through a fourth dimension.
  • The cell body is actually a cylinder capped at both ends by hemispheres and the radius of the flagellum helix is smaller than that of the cell body.
  • This indicates that the alkyl chain is more effective at stabilizing the more tightly bound thiazole orange molecule in the helix.
  • A television monitor showed what was inside: a glowing ball of gas surrounded by a metal helix.
  • I already got DNA from the earprints, " he reminds everybody, -which I managed to swab nondestructively by avoiding what might be considered individual variations or potentially characteristic features such as the inferior extension of the anthelix. Predator
  • A deeper characterization of a helix is that it is the unique curve in 3-space for which the ratio of curvature to torsion is a constant, a result known as Lancret's Theorem.
  • The building blocks are chosen so that the ribbon curls into a helix.
  • Using yeast cells, the scientists studied protein molecules that have an important role in homologous recombination, which is one way that cells repair breaks in the DNA double helix. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • As many of you may have seen, we announced last week that we have entered into a license agreement with Helix Point, LLC that provides Alphatec Spine with the rights to develop and commercialize both the Helifix and Helifuse proprietary concepts for two interspinous devices to treat lumbar spinal stenosis, also known LSS. Home Page
  • The excess is carefully cut away to fabricate the helix shape.
  • Well, in the case of the Helix, finding a disk inclined at an angle to a ring would be a surprise.
  • These two ardent atheists are being honored this year on the 50th anniversary of their discovery of the double helix structure of the molecule of heredity, DNA.
  • One of the most ubiquitous metapatterns in nature—a pattern that follows the “Golden Ratio” called phi—is the universal spiral shape that appears in the trails made by subatomic particles, in the double-helix molecule DNA, in seashells, in the movement pattern of the heart, in tornadoes, in galaxies. The G.O.D. Experiments
  • The finger domains can interdigitate into the major groove of the DNA helix.
  • The DNA molecule is a double helix, resembling a ladder that's been twisted along its length.

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