
How To Use Helium In A Sentence

  • The envelope is a helium gas cell, with an air ballonet which is pressurized by a ballonet fan.
  • Tara of Helium saw it coming and leaped for the tree toward which she had been moving, and the banth realized her intention and redoubled his speed. The Chessmen of Mars
  • The most significant of these may be the use of helium-3 in spacecraft propulsion, in a fusion rocket.
  • Helium balloons embossed with the words "great car for little money" promoted Volkswagen's newest four-seater model, Up!. Auto Makers Focus on Bright Side in Frankfurt
  • Because it is chemically inert, helium was not identified on Earth until some time later, in 1895.
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  • Dynamic corneal thickness measurement contributes to the judgement of degree of corneal endothelium injury.
  • The retinal pigment epithelium, which is the outer layer of the retina, fails to carry out its function as a result of which there is accumulation of the breakdown products.
  • The cross section of the cervical tissue containing both the epithelium and stroma was exposed by shaving off layers of the embedding medium and tissue using a cryostat.
  • The relaxant activity was independent of the integrity of the vascular endothelium.
  • However, the neovascular, exudative form results in serous or hemorrhagic detachment of retinal pigment epithelium and choroidal neovascularization.
  • Shortly before the helium runs out sometime toward the end of August or beginning of September, the team plans to perform an important series of instrument calibrations.
  • The cells of this epithelium exhibit many interdigitations with the lens fibers.
  • The venous sinuses are lined not by endothelium but by specialized reticular cells, which are fixed macrophages.
  • PS Who wouldn't support nuclear fusion if they understood that one of the main byproducts is helium. The Future of Power Generation: Nuclear Fusion
  • The normal anionic charge barrier prevents protein molecules such as albumin from passing through the endothelium.
  • This is not to imply that Hydrogen Guy was being unchivalrous, letting Helium Girl handle all the hard work of mopping the parking lot with a pair of muscled thugs.
  • Episode one: lifting a house with a giant cluster of helium balloons. Times, Sunday Times
  • MRI scanners use magnetic fields which need helium gas to keep them to almost absolutely zero temperatures.
  • This particular arrangement of nucleons is unstable and so tritium readily undergoes radioactive decay to yield a helium atom.
  • Since the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen within stars gives you helium, some regions of the cosmos could easily accumulate more than their 8 percent share of helium, but, as expected, no one has ever found a galaxy with less.
  • Each tonsil has an irregular number of ingrowths of the surface epithelium known as tonsillar crypts.
  • One type tends to form surface tissues or epithelium, the other becomes mesenchyme, the tissue that holds us together and becomes blood vessels.
  • Those who attended were greeted with a splendid display of colour with helium balloons, banners and flags festooning the walls of the Glenside.
  • The team is currently studying how the urothelium, the main cell type that covers the luminal surface of the bladder, forms a highly effective barrier, and how bacteria cause urinary tract infection (UTI). Newswise: Latest News
  • In helium that occurs naturally the heavier isotope is more frequent than the lighter one by a factor of about 10 million. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2003 - Information for the Public
  • The crucial procedure of contour detection for corneal endothelium image is to segment cells from background.
  • Loose ( areolar ) connective tissue - ( in blue ) - surrounding the epithelium of tubules.
  • The vascular endothelium forms a semipermeable membrane that controls blood-tissue exchange.
  • In composition it resembles a small star, with helium and hydrogen as the main gases.
  • Few neighborhood rituals in Manhattan are more beguiling than to be present as roustabouts pump helium into the balloons that give such a childlike lift to the Macy's parade.
  • Besides being segmented, the body wall of annelids is characterized by being made up of both circular and longitudinal muscle fibers surrounded by a moist, acellular cuticle that is secreted by an epidermal epithelium.
  • The gyroscope rotors are covered with a layer of niobium, a metal that will superconduct when it is cooled by liquid helium.
  • In practice air is nowadays never used in deep diving, the nitrogen being replaced by helium, which is far less soluble in fat.
  • Once a star has burnt most of its hydrogen to helium, it starts to cool.
  • There was no association between increased fruit and vegetable consumption and vasodilator responses to sodium nitroprusside, an endothelium-independent vasodilator.
  • Air is squeezed out of the ballonets as the gas expands with increasing altitude and forced back in again as the helium contracts when the airship descends.
  • This molecule is also involved in the adhesion of neutrophils to endothelium during the inflammatory response.
  • A striking finding was a topographical relation of focal inflammation to sclerotic atrophy in areas with erosion of the epithelium.
  • The outer trophoblast cells of the released blastocyst begin to invade the epithelium, burrowing into the underlying endometrial stroma.
  • The airway wall is composed of many interrelated structural components such as epithelium, connective tissue, vessels, muscle, and mucus-secreting gland acini.
  • The team's discovery was particularly surprising because helium-3 cannot readily form a superfluid at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • —Each suprarenal gland consists of a cortical portion derived from the celomic epithelium and a medullary portion originally composed of sympatho-chromaffin tissue. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
  • Now, when an airship flies into bright sunshine, the helium heats up -- ` superheat " it's called -- and it expands, doesn't it? SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Bug-eyed, helium-voiced hambone Chris Tucker got paid $20 million to do this picture (compared to the $3 million he got for its predecessor).
  • A tubule stained to show the pink basement membrane underlying the base of the simple cuboidal epithelium. Stained with periodic acid Schiff reagent (PAS), which stains mucopolysaccharides.
  • These cellular masses, designated as the ductless glands or glands of internal secretion, have during development lost their original connection with the epithelium of the free surface.
  • The iris becomes attached to the pectinate ligament and to the endothelium of Descemet's membrane. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Although glass is not normally thought to be magnetic, magnetization of these containers seems to destroy the helium alignment, while demagnetization makes bad bottles good.
  • Although many nuclei can be fused, this subject normally refers to fusion of hydrogen isotopes deuterium or tritium to form helium.
  • The researchers were able to exploit the link between second sound and superfluidity to prove that superfluid helium - 3 and superfluid helium - 4 were present in their experiment at the same time.
  • A cryotron unit has to be immersed at all times in a bath of liquid helium at a temperature of four-point-two degrees absolute. Unwise Child
  • In circumcised males only the distal penile urethra is lined with a mucosal epithelium.
  • Helium, being honestly monoatomic, has only twice the mass of a hydrogen molecule, so its RMS and speed of sound is still pretty fast, which is why you get a high pitched voice if you inhale helium. Faster
  • In burn injuries, for example, derma cells are cultivated from epithelium cells and then grow onto the surface of the wound.
  • They were actually not looking for superfluidity, but for an antiferromagnetic phase in solid helium-3, which according to predictions was to appear below 2 mK. Additional background material on the Nobel Prize in Physics 1996
  • There have been calls to ban helium balloons, thanks to the scarcity of the gas which keeps them airborne
  • When most of the hydrogen is fused into helium, fusion stops and and gravity again takes over.
  • During the last years of his life he worked steadily on the wave mechanics of the hydrogen and helium atom.
  • —The essential parts of a villus are: the lacteal vessel, the bloodvessels, the epithelium, the basement membrane, and the muscular tissue of the mucosa, all being supported and held together by retiform lymphoid tissue. XI. Splanchnology. 2g. The Small Intestine
  • The nervous system can be divided into three functional parts: the sensory clubs or rhopalia, the conducting nerve ring, and the motor nerve net underlying the subumbrellar epithelium.
  • This is the first airship of an extensive project to develop small helium airships (one- and two-person).
  • Any gas would work, although helium's index of refraction is extremely low. Why the Moon? Here's Why. - NASA Watch
  • Although many nuclei can be fused, this subject normally refers to fusion of hydrogen isotopes deuterium or tritium to form helium.
  • Later it becomes completely separated from the celomic epithelium and forms a suprarenal ridge projecting into the celom between the mesonephros and the root of the mesentery. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
  • I was awed by the sight of a helium neon laser with its glowing discharge tube emitting an intense collimated beam of red laser light that produced an otherworldly speckle pattern. Theodor W. Hänsch - Autobiography
  • These solar gases contain a large amount of helium, the second most abundant element in the Sun.
  • It does help to distinguish mesotheliomas from reactive, proliferating mesothelium, which typically has no cytogenetic abnormalities.
  • Our chemists have never been able to understand it -- it is always in some kind of reaction no matter what they do, and still it gives off that very light gas, helium, and a heavy gas, niton, and an unaccountable amount of heat. The Black Star Passes
  • The corresponding tissue biopsies showed proliferation of pleomorphic, round to oval, and stellate cells infiltrating the bladder wall and covered by intact urothelium.
  • Objective To observe the ultrastructural changes of infundibulum epithelium of rat's oviduct during the genital cycle in rat.
  • Studies were also conducted to assess the expression of the heavy and light subunits of gamma-GCS in human pleural mesothelium and bronchial epithelium in vivo and the induction of inducible NOS by asbestos fibers.
  • The glandular epithelium resembles that seen in apocrine sweat glands.
  • Pigment epithelium-derived factor is a 50-kD protein with angiostatic and neurotrophic activities that regulates vascular development within the eye.
  • Scattered apoptosis and proliferation in the injured epithelium, lamina propria and serosa accompany the peak inflammatory cell infiltration on day 7.
  • Cool the detectors with liquid nitrogen instead of solid hydrogen or liquid helium.
  • These are lined by a thick layer of nasal epithelium surrounded by the mesenchyme of the placode.
  • Occasionally, the spindle cells invaded the sinusoids, replacing the normal endothelium.
  • Almost immediately, spectroscopists were identifying chemical elements in the stars (including, in the case of helium, an element that had not yet been found on Earth).
  • This design reduces heat leak and vaporization of liquid helium during transportation.
  • It's just the place to buy a helium-filled Dalmatian, while listening to old blokes with beards making a noise akin to a donkey being garrotted with cheese wire.
  • A series of logical steps, originally discussed as postings and comments to two blogs, led to the outcome described here of a central hypervalent atom bound on one face by a small cyclic carbon ligand, with the other free face having an interaction to a helium atom with the topological properties of a charge-shift rather than a covalent bond. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Consider the top five constituents of the cosmos, in order of their abundance: hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen.
  • Studies of helium - 3 suggest that unconventional superconductivity will be highly anisotropic, i.e. it will depend strongly on the energy and momentum of the electrons.
  • Weak immunoreactivity for NOS2 in the normoxia plus saline group was present in bronchiolar and vascular smooth muscle, bronchiolar epithelium, and Clara cells.
  • The disk is cooled primarily by conduction across the gap region, which can be filled with high-thermal-conductivity gases like helium.
  • a noble gas such as helium or neon
  • Helium is a very light gas.
  • Retinal detachment (separation of the retina from the pigment epithelium behind it) is a rarer cause of blindness.
  • The only tissues that persistently expressed CAIX protein were coelomic epithelium (mesothelium) and its remnants, the epithelium of the stomach and biliary tree, glands and crypt cells of duodenum and small intestine, and the cells located at those sites previously identified as harboring adult stem cells in, for example, the skin and large intestine. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The lowest temperatures will convert hydrogen into helium, then the next highest temperatures will convert helium into carbon, oxygen and neon largely.
  • Good pasture syndrome • Lung tissue biopsy consistent with acute lung injury characterized by interstitial and intra - alveolar organization, intra - alveolar fibrin deposition, squamous metaplasia of bronchiolar epithelium and rare fibrin thrombi associated with hemorrhage. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The pulmonary endothelium represents a very large surface area, the major part of which lies in close contact with the alveoli.
  • For example, if you use the helium balloon with the light wind kite it will fly in that period between light winds and flat calm.
  • Slide 12: EUS-guided ethanol lavage pancreatic cystadenoma Denuded epithelium ↓ cyst fluid epithelium ↓ DNA, is ↓ CEA cr os e ll n Ce 80\% ethanol Cyst fluid cyst Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • However, if a proton is added to the hydrogen atom, a new element, helium is created.
  • However, experiments in chicken have revealed that the oral epithelium can respond to inductive signals from mouse mesenchyme, leading to reactivation of the odontogenic pathway. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • I am very glad I never had to build this version of the instrument I had conceived, but I did learn a lot about what could be done, and I learned about the IRAS mission, which was to have a large helium cryostat much like the one we needed for the COBE. John C. Mather - Autobiography
  • Liquid helium boils rapidly, creating large asymmetric pressures inside the magnet cryostat. LHC Magnet Test Failure
  • This fold of epithelium is known as the epithelial sheath, and on its papillary surface odontoblasts appear, which in turn form dentin, so that the dentin formation is identical in the crown and root of the tooth. XI. Splanchnology. 2a. The Mouth
  • The cross section of the cervical tissue containing both the epithelium and stroma was exposed by shaving off layers of the embedding medium and tissue using a cryostat.
  • ObjectiveTo clone the gene of mortality factor related gene 15(MRG15) and to investigate its expression in lens epithelium cell(LEC) of normal and age related cataractous eyes.
  • The anticipation is building inside me like a helium balloon, ready to burst from all the pressure high up in the atmosphere.
  • The alimentary canal is supplied with rich plexuses beneath the epithelium, often as a superficial plexus in the mucosa and a deeper submucosal plexus. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 1. Introduction
  • The most easily attained fusion reaction involves fusing nuclei of the two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium, to make nuclei of helium.
  • The remote-controlled AirJelly is kept in the air by its helium-filled ballonet. Neat model airship
  • By in situ hybridization, MnSOD mRNA can be detected in arterioles, septal tips of alveolar ducts, endothelial cells, and in pleural mesothelium of hyperoxia-exposed rats.
  • The tumor thickness was measured with an ocular micrometer from the most superficial layer of mucosal epithelium, ulcer base, or granular layer of squamous mucosa, to the deepest invasive tumor cell.
  • This would produce helium-3 and tritium; the tritium is unstable and decays producing helium-3 which would add to that directly produced.
  • Continuing these investigations, Rutherford was able in 1919 to produce transmutations of atomic nuclei by bombarding nitrogen with helium nuclei from a radium source. Nobel Prize in Physics 1951 - Presentation Speech
  • The discovery also explains why helium is found in radioactive mineral deposits.
  • Alpha particles -- helium nuclei -- were being hurled through the tube, in which an artificial mist had been created.
  • The researchers sampled gases, or volatiles, discharged from the volcanoes, and analyzed the nitrogen and helium compositions to trace their sources.
  • The Helium filled balloons which had formed an arch of honour over the entrance gate were tied to the two coaches and accompanying cars to make for a colourful entryway.
  • In severe exposure, necrosis of the respiratory epithelium leads to formation of a pseudomembrane, bronchial plugging, and bronchopneumonia.
  • helium gas was the thermometric fluid
  • But in 1999 the project experienced major development problems when the large thermos bottle, called a dewar, which holds the supercold helium surrounding the instruments, did not cool down as quickly as expected.
  • Animals have been recovered from this state after immersion in liquid helium, absolute alcohol, brine, and ether.
  • Mutations that disrupt the signaling interactions between epithelium and the underlying mesenchyme can cause eyelid closure defects.
  • In our cases, both neoplasms were located in the lamina propria of the renal pelvis, lifting and denuding the urothelium.
  • Explanations for the cytokeratin immunoreactivity include locally entrapped mediastinal pleura or pulmonary epithelium.
  • In a two-body-problem, you can accurately predict the dateo f perihelium with a 5 seconds errors. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The lining epithelium was often eroded, and the underlying stroma showed dense infiltration by inflammatory cells.
  • We're all familiar with helium, the very light gas that makes balloons and airships float in the air.
  • They had spoken of it casually as something that would, as a matter of course, take place in the indefinite future, as, for instance, his promotion in the navy, in which he was now a padwar; or the set functions of the court of her grandfather, Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium; or Death. The Chessmen of Mars
  • However, unlike its stable family members, darmstadtium decays after a fraction of a thousandth of a second by emitting alpha particles - fast moving helium-like particles.
  • Unlike an infection, endometriosis does not damage the luminal epithelium of the Fallopian tube and thus surgery is more likely to be successful.
  • The present power consumption of Earth is 8, 500 gigawatts, equivalent to fusing 450 tons of helium-3 per year.
  • At the junction of the flowing blood and extracellular space, the endothelium is a dynamic organ that modulates local hemostasis, cell trafficking, and microcirculatory blood flow.
  • They may be recruited by injury to the epithelium and their elastases are potent mucin secretagogues that can facilitate plasma exudation.
  • Rectovaginal fistula, an abnormal epithelium-lined communication between the rectum and vagina, poses a great impact emotionally, socially, and sexually in all affected women.
  • What you're listening to is a half-cut helium-voiced midget slurring the tale of the time he and Charles Bukowski drunkenly hijacked a diesel locomotive and drove it from downtown Los Angeles to Pacoima.
  • Does it contain yet more unknown chemical elements, like helium?
  • Eventually, there will not be any hydrogen left in the center of the Sun to make helium.
  • Tony Snow was just a talking empty head at FOX News, so he has no idea how to answer questions since his cranium is filled with helium lol. Think Progress » Snow Declares Resurgence of Taliban ‘Predictable,’ Bush Previously Said It Was ‘No Longer…In Existence’
  • However, if a proton is added to the hydrogen atom, a new element, helium is created.
  • Breastfeeding does perky things to some women's statistics, but it left mine looking like two well-past-their-sell-by-date helium balloons.
  • In burn injuries, for example, derma cells are cultivated from epithelium cells and then grow onto the surface of the wound.
  • The dynamic simulation result also indicates that the trial-run scheme of helium refrigerator can be optimized and the debugging cost and time can be saved though dynamic simulation.
  • The authors conclude that patients with obstructive sleep apnea or snoring have structural abnormalities in the boundary between the subepithelium and connective tissue in the uvular mucosa.
  • Mesothelioma is a rare form of carcinoma that occurs in the mesothelium lining lungs, abdomens and hearts.
  • Although young postweaning mice regrew the epithelium without typical pre-scar melanocytes. Fight Aging!
  • The surface of the lesions was mostly ulcerated with patchy areas lined by metaplastic squamous epithelium that showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia.
  • The understanding of high temperature superconductivity, which is still not complete, has gained from concepts developed for helium-3, giving examples of the interactions that lead to pairing of particles in strongly interacting systems as well as for the symmetry of the wave function for such pairs. Additional background material on the Nobel Prize in Physics 1996
  • The bladder is wrapped in a thin coat of skin, the epithelium.
  • Similar sequential and reciprocal interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme regulate the early steps of development in all ectodermal organs.
  • As the cyst matures and moves posteriorly through the germarium, somatic cells move to surround each cyst to form a single-layered cuboidal epithelium.
  • The tiny figure sounds as though it has inhaled helium but is no less engaging for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • DARC has recently been shown to transcytose inflammatory chemokines from the basal to the luminal site of the venular endothelium. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • She completed the eight weeks of helium-hyperoxia but decided to continue in a maintenance program. Top Stories
  • It didn't boil, either; helium II is a "superfluid," so what evaporation there was had to take place evenly, all over the surface. The Forever War
  • Our piece de resistance was a helium tank to inflate Labour Party balloons.
  • The V-shaped stomach has a single-layered columnar epithelium under which, in the cardiac and fundic portion, well-developed gastric glands are present.
  • Medaka P is strongly expressed in the eyeball of embryos and adults, where melanin is produced in the choroid membrane and retinal pigment epithelium.
  • Of burnt-out stars not even cinders were left, the last scraps of helium ash evanesced like table dust on a windy day. Flinx's Folly
  • Our investigation reveals that there is constant origin of ovarian follicles from the germinal epithelium among taxa.
  • The inner face of sack was covered with a sheet of columnar epithelium where some of goblet cell were found between the columnar epithelium.
  • We found that if you add stem cells, there's a restoration of the permeability, meaning stem cells were protective -- they prevented permeability-increase in the epithelium," he said. Raw Story
  • One of helium's better-known, but less commercially important, applications is in lighter-than-air craft, such as dirigibles, and in weather and research balloons.
  • The group spent three months building the spacecraft from pieces of carved wood powered by a helium balloon. Times, Sunday Times
  • It combines easily and even explosively with every other element except helium, neon, and argon.
  • The septal neck therefore, seals the chamber and precludes the contact between the rear mantle epithelium and those wettable surfaces that contact the cameral liquid.
  • Above all, why were these chaps messing around with helium-filled contraptions, in an age of routine rocketry?
  • Histologically, each efferent duct presents a stellate luminal profile, reflecting an epithelium in which ciliated columnar cells alternate with non-ciliated cuboidal cells.
  • Now, helium based gas mixtures such as trimix are available, as is the knowledge and training that is available to enable divers to dive more safely to 70m and beyond.
  • Extraction of helium-3 from the surfaces of asteroids is not likely to compare with that from the Moon.
  • This line of argument also leads to the conclusion that the novae, planetaries and Wolf-Rayets belong not in general before the helium stars, but to another generation of stars. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • The one problem with the story of stellar nucleosynthesis as developed in the 1950s was that it could not explain where helium came from.
  • When most of the hydrogen is fused into helium, fusion stops and and gravity again takes over.
  • The epithelium of the oesophagus is the same here as in the more anterior regions described above; that of the lung rudiments is very variable in thickness, even in different parts of the same section, being in some places composed of a single layer of cuboidal or even flattened cells, in other places consisting of four or five layers of cells (not well shown in the figure). Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • Kobe Steel supplied the liquid-helium refrigerator for super-chilling the magnets close to absolute zero.
  • Conclusion:Shuanghuangbu can obviously promote the new bone and cementum formation, restrain the migration of junctional epithelium and enhance the regeneration of periodontal tissue.
  • The mass also contained cystic spaces lined by columnar epithelium, sebaceous glands, cartilage, smooth muscle, and pancreatic acini.
  • According to our current understanding, after the big bang most of the normal or baryonic material in the universe consisted of the lightest two elements, hydrogen and helium, with only trace amounts of lithium and beryllium.
  • —An arachnoidal villus represents an invasion of the dura by the arachnoid membrane, the latter penetrates the dura in such a manner that the arachnoid mesothelial cells come to lie directly beneath the vascular endothelium of the great dural sinuses. IX. Neurology. 4g. The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis
  • Typical cuboidal prostatic glandular epithelium lined most of the glands.
  • The outermost covering of the stomach is termed serosa, because it is composed of a loose fatty connective tissue containing blood vessels and nerves covered by a mesothelium, the visceral peritoneum, or mesentery.
  • An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons; it is the nucleus of a helium atom.
  • A simple turbellarian (Rhabdocoelum). m mouth, sd gullet epithelium, sm gullet muscles, d gastric gut, nc renal canals, nm renal aperture, au eye, na olfactory pit. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • The margins were expansile and located within a few millimeters of the overlying epithelium.
  • Still other universes might resemble our own cosmos more closely, but have strong forces so much stronger than ours that all their hydrogen would fuse into helium early on.
  • The cause of this delay is due to several factors such as implementation of a new enhanced protection system for the busbar and magnet splices, installation of new pressure relief valves to reduce the collateral damage in case of a repeat incident, application of more stringent safety constraints, and scheduling constraints associated with helium transfer and storage. LHC 2009 Restart
  • In hetero- and hoplonemerteans investigated there is an ECM layer situated between the vessel lining mesothelium and underlying muscle, which may be part of the general body-wall musculature or an intrinsic musculature.
  • Entoderm: the innermost germ layer of the embryo, from which are derived the epithelium of the alimentary canal and accessory structures: = endoderm and hypoblast. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Variational and Semi - classical Methods. Ground state and first excited state of helium, via the variational method.
  • B medullary tube, C chorda, C1 inner chorda-sheath, D visceral epithelium, E sub-intestinal vein. 1 cutis, 2 muscle-plate (myotome), The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • The normal esophageal cells (squamous epithelium) are sensitive to the refluxed acid and die. Cellular adaptation to toxicity
  • During the history of our universe, more helium was made because the process that drives the stars turns hydrogen into helium.
  • In composition it resembles a small star, with helium and hydrogen as the main gases.
  • Fibrin and platelet thrombi were prominent in the lumina of the vessels and in the space beneath the endothelium.
  • Helium had been notified by radio-aerogram of our approach. The Gods of Mars
  • This airship is presently pressurized with enough helium to make her fly at seven thousand feet maximum. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Data for monatomic gases like argon and helium give exact agreement, and many diatomic gases show experimental results in close accord with the theory.
  • The adventitia was stripped, and the endothelium was removed.
  • Over the next few years many types of laser were built, some using a mixture of helium and neon, others carbon dioxide or organic dyes.
  • We measured the effect of cytochalasin D mobilization of integrins on adhesion of a leukocyte cell line to both cultured endothelium and purified ligand substrates.
  • Supplies of liquid helium are an absolute necessity in many modern science laboratories.
  • Methods The morphosis of the mesothelium of the parietal pleura in rat were investigated by intrapleura injection with tracers and observed by scanning electron microscope.
  • So many guys who jump on the juice early end up looking like helium balloons before they deflate to normal size.
  • Gonadotrophin could regulate the expression and activation of STAT3 in the luminal and glandular epithelium.
  • In the Sun, the process of thermonuclear fusion converts atoms of hydrogen into helium atoms, producing radiant energy.

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