
How To Use Heliac In A Sentence

  • The Greeks and Romans, with fairly useless calendars, continued to depend upon observing the heliacal risings and settings of stars.
  • All ancient astrologers placed the greatest significance upon heliacal risings and settings and ancient Mesopotamian astrology was also heavily predisposed to observance of this kind of planetary phenomena.
  • Among listed birds and mammals are: golden eagle Aquila chrysaetus, imperial eagle Aquila heliaca, peregrine Falco peregrinus, black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus, snow leopard Uncia uncia (EN, Globally threatened), manul cat Felis manul, Mongolian gazelle Procapra guttorosa; (LR, Globally Threatened) and Altai argali Ovis ammon ammon (VU, Globally Threatened). Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
  • It is possible that all the planetary orbs originate from an early attempt to record heliacal obscurity.
  • Raptors amongst the stabilised sands include 15 breeding pairs (about a tenth of the world's population) of the Spanish imperial eagle Aquila heliaca adalberti (VU), black vulture Aegypius monachus, short-toed eagle Circaetus gallicus, booted eagle Hieraaetus pennatus, buzzard Buteo buteo, black kite Milvus migrans, black-shouldered kite Elanus caeruleus, red kite M. milvus, and hobby Falco subbuteo. Doñana National Park, Spain
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  • the heliacal rising of the Dog Star
  • the heliacal or Sothic year is determined by the heliacal rising of Sothis (the Egyptian name for the Dog Star)
  • —Swart star: the Dogstar, called swarthy because its heliacal rising in ancient times occurred soon after midsummer. Notes: Book Second. Palgrave, Francis T

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