How To Use Heightening In A Sentence

  • Her dark elf-locks shot out like the snakes of the gorgon, between an old-fashioned bonnet called a bongrace, heightening the singular effect of her strong and weather-beaten features, which they partly shadowed, while her eye had a wild roll that indicated something like real or affected insanity. Chapter III
  • Such a huge holding of southern countries' debt could amount to a de facto mutualization of euro zone debt risk, potentially heightening a political backlash in northern Europe. Reuters: Press Release
  • their heightening fears
  • In addition, the development of the public utility requires lowering the cost and heightening the efficiency.
  • Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.
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  • Almost the only material used for artificially heightening the apparent proportion of stearoptene is said to be spermaceti, which is easily recognizable from its liability to settle down in a solid cake, and from its melting at 122° Fahr., whereas stearoptene fuses at 91. 4° Fahr. Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
  • However by last weekend the inspectors had ruled out disease or environmental causes, heightening the speculation that the cattle starved to death over the long winter season.
  • The contrast against the black that he wore was nothing short of magnificent, heightening the maroon undertints of his eyes and blending smoothly into the streaks of his hair.
  • It was mid-day and I thought the stroll would be better in the evening, the softer light heightening the delicate pink of the bistorts and though there might be more people the traffic noise would be less.
  • There had been a general heightening of concern about the potential of terrorism over this summer, but no operational information that would have allowed us to have taken interdictive action against this specific event. CNN Transcript Sep 11, 2001
  • Finally, the last two polyphonic verses are expanded to a five-voice texture by the addition of a second alto, Manchicourt heightening the effect of the ‘Gloria patri’ with stretto imitative writing. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The Patten plan, detailed in a Government draft circular, risks further heightening confrontation with teachers already boycotting national curriculum tests.
  • A heightening of the students' sense of political awareness was to be avoided.
  • The diviner employs the arts dramatically, heightening all the senses, to create and highlight this radically different setting for the oracular utterance.
  • Consider therefore this pitiable Twentieth of June as a futility; no catastrophe, rather a catastasis, or heightening. The French Revolution
  • And they have done it primarily by heightening and exploiting public anxieties and apprehensions.
  • Hypnosis, hysterical strength and stigmata, sensory heightening, psychosomatics, telepathy -- such things are scorned in the scientific youth of civilizations, later accepted, when understanding has grown. A Circus of Hells
  • Almost the only material used for artificially heightening the apparent proportion of stearoptene is said to be spermaceti, which is easily recognizable from its liability to settle down in a solid cake, and from its melting at 122° Fahr., whereas stearoptene fuses at 91. 4° Fahr. Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
  • Many demographic experts attribute the declining birth rate in recent years chiefly to young people's reluctance to marry because of heightening job insecurity.
  • Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.
  • Generally, eco-labeling is beneficial, and env-PAC support increases a candidate's chance of winning an election, thereby heightening environmental support within the Senate.
  • The role of troops on the ground has been minimised to a few elite forces positioned to guide the missiles in with lasers, heightening accuracy.
  • Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.
  • Her dark elf-locks shot out like the snakes of the gorgon between an old-fashioned bonnet called a bongrace, heightening the singular effect of her strong and weather-beaten features, which they partly shadowed, while her eye had a wild roll that indicated something like real or affected insanity. Criticisms and Interpretations. V. Walter Bagehot on the Waverley Novels
  • Cars were also set alight close to Leinster House, the Irish Parliament Buildings, amid heightening violence.
  • Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.
  • Friday's letter, however, states that Thomas actually did report the sources of his wife's income until 1997, therefore heightening the inference that the justice had not "misunderstood the reporting instructions," as he asserted in January when he filed seven pages of addenda correcting his omissions over a six-year period. Clarence Thomas Assailed For Alleged Ethical Lapses By More House Dems
  • Every heightening of emotion produced for her a new effusion of beauty in visible things, and with it the sense that such moments should be lingered over and absorbed like some unrenewable miracle. The Reef; a novel
  • At most periods in the history of opera, composers have valued and exploited the scope of the chorus for complementing and heightening the functions of principals and orchestra.
  • vex," therefore, is the heightening of grieving by a provocation unto anger and indignation: which sense is suited to the place and matter treated of, though the word signify no more but to "grieve;" and so it is rendered by lupeo, Gen. xlv. Pneumatologia
  • Dreams pervade the play, giving it an illusionary quality and heightening the sense of dark hilarity that frequently has the audience hysterical with laughter.
  • Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.
  • Her face was slightly flushed, the royal blue of her gown heightening the fairness of her skin and the glow of love in her eyes.
  • In addition, the development of the public utility requires lowering the cost and heightening the efficiency.
  • The inhibitory stabilization of the membrane might be pictured as a heightening of the "resting" polarization, somewhat on the lines of an electrotonus. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • That I was born in a Christian land, of pious parents, who gave me religious instructions; brought up under faithful, lively ministers, and in religious society; exposed to few temptations but what arose from the corruptions of my own heart, are aggravations, which, perhaps, many are mourning over, as heightening the sin of unbelief in their unregenerated state. The Power of Faith Exemplified In The Life And Writings Of The Late Mrs. Isabella Graham.
  • My father, who fought in the First World War, described fear as not so much a sick feeling as a heightening of the senses.
  • The thurifer helps to engage all of our senses in prayer, heightening the solemnity of the liturgy.
  • While director Zack Snyder generally gets this offbeat material's tone just right, he occasionally juices things up from "novelistic" to "operatic" - heightening the brutality to levels that feel more inspired by visceral comics creator Frank Miller than the more thoughtful and literary Moore. Undefined
  • However, the use of gold heightening in the miniatures finds no parallel in Burne-Jones's panel paintings of the period.
  • Therefore, the year 2000 is one important milepost, though for many religious traditions it also marks a heightening of their invisibility. Warren J. Blumenfeld: Challenging The Christian Month Of December
  • The health commissioner's role was envisaged as negotiating and mediating complaints and grievances of patients and heightening professional understanding of patients' rights.
  • The Patten plan, detailed in a Government draft circular, risks further heightening confrontation with teachers already boycotting national curriculum tests.
  • His family believe that Conor, who is mildly autistic, might have taken a survival manual with him, heightening their fears that he planned climbing a mountain.
  • These days, I make more than I used to (twenty years ago) of the gender-marking of questioning and interpretation in the spectatorial drama of the Ode: a male poet, the female object he would ravish, the heightening of his aggression, and perhaps disdain, in relation to her refusals. The Know of Not to Know It: My Returns to Reading and Teaching Keats's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' -
  • This was found on a hearth contemporary with Rampart 4, which constitutes the final heightening of the rampart of the Iron Age hill-fort and its defence by timber structures, perhaps as an adulterine castle in the civil wars of Stephen's reign.
  • When the future of body modification is so scarily huge — pleasure-heightening electrodynamic touch sensors implanted in the skin, anybody? Times, Sunday Times
  • This asymmetry magnifies capital flows into emerging markets with open capital accounts, heightening upward pressure on exchange rates that are flexible and fueling inflation in economies with managed, undervalued exchange rates. Emerging Nations Reject Capital Plan

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