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How To Use Heifer In A Sentence

  • Carcass revenue increased for heavier carcasses and steers had a higher value relative to heifers.
  • He rears the bull calves to a year-and-a-half and the heifer calves to two-year-olds.
  • Successful first breeding and calving of the heifer is only part of a successful replacement strategy.
  • Then Zeus changed the maiden into a heifer, to save her from the anger of Here, but presently Here learned that the heifer was the maiden whom she hated, and she went to Zeus, and said, Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • − 92-95% of heifer calves born to twin to a bull − Female organs develop, but are male-like − Commonly seen with enlarged vulva, and long vulva hairs; but some born with no external clues − Virtually always sterile Genetic Upsets − Most common is "hermaphroditism" − Recently Uploaded Slideshows
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  • Rodney R. Land of Land Dairy in Mayo Florida sold a dairy cow for food with 0.2 parts per million (ppm) of sulfamethazine in her liver tissue and Michael D. Martin of Martin Feed Lot in Harrisburg, Illinois sold a beef heifer for food with a walloping 38.855 ppm of sulfamethazine in her liver as well as 0.1781 ppm of flunixin, say other letters. Main RSS Feed
  • There was very little difference in the top prices being paid for beef bullocks and heifers at Kilkenny Mart where there were over 1,200 head on offer.
  • Never come between an excitable cow/heifer and her calf and never ever turn your back on a nervous animal in a small space.
  • Male calves resulting from these matings express a higher incidence of dystocia than heifer calves because male calves are gestated longer and have considerably larger birthweights.
  • They raise their own replacement heifers and sell their bull calves to another organic farmer nearby.
  • This cow, from the broad horned Norfolk breed and sired by a bull of the Bakewell breed, was considered extraordinarily fine and became known as ‘The Westbrook Heifer.’
  • This dietary effect on reproductive hormone metabolism may be especially influential to the peripubertal heifer, such as those used in this study.
  • The important thing is to thrust the banderilla into her - forgive the bullfighting image - to see where the bull will lead us or, should I say, the young heifer. The Shadow of the Wind
  • I screwed up and let an unbred heifer into the same pen as the young bulls, and the reaction was immediate. Breathe deep, me hearties! | Letter Never Sent
  • Sustainable cowherds require replacement of cull cows either internally via raised heifers or externally with purchased females.
  • The kill of heifers was up 3% at 431,901 head and cull cows were 4% higher at 335,008 head.
  • Dry cows and in calf heifers can easily be managed inside as maintenance requirements are relatively low and can easily be met.
  • Disturbed by Lewis's examination of her newborn, the heifer mooed unhappily.
  • Inside the milking parlor, Lifeline milker Clint Weidkamp coaxes a new heifer into the first of four stalls.
  • Two stories and a side shed provide space for calving heifers, storing wagons, and fixing equipment.
  • Some producers concentrate solely on cows, hiring other farmers to custom raise heifers.
  • Steers and heifers make good beef and the conformation could be described as a dairy type with extra flesh.
  • Magistrates, priests, agents, middlemen, tax-gatherers, and tax-payers rush into print to abuse the 'blackguard' -- he is always the blackguard -- who invented the lie; and men upwards of ninety are quoted to show that so long as they could remember, there never was a man injured, nor a rick burned, nor a heifer hamstrung in the six baronies round! Lord Kilgobbin
  • One day when my grandsire was a young lad he was playing with some other children on the pastures near the shore, when all of a sudden what should they see among their own cows but a fine young dun-colored heifer without any horns. The Scotch Twins
  • Steer and heifer prices remained firm throughout the week, however, young bull prices weakened slightly.
  • Dry cows and in-calf heifers will suffer no loss from a couple of weeks indoors.
  • The growth of the super dairies with 1,000 cows or more has created a good market for springers - replacement heifers due to calve soon.
  • In all 12 heifers and 12 bull calves have qualified for the final.
  • During spring, the heifers grazed crested wheatgrass and native sagebrush.
  • This is a little Holstein heifer--Holstein is a breed of milk cow and a heifer is a female--she will grow up to be the sweet little bovine with the brown eyes and the cud chewing and the patient waiting for milking..... Archive 2008-12-01
  • English has cattle, cows, bulls, bullocks, heifers, steers, oxen, and a few more [and spot who has never been good on where ox ends and oxen begin].
  • The punched out bullocks are continuing to sell well while the forward quality bullocks and heifers are also continuing to meet with strong demand.
  • Rows and rows of cows and heifers, their moos resounding within the school walls, were tethered to makeshift stalls.
  • Therefore, it was impossible to replace the heifers because of the lack of grazing forages.
  • Both systems have utility in managing reproduction of beef and dairy heifers.
  • With bred heifers going at sixty dollars a hundred pounds, it just takes three of'em to make you a grand larceny. THE FALLEN MAN
  • This was costly, and the heifers often failed when the high level of feed inputs were taken out of the system.
  • We drafted out all the worst and weediest of the cattle, besides all the old cows, and when we counted the mob out we had nearly eleven hundred first-rate store cattle; lots of fine young bullocks and heifers, more than half fat — altogether a prime well-bred mob that no squatter or dealer could fault in any way if the price was right. Robbery Under Arms
  • The demand for stronger beers and spirits lead to a lucrative trade during which Portuguese traders and Kavango people exchanged a bag of brown sugar for a heifer.
  • Regardless of the production environment, it is clear that the need for proper management and nutrition programs does not end when the yearling heifer becomes pregnant.
  • Sucklers hit a high of £818 going to M Mackin for a Limousin heifer and bull calf.
  • But at that time let me have a shady rock and wine of Biblis, a clot of curds and milk of drained goats with the flesh of an heifer fed in the woods, that has never calved, and of firstling kids; then also let me drink bright wine, sitting in the shade, when my heart is satisfied with food, and so, turning my head to face the fresh Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • In many cases it paid the highest price across the various grades of steers, heifers and cows.
  • Lower throughput did not ease the pace of price reduction, which was maintained, with a further 1p/lb knocked off the average paid for R3 bullocks and heifers.
  • It is better to fail to achieve conception with the yearling than to fail with the second calf heifer.
  • A national average of 91.5c/lb was paid for R4L bullocks, while R4L heifers averaged 92.3c/lb.
  • Compared with the HPS, more weaned heifers and fewer bred yearlings were sold when heifer development costs were increased.
  • Treatment heifers had access to unlimited amounts of ungrazed forage prior to calving and were fed a different supplement.
  • Inside the milking parlor, Lifeline milker Clint Weidkamp coaxes a new heifer into the first of four stalls.
  • What about all those wonderfully attractive polled Angus two and a half year old heifers and steers, cut off in their prime to provide hamburgers for left wingers?
  • Also, heifers that conceive earlier in their first breeding season calve earlier and wean heavier calves.
  • The heifers were not treated differently after delivering the first calf.
  • While he held his machine steady and followed the sprinting animals, the on-board sniper darted the last two heifers and the helicopter winched them back to dry land.
  • Pheifer manages several accounts for the ad agency.
  • After the firm who supplied the drench paid out compensation, Jim went to a stud breeder and asked to buy a heifer for the same amount.
  • One hundred maiden heifers are entered for the sale ranging in age from 15 to 20 months.
  • The cull heifer prices used were for 1999, the cull cow for 2000, and the calf price for the first calf was for 2000.
  • A crowd of 'jibbing' heifers encircled her on all sides, while a fat porker, Penelope's Irish Experiences
  • All heifers received routine health management, which included deworming and vaccination for clostridial and respiratory diseases.
  • We drafted out all the worst and weediest of the cattle, besides all the old cows, and when we counted the mob out we had nearly eleven hundred first-rate store cattle; lots of fine young bullocks and heifers, more than half fat -- altogether a prime well-bred mob that no squatter or dealer could fault in any way if the price was right. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • A bull calf is typically worth about $100, but a heifer of the same age and breed is usually worth at least three times more.
  • Send yearlings to the feedlot early and curtail replacement heifer production for a year.
  • Pheifer manages several accounts for the ad agency.
  • Cows and newly calved heifers are immune to gutworms and very rarely show any signs of infection.
  • Results of preconditioning steers and heifers are similar.
  • The comparison was with a pregnant heifer purchased in the same fall.
  • 'What do you call a heifer in a number-seven football jersey carrying an M-16 assault rifle?' he asked the assembly, pitching a gag he'd heard on Off The Ball. Be My Enemy
  • What makes the red heifer so interesting is that it is beyond human comprehension.
  • Their efforts were rewarded when, fifteen minutes later, Blossom took the blue rosette for ‘Best Jersey Heifer’.
  • I doubt whether fine moral judgements are that convincing to a heifer awaiting its death.
  • Pregnant heifers were rotated on native range pastures during the dormant season.
  • In a few cases, one in ten or twelve, a heifer born as twin to a bull calf will be normally fertile, but these odds are such that stockbreeders discourage breeding for the trait of mixed-sex twins.
  • A certain man at his death left his son, then a child, a cow-calf, which wandered in the desert till he came to age; at which time his mother told him the heifer was his, and bid him fetch her, and sell her for three pieces of gold. The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
  • Her calf, a heifer, will be given as a gift to another family.
  • Bigger sale last week with a big number of dry cows and heifers on offer.
  • He needs to get betrothed fast and naturally he wants his little heifer to be rich.
  • Dyer IA, Koes RM, Herlugson ML, Ojikutu LB, Preston RL, et al. (1980) Effect of avoparcin and monensin on performance of finishing heifers. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Through serendipity and the community coming together, they were able to pull together a team of 14 people to take care of 30 chickens to form Eastside Egg Co-op, along with the help of a Heifer International grant at the nonprofit education-based Zenger Farm. Rebecca Gerendasy: Community Egg Co-op
  • In the current experiments, no relationship was observed in Angus × Simmental steers and heifers.
  • An auction sale in Perth last week was the largest in modern times of the tough native breed, and drew record prices, with a three-year-old heifer going for 1,400 guineas.
  • In a few cases, one in ten or twelve, a heifer born as twin to a bull calf will be normally fertile, but these odds are such that stockbreeders discourage breeding for the trait of mixed-sex twins.
  • In contrast, Kastelic et al. monitored inseminated yearling heifers for signs of pregnancy.
  • There was a farmer who rang in with a heifer that was very tottery on its feet and salivating.
  • It's not unlike a 4-H competition of prize heifers, except the women weigh less and get to go to fancy resorts.
  • These heifers guarantee high quality progeny that will grade well and will be sought after by the marketplace.
  • "She's a baggage, is that Rose Watson," she said, addressing a vagrant black-beetle in the kitchen which she had failed to squash, "with no more heart than a dead heifer."
  • Later, in the classical period, heifers sacrificed to Dionysos at Tenedos were slaughtered with a double-axe.
  • One heifer was later found as a freemartin and, therefore, was excluded from the trial.
  • A heifer is a different story, a cause for celebration. The Dirty Life
  • They brought with them 350 ewes, 45 wethers, ten bullocks, six heifers, one bull, four horses, and a number of goats and some poultry.
  • Steer and heifer prices remained firm throughout the week, however, young bull prices weakened slightly.
  • Another innovative way Midwest is providing service to members with dairies is through a heifer-replacement program.
  • Send the maiden out to join her father, for the lustral water stands there ready, and barley-meal to scatter with the hand on the cleansing flame, and heifers to be slain in honour of the goddess Artemis, to usher in the marriage, their black blood spouting from them. Iphigenia at Aulis
  • After sorting, pens of heifers were reweighed, processed, and moved to their home pen.
  • There was a numerical trend for correlations to be higher for yearling bulls and lower for preharvest heifers.
  • 12 BRED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, bred Holstein, weighing 1250lb., due to calf 9-15. Undefined
  • I drew nigher without being perceived, and the light still holding, saw that 'twas a young stirk or heifer the man was disembowelling. Border Ghost Stories
  • 75% of the female population, including unjoined heifers, will attend, with nourishment.
  • Allocating grass on a 36 or 48-hour basis will allow cows and heifers to be fully fed most of the time.
  • The development costs for all heifers were adjusted by the income from the sale of cull heifers.
  • On display will be the cream of the 2003 bull and heifer calves that have qualified at various regional shows throughout the summer.
  • Trade was stronger at the top for R4L grade heifers with nine factories paying over 93c/lb.
  • A greater percentage of first-calf heifers required assistance at calving and were calved in a smaller lot, thus increasing the opportunity for additional stress and scours on their calves.
  • Heiferman began at the pace of a runaway horse, and his frenzy only increased as he continued.
  • These bulls produce heifers/cows that are above average in their milking ability, calving ease and fertility than the average bull in their breed.
  • The heifers were kept in outdoor pens with fence-line bunks and dirt floors.
  • Hereford crossbred heifers with calf at heel £1,400.
  • Heifer growth is tracked as carefully as milk production to maximize heifers available for replacements and herd growth without reducing first lactation milk production.
  • At the beginning of the week local animals were stampeded and traumatised and as a result one cow - a heifer, died.
  • A fine roan heifer was nibbling casually at a rackful of hay while a strapping calf sucked at her udder. Every living thing
  • He sells heifers as yearlings, finishes the bullocks and also has 20 ewes.
  • The Deil, or else an outler quey, [unhoused heifer] Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • Not even the breachiest of breachy young heifers could be expected to tinkle a cowbell with such briskness. The Escape of Mr. Trimm His Plight and other Plights
  • Five young hoggs, two red kyne, one red heifer two years old, one bay gelding lame of spavins, one old grey mare having a mare colt. The Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3)
  • A police car containing marksmen was used to try and herd the heifer towards the river, but it continued its rampage.
  • The decline in prices for bullocks and heifers eased with the mean for R4L down 5c/kg.
  • Therefore, a replacement heifer must be developed at a total cost that is less than the future value.
  • Inside the milking parlor, Lifeline milker Clint Weidkamp coaxes a new heifer into the first of four stalls.
  • The heifers stand in a line feeding from a long buffet on the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • “You do like the bull does with the heifer, only frontways, if you want to.” The Lonesome Dove Series
  • Therefore, based on forage availability, the performance of heifers grazing pastures on the corn treatment would not have been limited because of standing herbage mass.
  • There was further upward movement in beef prices at factories last week, particularly in the return for poorer grading animals and more in favour of heifers than bullocks.
  • He also received second place for his heifer in calf and second for his calf bull.
  • A young heifer with a bit o' stomach trouble, ah think.
  • Very often those calved heifers fail to go back in calf easily and become late calvers the following season.
  • The trade eased back a little this week, but there are still strong prices being paid for the quality weanling bulls, and good shipping demand for the heifers.
  • And He said to him, Bring Me a three-year-old heifer and a three-year-old female goat and a three-year-old ram and a turtledove and a young pigeon.
  • Another reason for separating bulls and heifers is to prevent young heifers becoming pregnant.
  • Immediately a wild heifer charged the group. Christianity Today
  • In the future, the lab's work with hormones and genetics may help ranchers and breeders help their heifers even more.
  • However, the primiparous heifer that is open is likely to bring cull cow price or a price at least between the cull cow and an open yearling.
  • The sale consists of quality in-calf, maiden and weaning breeding heifers.
  • In keeping with the Heifer philosophy, loan repayments will go to buy livestock for farmers in Africa.
  • The heifers were subsequently weighed at the beginning and end of the breeding season.
  • Although the lack of response in performance of heifers fed tylosin during the growing period was unexpected, it is not unique.
  • As the pasture in which Black Bruin had committed his depredation was a mile from the settler's house and not often visited except to salt the young stock kept in it, the real offender was not discovered, although it was apparent to the farmer that the heifer had been attacked by some wild beast. Black Bruin The Biography of a Bear
  • Yearling cattle, heifers and dry cows could be used to follow finishing cattle to clear off paddocks that have dried out.
  • Beef cattle sold included steers, heifers not kept for replacements, and market bulls and cows.
  • The odd occurrence happened when farmer Vic Phillips, 27, mated his Aberdeen Angus bull Eric with a Simmental heifer, called Jemima. Cow Gives Birth To Twins Of Different Breeds | Impact Lab
  • The trade was very lively with in-calf and maiden heifers selling very well.
  • Heifers also meet with good demand and the trade for suckler cows and calves was ‘exceptional’.
  • You do like the bull does with the heifer, only frontways, if you want to. Lonesome Dove
  • After the Exodus, red heifers were part of the sacrifices given unto the Levites to perform.
  • During winter, the heifers grazed dormant crested wheatgrass and were supplemented with wheat middlings and alfalfa hay.
  • On the beef side, prices for last week showed no change from the previous week for bullocks and heifers.
  • In order of preference, dry cows and heifers will suffer no setback through being indoors for a couple of weeks.
  • Heifers were randomly allocated to all six pastures of Location 2 and two pastures each of wheatgrass and bromegrass at Location 1.
  • Following ammoniated wheat straw feeding, heifers were stratified by BW and assigned randomly, beginning on May 12, to one of four grazing treatments.
  • A heavy penalty for cattle over 30 months is commencing to bite into the prices at the marts for finished beef animals - both bullocks and heifers.
  • If someone sold a 6-9 month old heifer at the sale barn I would assume they were intended as feeders, but how would they know (unless they knew they were twins to bulls) that they were freemartins at that young an age?
  • There were one hundred and thirty lots in all from bull calves, and heifer calves.
  • We therefore implemented a new system, whereby all our newly-calved heifers are milked immediately for their colostrum.
  • The Keri is better: "a heifer threshing"; the strongest were used for threshing, and as the law did not allow their mouth to be muzzled in threshing (De 25: 4), they waxed wanton with eating. bellow as bulls -- rather, "neigh as steeds," literally, "strong ones," a poetical expression for steeds (see on [994] Jer 8: 16) [Maurer]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Heifers are females before they become mothers; after that, they're called cows.
  • Heifers were randomly assigned into one of 28 pens (six heifers per pen and four pens per treatment) and fed for 42 d. Feed for each treatment was individually batched and delivered at approximately 0900 h each morning.
  • Steers and heifers make good beef and the conformation could be described as a dairy type with extra flesh.
  • For young stock and replacement heifers, Keenan have developed a simple feeding system based on ad-lib straw fed with a 21% crude protein balancer.
  • They raise their own replacement heifers and sell their bull calves to another organic farmer nearby.
  • There were no calving problems except with one set of twins (a bull and heifer calf).
  • During winter, the heifers grazed dormant crested wheatgrass and were supplemented with wheat middlings and alfalfa hay.
  • If possible, heifers should be trained to lie in cubicles before entering the main herd, as first calved heifers are a very vulnerable group for lameness.
  • A total of 192 heifer calves (three trials) were purchased during a 2-to 3-wk period from local stockyards.
  • At the factories, Mr. Bryan said agents were finding it more difficult to get under 30 month steers and beef heifers were also in scarce supply and strong demand.
  • There was also a bigger sale at Bandon Mart yesterday, where the trade for bullocks was maintained, heifer prices improved and dry cows also traded well.
  • An evaluation of the economics of heifer development revealed that the pregnancy rate for yearling heifers may not be as important as the pregnancy rate of the 2-year old.
  • He sells heifers as yearlings, finishes the bullocks and also has 20 ewes.
  • the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring
  • a parturient heifer
  • And they rear bullocks to beef, selling their heifers at around 18 months.
  • They brought with them 350 ewes, 45 wethers, ten bullocks, six heifers, one bull, four horses, and a number of goats and some poultry.
  • Heifers had more desirable yield and quality grades than steers.
  • During the supplemental portion of all trials, heifers were maintained in 0.2-ha pens.
  • Rows and rows of cows and heifers, their moos resounding within the school walls, were tethered to makeshift stalls.
  • As donor of the heifer and celebrant of the public feast, Sulla bent to catch some of the blood in the skyphos, a special vessel belonging to Hercules. Fortune's Favorites
  • For young stock and replacement heifers, Keenan have developed a simple feeding system based on ad-lib straw fed with a 21% crude protein balancer.
  • The heifer realised £258 and the bull £305.
  • The heifer beat off stiff competition from nine other heifers and eighteen bulls to win the prestigious award.
  • However, the problems of the steers, heifers and cow trade have been completely ignored and farmers simply are not making money.
  • In the beef trade, the official returns for last week have shown little change in the average prices for bullocks and heifers, but some low prices are being paid at the bottom of the league for both categories.
  • These men drilled a long time on what they called a heifer dance -- a beautiful spectacular, and highly moral and instructive quadruped clog, sirloin shuffle, and cow gallop, to the music of a piano-forte. Remarks
  • Twenty years ago, he became interested in the origins of the word ‘heifer’, and began collecting a bibliography on the subject.
  • The two scrub cows that came with the place I sold to the butcher for thirty dollars each, paying two hundred and fifty for two blue-blooded Jersey heifers ... and coined money on the exchange, while Calkins and the rest went right on with their scrubs that couldn't give enough milk to pay for their board. CHAPTER III
  • Gianna heard Bubbles, who sat directly behind her, mumble something derogatory in response to being called a heifer. Stealing Candy
  • Using the bags, De Vries can make sure the lower protein haylage goes to the less productive cows or heifers.
  • Beef bullocks were up 10 / head and store heifers were dearer by 10-15 / head.
  • Official factory prices for beef last week show there was very little change from the previous week for bullocks or heifers, with just a slight firming of the prices by less than a half penny per lb in most categories.
  • All heifers received routine health management, which included deworming and vaccination for clostridial and respiratory diseases, pasturella, leptospirosis, and vibriosis.
  • When a new heifer comes in to milk, we halter and tie her tight to one of the large, heavy U-bolts cemented against the wall in our tie stall barn.
  • Kids get some as they grow, but the ‘teenagers’ - caprine heifers - get none until the last few weeks of pregnancy.
  • Two stories and a side shed provide space for calving heifers, storing wagons, and fixing equipment.
  • It transpired that the cow was Isobel, a three year old jersey heifer owned by Odds Farm Park, just outside Wycombe.
  • We conclude that the producer need not be greatly concerned about first calf pregnancy rates if enough yearling heifers are exposed to provide adequate, pregnant first-calf heifers.
  • A simple ration based on ad-lib straw with a protein balancer can be fed to young stock and replacement heifers and this will help preserve grazing.
  • On the ranch, yearling heifers, 2-year-old cows, and 3-year-old cows are all managed separately.
  • The heifer calves were from crossbred cows sired by Eimousin bulls.
  • And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
  • Meantime Eros passed unseen through the grey mist, causing confusion, as when against grazing heifers rises the gadfly, which oxherds call the breese. The Argonautica
  • He said one of his heifers was so frightened by the choppers it leapt a five-foot wire fence and ran down a main road.
  • The Holstein heifer has one neck and two ears – but also four eyes, two noses and two mouths. Blinkie The Two-Headed Calf | Impact Lab
  • A simple ration based on ad-lib straw with a protein balancer can be fed to young stock and replacement heifers and this will help preserve grazing.

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