How To Use Hegel In A Sentence

  • So Hegel carefully distinguishes between the underlying principles of the Persian and the Roman empires.
  • In Hegelian aesthetics, the sacred art of the sublime can only be the art of poetry.
  • Whereas Hegel uses the dialectic to trace the development of the Geist, Marx would apply it to the development of Capital.
  • Like Hegel, Adorno criticizes Kant's distinction between phenomena and noumena by arguing that the transcendental conditions of experience can be neither so pure nor so separate from each other as Kant seems to claim.
  • Echoes of the subsequent post-Hegelian criticisms of Kantian transcendental philosophy are found in the early work of Horkheimer and Marcuse.
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  • Idealists like Hegel and Fichte emphasized that our activities shape the way we see the world.
  • Bauer's late critique assimilated Hegel with Spinoza and the metaphysics of substance, understood as the negation of form and subjectivity.
  • In a more limited sense, Piaget, like Hegel, is attempting to transform Kantian ontology into a dialectical movement.
  • I remember coming across "sublate" in some English-language discussion of Hegel. SUBLATE.
  • His theory of place and time as defining structures of the mind anticipates Kant, his dialectical reasoning prefigures Hegel.
  • Hegel, for example, while not defending war, observed that it was the nursery of the heroic virtues.
  • To circumvent this difficulty, Hegel reformulates the problem of necessity as pertaining to the structuration of consciousness.
  • There are sequels to Treasure Island, Kim, and even Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.
  • Your Nietzsche, your Hegel, your Jaspers, your Heidegger, your Husserl, your Kierkegaard, and your Dostoevski were the clues. THE OUTSIDER
  • I term this propensity to get used to things given the right conditions, psychological dialecticism - which I believe unites the Marxians and Hegelians. Asian
  • But art history with its Hegelian roots has long been multifaceted and tensive; its dissonance is its strength.
  • Both Nietzsche and Hegel recognize the need to work out their philosophies within, and in response, to culture.
  • The question was, indeed, broached by the greatest thinkers among the great Greeks; howeer, their answer was always with reference to the presencing of the present Anwesen des Anwesenden, and the ambiguity contained in this "twofold," the tragic flaw contained in this failure to make what Heidegger calls the "ontological difference" was to haunt western thought concerning the tiny word "is" from Parmenides' famous maxim to the "is" of Hegel's speculative propositions. Enowning
  • To get to this, we will take a quick detour through a Hegelian conception of language.
  • For instance, when these churchmen again profess and put their signatures to those anti-liberal documents, then we know that they too have got out of their Hegelianism. His Lordship Gives an Update
  • The antinomic procedure was extravagantly devel - oped by Fichte and Hegel, Hegel complaining that ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON
  • In discussing Hegel, Voegelin also brands him a "Gnostic, " and then offers the following: "Gnosis desires dominion over being; in order to seize control of being the Gnostic constructs his system.
  • Seeing the "way" of reason -- its "cunningness" -- is one of those insights only visible to astute observers, according to Hegel, at the end of history. The Full Feed from
  • Many of the aphorisms having to do with the Fall, suffering and redemption show a progressivist chiliastic or even quasi-Hegelian structure culminating in some aspect of the coincidentia oppositorum, the final freedom promised by man's release from the prison of the principle of contradiction. Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites
  • Whilst Marx disputed with Hegel's dialecticism and counterposed it with Historical Materialism - putting it simply, that economic conditions determined consciousness, ideas, economic evolution, etc - I felt that Hegel was not wrong, but that his perspectives could be said to describe particular stages of socio-psychological development in the course of socio-economic evolution. Asian
  • The point of Hegel's critique is that there is more to the word ‘is’ than predication: the copula contains the implication that it identifies subject and predicate, rather than merely asserting that the predicate belongs to the subject.
  • Then, in a kind of mockingly Hegelian negation of negation, the very dimension of otherness is cancelled: one does it with oneself. The new feminists: lipstick and pageants
  • Kierkegaard wished to demonstrate that the Hegelian metaphysic, considered on its own and judged in terms of its declared ambition to afford a comprehensive account of reality, was in point of fact flawed, and irreparably so.
  • For Geist (in Hegel's sense) to come into play this self-development needs to be connected to the national culture of Germany.
  • Where in Hegel the castrated Cybele is the emptiness that distracts, in Schelling she is the fullness that excites an attack in the form of a ritualistic consumption of her body. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • Who was it—Feuerbach, Hegel, or simply every German philosopher there has ever been—who accused the Jews of being aniconic to their soul, eschewing the concrete because they would not envision God other than abstractly? Kalooki Nights
  • For Hegel, the lyric poet can only ever be an unhappy consciousness condemned to irony, a self-seeker simultaneously the agent of self-displacement.
  • At present we are too entangled in the old conception to assess Hegel's claim.
  • From Hegel the term apparently entered the vocabulary of different systems and intellectual movements, although the ground had been prepared gradually for this absorption through the scattered ideas analyzed before. VOLKSGEIST
  • The logic of value can only constitute a necessity in the sense in which Hegel presents necessity.
  • Both are brief and although the criticisms of Hegel are clearly intelligible, the statements constituting the “new philosophy” are often rhetorical and aphoristic, which is one of the reasons they are often judged to be unsatisfactory as philosophy. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach
  • It looks like they're on their way to finding a Hegelian synthesis.
  • Taking his cue again from Blake rather than Hegel, Prynne argues that contrariety is not the same thing as opposition.
  • Goethe, the author of Faust and many other diverse works, was a major force; his work influenced philosophers such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Cassirer, Jung and Wittgenstein. Dr. Larry Dossey: Spiritual Living: Why We Need Empathic Science
  • Hegel's philosophy will be examined in detail in Chapter 4.
  • Ibsen would be a classicist, a romantic, a Scribean, a realist, a symbolist, not to mention a Hegelian and a feminist, before he would be an apocalyptic.
  • Thus Hegel, deviating from the ordinary usage of language, distinguishes morality [moralität] from customariness [sittlichkeit], conceiving the former as the merely subjective and individual morality, and the latter as civic or social morality. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • Thus the problem is clearly of escaping relativism and historicism without denying the historical origin of our existence and thought (Hegel).
  • Comprehending Hegelian theory of tragedy must join together his philosophy thought.
  • Saaledes hører jeg allerede en af Fjenden købt forræder råbe, idet han udskriger teksten for at iklæde sig dans og roser, mens den i virkeligheden er grobund for Hegels Panteistiske dragesæd. Blogbot - forsiden
  • Like other closed systems of thought, Hegel's philosophy avails itself of the dubious advantage of not having to allow any criticism whatsoever.
  • By using the concept of perichoresis, Moltmann moves away from a Hegelian understanding of the trinity as a dialectical development in history (Cooper 2006, 251). Panentheism
  • Oedipus, Antigone and Socrates were the tragic figures mainly - concerned by Hegel.
  • Hegel's philosophy will be examined in detail in Chapter 4.
  • It is, in the first place, a polemic against the deifying of the social order, which can happen with or without Hegelian philosophy.
  • Further, it is a key passage for understanding the diremption - meaning the tearing apart, or violent separation from all former historical notions of the human condition so characteristic of modern existence - at the foundation of Hegel's enterprise: Latest Articles
  • Paradoxical, the spectacle of this disciple of Kojève, fed on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and on the prosopopeia of the Idea, reproaching others for their excessive idealism. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part IV)
  • Marx took the Hegelian dialectic and placed it on a materialist base.
  • Furthermore, when one examines the dominant theories offered to justify copyright-from Lockean labor to Hegelian personhood to utilitarian theories-no justification for descendible copyright is found. Desai on the history of the role of heirs in copyright
  • The Hegelian dialectic attempts to grasp the totality of the system and argues that change occurs as a result of contradictions internal to that system.
  • So Hegel's objection to the organon theory of knowledge presupposes just what this theory calls in question: the possibility of absolute knowledge.
  • As a point of departure only, I will lean on Hegel's trichotomy without thereby concurring with his application of it to specific philosophical questions. The Inerrancy of Ecclesiastes 9:2-6
  • Even Hegel has a vogue from time to time, though he is famous for being impossible to read.
  • At Jena, Hegel published a long pamphlet on the differences between the philosophies of Fichte and Schelling: in every case, in his opinion, Schelling's view was to be preferred.
  • So Hegel's trichotomy reveals itself to be inadequate, even if it was a useful point of departure. The Inerrancy of Ecclesiastes 9:2-6
  • Marvin Harris was a brilliant, formidable critic of everyone who flirted with neo-Kantian philosophical idealism and mentalist definitions of social phenomena, from Hegel to Weber and Parsons.
  • Peirce's Hegelianism, which he increasingly professed as he approached his most mature philosophy, is more difficult to understand than his Kantianism, partly because it is everywhere intimately tied to his entire late theory of signs (semeiotic) and sign use (semeiosis), as well as to his evolutionism and to his rather puzzling doctrine of mind. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • He reckons that Hegel becomes ensnared in dilemmas and contradictions.
  • It is a Kantian conception that was then historicized by Hegel.
  • In the context of the pervasive nineteenth century idealism of Hegel, Kant and their epigones, this axiomatic statement was anything but banal.
  • Apparently, then, Hegel is extending a notion of full autonomy to the sphere of love-making.
  • Yet Marx's original position was not deter - minist: it was avowedly a radical version of Hegelian - ism, in which the self-alienated God of Hegel's Phe - nomenology became self-alienated productive man. DETERMINISM IN HISTORY
  • To demand free sexuality as proof of freedom and ‘inwardness’ is in Hegel's eyes sophistry, serving the exploitation of women.
  • It was precisely his insistence upon the importance of personal decision, direct and unmediated by artificial ratiocination, that lay at the root of his rejection of Hegel.
  • What is strikingly interesting and appropriate is that Marx's surpassing of Hegel on this matter is a simultaneous retention and is, therefore, a true sublation.
  • That is, Hegel falls into what might be called "actualism" or the thesis that the being of entities is exhausted by their manifestation in actuality. Larval Subjects .
  • Hegel is one of the great theorists of tragedy since Aristotle.
  • Bauer argued that while the Critique of Judgement attempted to bridge thought and being, and thus opened the way to Hegel, it reproduced the antinomies characteristic of the first two critiques.
  • The spiritual nature of matter as the Alma Mater, which serves as the alchemical framework of Hegel 's dialectical idealism, is the sublation (Aufhebung) of raw inchoate matter by which it becomes what it always already potentially is: Geist or Spirit. Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • An alternative, dialetheic account of motion, which takes at face value the aforementioned Hegelian idea that “Something moves, not because at one moment it is here and another there, but because at one and the same moment it is here and not here, because in this ˜here™, it at once is and is not”, is exposed in Priest, 1987, Ch. 12. Dialetheism
  • To put it in terms of Hegel's own image: to understand God's eternal essence before the creation of the world is to understand the basis on which the world was created.
  • In Hegelian phraseology the State is the reality of which justice is the ideal.
  • Hegel develops his rational ontology of gender within a logic of oppositions.
  • The Gedankenexperiment the thought experiment that Hegel's idealistic philosophy could cause real violent political repercussions might be considered excessive. The Full Feed from
  • Follow the path of sublation all the way to the absolute with Hegel. Athens of the South
  • The Beautiful Soul represents Hegel's attempt to convey the mode of consciousness of those human beings full of great individual goodness and purity, yet cut off and abstracted from the world of which they are a part. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • It simultaneously reconstructs philosophical aesthetics, especially that of Kant and Hegel, from the perspective of modern art.
  • He derived his propositional view of reality and his ‘pluralism without ultimates ' from classical sources and his own extended critical reflections on Alexander, Hegel, and Marx, particularly the latter.
  • Moreover, part of the difficulty in reading Hegel lies in the fact that epistemological issues are always imbricated with ontological issues. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I have rejected the third option, because it is obviously important to Hegel that what he calls Geist is one and the same thing, notwithstanding the different aspects of it that emerge in his various writings.
  • Left wing Hegelians associated the Absolute with material reality.
  • Notwithstanding their profound and well-known differences, Hegel and Marx both find in dialectics a logical framework that allows them to articulate the rationality of a supra-historical process — the plot of freedom — that can be advanced only by individual agents and only at the price of remaining essentially opaque to them. The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • For Hegel, the Buddhist constantly equates form with mere accidentality, which in itself is "indifferent" nothing. Hegel on Buddhism
  • Apparently, then, Hegel is extending a notion of full autonomy to the sphere of love-making.
  • Spinoza the philosopher emerged in his true colours through the work of Schelling and Hegel.
  • It is a polemic because it sidesteps the criticism of science and its metaphysics by Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger.
  • If you find this thought rather alien, remember that to most of Hegel's audience it would have sounded quite familiar; it is a close relative of something they had been brought up to accept.
  • Hegel explicitly denies - and it would in any case be quite out of keeping with his whole line of thought - that the direction of history is some kind of fortunate accident.
  • Hegel's philosophy of history holds that the idea of right has developed within interactions among and within institutional embodiments of the idea.
  • Hegel ? s concept of spirit is the synthesis of the Kantian distinction between noumenon and phenomenon.
  • Hegel detected this dialectical progression in the progress of human consciousness and intellectual - emotional growth.
  • The pseudonymous author of Fear and Trembling - Johannes de silentio - disclaims any pretensions to be a philosopher, at least in the fashionable Hegelian sense.
  • In what some would consider the culmination of his thought, he weds Existentialist biography with Marxian social critique in a Hegelian "totalization" of an individual and his era, to produce the last of his many incompleted projects, a multi-volume study of Flaubert's life and times, The Family Idiot (1971-1972). Jean-Paul Sartre
  • Milbank claims that their basic thrust is nihilistic, as is that of positivism, Hegelianism, liberalism, relativism, subjectivism and pluralism, and that they are founded on the ultimacy of aggression, violence and war.
  • Again, Hegel’s move here seems to arise from the manner in which he imbricates the epistemological and the ontological. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Again, Hegel's move here seems to arise from the manner in which he imbricates the epistemological and the ontological. Larval Subjects .
  • In retracing Hegel's itinerary he is in a way making it less idiosyncratic, less the vision of a lone philosopher, and more a familiar sight.
  • In Hegel's syllogisms of the idea, objectivity attained rational form, while the concept acquired an explicit, material existence.
  • This ontological way of thinking is identical with Marxian ontological criticism of Hegel sego - consciousness counterfeits selfhood.
  • The point is not to just to sidestep the nativist critique but to sublate it, in the manner in which Engels understood sublating Hegel in his critique of Ludwig Feuerbach; to take into consideration that which is relevant, effective and forceful in the critique but at the same time to break away from its preoccupation with origins and authenticity. SUBLATE.
  • Here, they drew on Hegel's account of religious doctrines and institutions as symbolic objectifications of that spirit.
  • Apparently, then, Hegel is extending a notion of full autonomy to the sphere of love-making.
  • From the dialectic materialism of Hegel to the deconstructionism of Jacques Derrida, these traditions distinguished themselves from the Anglo-American schools of analytic thought in both their content and their methodologies.
  • It took heavyweights with an alternative on offer to take people's minds off Hegel, and then the effect was only partial, local, and temporary.
  • But Hegel has shown that the absolute and infinite are no more true than the relative and finite, and that they must alike be negatived before we arrive at a true absolute or a true infinite. The Sophist
  • Bloechl's criticism focuses upon the Hegelian sublation he finds in Gibbs' effort to reconcile the dialectical opposition between philosophy and Judaism.
  • Even Hegel, who apparently extends the notion of autonomy to the private domain does not really do so.
  • What this paradox reveals is that Hegel's position on women is neither a product of contingency nor an effect of ad hoc prejudice.
  • It's hard to envision neurasthenic pulling or other activity, but I don't grok Hegelian infinitesimals either.
  • The philosophy is often called dialectical materialism; dialectical because it incorporates Hegel’s idea of inherent change, and materialism because it grounds itself not in the world of ideas, but on the terrain of social and physical environment. The Worldly Philosophers
  • But then neither did Fichte and Schelling and Kant and Hegel and Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and Heidegger; but their differences are family feuds, and the same is true of their "Catholic" epigone. Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta chairman of the SSPX commission
  • The heart of the dialectic lies in Hegel's theory of alienation.
  • Manfried possessed disproportionately large ears, while Hegel's nose dwarfed many a turnip in size and knobbiness. November 2009
  • We do not see the birth of God as much as the genesis of a certain masculinization of desire, the harnessing or transformation of (feminized) longing into the dialectical work of (masculine) self-consciousness, or what Hegel calls, in the Phenomenology, "Desire in general" (para. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • Political philosophy is the oldest of the social sciences and it can boast a wealth of heavy hitters from Plato and Aristotle to Machiavelli Hobbes Hegel Tocqueville Nietzsche and so on.
  • Eventually, it is this mystical conclusion which explains his forceful rejection of Hegel's panlogism; contrary to Hegel's view in the Science of Logic, Reality is not a system of interrelated logical categories, but transcends thought altogether. Francis Herbert Bradley
  • Apparently, then, Hegel is extending a notion of full autonomy to the sphere of love-making.
  • This text highlights how my training in philosophy was a plunging into the history of philosophy (analytic, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno etc) with its dangers of scholasticism.
  • As an undergraduate at Yale, Rabb divided his time among Locke and Hobbes and Hegel while spending his more reckless hours singing with the Whiffenpoofs and galloping across stage in such roles as Harry the Horse and a perfectly bean-poled Don Quixote in Man of La Mancha. Jonathan Rabb biography
  • It is necessary, as in the Hegelian method, to start from the abstract concept and go from there to the particular.
  • Thus in Hegel's scheme, all negations are "antitheses" of the original "thesis", but without their cancelling each other out. The top-five-philosophers meme
  • Hegel's left-wing successors, with Marx the most influential of them, seek to reject whatever is theolog - ical in Hegel's thinking. PERFECTIBILITY OF MAN
  • Hinayana self-denial, and tinged with the Vajrayana culture of "Lamaism," as Hegel calls it, which would have been highly visible to Samuel Turner. Hegel on Buddhism
  • According to these, reality (in the form of Geist for Hegel, or social structures for Marx) may be literally inconsistent.
  • It is the unbroken continuation of the Socratic project as condemned by Nietzsche and embraced by Hegel (and geared up by Marx), an idealism that mirrors the constructed world, the world of the abstract animal, and follows the current of externalization of meaning i.e. Entertainment that fills the old lack left open in the mental economy. The Imbecilic Utterances (or Why is every man's burden the heaviest?)
  • Thus, Hegel's rationalism was seen as a threat not only to orthodox religion but to orthodox politics as well.
  • Hegel's philosophy will be examined in detail in Chapter 4.
  • His work complements this project on a political plane by reading Marx and Lenin to develop an adequate political critique of Hegelianism.
  • He has criticized liberal Protestantism, Marxism, Hegelianism, naturalism and deconstructionism.
  • Taking these terms in their ordinary senses, it would seem that in the two works Hegel takes different and incompatible views.
  • He reads Machiavelli, Ignatius of Loyola, Marx and Hegel; he is cold and unmerciful to mankind, out of a kind of mathematical mercifulness. Autumn
  • For every rationalist metaphysician, from Plato to the last disciples of Hegel or Marx, this abandonment of of the notion of a final harmony in which all riddles are solved, all contraditions reconciled, is a piece of crude empiricism, abdication before brute facts, intolerable bankruptcy of reason before things as they are, failure to explain and to justify, to reduce everything to a system, which 'reason' indignantly rejects. Grammarian Peeves
  • This sentence is often quoted by antihistorical writers; they fail, however, to note that Hegel obvi - ously draws this meta-historical statement from his rather extensive study of history. PRAGMATISM
  • On the contray, the three structures are integrated, one into the other, in such a way that it reminds the reader of Hegel's notion of sublation Aufhebung whereby the lower is both cancelled, as independent, and also retained. The body and the Soul
  • With Hegel's concept of objective spirit, the object domain of modern social science, that is, individuality and society, make their appearance.
  • Freedom for Hegel is not freedom to do as we please; it consists in having a free mind.
  • The only possible exception to this sweeping statement would be Karl Marx - and Marx himself was heavily influenced by Hegel.
  • Third, for Hegel State does not mean simply the government but refers to all social life.
  • Hegel himself said that the philosophy of history means nothing but the thoughtful consideration of it.
  • I've always hated the term counterculture because it implies that we're the ones who are against culture, when it's really the authoritarian overculture that's so deadset against the fecund fertility of a living culture... but I should think a little more thoroughly because at this point this sentence feels like half-baked and warmed-over Hegel. Underground is a state of mind and repressed information wants to be free
  • In the Philosophy of Right Hegel explores the forms of right which constitute political modernity while in Capital Marx explores the forms of value which constitute economic modernity.
  • The following lecture course is an interpretation of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.
  • One cannot count on Jacques Martinez to sing the bad pean to the «death» or «decrepitude» of art, this « thing of the past , like the Sunday Hegelians -- he doesn't believe in it anymore than he does, say, in the death of human beings 'desire for transcendence. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Run to See Jacques Martinez
  • Like Lukács, too, he is a Hegelian historicist for whom the art that matters is one flushed with the dynamic forces of its age.
  • Hegel ? s concept of spirit is the synthesis of the Kantian distinction between noumenon and phenomenon.
  • Hegel develops his rational ontology of gender within a logic of oppositions.
  • As Hegel often notes, the recognition of the ‘subjective moment’ of the free individual is the chief strength of the modern state when compared to the ancient polis.
  • He attacked or dismissed their metaphysical beliefs, and particularly the philosophies of history of Hegel and his successors.
  • From the Venus of Milo to Francis Bacon, Ferry illustrates with great clarity the various steps that retrace Hegel's historical and encyclopedic construction of the concept of taste up to our day.
  • Hegel was seeking to describe a community in which individual interests and the interests of the whole are in harmony.
  • I read Hegel against the grain; proceeding from certain footnotes and marginalia in the texts, I move toward recovering the history of those which the dialectic leaves behind.
  • However, the main philosophic foils he sets up are really the sillier philosophers of Europe such as Hegel and Heidegger. Book Review: Anathem by Neal Stephenson | Heretical Ideas Magazine

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