
How To Use Heft In A Sentence

  • But a surge in thefts of treasured relics from ancient temples and monuments has reached such a level that an agonised debate has begun over bringing back the death penalty.
  • Each is a large openwork steel construction with a two-part structure consisting of a hefty table-height base supporting a second, somewhat larger element, which rises to a level slightly above our heads.
  • His eight wickets came at a hefty price. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police are again urging householders to secure their property after a theft from a house in Kirkwall.
  • Most often, this implies a life on city streets begging, panhandling, petty theft, and using charity and soup kitchens close to the drug source.
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  • You got a big hefty looking bloke who looked like he could handle himself in a barney, put him and a bunch of like mates out on the streets at all hours of the day and night as a visible presence.
  • There are hefty charges across the board for one-way rental.
  • After several years of investigations, the Boys Ranch was indicted on criminal Medicaid fraud and grand theft charges last April.
  • I'm going home tomorrow - hefting heavy sound kit that I didn't use, with bags full of chocolate bars and Swiss liqueurs to give as presents.
  • I feared enormous crowds at Chawton paying hefty admission fees to file past animated wax figures.
  • I used to muzzleload, had a TC Hawkin flintlock, as heavy as that barrel is it would take alot to burst it, dunno if "modern" muzzleloaders are as hefty or not, but I assume they are just for product liability reasons. Flying Ramrods and Broken Noses
  • Also admitted theft of tin of tuna and can of cider from store. The Sun
  • The story is about theft, fraud and deceit on an incredible scale.
  • Along with stamping out burglaries and thefts, a heavy emphasis is put on personal safety.
  • His Australian hosts piled on more pressure yesterday, saying that sweetheart deals that allowed corporations to dodge tax in countries where they made profits amounted to theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • While not hefty, this double bill offers two sharp little splinters of wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small-business owner Frank Sheftel is saying no to one of the biggest trends in banking: higher fees.
  • Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Theft would not cover obtaining ownership by deception.
  • In fact there is little evidence of a direct link between tight family budgets and food theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • The detection rate for motor vehicle theft that year was just 11.7 per cent.
  • ZUCCHINI The sight-saving plant pigment called lutein is lost in cooking; so is vitamin C. BROCCOLI Eat it raw, and you'll get a hefty helping of potent plant nutrients that lower your risk of blood clots, plus vitamin C, and an enzyme that may demolish precancerous cells. - Home Page
  • And my justice shall answer for me tomorrow before thee, when the time of the bargain shall come; and all that is not of divers colours, and spotted, and brown, as well among the sheep as among the goats, shall accurse me of theft. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • A concurrent effect to this drop in violent crime occurs in the form of an increase in some levels of property crimes, including larceny and auto theft.
  • Charged with credit-card fraud and identity theft, most of the suspects arrested that day have been released on bail pending trial.
  • A youth - accused of rape, housebreaking and theft - burst into tears yesterday when his mother asked the court to keep him in jail for his own safety.
  • At its core, “macroeconomic management” is invariably an exercise in surreptitious theft and fraud. Matthew Yglesias » Justice and Stabilization
  • Naturally, this meant a hefty amount of foreign travel.
  • While not hefty, this double bill offers two sharp little splinters of wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Digital technology makes it easier to prevent signal theft and it means better voice quality and longer battery life.
  • This is a hefty blow, considering that it represents half of the already poor profits the company expected to announce for its next interims on 23 November.
  • A security number had been etched on the car window as a protection against theft.
  • Alvin Crawford and John Criter are hilarious as Falstaff's sidekicks, but Franco Pomponi's voice needs greater heft to make Ford's frequent rages comic.
  • Contacts in Europe identify vessels that will command a hefty ransom and follow their voyage until they are within range of the gangs. Times, Sunday Times
  • To trick people into voting one way or another is a kind of theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tiny hut that looks abandoned gives up the little gateman, who steps outside, smiles, and holds the key to the hefty padlock. San Blas, Nayarit
  • A BUDERIM "battler" has been left devastated by the theft of a car that pulled him from the brink after 11 months of unemployment. The Sunshine Coast Daily
  • A recent Court of Appeal decision upheld an insurer's right to refuse a claim for theft because keys had been left in a car.
  • The kyack was quite in the shadow now, yet she dared not attempt its theft until the three men were asleep. The Sky Line of Spruce
  • Cross the road for an enormous show of Liverpool-born Tony Cragg's hefty colored sculptures, some of which are dotted about the glorious permanent architectural "landform" earthwork by Charles Jencks in front of the building. An Explosion of Visual Arts
  • Like your favorite hole-in-the-wall taco place – these hefty Hispanic ho's are Open 24 hours!
  • She admitted however, that because so many people had experienced theft out of their luggage they could be feeling "gatvol" and not bother to complain. IOL: News
  • Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
  • Now, filchers consider theft an art form, and with the kind of skill they display, it might as well be.
  • But companies also have to pay hefty state or city taxes.
  • You know when your waiter at a restaurant tells you that you look like somebody really famous, and you're always secretly terrified they're going to say it's Gary Busey or a "heftier" version of Macauley Culkin? Archive 2009-09-01
  • These sites can pay some hefty kickbacks when you click through them to buy goods at many established retailers. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are to be charged with attempting to murder Muller, abducting him, arson, theft, theft of a motor vehicle and housebreaking and theft.
  • Dean says the theft of her laptop was one of a number of unusual events that took place during her investigations.
  • Toyota first imported the T - 100 and as the market found it lacking heft and zip it was replaced in 1999 by the U.S. bodied, import-engined Tundra.
  • Investigators seemed baffled by the theft, as guards patrol the premises at night and there is tight security inside, including infrared systems and cameras.
  • From here, I went steadily downhill and, when I was 19, I was sent to prison for theft, assault and numerous robberies.
  • The victim of the motorcycle theft can be heard cursing the robber as he lies bleeding in the road by the ditched bike. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five men, aged between 18 and 22, face multiple charges including burglary, theft, and receiving stolen goods.
  • There's a tamperproof anti-theft alarm and bike locator. Times, Sunday Times
  • Isn't it about time a government made the theft of intellectual property a white-collar crime? Times, Sunday Times
  • Campers and backpackers have reported thefts of food, sleeping bags and clothing from their coolers and tents, according to authorities.
  • It's a cool story - theft, corruption, conspiracy theories, mud-slinging and back-stabbing.
  • Music-lovers will be further shafted by this theft in a more subtle way, as well.
  • Alexis is on trial for murdering music Brown during an attempted car theft. Md. man denies 2 killings in testimony
  • The accusations are clearly politically motivated - with the charge of theft being added to cast a slur on Sarath's character.
  • It was largely unnoticed until shed and swimming pool owners began to receive hefty bills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Page 36 serve for the resort and refuge of masterles men and other idle and evill dispozed persons, and are the cause of cozenages, thefts, and other dishonest conversacion and may also be used to cover dangerous practizes. Wrong Side of the River: London's disreputable South Bank in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Jessica A. Browner
  • The farther you distance yourself from it, the more it swells, gains gravitational heft, reveals mythic import.
  • Her theft from the shop caused scandal in the village.
  • This was a hefty dose, half a fatal dose for a healthy individual. THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician
  • On the actual day of the murder, he had been arrested and taken into the lock-up on a charge of a very petty theft.
  • He stopped, unbuckled it, and hefted it in his hands.
  • Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
  • Airbnb offers hosts damage cover of up to 600,000 for theft or vandalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • For one thing the theft of a famous object is always bedevilled by the circumstance of its being indisposable through the usual channels. Killer Dolphin
  • Experts are warning against using claims companies as hefty fees will reduce the compensation individuals receive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not included in the cost are theft, embezzlement, suicide, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect.
  • City centre officers are also pledged to have more of an impact on cycle thefts and on cyclists riding in restricted areas.
  • He was jailed for 40 months after admitting fraud and theft. The Sun
  • A disgraced former building society finance director, who fleeced the company of more than £100,000 to cover up a string of thefts from a charity where he was treasurer, is facing Christmas behind bars.
  • Theft of the enemy's semaphore codebooks became an important part of the business of war.
  • What he needs more than his rivals is a compelling issue (maybe a critique of the administration's civil-liberties record) to give his candidacy heft.
  • They went out to shoot at the sides of trucks after playing "Grand Theft Auto III," the bestselling PlayStation 2 shoot'em-up that has become synonymous with the controversy over violent video games. THE NEWS BLOG
  • No longer is Art Theft a refined craft of niminy-piminy alarm evasion, but more and more a matter of going in with all the guns blazing.
  • He says that the words complained of were meant and calculated to disparage the Claimant in his profession and business and also that they imputed to him the criminal offences of harassment stalking and theft.
  • The greatest help in setting a strategy is a hefty slice of cynicism and the openness of mind to re-examine cherished beliefs.
  • I give it a hefty kick in my utter frustration at not being able to unlock it.
  • She admitted theft and got a suspended jail term. The Sun
  • Will leave you with a pic of my now hefty girl looking very Victorian with a big bumbo skirt! Tequilamonky Diary Entry
  • Then, without warning, he hefted her out of the chair.
  • Another facet is the continual proliferation of attempts at phishing and identity theft. June « 2010 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • SAMANEA SAMAN is a truly noble tropical tree. It has a sturdy, smooth, pale grey trunk mostly divided near its base into a few hefty branches that grow almost horizontally to support its monstrous parasol canopy.
  • That the sequels continue after the critically disappointing Ocean's Twelve, only proves that these ganefs will try to get away with this theft as long as they can bring in the shekels.
  • Odin hefted the axe over his shoulder and smiled indulgently as the boar reached him. The Pig’s End « A Fly in Amber
  • Piles of comics and bagels litter the top of a hefty dining-room table not far away.
  • As expected, band practice takes up a nice, hefty chunk of their time.
  • Australia was only one chapter in the great narrative of empire, whose spread across the globe was everywhere hallmarked by cultural theft and indigenous dispossession.
  • Theo came back out with a twelve-foot square tent in an incredibly heavy box and hefted it between them into the car.
  • The reduction or removal of hefty charges for quitting the deal before the term expires is also improving the appeal of ten-year loans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our ways may be wicked, and the movements of our mind wicked; such as adulteries, thefts, idolatries, slanders, strife, passion, sedition, vain-glory, and all that the apostle Paul enumerates among the works of the flesh. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • That is unless you're prepared to shell out a hefty sum to a ticket tout.
  • The government received a hefty dose of bad news this week.
  • Last week, there was a rash of thefts from vehicles parked in SFU parking lots.
  • Let's start with infringement / theft - your issue with the term theft is that the original isn't stolen, only a copy. Techdirt
  • That doesn't include embezzlement and theft of public assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • He hefted his right arm and took away a gun from the bookshelf.
  • Modern identity theft is now about elaborate long-term capers that achieve massive payoffs, with the unpaid bills getting dumped in your lap. Internet for Beginners
  • The frequent theft of chrism from churches for magical purposes is a case in point; surely this was not a clear indicator of persistent paganism.
  • In contrast, petty theft has a very low rate of reporting to the police, and a low detection rate.
  • A third guy, who copped a hefty fine and a community-based order on a burglary charge, wandered in wearing an old pair of trackie daks (with a hole in one knee) and a tatty old jumper.
  • He also admitted a further charge of abstracting electricity under the Theft Act.
  • The sauce / soup packet is quite impressive in it's heft and the fact that it's sludge-like and most-likely perishable, which is why the product is sold frozen. Guilty Carnivore
  • And Kuznetsova, with her dark hair and plaintive eyes and sometimes obnoxious laugh, has become a new emblem — an emblem not of suffering, but of anger with the place that Russia has become, a parallel world cordoned off from Europe and the United States that lacks drinkable tap water and a genuinely independent judiciary, and is led by a criminal regime driven by the puniest of ambitions: theft. From Russia, With Self-Loathing
  • This theft was premeditated because the barrow is completely worthless to anyone other than a trader.
  • He picked his sword back up and hefted its weight before moving predatorily in the direction of the prone man.
  • The police want to interview every employee about the theft.
  • The story verged on the outlandish, even by the standards of the diamond district, where tales of theft and fraud are far from rare. NYT > Home Page
  • This caused him to become disaffected, and to embark on a career of petty theft. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • Against her are three counts of high treason, one count grand theft auto, one count resisting custody, one count unordered arson.
  • He couldn't stay here and be an accessory to murder and theft.
  • Drug use is a factor in the lives of people before incarceration and may be an instrumental reason why crimes such as theft, larceny, and forgery are committed.
  • They had long been sought by police in connection with a series of violent motorcycle thefts.
  • You can't claim virtually every theft on insurance or you're going to become uninsurable.
  • People caught driving jet skis and speed boats in a manner that endangers bathers and other water users in Tramore Bay will face a hefty fine of up to €1200 under new by-laws that come into effect next month.
  • If you redid it now with minimal changes to the script and setup, and a hefty FX budget, I reckon it'd go down rather well…
  • The crimes are the latest in a series of thefts to have taken place around the area.
  • It is a bedside story with a difference, featuring allegations of theft, grievous bodily harm and murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
  • He had been sentenced to 21 months for the theft of a handbag in 2007 and considered it deeply unjust. Times, Sunday Times
  • They've been miscategorizing most identity theft all along - chalking it up to unpaid debt and writing it off.
  • Does your travel insurance cover you against/for the loss or theft of cash?
  • I had one reader who told me he was reading it outside one day when a ned came up to him -- "ned" being Scots for ... um ... think as disenfranchised as you can get -- the juvenile delinquents from our equivalent of the projects, shell-suited gangs into Buckfast and hard drugs, petty theft and hassling strangers, the type of person that is to your average SF/Fantasy reader as a hyena is to a gazelle. More Aesthetics
  • He was standing, waiting, his hefty bulk swathed in wraps that made him look like a particolored pillow.
  • Identity theft: Russian Baptists smeared: A fake newspaper in Smolensk portrays Protestants as morally loose. Phony Paper Smears Russian Baptists | Liveblog | Christianity Today
  • But no one would seriously suggest we should have laws licensing dangerous driving or theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arata said 12 auto burglaries, two auto thefts and one attempted theft occurred in the area Sunday night.
  • The majority of identity thefts occur thru contractors employing people in entry-level jobs that have not been properly screened.
  • I didn't care for its lack of heft, but those with smaller hands might find it appealing.
  • She ran towards it and picked up a hefty bottle by the neck.
  • Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army.
  • None of them had noticed anything suspicious in regard to the theft of the burin. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • But the plot is plodding and the battle scenes are uninspiring - offering neither camp silliness nor emotional heft. The Sun
  • He was indicted on four counts of theft and one count of fraudulent appropriation of property.
  • All the other farmers in the area eventually sold off their land to developers, reaping hefty paydays.
  • Shipped from England to Port Jackson, he served seven years for theft, but later became a sealer, earning enough to buy into his first ship.
  • They increased their own effectiveness as a result, by improving the stability of their constituents, but at the same time they helped train an efficient modern work force and reduced the multitude of individual resistances to industrial society, ranging from idling on the job to theft and sabotage, that suggested far more fundamental hostility to modernity than the dictates of reason could counte - nance. PROTEST MOVEMENTS
  • The partnership behind it insists it is a serious effort at fusion food, born of 18 months of culinary and market testing, and backed by a hefty investment from a leading Edinburgh food company.
  • Expensive golf equipment makes rich pickings for thieves, and the lucrative nature of golf crime was highlighted by a recent theft from the pro shop at the Golf Club.
  • You should take out travel insurance covering you and your family against theft.
  • In the last part of your article you liken the act of music piracy to the theft of physical property.
  • All of them are virtually black, and their tall, narrow, hefty bodies make them look like crude cannons, pointing in every direction as if fearing attack from all sides.
  • He says that a bigger trauma awaited him after the theft, in the form of claiming insurance.
  • Those who want a more complete picture of Kelly must consult the hefty, liberally illustrated catalog.
  • The residents of the complex are parting with a hefty sum every month for the maintenance of the garden.
  • It's a hefty task, seeing as each of her children is manoeuvring their way through a litany of oddball obsessions and neuroses.
  • Doing Tracey for wasting police time for ringing up about her stollen radio again after being warned that her sister taking it into her bedroom was NOT theft. The Italian Job « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • They included four commercial burglaries, two car thefts and two other thefts.
  • The drop in house prices may be heftier than the actual stolen goods: a doubled-up version of daylight robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • To prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition and theft of state secrets.
  • A giant pliosaur, nicknamed Predator X, had a hefty bite. Fossils: Tiny Dinos, Predator X
  • Failure to do this could result in a hefty bill for damage caused by another user. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has previous convictions for theft, robbery and assault causing actual bodily harm.
  • They are also blamed for an increase in motorcycle theft in the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you heft the egg afterward it's as light as feather, and not very filling when you're hungry; but a basketful of them would make quite a show and would bamboozle the unwary.
  • The consultant, Loren Thompson, argued that the price tag of the new fighter should be given as a "unit recurring flyaway" cost, which includes only the cost of producing the aircraft, but does not include what are called nonrecurring costs, meaning the hefty amounts spent on research and development to build the basic technology. Main page collection
  • However, this deal comes with a £499 upfront arrangement fee, plus a two-year lock-in with a hefty early settlement penalty.
  • The prospect of the BBC “using its massive heft is likely to upset UK media and Internet companies, which have often complained that the corporation – funded by a mandatory tax on UK television households totalling nearly 3 billion pounds ($5.4 billion) – has encroached on activities in the private sector,” says the story, adding” BBC to sell music downloads
  • Car manufacturers ought to produce vehicles which are more secure against theft.
  • We are specially struck with the reference to theft; while no less noteworthy is the absence of that sabbatarianism, which is the "moral" of the nursery tale. Moon Lore
  • These sites can pay some hefty kickbacks when you click through them to buy goods at many established retailers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is how car theft will be from now on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The computer electronics maker told analysts that inventory thefts led to lower-than-expected quarterly earnings.
  • They were charged with burglary and the theft of a Ford Sierra Cosworth, and remanded in custody for seven days.
  • The sentence for TWOC should be the same as for theft and let the Judge make up his mind on the facts how serious it is. Archive 2007-06-24
  • But it is likely to come with a hefty price tag, and the money may be better spent in a growth sector such as radio.
  • The theft happened on Tuesday afternoon but last night there was confusion about what was in the documents.
  • Police say that installing anti-theft devices and etching the registration number on the windscreen, will go a long way in countering the problem.
  • Any messages that breach regulations or corporate policy - including theft or leakage of intellectual property - are flagged for review and blocked before they are sent.
  • Williams was also convicted of the theft of two cars and an unrelated burglary.
  • At 79, she is a prodigy of youthful energy in hoisting a hefty bundle of old tricks.
  • Police also learned that the brothers had just recently been released from jail where they had been incarcerated for theft.
  • Court documents show the main charge against him is the theft of 15 billion kwacha in cash from the Zambia National Commercial Bank in Lusaka.
  • Too often the film comes across more like a tribute to old-fashioned swashbuckling epics than a solid story in its own right, and the result is diverting enough but lacks dramatic heft.
  • Please fill out a report on the theft.
  • The defendant is accused of/charged with a range of crimes, from theft to murder.
  • Given the heft of the Lions pack such negativity is probably going to fail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others admitted various counts of theft, fraud or laundering. The Sun
  • Youths and adults were arrested for theft, shoplifting, assaulting a police officer and public order offences.
  • The Professor ceased his tidying, and strode to the corner of the room, hefting a small wooden shipping crate from a half full pallet of the same. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » August : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Several managements are now consulting security firms for insulation from product theft.
  • The couple deny theft, deception and fraud. The Sun
  • The recent epidemic of car thefts has been blamed on bored teenagers.
  • Concerns for privacy of information, protection against cyberattacks, cybertheft and the safeguarding of proprietary information have shifted the focus of technology spending to these areas.
  • We have been left a legacy of ugly, vacant and derelict land and also a hefty financial burden to clean it up.
  • Lawrence Ledent, 38 a driver Roadway Express Inc was charged with one count of grand theft.
  • A fine wine match here is this rustic, slightly rough and spicy 100 per cent organic red, with enough heat and heft to manage the lamb.
  • Banda's name struck terror into the hearts of lawless people, and thefts and dacoity became a thing of the past.
  • Car thefts are commonplace in this part of town.
  • It also accounts for the hefty price tags. Times, Sunday Times
  • What do people think about a Government that lets mafia criminals wander around free while jailing poor people for theft?
  • This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.
  • It makes us so angry that the cemetery is becoming a target of theft and vandalism.
  • This gave engineers the option of either creating a stiffer frame without adding heft or shedding weight without sacrificing strength.
  • We have a saying in Arabic: unattended money encourages theft. Behind Each Toxic Bank Asset There Is a Toxic Executive

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