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How To Use Heedful In A Sentence

  • Achilles Tatius, who was a heedful observer of all these passages, saw with alarm, that by the last collocation the armed Latins were interposed between the Immortal Guards and the discontented citizens, which made it most probable that the conspiracy was discovered, and that Alexius found he had a good right to reckon upon the assistance of Tancred and his forces in the task of suppressing it. Count Robert of Paris
  • So why is our polity unheedful of the persistence of pervasive discrimination in our own midst, ask global solidarity networks.
  • And do thou (O reader!) bring thy Lord to remembrance in thy soul with humility and in reverence without loudness in words in the mornings and evenings; and be not thou of those who are unheedful.
  • Perhaps new television spots could show that children can be distracted from courses of action that fathers don't approve of - that confrontation is therefore an inferior response to an unheedful child.
  • Alan Herbard, younger and less experienced, gritted his teeth and thrust in with all his weight, absolute to make a success of his first command, and perhaps did more execution than was heedful out of pure anxiety. A Caregiver's Homage To The Very Old
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Master English with Ease
  • Some tentie rin a cannie errand to a neebor town, some, heedful, run on a quiet errand to a neighboring town. Selections from Five English Poets
  • Be heedful of what you store because your mind is a chamber of information.
  • Wearily, she walked through the back door toward sunset, heedful that she might receive a sharp reprimand.
  • Health professionals, particularly doctors, are acutely heedful of data in the form of tables and charts and less so of words and models.
  • And the jackdaw, unheedful, sought to roost the forbidden bough, though hands reached out in anguish and the world hushed.
  • heedful of the warnings
  • It is the only way that we will ever get a democratic party that is heedful of the princples that we stand for. Dem Primary Challenger Pera Goes After Lipinski In New Ad
  • Naturally, his methods are unorthodox, being unheedful of proper procedure.
  • It is this spirit of respect for individual merit, unheedful of background or breeding, which sets us apart from the rest of the world and makes us great.
  • On seeing his excitement after arriving in the city, many loyal fans reminded him he should be heedful of his safety when presenting the concert.
  • so heedful a writer
  • And each humorously, we travel around the world buteo an dealfish of the unclaimed proteinase transcendency to swashbuckling that the mutinous wayne of cc eubacterium heedfully africander. Rational Review
  • Glendinning did but pause a moment to cast a heedful and cautious glance all around the hall, to see that nothing was out of its proper place; then, wishing Tibb good-night, she retired to repose. The Monastery
  • She went to him - she couldn't help it - and, unheedful of the water around her, offered him a steadying arm.
  • David is heedful upon tract details, as well as will only hint which Larry attempts to get [his estranged wife] Cheryl back, as well as a Seinfeld reunion total prominently in that. Curb Your Enthusiasm - Season 7 [US HBO] -
  • The women and children in the throng, as, preoccupied by their own feeling, they unheedfully passed her by, saw not the eager, ferocious attention in her eyes, as she watched them steadily till they were out of sight. Antonina
  • As the fabric left its contact with my skin, I was acutely heedful of how everyone else's gaze was now on it.
  • It was therefore unsurprising, when the issue reached cabinet the following month, that the majority of ministers were heedful of the evidence that opposition to the abolition of price maintenance outside parliament would be vigorous.
  • heedful of what they were doing
  • As Sikhs tie their turbans each day, they should be heedful that it represents a very real commitment to the founders of the Sikh faith.
  • Only a portion of even the best trees are suitable for fine bows, and woodcutters in the forests, unheedful of conservation and unschooled in craftspeople's needs, have been known to fell tree after tree before finding one containing usable wood.
  • It can cast shadows over distinguished careers, but most importantly, its yellow light offers lessons about circumspect thinking, deliberative consultation and heedful behavior.
  • And the military, despite its intermittently heavy-handed responses, is heedful of public sentiment to a degree unprecedented under the old regime.
  • A religious person thus may be unheedful of a higher morality or civic sense, or may not even sense the morality involved in the situation.
  • Commerce requires governance by politics, art, culture, and nature: to slow it down, to make it heedful, to make it pay attention to people and place.
  • If, through thought and contemplation, we become heedful of the dangers it poses, we can feel motivated to overcome it. Freedom from Fear by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • In its isolation the island has been as unheedful of tourists as it has been unspoiled.
  • By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm.
  • Some ca 'the pleugh, some herd, some tentie rin [drive, heedful run] Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • Whilst making a desperate rush after one, cap in hand, and all too unheedful of the obstacles lying in my path, I struck the toes of my bootless left foot against a thin slab of earthfast stone, which stood edge-on and straight up.
  • So the kings said that they would give him all things soever that he desired, and therewith was a great army got ready, and all things wrought in the most heedful wise, ships and all war-gear, so that his journey might be of the stateliest: but Sigurd himself steered the dragon-keel which was the greatest and noblest; richly wrought were their sails, and glorious to look on. The Story of the Volsungs
  • He must needs cut the beast with his rod, and so managed to hit White Posy, who starts aside, and Cis, sitting unheedfully on that new-fangled French saddle, was thrown in an instant. Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland
  • And although your Lordship will doubtless proceed, I must warn you through my experience of European affairs, heedfully, that the reasons that operate in this small presidio, which is surrounded by barbarians and hostile nations, have no place in populous cities. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • In this business he proceeds very heedfully, like a treasure-hunter in some old house, sounding the walls to find where the gold is masoned in. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • People unaware or unheedful of warnings have suffered serious injuries-some fatal.
  • He went about his work, unheedful of the jests, ungalled by his irons, unmindful of the groans and laughter about him.
  • But now she had done her chaffer, and was looking about her as if to note the folk for her disport; but when she came across a child, whether it were borne in arms or led by its kinswomen, or were going alone, as were some, she seemed more heedful of it, and eyed it more closely than aught else. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • “The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution.” Think Progress » Rubio: ‘I Don’t Think Any Of Us Are Going To Blame Israel’ If They Decide To Attack Iran
  • Seldom in waking hours without books or spoken argument exerting upon his wheeling brain, yet at the helm of his boat, braced for day-long hours, he would stand rapt in healthful ecstasy of sheer being, lord of life and the harnessed powers - of nature, unheedful of physical strain, his own hand directing fate.
  • “The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution.” Think Progress » Rubio: ‘I Don’t Think Any Of Us Are Going To Blame Israel’ If They Decide To Attack Iran
  • And SOLOMON answered and said unto him, ‘My lord, I beseech thee, I would ask thee one question; be not unheedful of my cry.’
  • It offers both visual, abstract and conceptually narrative productions and playful, visual theatre, in which the unheedful spectator, to the general hilarity of the audience, suddenly finds him/herself participating in the spectacle.
  • heedful of his father's advice
  • More mornings than not, I'd sit down to a stack of work and find myself unable to focus, unwilling to try, and not particularly heedful about any consequences I might be courting. Bill Heavey: Shed Hunting and Divorce
  • For she seemed to find it hard when they kissed, as paired folk are bound to do, to let her lips leave his, and when their hands parted at the end of the Mote she gave a great sigh, and put her cheek toward him for a parting kiss, which forsooth he gave her somewhat unheedfully; for he was looking hard toward the other shore to see if he could make out the shape of Elfhild amongst the women there; as he had done whenever he gat a chance of it all day long, but had failed wholly therein. The Sundering Flood
  • Even while serving a Muslim army, he cannot afford to unheedful of this fact.
  • Given how the recovery and rehab has been as heedful media-wise as medically, this reads like a formal re-introduction -- the announcement that, if and as soon as it's humanly possible, Gabby's back in the ring. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Gabby Giffords Steps Down ... Then Up
  • Creeping up the ruins of the shattered wall, he kept himself in the shadows of the tumbled blocks, heedful of the men searching in the courtyard below.

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