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How To Use Hedonism In A Sentence

  • La gente que se siente afectada por no tener el ultimo chichito tecnologico o pagarlo un poco más, solo piensan en su hedonismo y no en el país, que sí necesita afianzar su industria, como la supo tener y que necesita dar trabajo a los argentinos, en lugar de darle trabajo a los obreros de otras latitudes; es muy mezquina la actitud de los detractores a esta idea. Global Voices in English » Argentina: Proposal to Increase Taxes on Some Technology Products
  • Besides the mother/daughter role reversal, much of the show's comedy derived from women indulging in unashamed decadence, hedonism and outrageous, unladylike behaviour in the absence of men.
  • Hedonism: There's nothing like a good shit happening.
  • To her it was a ‘wonderful’ time that allowed the full talents of creative young people to flower, and claims of hedonism are a gross exaggeration.
  • This strange combination of academic success and off-duty hedonism continued throughout high school. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The Cyrenaics are notable mainly for their empiricist and skeptical epistemology and their sensualist hedonism.
  • And as for the squire in the moated country house, or the headmaster … It seems to me that Upward took a conscious decision to rid himself of this hedonism and to become a fiction writer with a mission. The Captive Mind
  • Perhaps because the man himself, at 80, is filled with life, with a self-disciplined hedonism and with a passionate belief in the importance of his craft. A Design Life Force
  • A sip conjures visions of chocolateespresso cake topped with whipped cream - hedonism in a bottle.
  • Is it possible that shampooing sounds far more agreeable than scrubbing because the word hovered between ideas of health and hedonism when it first entered English? The English Is Coming!
  • This is, of course, the death knell for any relationship and generally the signal for a period of random hedonism and profound loneliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dominant element of this period in Shanghai's history was fashion and hedonism, and many of the villas had swimming pools, tennis courts and billiard rooms; some had music rooms and ballrooms.
  • Butler gave what have often been considered decisive arguments against the doctrine of psychological hedonism.
  • Eventually we all fell asleep on the couch but I, fearing some moment of excessive hedonism, swiftly made an exit.
  • The Cyrenaics are notable mainly for their empiricist and skeptical epistemology and their sensualist hedonism.
  • The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance.
  • We strongly disagree with the doctrine of hedonism.
  • So utilitarianism, despite its traditional ties to welfare hedonism, is compatible with any of the four accounts of utility.
  • There is a critique of hedonism, or the pursuit of pleasure.
  • As lush and plush as the name suggests, this Far Eastern-oriented club-bar is a mix of exotic Oriental Zen and decadent western Hedonism.
  • While I could understand that perhaps he was a bit of a motormouth, there was also something touching in Voyo's innocent joy in his own hedonism.
  • He then sniffs at what he sees as a combination of freeganism and "hedonism. Nick Mamatas' Journal
  • In the Town Square, shops have been replaced by cafes and restaurants and the last vestiges of mall functionality have been eradicated completely in favor of lifestyle hedonism.
  • The figures are crowned with roses and daffodills and have the dishevelled look of bacchantes in ecstasy…There is an aesthetic of horror as well as an aesthetic of hedonism. Forgotten Master: Hiremy-Hirschl
  • He represents bored self-indulgence and hedonism.
  • He represents bored self-indulgence and hedonism.
  • The Epicurean with his em - phasis on pleasure and his dislike of “culture” never - theless saw, by using his reason, that most pleasures are the prelude to pain and that the avoidance of pain is the sanest form of hedonism. PRIMITIVISM
  • A night of petrol-fuelled hedonism is in store at Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium on Sunday where motor maniacs can admire a human canon ball, a monster truck, fire stunts and car crashes.
  • This is, of course, the death knell for any relationship and generally the signal for a period of random hedonism and profound loneliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Californian college kids try to uncover an apocalyptic conspiracy while pursuing their busy schedule of drug-fuelled ambisexual hedonism. 2011 in cinema: Broken Britain v animals
  • I guess they figure, as the recent blackout demonstrated, that the only thing separating humanity from unbridled, rampant hedonism is the electricity grid.
  • The artwork for dubstep star Rustie's album, Glass Swords, claims allegiance with past icons of mind-expanding music and bygone dance scenes that favoured futuristic hedonism over techno despots. Skye Sherwin: A Good Look
  • You seem to have found a balance between absolute asceticism and utter hedonism.
  • Already ‘wage slaves’, they will increasingly sacrifice their nominal freedom for state controls that guarantee social security and pagan hedonism.
  • It is a novel about tension between duty and responsibility on the one hand and hedonism and indulgence on the other.
  • Yes, there was to be a new Hedonism that was to re-create life, and to save it from that harsh, uncomely Puritanism that is having, in our own day, its curious revival.
  • To me, hedonism and decadence are completely opposed.
  • As if the commoner Middletons were not worrying enough to royal scholars such as James Whitaker, there had to be a risk that Goldsmith, a property developer, might, with his record of upstart hedonism actively contaminate an occasion featuring a King of Saudi Arabia, their Tonganese highnesses and the hardly less eminent royal broadcaster, ITN's Tom Bradby. Look what you're marrying into, Kate | Catherine Bennett
  • The food industry calls for hedonism, but the diet industry requires intense self-discipline. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • Instead, they were moments that struck me as evidence that the vestiges of basic human civility could remain, despite the all-encompassing hedonism and mechanism.
  • Traditional songs about love of God, nation, and family are now being pushed to the wayside in the world of country, as new tunes championing hedonism take center stage.
  • (We prefer the concept privatism to narcissism or hedonism because it doesn't seem quite as value-laden.) Prime Time Preachers: The Rising Power of Televangelism; with an Introduction by T George Harris
  • But, to me, pure hedonism is hell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although hedonism fails as a theory that gives us a fixed end, it does contain a methodological insight.
  • What has happened to the happy hedonism for which la belle France was once known? Times, Sunday Times
  • Christian who in fact is only a kind of Epicurean, and who, with his belief that “faith saves,” carries the principle of Hedonism _as far as possible_ — far beyond all intellectual honesty. The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • This year's race on 2 November will be a day of hedonism and hats, of fashion shows and celebrities.
  • Consumerism, hedonism and the worship of money have not only swept through the young generation, but many intellectuals too - they who traditionally despised stinking money.
  • His latest exercise in modulated hedonism may not have much to say on the politics of happiness, but sometimes that can be a blessing. GreenCine Daily: SFBG. SFIFF.
  • And predictably, there have been warnings that the new hedonism itself might be a touch too hedonistic, posing a potential risk to people's health and wellbeing.
  • They viewed the world as a great machine, adopted hedonism as their ethics, and interpreted history from a subjective-critical point of view.
  • One of the most pernicious evils of contemporary BritKapital is to have lured the proletariat into limiting their potential to the pursuit of lumpen hedonism.
  • Call me a wowser if you must, but I can't see that this is a desirable form of hedonism.
  • Catullus brings forth the frenzied, almost feral, aspects of Bacchus's followers driven mad with drunkenness and hedonism, whereas Ovid concentrates on the romantic or emotional experience of Bacchus and Ariadne's encounter.
  • Greek philosopher , the troditional founder Of the Cyrenaic school of hedonism.
  • This strange combination of academic success and off-duty hedonism continued throughout high school. Times, Sunday Times
  • The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance.
  • What has happened to the happy hedonism for which la belle France was once known? Times, Sunday Times
  • Other people might get that hedonism via a drunken night out (indeed, I've been known to do this on one or two occasions), watching a movie, sport, whatever.
  • There is more than a hint of hedonism, indeed a new libertinism.
  • He celebrated the larrikin streak in the Australian soul, the irreverence, the hedonism and physicality and of course the bloody-minded stoicism, obduracy and deviousness.
  • Religion itself can be another form of ego gratification - a kind of spiritual consumerism that focuses on having spiritual experiences to aggrandize the self, spiritual hedonism, but hedonism nonetheless.
  • In the twentieth century, most of those sympathetic to utilitarianism replaced hedonism with the desire-fulfilment theory.
  • Greek philosopher , the troditional founder Of the Cyrenaic school of hedonism.
  • La gente que se siente afectada por no tener el ultimo chichito tecnologico o pagarlo un poco más, solo piensan en su hedonismo y no en el país, que sí necesita afianzar su industria, como la supo tener y que necesita dar trabajo a los argentinos, en lugar de darle trabajo a los obreros de otras latitudes; es muy mezquina la actitud de los detractores a esta idea. Global Voices in English » Argentina: Proposal to Increase Taxes on Some Technology Products
  • The whole point of a sports car is hedonism, the selfish pursuit of pleasure.
  • Various objections might be made to motivational hedonism: that we are often motivated by things that do not in fact maximize our pleasure, such as motivation to step under a shower that one takes to be suitably warm but which is in fact scalding hot; that not every pleasure that our options for action make available to us motivates us; or that the very idea of maximum ˜pleasure over pain™ or Hedonism
  • The club sold its soul to the devil of capitalism, and whilst the short term gains were success, admiration, a growing international fan base and kudos, that avenue of hedonism has finally delivered the bill.
  • The refusal of the latter to give him their consistent support was due as much to his self-destructive hedonism as to his political opportunism. The Times Literary Supplement
  • To give in to the idea of being drunk as defining your excitement as a human being would be to cut against the grain of what I believed about social hedonism in the first place - that it was not about running away, but engaging.
  • How to deal with grave damage while still keeping going economies whose buoyancy is so related to confidence, morale and a degree of hedonism is an even more difficult question.
  • At work, I am confronted with students engaged in every form of self-destruction, from frittering away their time on footling hedonism, to literal self-laceration and suicide attempts.
  • It's a glimpse into the golden age of kings, a lost world of luxury, political scheming, extravagance and hedonism.
  • It's one of those films where the performers appear to be engaged in some kind of decadent hedonism, but their experience on-screen doesn't translate to a similarly enjoyable one for the audience.
  • If the Eighties were about hedonism and excess, the new century has a more subdued mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • He displays a hedonism and love of the good life (as he sees it) that mirrors the promiscuous and hellraising lifestyle Liam had.
  • Let's remember her romance, her image, her hedonism, her families.
  • In fact hedonism, the view that pleasure is our ethical end, is always on the defensive in ancient ethics.
  • Surely their fate carries with it lurid tales of hedonism and excessive violence?
  • It's not so much that I've quietened down, as that I've channelled my energies into things that are more productive than out-and-out hedonism.
  • If I had the same kind of languorous pleasure in writing that my younger brother has or that, say, Eudora Welty has, who just gets up with a light in the eye, thinking, "My God, this is a day in which I write," then I could answer your question with a greater sense of hedonism. Happy Days Were Here Again: Reflections of a Libertarian Journalist
  • It's a glimpse into the golden age of kings, a lost world of luxury, political scheming, extravagance and hedonism.
  • This has not been through conscientious regard for my own health, but pure hedonism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our children will grow up to embrace the “natural” life styles of vegetarianism, veganism and nudism not to mention “free love” and a type of cultural hedonism that would embarrass Hugh Hefner. Think Progress » GOP Senate candidate compares embryonic stem cell research to ‘what the Nazis did to the Jews.’
  • In A System of Logic (1843) Mill again provides a critique of psychological hedonism that relies on an associationist account of the development of plural ends that are psychologically autonomous Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • Their faith, that ‘life is hard and success doesn't come easy ’, is undermined by Joe's evangelism of an earthly paradise of wealth and hedonism.
  • Such it was for the thirtysomethings, born just too late for the anger of punk and too early for the full-blown hedonism of rave.
  • We have entered an age of trashy, casual hedonism in which mild decadence is all the rage.
  • Any people can be delivered from thraldom but they need, as Tasman rightly points out, the undergirdimg world-view, which is NOT 'generalised Westernism' as if that could power anything but our current cynicism and self destructive hedonism. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In the summer of 1990, the Madchester boom had reached its peak, and the loved-up new hedonism that had been building since 1988 swept away the elitism of the 1980s. Corinne Day: Pioneer of a new kind of beauty

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