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How To Use Hectic In A Sentence

  • Such football titbits always float to the surface on third-round day which remains the best, most hectic, interesting and fun day of the season - and this one was even more frenetic than usual.
  • Both neo-colonial and advanced capitalist/colonial states organize and reinforce a cathectic structure based in sexual difference, which they enforce through a variety of means, including legislation.
  • Sadly, because we found our wine so late, and things have been hectic with a sick 9-month old here at the LENNDEVOURS world headquarters there wasn't time for a full-fledge review, meaning that I didn't taste it blind or even pull my notebook out. Wine Blogging Wednesday
  • I am a highly educated, successful career woman who finally realized that we women are getting ripped off by the current culture and the educational establishment who is brainwashing us into a life of hectic, unfulfilling work in stuffy cubicles working long, stressful hours to earn enough so that we can "relax" on a beach somewhere. Get in on Life...
  • I think mainly in the realm of film, if something is too hectically edited. "If there really was a God here, he'd have raised a hand by now."
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  • We also balanced out the hectic days with more leisurely moments. Times, Sunday Times
  • He uses hectic fever as an analogy - as hectic fever is to the body, political maladies are to a state.
  • Pals blamed hectic work schedules for end of their relationship. The Sun
  • His schedule has become increasingly hectic as he juggles his role as a search and rescue pilot with royal duties. The Sun
  • I had to coordinate my hectic schedule with a wide variety of shuls located in various parts of the metropolis and match it with their schedules.
  • Under the barrel roof of York Hall – a boxing venue – music by Underworld sends a metallic beat through the action, and giant videos flicker behind a hectically lit revolving stage. Hamlet; Passion; Beautiful Burnout; Wanderlust
  • With 400 acres to explore, it is the perfect retreat away from hectic city life. The Sun
  • This hectic pace at which we all apparently live leaves little room for lateness.
  • Perfect with a cup of tea after a hectic day on track. The Sun
  • Errors are more likely to occur with pressure for quick turnovers and the general rush present during a hectic day.
  • Both managers resisted the current fashion for making unenforced changes after the hectic seasonal programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's been a hectic couple of days, getting all the monies and documents together for submission with the loan application.
  • He was lionized by aristocratic and literary London, survived a hectic love affair with Lady Caroline Lamb, and became the constant companion of Augusta.
  • It is an extremely hectic period. Times, Sunday Times
  • That first 25 to 30 minutes is going to get pretty hectic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Candel was reluctant to discuss in detail what he had given the players and he would only say: ‘It was a regenerative treatment with the aim of helping the players cope with the hectic rate of matches.’
  • People are getting hectic and panicked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed Einstein's life had been hectic and he was to pay the price in 1928 with a physical collapse brought on through overwork.
  • He likens the maladies of a state to the hectic fever.
  • I don't know how you manage to keep such a cool head in such a hectic, stressful office!
  • If you live a fast, hectic life and you eat mostly ready-made convenience foods, try to consider some other alternatives.
  • Inside it's split over three levels and more hectic, with weekend clubbers cramming in to bop and bounce to everything from house to hip-hop.
  • Well-meaning pedants may wonder why so gifted a verbal prestidigitator as Mr. Ives has resorted so often to imperfect rhymes, each one of which diminishes the hectic glitter of the play's verbal surface by a tiny but measurable increment. Flying Couplets and Canapés
  • That's if the world's sporting elite find themselves with time to spare between limbering up for races in their hectic schedule.
  • Posner reviews them all in turn, in a hectic flurry of piled-up fact-bites, speculative calcula-tions, passing quarrels, and offhand policy dicta ” an orderless mixture of assertion, guess, remark, and opinion for which the term "farrago" would seem to have been invented. Very Bad News
  • Decompress after a hectic workday by taking a walk, going to the gym to work out or taking a bath or shower.
  • Life was terribly hectic in the city, she thought, all hustle and bustle.
  • On a real raid things get more hectic. Bomber
  • Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health.
  • We admit it: we still have yet to appreciate the pleasures of dining out at a hectic restaurant where getting a table involves a UN negotiator.
  • His flushed face reminded me of the more beautiful kind of consumptive—that hectic beauty of which we used to hear so much. Chapter 3
  • And he's had a hectic summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hectic design would hardly have conformed with Philip's conservative taste.
  • New faces at home could make life hectic. The Sun
  • Well, the village is settling back into a normal routine again after all the hectic activities organised around Christmas.
  • After a period of relative calm, things are beginning to get hectic all over again for Allison.
  • After the hectic activity during daytime, the area is virtually deserted by dusk with the chirping of crickets casting an eerie spell on the setting.
  • During the hectic work schedule it was hoped they would visit the deepest pothole in Asia, the Ghar Parau, discovered by an English expedition in 1971 which reached 751 metres deep.
  • I've done enough to avoid any feelings of delinquent wastery, but enough to keep it from being a hectic mess. Oatcake Diary Entry
  • There is a hectic student social scene. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adults still dutifully head home to mother for tonic soups when a hectic all-work-and-no-play lifestyle leaves them feeling under the weather.
  • That first 25 to 30 minutes is going to get pretty hectic. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a couple of hours there is hectic activity and on every side there are vigorous walkers and indefatigable joggers getting their morning exercise.
  • With a heavy inflow of pilgrims adding to the hectic business activity on the streets branching out from the temple, regulating traffic is not an easy task.
  • His flushed face reminded me of the more beautiful kind of consumptive — that hectic beauty of which we used to hear so much. The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
  • The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
  • Oblivious to his hectic surroundings, the man carried on with his lonely saunter until he reached an uncharacteristically quiet corner of the courtyard void of any activity.
  • Since the resorts are less hectic, you may not need a reservation for that fancy restaurant.
  • The champion may not agree but it spoke of a mind scrambled as a hectic summer of two meetings a day nears its end. Times, Sunday Times
  • The news of Corvette 03's shoot down arrived in the JRCC at a busy time; it was a hectic night with numerous reports of aircraft down and emergency beacons being detected.
  • The annual summer festival, which came to a close on Thursday July 25, was, overall, a hectic, enjoyable and fun-filled week.
  • The good news was that I could allow my adrenals to replenish themselves by incorporating some quieting activities into my hectic lifestyle, such as adding yoga and gentle bicycling to my five-day exercise regimen, Steelsmith said.
  • What if there's a student that might be the next George Lucas, but right now he's so unmotivated by school and his environment is so hectic, that he doesn't have the grades to make it into our program even though he could take off as a filmmaker?
  • ‘Besides, the hectic academic schedule does not provide them any leeway,’ he says.
  • But then I tended to use the flat to relax in, to chill out after a hectic shift at the restaurant.
  • By October 1977 when the paintings were first exhibited, their cathectic energy had become exhausted - so much so that the presence of these extraordinary pictures was no longer regarded a necessity in Germany.
  • The speedo in the middle of the dash and the rev counter in front of the steering wheel may bring flashbacks of times gone by, yet they fulfil their purpose in today's hectic world.
  • Once when we met in the midst of his frequent and hectic jaunts from airport to airport, city to city, project to project, I asked, ‘Karanth, what do you want out of this nomadic life?’
  • With phones literally ringing off the hook, BlackBerry abuzz, it's a typically hectic day for Levy, a matchmaker, or shadchan, in the Orthodox Jewish community in Midwood. Orthodox Matchmaker: A Love Story in Midwood
  • Lifestyle just too hectic for a high-maintenance hairstyle that demands a post-workout shampoo?
  • As a busy mum of four, life was hectic. The Sun
  • His show's roughly two dozen pieces offered up his standard menu of hectic and deliberately crude brushwork on ratty-looking unstretched canvases.
  • We share parenting and housework but life is very hectic. The Sun
  • He blamed its failure on his hectic work schedule. Times, Sunday Times
  • This worry was not allowed to disrupt the hectically demanding pace of his reading tours, however, for his progress up and down the country was dependent on the relative efficiency of the railway.
  • This week is going to be a little hectic since I'm trying to get so many things done before I leave on vacation.
  • Thus, the scene is set for a hectic fortnight's ‘holiday’ in which the sprogs will be consecutively ignored, yelled at and ordered to get out from under my feet.
  • At college we are now back into the full timetable of classes and rehearsals after a three week period of rest over Christmas which was a very welcome break after such a hectic autumn term!
  • Life was relaxed and a far cry from the hectic holidays of the past. The Sun
  • We are separated by the geographical distance between us, as well as our very busy, hectic schedules.
  • He kept trying to arrange to meet up but we both have hectic working schedules. The Sun
  • Educated at Trinity College, Oxford, Aubrey carefully enquired into Shakespeare's life and left brief and hectic jottings about it, amidst a chaos of manuscripts first edited by Andrew Clark in 1898.
  • The desk took two months to build and it was hectic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Guess what classic, towering German torten I brought for dessert, attempting to navigate through the crowded buses and hectic sidewalks of Paris?
  • They will explore Jaipur's rich history and incredible buildings, take elephant rides, shop in the hectic streets and try meditation. The Sun
  • The second half was a much more open affair and was decided in a hectic three-minute period. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a couple of hours there is hectic activity and on every side there are vigorous walkers and indefatigable joggers getting their morning exercise.
  • A lifeless performance left manager Lennie Lawrence wondering whether his players are suffering battle fatigue after a hectic cup-and-league programme.
  • The three serene and newly refurbished treatment rooms make the hectic beauty floor seem a mere memory. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are busy preparing for a hectic day's activity on Saturday.
  • For Pell the criterium is the start of another hectic weekend of racing, on the streets or the track. The Advertiser
  • It's so quiet and peaceful it is hard to believe there's a hectic Indian city on the other side of the walls.
  • Throughout the process she observed how Mr. Bokaer's hectic schedule made him distant, but during a performance of "Anchises" in England they had a moment onstage. NYT > Home Page
  • It will take humungous hikes in fuel tax, with punishing electoral consequences, to wean us off the impulse to escape at least once a year from lives which we've made so hectic; we have to have a holiday to restore our sanity.
  • Wearside is set for another hectic summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything else is going fine, fine, fine - but hectically so, as I'll say time and time again.
  • After 24 hours of hectic activity yesterday, the two sides appear to have played out another draw. Times, Sunday Times
  • And while that is clearly progress, I fear we may simply be swapping one class of exploited drudges for another, as more and more double - income couples ease their hectic schedules by engaging hired help.
  • Morbid states of passion, the hectic bloom of fever, heady perfumes of the Orient and the tropics; the bitter-sweet blossom of love; forced fruits of the hot-house (_serres chaudes_); the iridescence of standing pools; the fungoidal growths of decay; such are some of the hackneyed metaphors which render the impression of this neo-romantic poetry. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
  • The party penguin is starting the party up a little late due to a hectic day of work and then a sushi party for the Chicago Abortion Fund. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The schedule has been hectic but you don't want to let it become an excuse and'you have to manage it. The Sun
  • Only three years of her hectic pace was needed to burn out. Christianity Today
  • Her writing is hectic and frenetic, but at the same time utterly controlled.
  • The team reached the city well in advance and had hectic rehearsal sessions to fine-tune skills.
  • Scores were getting harder to come by as both sides tightened up their game and Tinnahinch began to tire after their early hectic pace.
  • The report indicated that the matter has seen hectic parleys between the various industry chambers and the government.
  • The hotel is located amid six acres of stunningly landscaped gardens, creating a calm area amidst the hectic city.
  • Or unwind after a hectic day by adding 3 drops each of lavender oil and rosewood oil to your evening bath.
  • The patient was cachectic and jaundiced with several liters of ascites.
  • I really wanted to spend time with Ruth but the party afterwards was totally hectic.
  • These are hectic days for him and the Irish Chamber Orchestra is now primed for a serious assault on the competitive world of concert performances.
  • The scene describing the woman's encounter with the Latino boy suggests that their relationship has a cathectic dynamic.
  • But despite their hectic schedule, they still find time for sartorial matters. The Sun
  • The prime minister has been embarking on a hectic schedule of overseas trips, summits, policy initiatives, walkabouts and social engagements.
  • It's a bit hectic. I'm in the middle of cooking for nine people.
  • His flushed face reminded me of the more beautiful kind of consumptive -- that hectic beauty of which we used to hear so much. Science Fiction Hall of Fame
  • Perhaps, dislocated as they are now from their original telos, the cycle could continue to release cathectic energies and be transformed into a nonspecific work of mourning.
  • It is an extremely hectic period. Times, Sunday Times
  • The initial ‘Meditation’ is very troubled, with hectic glissandos and fitful ostinatos.
  • How do we manage ourselves so that we can survive our hectic days yet keep our humanity when treating these difficult patients?
  • The lues venerea can only be said to be incurable when the disease is got to that deplorable point by neglect, that the emaciated and hectic state of the patient's constitution forbids the use of mercury.
  • The second half was a much more open affair and was decided in a hectic three-minute period. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the hectic pace at work has slowed down some, we now have time to contemplate the future.
  • The Singaporean culture seems rather hectic and competitive, with a heavily institutionalised public education system where the workload gets heavy at a very early level.
  • Within a year, however, he contracted and died of a hectic fever.
  • It becomes hectic with the same actors changing persona within seconds.
  • The last couple of days have been a much needed break from a hectic and unsettled work schedule, with time to make models, shop for some rather nifty new speakers with a sub woofer that makes the house shake, read, play some Animal Crossing, watch telly and squeeze in the odd snoozle or two. La Dolce Vita
  • This is rather a relaxing prospect and suggests a hectic world becoming more gentle but please note, it does not mean a laxness regarding looks.
  • The major obstacle for implementing any information system is the extra work required, especially in the hectic healthcare setting.
  • Plus he could here his stomach gurgling out of hunger of a full hectic day that included no meal time whatsoever.
  • After the hectic year in hospital it was a great comedown to be treating minor ailments of fit young men, half of them anxious to avoid guard duties.
  • The last 3 days have been really hectic, let me tell you, whew.
  • My father was famous and my mum's a film producer and it was all quite hectic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Compared with the hectic schedule of recent weeks, today is quiet. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the last hectic weeks before the show started we were practically living in the theatre to get it ready on time.
  • We also balanced out the hectic days with more leisurely moments. Times, Sunday Times
  • We met up most days when my hectic schedule allowed. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • Our lives have been really hectic lately, bordering on manic.
  • My life is so hectic that home has to be a tranquil place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hectic Gourmet, one of my guilty pleasures besides using the phrase "guilty pleasure", is the FOX reality show, Kitchen Nightmares . The Full Feed from
  • What preoccupies me more is that I'm entering a new stage in my life, with a little girl who we want and the next couple of weeks are going to be very hectic.
  • Therefore suffer from the hectic phobophobia the alleged psychological disease which show the feeling of too much heavy and tiresome in life.
  • It was a sparky, hectic kind of game, divided as games in Fraher Field often are by a cutting wind blowing in from the bay.
  • These books were a hectic ragbag; the second a hurdle race through western history, tragic hero after tragic hero, the last two a gallimaufry of intimate materials and early poems précised.
  • I'll try and post again tomorrow my lovelies, but things are absolutely hectic in work so at the moment, so you never know…
  • The managerial carousel at St James 'Park has whizzed round so hectically in recent years that the club's owners might have been forgiven for examining their history and wondering if they might not do better to revert to getting the team picked and run by a selection committee. Newcastle United must do the right thing with Chris Hughton
  • Having retained its aura of mystique and history since time immemorial, it has become a restful corner in our hectic world.
  • My life is so hectic that home has to be a tranquil place. Times, Sunday Times
  • After this hectic opening, things settled down and it was eight minutes before Larry Cadden sent over a nice point for Calry-St Joseph's.
  • I had a really busy week this week, and it looks like things might only get more hectic.
  • It's a chance to escape the hectic pace of modern day life, but it seems no-one is keen to emulate the original castaway and spend a week on a desert island.
  • ... is itself but a mixed good, if not far more a corrupting influence, the hectic of disease, not the blossom of health, and a nation so distinguished more fitly to be called a varnished than a polished people, where civilization is not grounded in cultivation, in the harmonious development of those qualities and faculties that characterize our humanity. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Interestingly, there is no mention of fathers in this hectic schedule. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are busy preparing for a hectic day's activity on Saturday.
  • The 1980s were a hectic period in his personal life.
  • It's been a hectic 12 months for the group but they have made big strides in a short space of time.
  • It's a prime example of the sort of pseudo-economic jargon that's so much in vogue, and is a neat way of saying that we are too busy funding our hectic lives and second homes to find time to look after our parents or children.
  • The schedule has been hectic but you don't want to let it become an excuse and'you have to manage it. The Sun
  • But I have to admit that, during the most hectic hour of my professional career, I omitted one vital midwifery task.
  • And he's had a hectic summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to traditional Chinese herbology, living a demanding, hectic lifestyle deeply influences mood, mental function, cognitive processes, the cardiovascular system, the liver, and tolerance to change. Food trends from Expo West | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • They have to harvest the crop with almost military precision and at a pace almost as hectic as war.
  • The national team probables had a rest day on Monday after hectic training sessions for four days in a stretch.
  • Life has been a touch hectic, but I am reliably informed that that is no excuse for a lethargic manner, so I hope you'll accept my apologies on this matter.
  • He blamed its failure on his hectic work schedule. Times, Sunday Times
  • My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.
  • And yes, she is now having a well-earned rest after the hectic pace she has been put through. The Sun
  • Pretty hectic when that happens. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a bit hectic. I'm in the middle of cooking for nine people.
  • Last night he blamed a hectic work schedule for the delay. The Sun
  • Whether it's the adrenalin rush of abseiling down a vertical cliff, the hectic pace of kloofing or reaching the summit of a majestic mountain there will be an adventure to suit you.
  • It was hectic at work today; I had so many phone calls and queries to answer that I didn't know whether I was on my head or my.
  • He was breathing easier, and the hectic flush was fading from his face.
  • Last night he blamed a hectic work schedule for the delay. The Sun
  • After about two hours of fitful sleep, I rose for a hectic day. Times, Sunday Times
  • March begins the hectic planting of warm-season crops like beans, corn, cucumbers and melons, but wait until April to sow hot-weather crops like okra and southern peas.
  • Although his soundscapes are incredibly dense and compact, his compositions are not as hectic as they might seem.
  • There is a hectic student social scene. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some people have a strange notion that the wild world is where you go for peace and serenity: a calming, charming contrast to our hectic human lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throughout it all, while other politicians reeled at the hectic pace, she appeared unfazed. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a hectic day of bickering and money-making, the gang reverently enters an elaborate boardroom where Trump presides.
  • The initial ‘Meditation’ is very troubled, with hectic glissandos and fitful ostinatos.
  • But having quaffed his bubbly in the warm glow of achievement, the headteacher, Mike Welsh, admits the process has been "really hectic". One of the first primary academies celebrates its new status
  • Pals blamed hectic work schedules for end of their relationship. The Sun
  • After one of the most hectic holiday seasons in recent memory, many of us have settled in for equally hectic work schedules.
  • I saw my pets were paying the price of my hectic schedule by receiving quick pats on their heads, rushed walks, and broken promises of evening playtimes.
  • What with raucous classes and a year full of hectic lessons ahead, most teachers do not have time for the child with a problem, said many participants.
  • The last week of May before the opening was hectic but hugely enjoyable. The Education of a Gardener
  • His schedule has become increasingly hectic as he juggles his role as a search and rescue pilot with royal duties. The Sun
  • Urban dwellers are retreating in droves from the hectic pace. My Canada - Today and Tomorrow
  • Now, looking at the horrendous pictures on television and participating hectically in the local efforts, it seems just a matter of chance that one survived.
  • Thus followed a very hectic chase through the woods.
  • We met up most days when my hectic schedule allowed. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • ‘It's been a hectic few days,’ he said with a rather tired smile.
  • In the underbrush, where the deerberry showed hectic blotches, a squirrel worked busily, completing its winter store, while in the slanting sun rays a tawny butterfly, like a wind-blown, loosened tiger lily, danced its last mad dance with death. The Voice of the People
  • The past few months have been hectic.
  • With 400 acres to explore, it is the perfect retreat away from hectic city life. The Sun
  • The hectic schedule ended in Cheltenham, where the Liberal democrats hope to overturn a Conservative majority of just under 5,000.
  • I have a 6 player game that gets hectic too and I find that a brief explanation that lets them know that the penny on the tiles is the bugbear, the quarter is the lich and the piece of tape is a wall solves a lot of problems for those who have been in la-la land for the 5 minutes leading up to the encounter. Fourth “Empire of Ashes” Session Summary Posted « Geek Related
  • People are getting hectic and panicked. Times, Sunday Times
  • The filming schedule was so hectic and she was running from shoot to shoot.
  • During the hectic review of endless shots of the uniformed generalissimos looking on approvingly in the stadium, he spotted a famous face, an honored guest of the murderous junta.
  • The Biennial is not the standard ‘big tent’ art show with elaborate exhibition booths and a short but hectic run in a convention center or on a pier.
  • New faces at home could make life hectic. The Sun

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