
Hebrew script

  1. a Semitic alphabet used since the 5th century BC for writing the Hebrew language (and later for writing Yiddish and Ladino)

How To Use Hebrew script In A Sentence

  • However, the Hebrew script is not a pure abjad, either, and the characters alef, he, vav, and yod are sometimes (in the case of vav and yod, frequently) used to represent vowels. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • “To name the Nazi genocide ‘the Holo­caust,’ ” the phi­los­opher Gillian Rose warned, “is already to over-unify it and to sacralize it, to see it as provi­dential pur­pose—for in the Hebrew scriptures, a holocaust refers to a burnt sacrifice which is offered in its entirety to God without any part of it being consumed.” Holocaust and Israel
  • It is as if the word described the inner 'resource' of God, that which grounds and informs God's substantial, objective presence, a presence which is fleetingly uncovered in theophanies in the Hebrew Scriptures but whose full manifestation in the world awaits the last days. Addresses given to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Archbishop Michael Ramsey: I. Theology in the Face of Christ
  • No Jew calls the Torah or Tanach the “Hebrew Scriptures.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Peretz on the Cairo Speech:
  • The term "alphabet" is something of a misnomer here, though, as Hebrew script is not in fact an alphabet, but an abjad; that is, a script with only consonants. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • These programs develop students' understanding of Hebrew Scripture and its commentary tradition, Jewish philosophy and ethics, liturgical traditions, counseling, and homiletics.
  • The original of the word atone, or make atonement, In the Hebrew scripture, carries no such idea of expiation. The Vicarious Sacrifice, Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation.
  • Midrash Mishle, on Proverbs; (11) Yalqut Shimeoni, a kind of catena extending over all the Hebrew Scriptures. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • He's actually is quoting them from the Greek Bible, ; he probably doesn't read Hebrew; he's quoting them from Greek translations of Hebrew scripture.
  • The average theologue is deep-read in Hebrew Scripture, but ignorant of the A B C of the tongue in which is written the Bible of man's soul. The Joys of Being a Woman and Other Papers
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