How To Use Hebrew alphabet In A Sentence
the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C.
Lamentations 3 is an acrostic on the Hebrew alphabet, each letter given three lines: three alephs, three beths, three gimmels, and so on.
The lamentations of Jeremiah have the form of an acrostic, that is, the verses begin with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet in regular order, the first with
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That meant I had to remember the shape of aleph, which is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
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But those who used the Hebrew alphabet had a rather primitive tool at their disposal, namely the letters samekh (for s) and shin (for sh

What makes an even greater mockery of the codes is that the Torah today is somewhat imprecise in that some of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet can be replaced by vowels and we are not certain whether the vowel, or the letter itself, should be in certain passages.
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The 22nd and final letter of the Hebrew alphabet, tav J, was 400.
The first four chapters are acrostic, that is each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
The Bible Book by Book A Manual for the Outline Study of the Bible by Books
The word jot, or yod -- '-- is the name of the Hebrew letter I, the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
Barnes New Testament Notes
Elijah applied the biblical analysis technique (still used today) called gematria, where the Hebrew letters are given their appropriate numerical values according to their sequence in the Hebrew alphabet, to the two spellings of the word for "line measure" and found the following.
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In another classic instance of more-is-less, Prior, who was jolted by a sudden vision of a neon aleph in Part I, is now shown the better part of the Hebrew alphabet.
Lamentations 3 is an acrostic on the Hebrew alphabet, each letter given three lines: three alephs, three beths, three gimmels, and so on.
See Hebrew Alphabet for more on pointed and unpointed texts.
Her name, Elif, is actually the Turkish word for alif or aleph, the first letter of the Arabic and Hebrew alphabets.
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