How To Use Heavyset In A Sentence
As Jake ducked under the crime scene tape a tall, heavyset man with grey hair accosted him.
He is heavyset, with bushy mustache and eyebrows, and decades of somber repression imprinted on his face.
She was a heavyset woman with a plain green dress, an apron and a head scarf.
She issues world-weary, no-nonsense wisdom as she tries, repeatedly, to convince heavyset Deb that bigger is better.
With the exception of the barmaids, the occupants of the tavern were men, the majority of them heavyset and tough-looking.

It was difficult - he was heavyset, head and shoulders taller than me, with dark hair and eyes.
He was a heavyset man with medium brown hair and a pale, almost pasty complexion.
The shooter, described as a heavyset man in his 20s, vanished into an alley.
A Murder In The Family
She's a heavyset woman, now in her sixties with pure white hair and too much lipstick.
“Them some bad bitches,” a heavyset dark-skinned sistah wearing frizzy-looking cornrows said, jumping from her seat, dropping the Detroit newspaper.
Show Stoppah
The female suspect is described as heavyset and brown-haired, between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 5 inches tall. | news
Obese and overweight patients are just as likely to get recommended preventive medical care as normal-weight patients, and in some cases, treatment of the heavyset is more likely to meet standard guidelines for care, a new study shows.
Obese patients aren't left out of preventive care
The women described their abductor as a clean-shaven, heavyset man in his early 30s with blond hair and blue-grey eyes.
The heavyset director dieted after he was infamously booted from a flight because he couldn't fit in one seat.
Quoted: Kevin Smith on losing 65 lbs.
Who is the heavyset man with the receding hairline and the broad face?
The man is described as a heavyset Hispanic male, who is 30-45 years old.
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The British biologist, a heavyset woman of fifty-eight with eyeglasses and a permanently pinched expression, stood up unsteadily and reached for the device.
Associated Press photographers saw six federal agents carrying a struggling, heavyset man on to the plane.
My band director, Virgil a tall heavyset man with dark wavy hair a gentle, winning demeanor.
He was a short, heavyset man of about forty, with dark rumpled hair and emphatic Slavic features.
She is described as a heavyset black woman standing 5 feet 2 inches and weighing approximately 200 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes.
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The suspect, described as heavyset, unkempt and mentally unbalanced, is thought to be driving a 1990s Chevrolet pickup with a loud muffler. Front Page
Instead he saw a heavyset, sixtyish woman in a red jacket, accompanied by a man wearing a gray suit and sunglasses.
The Omega Theory
Associated Press photographers saw six federal agents carrying a struggling, heavyset man on to the plane.
Now, there was a description of a heavyset man at a separate shooting scene.
A heavyset woman in the rough shapeless dress of a common country woman came out of the house as they approached, looking rather taken aback by them all.
Walking along the beach, he saw a tall, heavyset man throwing something into the water, and altered his course to investigate further.
She was a tall, heavyset girl, known for her continuous power hitting.
He reportedly arrived at the restaurant by himself, but was seen walking out of the restaurant with an unidentified man described as heavyset, with dark facial hair.
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The suspect is described as a heavyset man in his early 20s who was seen wearing stories
… Blessed with a big voice and stage presence, the heavyset Carter prided herself on her range as a performer, doing musicals and drama as well as comedy.
But when the lights went out, Cruise's friend and the heavyset man exchanged places so the actor could sit right next to his friend.
A heavyset man waved his mug of ale in the air and slopping the contents onto the ground.
The thief, described as a heavyset black woman weighing between 220 and 240 pounds, parked a blue Volkswagen Beetle in front of the store. Chronicle
The suspect, described as heavyset, unkempt and mentally unbalanced, is thought to be driving a
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The shooter is described as disheveled and heavyset and appeared to be in his 40s, wearing a green windbreaker and driving a 1990s-model Chevy pickup. - News
\tab He saw reflected in the glass a figure coming down the sidewalk-heavyset, middle-aged, wearing a gun belt almost concealed by belly overflowing it, a holstered hogleg on his right thigh, star on his left breast, otherwise dressed much as Lazarus was dressed.
Time Enough For Love
he was tall and heavyset
I looked up into the sparkling eyes of a heavyset man with gray, unkempt hair and a white goatee.
Gabriel sat in the back of the lecture hall, while the professor, a heavyset man with graying hair who was dressed in a tweed suit, spoke to the class about the psychology of identity development.
In the corner was a heavyset man sitting in the middle of a sofa, alone with huge headphones on his head and his laptop reflecting and glowing in his eyeglasses.
They were greeted by a shady, heavyset guard that stood at least six feet tall.
But as we took our seats and smilingly waved to one another across the auditorium, we became aware that we had been infiltrated by several square-looking, heavyset men.
In a matter of minutes, her tall heavyset butler appeared at the door of the room.
Drake stood back in and eyed the pitcher, a heavyset kid with a face oozing sebaceous oils that only a blind mother could love.
Parents Behaving Badly
His face is heavyset, its mid-coffee coloring sheened with sweat.
He called his wife out to the yard-a heavyset woman in an old housedress.
A heavyset woman in the front row was the first person to make it onstage, and she slapped her hands on him like she was trying to knock him out.
He is a heavyset man with a crooner's manner and soft voice.
She was a tall, heavyset girl, known for her continuous power hitting.