- English physicist and electrical engineer who helped develop telegraphic and telephonic communications; in 1902 (independent of A. E. Kennelly) he suggested the existence of an atmospheric layer that reflects radio waves back to earth (1850-1925)
How To Use Heaviside In A Sentence
- As you are undoubtedly aware, the sad old electrical engineering model was deliberately crippled by Lorentz (who deliberately symmetrized Heaviside's original equations at the instigation of the infamous J.P. Morgan) in 1892, prior to the very birth of electrical engineering itself.
- In this paper Heaviside gave, for the first time, the conditions necessary to transmit a signal without distortion.
- Gibbs and Heaviside had been early exponents of the vector calculus while its chief opponents had been Tait.
- Working engineers and leading scientists focused upon Heaviside's vector interpretation of Maxwell's difficult quaternionic expressions. Chapter 4
- The EEs thus use -- and always have used -- the artificially symmetrized Heaviside-Lorentz equations, not Heaviside's asymmetric equations!
- With the availability of excellent and extensive expositions of the vector interpretation of the translation force-field subset of Maxwell's theory by Heaviside and Hertz, and with the nearly insurmountable difficulty associated with the complex quaternions and potentials which few scientists understood, the rejection of the quaternionic form of Maxwell's theory and the acceptance of the vector subset was inevitable. Chapter 4