How To Use Heavens In A Sentence

  • Some great new players and the captainship of Catty lifting the team no end, thank heavens. RIP Fatboy, Blogger TV & stuff
  • The edification of this house is gradually to be perfected more and more till the coming of Christ, by laying the foundation of Christianity, in bringing men still unto Christ, and carrying on the superstruction in perfecting them in Christ in all spiritual growth, till at last the top-stone be laid on, the Church completed, and translated _to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens_. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • a final leave of great Circe; who by her art calmed the heavens, and gave them smooth seas, and a right forewind (the seaman's friend) to bear them on their way to Ithaca. The Adventures of Ulysses
  • She shook her fists to the heavens at the injustice of it all.
  • Overhead, the stars wheel in the heavens and a bright, bright moon shines down on the fields and on the house itself, for it's clear tonight.
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  • All movement ceases, the sky clears, the heavens are as brass; the slightest whisper seems sacrilege, and man becomes timid, affrighted at the sound of his own voice. THE WHITE SILENCE
  • I should see and heare some Oracles from the heavens, and from the gleed of the Sun. The Golden Asse
  • Heavens to Betsy,” Helga murmured, cantilevering her head out sideways over her body to survey the damage. Bootstraps
  • And the Gospel of Mark would declare that on my im - mersion, the heavens opened and I saw "a spirit like a dove descending. The Gospel according to the Son
  • An ancient Hopi Prophecy states. When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens the 5th world will emerge.
  • The sun does not more certainly shine in the heavens, than that which I now affirm is true. Chapter 3
  • Anaxagoras compounded this heresy by alleging that the stars were insensate bodies as well, stones carried in orbit by the rapid movement of the heavens and that occasionally a stone might detach itself to become a falling star.
  • Through the symbolism of the heavens the astrologer aims to gain a deeper spiritual knowledge of earthly matters, and seeks to understand the wider significance of the situations that trouble us.
  • And so the hours of night passed, and the heavens turned slowly about the rutilant earth. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • Shortly before the final the heavens opened. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's not much about ID in lotus land, but there's a Conservative Christian Bible belt which professes "God created the heavens and the earth" and the two apparently go hand in hand. The Memory Hole
  • The prevalence of infi - delity, immorality and vice as surely indicates ap - proaching calamities, as clouds indicate a shower, winds forebode a storm, or the conjunction, or op - position of the sun and moon, in certain places in the heavens, presignifying an eclipse. Sermons delivered on various occasions : first published singly, now republished and collected into a volume, with two new one, never before printed
  • A line of skiers stretches forever as they herringbone toward the heavens.
  • Indeed, little was known of those orbs until within the past hundred years, when the exploration of the heavens by the aid of greatly increased telescopic power, was the means of creating a new branch of astronomical science, called sidereal astronomy. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • 'Heavens! said she, peevishly,' is this the gallant, polite Frenchman! The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • To say that such admonitions are a means to preserve those from apostasy who are by other means (as suppose the absolute decree of God, or the interposal of his irresistible power for their perseverance, or the like) in no possibility of apostatizing, is to say that washing is a means to make snow white, or the rearing up of a pillar in the air a means to keep the heavens from falling. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The Scoop: Almost 30 years after the first fantasy film, Perseus, mortal son of Greek god Zeus, is back to take on Medusa and the Kraken to stop their evil from spreading to earth and the heavens.
  • Then God sent down on him and on the stubborn unbelievers with him a thunderblast from the heavens of His power, which destroyed them all with a mighty clamour, and neither he nor any of his company set eyes on the city. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
  • Just as I helped R. into the stylist's chair the heavens opened up and sheets of rain descended with liquid force, splattering the windows and instantly flooding the parking lot.
  • This guy, and the idiot army who champion his every move as it’s mana from the heavens, deserve to fail. Matthew Yglesias » Institutions Matter
  • Occasionally, for my benefit, she would recall sanctimonious preachers who would dismiss three quarters of the world's people as ignorant heathens doomed to spend the afterlife in eternal damnation ¾ and who in the next breath would insist that the earth and the heavens had been created in seven days, all geologic and astrophysical evidence to the contrary. Greg Barrett: Obama's speech bridges the Abrahamic faiths
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • Then the heavens ripped asunder and showered evil and ill omens upon the face of this beckoning planet.
  • The next of the fixed stars and the brightest in all the heavens is that which we call _Sirius_ or the Dog Star. Marvels of Modern Science
  • A bolt of lightning descended from the heavens in a blinding flash of yellow light accompanied by the rumble seconds later.
  • I am immensely impressed by the way in which the British juryman and jurywoman simply sits down to do this disagreeable duty though the heavens fall.
  • _Corona Australis_ was blazing with unwonted brilliancy, and, it seemed to him, the constellation was making signs to him from its signal station in the heavens. The Wedge of Gold
  • Who in the heavens could match his pecs, his flawless jawline, his crystalline gaze?
  • Oh heavens above how dare they create a parallel in a satire between real life and their fictional world!
  • The Cheshire cat's wide, puckish smile descending from the heavens as a crescent moon; the caterpillar puffing opiate smoke into the face of Alice and snobbishly asking, Who ... Archive 2009-10-01
  • A vaporous grey mist had entirely usurped the heavens, and the plash of weary rain resounded through the pluvious metropolis of the west. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 347, September, 1844
  • No sooner were we in bed when there was an almighty thunderclap and the heavens opened up and of course it sounded very loud on the tin roof.
  • I will mock the marly heavens, lamp the purple prairies, I will flaunt my deathless banners down the far, unhouseled lands.
  • He believed that the apparent rotation of the heavens was due to the axial rotation of the Earth.
  • She stays like that, lifting her face and her camera to the heavens, in the squawking aerial universe of all these flying creatures.
  • Also, the vermiform constellation Draco, which traditionally occupies the polar position in the heavens of the northern hemisphere, encircles the center of a late quattrocento tapestry depicting the heavens as a wheel of fortune and an enormous astrolabe. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • It was a happy choice; my good genius, I suppose, for you see I was already fairly well read in modern science, and these old Greek philosophies set me thinking backwards, unwinding and unlearning, and getting at that eidolon which is not to be found in the mechanical heavens of this age. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • And thank heavens they used "fornicate" in lieu of "fuck" in the above missive; otherwise, one might have considered this a bit off-color. SFist
  • He raised his eyes to the heavens, clinging desperately to the only remaining physical reminder of his past life.
  • He showed much more class as he pointed two index fingers to the heavens. The Sun
  • And I knew immediately, holy heavens, we are under attack.
  • If we cannot find peace in the heavens, what hope on the ground?
  • Hinting at the soulful surplus of house music, Melchior works with tiny elements: a burble of a bassline, a snippet of singing, and hi-hat drums that point toward the heavens without lifting their arms.
  • The whole design of the cathedral bespoke a desire to cancel gravity and elevate matter toward the heavens. THE BROKEN GOD
  • And you think that immersing your bones here will automatically result in your swift despatch to the heavens?
  • You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. 
  • It is the only surah which does not contain any letter "mim" [7] The number of times the 7 heavens are mentioned is 7 and the number of times the phrase "established on His Throne" is also 7 [8] Surah Yasin (the heart of the Qur'an) contains 7 'mubin'. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He believed that the apparent rotation of the heavens was due to the axial rotation of the Earth.
  • The abyss: Dante's hell is formed in the shape of an inverted cone whose point is at the center of the earth, which is the furthest place from God who is in the heavens.
  • Nilotes held the moon to be of “male-female sex,” the men sacrificing to Luna and the women to Lunus. 387 Isis also was a hermaphrodite, the idea being that Aether or Air (the lower heavens) was the menstruum of generative nature; and Damascius explained the tenet by the all-fruitful and prolific powers of the atmosphere. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Mary Shelley raved in her letters about thenear-tropical color of the lake, "blue as the heavens which it reflects, " andused an array of scenes from Lake Geneva in "Frankenstein.
  • I suddenly thanked the heavens that I'd changed out of my dorky school uniform before coming over.
  • And beyond his star-gazing, in his far-imagined heavens, Valkyrie or houri, man has fain made place for her, for he could see no heaven without her. Chapter 21
  • Paris they looked back they saw an immense blaze in the distance, and the heavens aglare from east to west with the conflagration. The False Chevalier or, The Lifeguard of Marie Antoinette
  • Meanwhile, as the heavens darkened, the seas began to boil, and a voice tore through the clouds shouting, in deep, stentorian tones to one and all: "It was a Mistake!", campaign offices described themselves as "unperturbed". Founder Of Group Palin Courted Professed "Hatred For The American Government"; Cursed "Damn Flag"
  • Sit down and I will tell you a tale of magic and faeries, of foes and heroes in the heavens.
  • Greek astronomer who mapped the position of 850 stars in the earliest known star chart. His observations of the heavens form the basis of Ptolemy's geocentric cosmology.
  • The event became even more surreal as the heavens opened and a monsoon rain teemed down, but the boxing went on regardless.
  • Urine, feces, and vomitus went in the toilet. hmmmm must have been LATE Pleistocene since most of the houses I lived in had flush toilets IN TH HOUSE, ffor heavens sakes! Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » More Indentured Servitude in San Francisco
  • Man and woman no longer confront one another as “question and counterquestion”; since the heavens emptied, their dialogue, carried out for the most part as struggle, now lacks a metaphysical anchor. Margarete Susman.
  • His telescopic observations forever changed how we understand the heavens; the Linceans hoped that their microscopic observations would do the same for the terrestrial world.
  • diurnal rotation of the heavens
  • A kind-hearted innocent with a passion for the lives of the saints, Damian is playing in his own cardboard sanctuary when a bag falls from the heavens.
  • Accordingly, St. Augustine treats the idea of antipodes as an absurdity; and Lactantius, whom we have already quoted, expressly says “can there possibly be any persons so simple as to believe that there are men whose heads are lower than their feet?” etc.St. Chrysostom exclaims, in his fourteenth homily, “Where are they who pretend that the heavens are movable, and that their form is circular?” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • In humiliating contrast, one of China's few tangible rewards involved the set of Qing-dynasty instruments for observing the heavens-among them a Jesuit-designed quadrant, celestial globe and armilla-mentioned above. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • Three cheeky Capistrano swallow refugees dive-bombed out of the heavens and zoomed in all around him.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • Although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles.
  • A high brow like unto the bright heavens, coeli pulcherrima plaga, Frons ubi vivit honor, frons ubi ludit amor, white and smooth like the polished alabaster, a pair of cheeks of vermilion colour, in which love lodgeth; [4914] Amor qui mollibus genis puellae pernoctas: a coral lip, suaviorum delubrum, in which Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It rains, it pours, it mists, it drips fertilizing fluids from the heavens, which fructify the fields. Donna Henes: Spring Fever!
  • And here, at the end of it all, I pore over books of astronomy from the prison library, such as they allow condemned men to read, and learn that even the heavens are passing fluxes, vexed with star - driftage as the earth is by the drifts of men. Chapter 21
  • More striking to the general observer than the ordinary variable stars are the _temporary stars_ which on rare occasions suddenly make their appearance in the heavens. The Story of the Heavens
  • You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. 
  • Meanwhile, as the heavens darkened, the seas began to boil, and the voice tore through the clouds shouting, in deep, stentorian tones to one and all "It was a Mistake!", campaign offices described themselves as "unperturbed". The Palin Meltdown in Slo-Mo
  • At first I was sanguine enough to hope that, seeing how we slipped away from her, the lateener would 'bout ship, and return to her moorings; but nothing of the kind: she held on like grim death, her skipper, no doubt, being seaman enough to read in the increasingly-threatening aspect of the heavens a promise that his turn should come by-and-by. Under the Meteor Flag Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War
  • They are also said to represent the spiritual ark sent from the heavens that transported the eight primordial ancestors of the Dogon, who are represented on the outside of the vessel.
  • Oh, heavens to Betsy, what a furor, what a to-do, what a downright brouhaha.
  • The heavens opened and a deluge of biblical proportions had within minutes, turned roads into fast-flowing rivers and gardens into lakes.
  • During that time they managed to be thoughtful, provocative and, heavens above, interesting.
  • When he reached the wire, however, he saw at once that its strength was an illusion, for the whole concertina was held in place by an unbarbed loop hung loosely over the twisted end of a broken railing: surmounting the cunning defences of Standingham Castle wasn't going to be such a problem after all, thank heavens! War Game
  • The unresting movements of the heavens and the water correspond to the unceasing power of the hydraulic machine and, by extension, to the unceasing power of the emperor.
  • Ten thousand strengths seemed then to heave him from her heart; and struggling with a power that amazed even herself, she threw him from her; and holding him off with her shackled arms, her shrieks again pierced the heavens. The Scottish Chiefs
  • I don't want to upset any owners of these abominations but for heavens sake, what on earth possessed you when you bought one of these things.
  • Christopher Rotman, the landgrave of Hesse's mathematician, in their astronomical epistles, whether it be the same Diaphanum clearness, matter of air and heavens, or two distinct essences? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • What is that white belt we call the milky way, which spans the heavens and sparkles like a Sahara of diamonds? Gov. Bob. Taylor's Tales
  • When you look up into the heavens with a telescope, you see many nebulae whelloch are like, or approximately like, the perfectly balanced spiral nebula whelloch you see edgewise in Fig. 23.
  • Suddenly the heavens opened and it poured with rain.
  • At the next, he drained a 40-foot curling putt to go one over par, and raised his arms to the heavens, a la Faldo.
  • The audiobook begins and ends with the a chorus of chirruping birds, as the reader imagines the reddish brown thick trunks reaching from the fertile earth to the cloudy heavens. “Wild Trees: A Story of Passion and Daring” by Richard Preston (Random House, 2007) « The BookBanter Blog
  • Maybe we all have an inner desire to ascend towards the heavens with grace and verve.
  • In Exodus for example, the story of manna offers the depiction of God raining food from the heavens, enough for everyone.
  • Lifted up on this stately mound, whose top is fanned with air as light to breathe as nitrous oxide gas -- and bivouacked on its very ridge, (where nought on earth is seen in distance save the thousand treeless, bushless, weedless hills of grass and vivid green which all around me vanish into an infinity of blue and azure), stretched on our bears 'skins, my fellow-traveller, Mr. Wood, and myself, have laid and contemplated the splendid orrery of the heavens. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • The interior of the cave, pierced by apertures giving onto the sea and by a sort of skylight open to the heavens, reflects a light of mist and water on its damp walls.
  • They say he’s watching us from the heavens. If he doesn’t answer, I tell him in this poem that I’m going to pull this curtain of the sky and forget about him. It is a way of expressing my anguish, written when I felt helpless. Gulzar 
  • Even when he gazed into her blue eyes he was conscious of a more flaming glory than lay in the heavens of their depths; a splendent maze that shed a brightness around her. Under the Rose
  • I make not any doubt, but almes-deedes and prayers, are very mighty; and prevailing meanes, to appease heavens anger for some sinnes committed; but if such as bestow them, did either see or know, to whom they give them: they would more warily keepe them, or else cast them before Swine, in regard they are altogether so unworthy of them. The Decameron
  • The titans of the computer industry stride the media heavens.
  • That only left time to visit the tearooms for a superb Devonshire cream tea, before the heavens opened again, and we made a dash for the car.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • All men are miserable in earthly kingdoms, for fate leaves no-one under the heavens unchanged. There is No Future without Love (a Rare Political Post)
  • It was simply not admissible that something as blatantly solid as a rock could have come from the heavens.
  • These differ but little from graven forms; but still they are receptible of life from the Lord through the heavens. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Soon thunder rumbled across the heavens and flashes of lightning lit up the hillsides as thick curtains of rain swept towards us.
  • The Norse Eddas sing of the great ash tree Yggdrasil on whose trunk the heavens spin and whose roots clutch the netherworld.
  • He it is who in himself has given us a pledge of the capacity of our nature to inhabit those blessed regions of light, which are far above these aspectable heavens. Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ
  • Meantime the hump of that awful bump Into the heavens contrived to get To so great a height that they called the wight The man with the minaret. INTERNET WIRETAP: The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce (1993 Edition)
  • His father was Sir Frederick William Herschel, the most eminent astronomer of the age, who discovered Uranus, the only new planet to be seen in the heavens since the classical era.
  • You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. 
  • Through the north window the heavens were emblazoned with an auroral display, which flamed and flared and died down into blackness. THE STORY OF JEES UCK
  • Red wine pooled from a wooden cup onto the dark ocean of velvet carpeting as the angry heavens pounded down around the building’s exterior. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • In the sky, the Pole Star, around which the firmament appears to turn, has been styled the ‘navel of the Heavens'.
  • And so far the Greek philosopheme does not differ essentially from the cosmotheism, or identification of God with the universe, in which consisted the first apostacy of mankind after the flood, when they combined to raise a temple to the heavens, and which is still the favored religion of the Chinese. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • The sun does not more certainly shine in the heavens, than that which I now affirm is true (30). [ _Frankenstein_'s Cinematic Dream
  • As I drew a still fresher soil about the rows with my hoe, I disturbed the ashes of unchronicled nations who in primeval years lived under these heavens, and their small implements of war and hunting were brought to the light of this modern day. Walden
  • As a last resort, he took the empty fountain pen from the bag and looking straight up at the brilliant stillness of the heavens he connected a handful of the dots, creating the figure of a goat, the very thinnest moon imaginable lodged tightly in its stomach. August « 2008 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • No matter their details or their various and peculiar heavens and hells, myths evolved to try and explain why things move around each other, why the Evenstar, whether you called her Astarte or Lucifer, rose at dawn and returned at dusk, to summon the night of the world. Matthew Ritchie: A Perilous Intellectual High Wire Act
  • Just as we got to the park, the heavens opened.
  • He passed her a black and white riverscape of towering cliffs on either hand and a cascade of water that seemed to fall from the heavens to dwarf the tiny figures of half-naked men and boats in the foreground. The Seventh Scroll
  • His nose was. the same as Daddy's as it aimed at the heavens, his fall lips so beautifully shaped he didn't need to pout to make them sensual, his chin square, strong, clefted, and his chest was beginning to broaden. and there was that hillock of his growing maleness before his strong thighs, beginning to swell. Flowers In The Attic
  • Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .
  • “I have had several letters,” he wrote to Professor Edwin Mims, of Trinity College, North Carolina, “about an 'excoriation' (Great Heavens! The Life and Letters of Walter H Page
  • He was getting closer to the square now, and his eyes still saw spots from the funnel of light he had followed to the heavens.
  • This sort of staff is crooked at one end, and is called lituus; they make use of it in quartering out the regions of the heavens when engaged in divination from the flight of birds; Romulus, who was himself a great diviner, made use of it. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • The cynosure was a statue -- a statue of a buck-toothed, wall-eyed youth gazing steadfastly up into the heavens. The Servant Problem
  • Thank heavens we had a particularly headstrong set of governors, and an even more determined female head of school.
  • 'And when the evening mist clothes the riverside with poetry, as with a veil, and the poor buildings lose themselves in the dim sky, and the tall chimneys become campanili, and the warehouses are palaces in the night, and the whole city hangs in the heavens, and fairyland is before us ...' Yet Again
  • At high noon the sun, without raising its rim above the southern horizon, threw a suggestion of fire athwart the heavens, then quickly drew it back. The White Silence
  • It is evident that the revelation here made is _proleptical_, describing a state of things identical with that which in Rev.xxi. 3, 4 (before quoted in p. 93), is said to pertain to the new heavens and the {106} new earth. An Essay on the Scriptural Doctrine of Immortality
  • Thanks heavens I've found my keys.
  • Beat Generation" that crazy is that those who want to maintain the privately wise to take the avoidance of the law, then they rely on violence and the pursuit of the heavens to induce "crazy.
  • A smile touched his blue lips as he patiently waited for the fragile wings of gossamer that would carry him to the heavens.
  • For some seconds the whole arc of the heavens was overspread by a brilliant light. Times, Sunday Times
  • The heavens added to the noise with a fanfaronade of thunder, which inspired the crocodile to bellow in response. The Golden Torc
  • Quantity considered in the movements of the celestial bodies is geometrical astronomy; from which arise cosmography or description of the universe, which is divided into uranography or description of the heavens, hydrography or description of waters, and geography; whence also arise chronology and gnomonics, or the art of constructing sundials.
  • Goshen, in Egypt, on whilk the sun of the heavens and of the gospel shineth allenarly, and leaveth the rest of the world in utter darkness. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • And he is said here to "ascend far above all heavens," -- that is, these visible and aspectable heavens, which he passed through when he went into the glorious presence of God, or unto the right hand of the Majesty on high. Pneumatologia
  • On the fifth day of my journey the air above lay dead, and all the whole earth that I could reach with my utmost sight and keenest listening was still and lifeless as some dispeopled and forgotten world that rolls round and round in the heavens through wasted floods of light. Eothen
  • Similarly Sirius, the most luminous star in all the heavens, actually has a faint companion.
  • By this means, when the heavens are filled with clouds, when the earth swims in rain, and all nature wears a lowering countenance, I withdraw myself from these uncomfortable scenes, into the visionary worlds of art; where I meet with shining landscapes, gilded triumphs, beautiful faces, and all those other objects that fill the mind with gay ideas, and disperse that gloominess which is apt to hang upon it in those dark disconsolate seasons. Essays and Tales
  • 'Good heavens!' exclaimed his wife.
  • Tawaret has the head of a hippo, Thoth the head of an ibis, and the great sun god Ra is rowed across the heavens in a boat.
  • You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. 
  • As the fat, large drops fell from the heavens and hit the parched earth, the land that had once been in a drought rejoiced, and the angels were glad.
  • The teacher to whom Andy is trying to pay his last respects has written a book about Michel de Montaigne, a man who celebrated everything that was unpredictable and mutable about being human, who said: "Happy those who let themselves roll relaxedly in the rolling of the heavens. Inheritance by Nicholas Shakespeare
  • Earth and heavens glitter, and the sword - fern clumps are diamond sunbursts pinned to the silver - sequined ground.
  • A doorway in the heavens-the idea beggared reason. The Dragons at War
  • For three days the heavens descended in a downpour that made the river a roaring torrent and isled the two log houses on their hillocks. The Emigrant Trail
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • And there was a dartboard and a lovely 1950s Wurlitzer jukebox, a fruit machine --- and, good heavens! TICKLED PINK
  • Kinnison, however, paid very little attention to the landing or to Samms 'disembarkation, and none whatever to the Chicago's reascent into the high heavens. First Lensman
  • Fortunately for our friends, it proved a clear night, with countless stars bespangling the heavens. The Rover Boys in Southern Waters or The Deserted Steam Yacht
  • It was wryly noted that the heavens had delivered the Scots from certain defeat.
  • But first the Glazers, and now this? turns out nobody was supporting them from up in the heavens after all, though a few thousand were pretty close, if you count the upper tier of Old Trafford's giddying North Stand. Caught between Red Devils and the deeply irritating vuvuzelas
  • All of the thirteen kingdoms had been graced with a stone, and a crystal and a star in the heavens.
  • Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .
  • She wondered if maybe her mother had not become one of the innumerable stars in the heavens.
  • Do you not see that everyone in the heavens and Earth glorifies God, as do the birds with their outspread wings?
  • The rain was beginning to belt down now in a devastating flurry, as if the heavens themselves were at war with this battered earth.
  • Never mind that those writers lived in cultures that thought the Earth was flat and the heavens were a solid dome overhead. Karl Giberson, Ph.D: Christianity and Extraterrestrial Life: Are the Gliesans Going to Hell?
  • I held them aloft, closed my eyes, turned my face to the heavens, and exhaled a breathy YES!
  • The patriarch arose, after a night of conflict and prayer, while the stars were still shining in the heavens, while the flocks lay in stillness around the tents, and before those who had revelled and rejoiced were awake, and called Hagar and her child. Notable Women of Olden Time
  • You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. 
  • It drifted down from the heavens, little white nothings floating across your windows, settling on lamp-posts and windshields.
  • Our awe of the heavens led us to confuse cause and effect, our awe of 'wise men' who could predict eclipses (probably back over 6000 yr/ago), and our awe of men who could dowse water ( origin of the the word sorcerer?) i.e. Debunking Astrology: Mars Can't Influence You | Universe Today
  • He crushed with his contempt the two stockish imbeciles who did not understand the sublimity of his song, which opened wide the heavens! Jean-Christophe, Volume I
  • A tidal river, its current is swollen both from the teeming heavens and from the surging ocean.
  • Egypt, on whilk the sun of the heavens and of the gospel shineth allenarly, and leaveth the rest of the world in utter darkness. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • You might see the houses _tumble, tumble, tumble_, from one end of the street to the other, with a great crash, leaving the foundations open to the view of the heavens. "[ The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 271, September 1, 1827
  • Gaelic Dream edged Just Heavens Gate by a neck for the second spot in the race for three-year-olds and older.
  • In Armenian traditions, the fire and lightning god had powers to stay the dragon's control of the heavens, as could thunderbolts in Macedonian myth.
  • Heavens and breathed empyreal air, her tempering; in like manner he requests her to lead him down to his native element lest he should meet with a fate similar to what befell Bellerophon. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • He sat calmly smoking a cigarette, his eyes upturned in placid and Oriental contemplation of the heavens. Tish
  • Like the birds of augury, the living beings of the heavens, having no lot or part with us, may serve incidentally to foreshow the future, but they have absolutely no main function in our regard. The Six Enneads.
  • The bruschetta was beautifully presented, encapsulating Summer and the Mediterranean in one fell swoop, and exuding the smell of freshly-chopped basil - a small piece of heaven, on a day when the heavens were opening outside.
  • Then there is _the_ event, _the great climax event_, the actual coming of the Lord Jesus, out of the heavens, down to the earth. Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails The Great Experiment
  • To a believer, God is all-powerful and the ultimate owner of the heavens and earth.
  • A bunch of moss-munching brontosauruses standing together looking up in the sky, as a giant, earth-shattering meteor comes hurling down from the heavens.
  • The Cheshire cat's wide, puckish smile descending from the heavens as a crescent moon; the caterpillar puffing opiate smoke into the face of Alice and snobbishly asking, Who ... Archive 2009-10-01
  • Ah, yes, unsubduable granite, piercing far and wide into the Heavens; yet, in the clefts of it, fountains, green, beautiful valleys with flowers. Luther and the Reformation: The Life-Springs of Our Liberties
  • After Galileo s stargazing it became increasingly clear that the Earth was just another planet, part of some one else s heavens.
  • I have nothing against scientific surveys scanning the heavens for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence.
  • On the whole, it may be safe to consider the sun as the Siouan arch-mystery, with the mythic thunder-bird or family of thunder-birds as a sort of mediate link between the mysteries and men, possessing less power but displaying more activity in human affairs than the remoter wakanda of the heavens. The Siouan Indians
  • An astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy just where every star in the heavens will be at half past eleven tonight.
  • The heavens, with their mighty burden of stars, remained clear and tranquil, -- the raging voice of ocean was gradually sinking into a gentle crooning song of sweet content, -- and within the little cottage complete silence reigned, unbroken save for the dash of the stream outside, rushing down through the "coombe" to the sea. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • Despite the heavens opening and depositing buckets of rain a few times this weekend, the festival has been hugely successful.
  • You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. 
  • Yet for all that, the Jew sitting in his sukkah will look up at the heavens and be at peace.
  • Already her person was buried; only the fair young head and the diadem of white roses around it were still visible to the pitying heavens; and, last of all, was visible one white marble arm.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .
  • 'For heavens' sake!' he burst out.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • And yeh, who would trust you around a young girl, good heavens she may learn things like strength and independence and brains and pardon the term balls Lesbian vampire girls in corsets suck face, blood, hickeys and drinks

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