- a condition marked by dizziness and nausea and weakness caused by depletion of body fluids and electrolytes
How To Use heat exhaustion In A Sentence
- It is important to remember that heat exhaustion, if not promptly treated, can lead to heatstroke, and that the two conditions may overlap, making vigilance of the utmost importance.
- By the end of the ride, I was suffering from heat exhaustion and sweating profusely, and I had shooting pains in my inner thighs.
- Failure to arrest the process during heat exhaustion could lead to the more deadly condition of heatstroke.
- Prolonged dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion or even heatstroke, as the body can no longer maintain a safe core temperature.
- She slumped to the ground, near to heat exhaustion.
- In its early stages, the symptoms of fatigue and nausea mimic heat exhaustion and can confuse the rangers.
- In its early stages, the symptoms of fatigue and nausea mimic heat exhaustion and can confuse the rangers.
- ‘Heat exhaustion’ results from overexertion in hot weather.
- Heat exhaustion typically is associated with nonspecific signs and symptoms and mild pyrexia.
- This is why one uncontrollably shivers during very cold temperatures, heat exhaustion or even heatstroke, as the body can no longer maintain a safe core temperature.