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How To Use Hearth In A Sentence

  • Some lucky local with an open fire had determined the evening warranted a little extra cheer, more than the central heating could provide, and had lit a small blaze on his hearth.
  • On an odometer basis, my perambulations around the hearthrug by rocking chair are infinitely more dangerous than an astronaut's wildest rides through space.
  • Later that night, after he had carried her inside, he lay next to her on the hearthrug, listening to her breathe, not quite believing what had just happened.
  • To the left the spacious drawing room includes a stone fireplace with matching hearth and log store.
  • All of this was underpinned with ample confidence in the friendly disposition of much of the population-presumably loyalist at heart, simply waiting to welcome British military leaders to their hearthstones.
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  • There was a rocking chair that sat next to a fireplace, which held a medium sized cooking cauldron that was spilling ashes onto the burgundy hearthrug.
  • There was no pony, no grass, no flowers, no bright-birded forest -- but the cottage of the wise woman -- and before her, on the hearth of it, the goddess-child, the only thing unchanged. A Double Story
  • More reasons to be cheerful include more meals being made from fresh ingredients, a sign of the pleasures of home and hearth. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the right, the drawing room is a spacious area with a raised fireplace with brass inset and white marble hearth.
  • The room also features a brick fireplace with raised hearth and thick wood beamed mantelpiece, and is overlooked by a balcony which is accessible from the first floor.
  • There, seated in splendid comfort, sat Father Morrison, hands clasped around his belly, feet stretched out, dozing, comfortable as a cat on a hearthside rug. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • The natural beauty is attractive to both visitors and locals alike and the outdoor life draws people from their warm hearths in almost all weather conditions.
  • A cheerful wood-fire blazed in the capacious hearth; a little at one side an old-fashioned table, with richly-carved legs, was placed -- destined, no doubt, to receive the supper, for which preparations were going forward; and ranged with exact regularity, stood the tall-backed chairs, whose ungracefulness was more than counterbalanced by their comfort. The Purcell Papers, Volume II
  • One can imagine the glass of whisky, a fire burning in the hearth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did he outsit the maids and men around his hearth and watch the dying fire with no other companions than his sleeping dogs, fancy placed a scar-let-cloaked figure on the cushion at his feet and raised at his knee a face of sweetest friendliness, whose flower-blue eyes brightened or gloomed in response to his lightest mood ... The Ward of King Canute; a romance of the Danish conquest
  • Only when these are dealt with satisfactorily does the mini-micro world of the hearth and home get a mention.
  • Mars boosts energy where home and hearth is concerned, so enjoy. The Sun
  • The man in the shop, perhaps, is in the baked ‘jemmy’ line, or the fire – wood and hearth – stone line, or any other line which requires a floating capital of eighteen – pence or thereabouts: and he and his family live in the shop, and the small back parlour behind it. Sketches by Boz
  • When Mr. Piperson returned, he found Pigling sitting before the fire; he had brushed up the hearth and put on the pot to boil; the meal was not get-at-able. The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
  • Beauty and light glowed from classic mantel and carven cornice and walls grotesquely figured, while a sleek black cat rose yawning from hearthside sleep that his master's start and shriek had disturbed. The Best Endings in Science Fiction
  • He slid down to sit on the floor, facing the fireplace, its hearth stripped of ashes and as lifeless and bare as the rest of the house.
  • Is it all right to suggest the major reason Leverman has joined the hearthside Hannibals sending their red elephants east? What The New York Times Won't Tell You About Joe Lieberman
  • Both rooms have open fireplaces with tiled hearths and surrounds, as well as picture rails and ceiling coving.
  • She took a pipkin from the hearth, where a small fire burned, though it was summer weather, as Dickie could see by the green tree-tops that swayed and moved outside in the sun, poured some gruel out of it into a silver basin. Harding's Luck
  • The small drudge before the grate swept the hearth once and then swept it again. A Little Princess
  • He was so fond of a little taste every day that in the winter he smuggled in frozen hunks of it, dropping them on the hearth to thaw.
  • The property has two marble fireplaces with marble hearths and fitted units in the kitchen.
  • Your creativity is bubbling over, so why not direct it towards home and hearth? The Sun
  • Behind this hearth was another room. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • On ascending the ladder and crawling inside, smoke from the hearth stings the eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brush some soot from the chimney on to the hearth, put on some wellies and press a telltale footprint into the dust. Times, Sunday Times
  • The page stirred from his pallet on the hearth and poked the fire back to life, then padded over, yawning, with a candle.
  • When she arrived at his house he wasn't there - the fire in the hearth was dead and he'd gone off into the bush.
  • The osteria was a deep vault, almost like a hollow in the ruins; within, a lamp burned before the image of the Madonna; a large fire flamed on the hearth, for here they roasted, cooked and prepared the dishes for the guests. The Ice-Maiden: and Other Tales.
  • What better could I have done in the smoky warmth of our hearth-fire than to con, by the light of the electric bulb dangling overhead, its annals in some such voluntarily quaint and unconsciously old-fashioned volume as Irving’s Legends of the Conquest of Spain; or to read in some such (if there is any such other) imperishably actual and unfadingly brilliant record of impressions as Gautier’s Familiar Spanish Travels
  • The marble clock on the mantel-piece softly chimed the half-hour, the dog rose uneasily from the hearthrug and looked at the party at the breakfast table.
  • The hearthstone protects the floor in front of the fire. Times, Sunday Times
  • My clever wee dog was for dashing off, the same as when he's smelt a rabbit, so we caught up our plaids and came away after him, only stopping to snatch a brand from the hearth and smoor the fire. Drums of Autumn
  • The back wall of the firebox is the fireback, and its floor is the inner hearth. HOME COMFORTS
  • His fine sonnets to Liberty, and indeed, all his pieces which have any reference to political interest, remind me of the spirit in which Schiller has conceived the character of William Tell, a calm, single hearted herdsman of the hills, breaking forth into fiery and indignant eloquence, when the sanctity of his hearth is invaded. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans, with Illustrations of Her Literary Character from Her Private Correspondence
  • The heating element is screwed up by high resistance alloy wires and installed on the hearth's two sides, the rear wall of the furnace bottom and the furnace door.
  • Concerned over the prospect of having to leave their hearth and home, people started organising themselves.
  • Houses included piled structures with stone hearths set in marshy ground.
  • The Stone is our hearthstone - the coven has one, and many if not all of us have personal ones on our own altars too.
  • Roasting-spits leaned against the hearth; rows of wine-jars stood on a ledge near the low door.
  • Manganese ores are used mainly in the manufacture of steel, the alloys spiegeleisen and ferromanganese being added to the molten steel after treatment in the Bessemer converter and open-hearth furnace in order to recarburize and purify the metal. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • A massive rammed earth fireplace offers hearths to porch and living area, and becomes the physical and psychological link between the two strips.
  • She's converted a local byre (an animal house) into a wee dwelling - a simple, one-room affair with a box bed and a raised hearth, and all the objects that she is using have been meticulously researched and sourced.
  • He downed the drink in one gulp and sent the glass crashing into the flames of the open hearth embedded in the left wall.
  • What clean this ceramic tile at the back of hearth and office of ceramic tile juncture again later is smeary, it is OK to should be swabbed with scour only.
  • My daughter Svanja and that demon-eyed country whelp who has lured her away from her parents ' hearth. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Behind this is the family room which has rich red walls, a moulded timber ceiling and a cast-iron open fireplace with slate hearth.
  • On his land, the Lord owned a hearth-hall, within which he housed his retinue of warriors.
  • Betsy, I calls arter we are married, fetch me down me slipper and lay it on the hearth ter warm. Wappin' Wharf A Frightful Comedy of Pirates
  • The latter includes a bay window, an Adam-style fireplace with slate hearth and a glass door leading to a covered veranda.
  • Variations on a theme that come together with that touch of raw thyme that harkens back to the days he was working with Colicchio at the Tavern, and mustard greens and parmesan adding hottish astringency and sourness, middling the dish right at the level food in a restaurant called Hearth should be. Augieland:
  • A fire crackled on the hearth.
  • A bright fire was burning in the hearth.
  • Old-fashioned fussy and ornate hearths, by contrast, are out.
  • She reached the large rug in front of the hearth where the bath was.
  • This artisan bread is freshly baked in front of customers throughout the day in open-flame stone-hearth ovens prominently located in each of the restaurants.
  • A log fire was crackling and spitting in the hearth.
  • A cheerful wood-fire blazed in the capacious hearth; a little at one side an old - fashioned table, with richly-carved legs, was placed — destined, no doubt, to receive the supper, for which preparations were going forward; and ranged with exact regularity, stood the tall-backed chairs, whose ungracefulness was more than counterbalanced by their comfort. The Purcell Papers
  • Beyond their allegiance to hearth, home and squadron, a loyalty to humanity drove them on. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • A hearthstone was a palm-sized crystal, oval in shape, that was bound by arcane magic to not only its bearer, but a particular place. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • Whether you are from Colorado, Cincinnati, Texas, or upstate New York, a pot of chili simmering on the stovetop is the universal sign of a welcoming hearth. The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
  • Make the most of the positive planetary trends that are in the air by focusing on home and hearth. The Sun
  • The low, irregular ceiling is crisscrossed with beams made from ships' timbers and a log fire crackles merrily in the hearth.
  • He set the stub in the three-pronged holder, then lit it with a stick of lightwood from the hearth. Lord of the Isles
  • Everything in sight was painted - tiled fireplaces and hearths, walls and floors, stairs and rails, and even the kitchen sink!
  • A couple of logs lie on the hearth, drying, and the air smells of their pine scent and cigarette smoke.
  • They needed aid in tying on armour- saucepan and coal-scuttle helmets, bolsters for necks, blanket and hearthrug padding, dish-cover shields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wooden double doors lead through the drawing room, which is a similar size and features an impressive fireplace with a marble mantlepiece, brass grate and marble hearth.
  • Behind the hearth is a recess in the wall to contain cooking utensils. High Albania
  • The floor was of concrete, lime and sand; on the open hearth -- pronounced 'airth' -- sods of turf cut from the moor and oak branches were smouldering under the chimney crook. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • An elaborate mantelpiece framed the hearth in a dizzying array of swirls and curlicues, and a tall grandfather clock lurked in the corner like a brooding sentry, counting out the seconds with a gloomy tock, tock, tock.
  • Then did thy mother's husband take the barley for sprinkling, and began casting it upon the hearth with these words, "Ye Nymphs, who dwell among the rocks, grant that I may often sacrifice with my wife, the daughter of Tyndareus, within my halls, as happily as now, and ruin seize my foes! Electra
  • A log fire crackled in the hearth and two capped braziers had been moved in just inside the door.
  • Another of the Travis felines, a white angora, won its way into the family hearth by adopting Glanville's boat.
  • The hearthstone was a big sheet of smooth gray sandstone. Her father`s daughter
  • Although it was summer a fire burned in the great stone hearth.
  • China pugs guarded the hearth; a brass sunflower smiled from the top of either andiron, and a brass peacock spread its tail before them inside a high filigree fender; on one side was a coalhod in 'repousse' brass, and on the other a wrought iron wood-basket. A Hazard of New Fortunes — Volume 1
  • Flanking the hearth is an assortment of nineteenth-century salt-glazed stoneware from New Jersey and New York.
  • But they were not so young as our foretopman, and no few of them must have known a hearth of some sort; others may have had wives and children left, too probably, in uncertain circumstances, and hardly any but must have had acknowledged kith and kin, while for Billy, as will shortly be seen, his entire family was practically invested in himself. Billy Budd
  • In many poleis, the common hearth of the polis, the koine hestia, which was also an altar-hearth for Hestia, was located in the prytaneion.
  • There was room in its wide expanse for the gathering of a household about the fire; its embrace was the embrace of love; and it was the type and model of those venerable and hallowed places which have given to the English language a word holier even than "Home," since that word is "Hearth. The Cryptogram A Novel
  • The fire blazed on the open hearth and sometimes the baker as it was called was hanging over the fire with a cake of bread being baked.
  • Leaving Philadelphia was a sad wrench for this lover of hearth and home. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • There was a soft, earthy smell, and it was pleasantly warm, with a fire burning low in the hearth.
  • He still held Owyn's hand in a firm clasp; he used that now to draw Owyn forward and to one of the two inglenook seats at the hearth. Brightly Burning
  • I dropped onto my stomach and propped myself up with my elbows beside Kella in front of the hearth.
  • The fire blazed on the open hearth and sometimes the baker as it was called was hanging over the fire with a cake of bread being baked.
  • One candle burned near the hearth, kept to light others, the one thing that reminded her of life at Kamrit Castle.
  • A cup found bricked into the original kitchen hearth is both remnant and confirmation of an early custom.
  • Once in the door you'll be straight over to the hearth, emptying ashes and raking dead coals, scooping up briquettes of turf with a pair of tongs and stacking them up.
  • A plaque placed beside the mural, Spirit of Steel, notes that the scene depicts the entire steel manufacturing process, from the mining of coal and ore to the making of steel in open-hearth furnaces, to the finished steel shaft.
  • But while mum has passed her love of cats to me, she has not managed to do the same with her passion for clearing up after them when they drag half the garden through the cat flap, or conduct a massacre on the hearthrug.
  • When they reached it, the wag-at-the-wall clock was just striking nine, and Jean, her morning work done, was "caning" the hearth with blue chalk as The Scotch Twins
  • To emigrate might mean abandoning the old climbing oak, the hearth, relatives, and childhood friends-all the small town familiarities.
  • Beside this, the living room is the width of the house and has a cast-iron fireplace with a raised hearth, and sash windows.
  • The woman lay writhing and twisting upon the hearth, struggling for breath through her bruised throat. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Already, as I was crossing the house yard, I thought there was something familiar in the gleam from the fire, and when I opened the door, it flashed across my mind that I was going into our own cabin and that father and mother would be sitting by the hearth. The Girl from the Marsh Croft
  • John also regaled them with the story of the actual gravestone going missing for years and turning up as a hearthstone in a local dwelling house prior to President Nixon's visit to Timahoe in the early 1970s.
  • Most meals would have been some form of stew, soup or pottage cooked in a cauldron over the central hearth of the house.
  • The larger female pelvis was used in parallel fashion to prove that women were naturally destined for motherhood, the confined sphere of hearth and home.
  • Marriage as sharing life, hearth, and home. Christianity Today
  • My metal good luck charms, chains, necklaces, choker and earrings all clashed against the brick of the hearth.
  • The unroofed abandoned cottage reminds the visitors of the stark choice between survival and holding home and hearth.
  • She sat down upon her heels as she knelt on the hearth rug, and the brush hung idly in her fingers. A Little Princess
  • At the northern end of the bench, three upright stones form a three-sided bin or hearth, around which was found a considerable amount of what appears to be iron slag.
  • At that moment, the string bed in the open courtyard of his village home, surrounded by loved ones and a pot of saag cooking on the family hearth, seems incredibly inviting.
  • None could pierce the future; perhaps none dared to contemplate it: the wild rage of fanaticism and hate, friend grappling with friend, brother with brother, father with son; altars profaned, hearthstones made desolate; the robes of Justice herself bedrenched with murder. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
  • Modern excavations at Giza have found remnants of copper and even the hearths or kilns used to process the metal into tools.
  • In the living hall was a large central hearth and a raised wooden platform along each wall, which would have been used for seating, sleeping and as a working space.
  • The woman lay writhing and twisting upon the hearth, struggling for breath through her bruised throat. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Greeley came in and grimly took a chair by the cheerful fire on the ashless hearth. A Son of the Hills
  • The floors were neatly sanded, the hearth was freshly brightened with the red ochrous clay of the country, and chairs and tables, though made of the plainest stuffs, and by a very rude mechanic, were yet so clean, neat and well-arranged, that the eye involuntarily surveyed them again and again with a very pleased sensation. The Wigwam and the Cabin. By the Author of "The Yemassee," "Guy Rivers," &c. First Series
  • A marble fireplace occupied one whole wall, the remains of a fire slowly smoldering in the hearth.
  • The hearthstone is the corner-stone of civilization. The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume VIII. Interviews
  • In the following years he reinvested profits to renovate the plants, raised additional money through bond issues, and replaced outdated open-hearth furnaces with modern production technologies.
  • The kiddies were all blissfully asleep in the empty hearth, curled round one another like puppies. TICKLED PINK
  • I'm looking for cigarette burns in the carpet, wine stains on the settee and crushed vol-au-vents on the hearth rug.
  • You said yesterevening across the hearthrug, '_Esther A Mummer's Wife
  • In several instances hearths associated with workshop waste products were found, particularly for the production of glass beads and bronze jewellery.
  • Classical texts suggest that feasts involving a chieftain and his retinue were held in a circle around a central hearth or fireplace, with the alcoholic beverage circulating either in a common cup or being served by retainers.
  • A lifeless man, lying outstretched on a certain hearthstone, might be found once in a house and awaken no special comment; but when this same discovery has been made twice, if not thrice, during the history of a single dwelling, one might surely be pardoned a distrust of its seemingly home-like appointments, and discern in its slowly darkening walls the presence of an evil which if left to itself might perish in the natural decay of the place, but which, if met and challenged, might strike again and make another blot on its thrice-crimsoned hearthstone. The Filigree Ball
  • A hare, as brought upon the table-cloth in England, is far more likely to produce _degout_ -- from its very striking likeness to "puss," that is purring upon the hearth-rug. The Hunters' Feast Conversations Around the Camp Fire
  • Once the diving is over, the charming town of Inverary beckons, offering friendly pubs with aromatic birch logs in the hearth and stone-flagged floors, not to mention good beer and a wee dram if you fancy.
  • ‘In the olden days, if somebody was carving a gravestone and messed it up, they turned it over and used it as a hearthstone,’ Steve explained.
  • Life needs to revolve round an all-day fire in the huge hearth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dining room features an open fireplace with slate hearth, along with floor to ceiling windows, and French doors that open out to the rear garden.
  • On ascending the ladder and crawling inside, smoke from the hearth stings the eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have heard the people here talk of "fettling" the hearth when they mean "clean up. Sarah's School Friend
  • For the firebox and hearth, we selected African Prairie Slate, a richly patterned stone that is sold in gauged (evenly thick) 12-inch squares.
  • They were reluctant to leave hearth and home.
  • After that would come the open-hearth furnaces, but they'd require a better supply of pig iron and a new building in which to build them.
  • Which it is anyway – and for those who don't like it, you're free to remove the electrical service to your house, go back to candle-light, cooking at a hearth, and heating your bathwater by the bucketful on your coal - or wood-fired cast-iron stove. Obama admin. approves controversial Cape Cod wind farm
  • Kirik sat beside the hearth and prodded at the embers with an iron rod.
  • After the celebration folks would take embers from the bonfire to their homes to relight the fires in their own hearths. Kids? Meet Satan. « Dating Jesus
  • The council hope to enter into a long lease with Hearth Housing Association who would refurbish the lodges for tenant occupation.
  • Meals consisted of fish caught with bone harpoons and cooked over a small hearth, as well as rations of palm sugar and fruit.
  • The state of the world and of our nation constantly urges more people toward earth-based faiths and constantly reminds us that the most important things are of hearth and home.
  • A bright fire was burning in the hearth.
  • A wood fire in the hearth is a little household sun. Wildwood
  • The unroofed abandoned cottage reminds the visitors of the stark choice between survival and holding home and hearth.
  • Home and hearth has always been your go-to place when you feel vulnerable. The Sun
  • Let you rise the ashes from the sods are on the hearth and redden them with a goosewing, if there is a goosewing to be found. New Irish Comedies
  • The author cites Victorian novels showing that a smoky hearth symbolized the warmth and comfort of a loving family, while a fireless house indicated destitution.
  • It's ground-hugging horizontality reaching for the horizon; the entrance that 'winds in' to the centre of the house; the low sheltering roofs springing from the central vertical core; the 'pinwheel' spaces revolving out around the hearth ... this was a revolutionary new form of space and domestic architecture not seen before, patterns that would be seen in most of his 'Prairie Houses' for the next ten years. Not PC
  • He put the donii back in front of the hearth, pushing the peglike legs into the ground so it would stand unsupported. The Plains of Passage
  • The manufacture of steel was made possible by two new inventions, the Bessemer converter of 1856 and the Siemens-Martin open-hearth furnace of 1864.
  • Ride to Shattrath ( easily doable at 60 ) to set your Hearthstone and grab the flight path.
  • Down in the great hall the gwerbret was pacing, leaning hard on his stick, back and forth by the dragon hearth. A TIME OF WAR
  • The minimum overheating temperature depends on the ‘purity’ of the steel and is substantially lower in general for electric steel than for open-hearth steel.
  • A trencher of meat, cheese and bread lay warming on the hearth. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Alcinous," said he, "it is not creditable to you that a stranger should be seen sitting among the ashes of your hearth; every one is waiting to hear what you are about to say; tell him, then, to rise and take a seat on a stool inlaid with silver, and bid your servants mix some wine and water that we may make a drink offering to Jove the lord of thunder, who takes all well disposed suppliants under his protection; and let the housekeeper give him some supper, of whatever there may be in the house. The Odyssey
  • Abner from a corner of the hearth, where he sat smoking with his head hanging on his chest. The Miller of Old Church
  • It gave him a surprised look - not to say a hearth-broomy kind of expression - which, my apprehensions whispered, might be fatal to us. David Copperfield
  • The 138-acre site housed a recycle mill with open-hearth furnaces from the early days of the 20th Century.
  • Dutiful must cut off the dragon's head and bring it to the hearth of Elliania's motherhouse. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • These early American corn breads, including the hoe cakes and johnny cake which attracted praise from Benjamin Franklin were griddle or hearth baked.
  • The writer of perhaps the greatest historical novel in the English language, _The Cloister and the Hearth_, was what one might call a glutton for thoroughness. Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • they sat on the hearth and warmed themselves before the fire
  • Slate flooring covers the powder room, laundry room, and the fireplace hearth.
  • The patrons kept their distance from the hearthside, leaving a deserted space around the fireplace and us.
  • Then Night came down like the feathery soot of a smoky lamp, and smutted first the bedquilt, then the hearth-rug, then the window-seat, and then at last the great, stormy, faraway outside world.
  • It had all the things that go to make the best farm-kitchens: such as red bricks and heavy smoke-blackened beams, and a deep hearth with a great fire on it and settles inside, from which one could look up at the chimney-shaft to the sky, and clay pipes and spills alongside, and a muller for wine or beer; and hams and sides of bacon and strings on onions and bunches of herbs; much pewter, and a copper warming-pan, and brass candlesticks, and a grandfather clock; a cherrywood dresser and wheelback chairs polished with age; and a great scrubbed oaken table to seat a harvest-supper, planed from a single mighty plank. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • Two days he continued quiet in the old nook by the hearth, apparently in a kind of dotage doze; but on the third, he began to poke about, hobbled into the dairy, peered into the churn, touched the skimmer. The Lord of the Sea
  • These wanderers still travel to the ruins of the old house and try to start up the old hearth fire.
  • A wood-burning iron stove occupied the hearth of a big stone fireplace at one end.
  • She shuffled his records until one slipped from her grasp and splintered on the hearth-stone.
  • The cat dozed in its favourite spot on the hearth.
  • For him, it was the unease of the open door, the increased coolness of his dwelling as heat from the hearth was drawn away into the depthless darkness, and the relentless, renewed struggle against hated memories.
  • He also contributed to metallurgy, working with Sir William Siemens on the development of the open-hearth steel furnace, and with Henri Sainte-Claire Deville on the extraction of aluminium.
  • There was also a small fireplace, dark, with the grate closed and a simple hearthrug before it.
  • All had a big hearth in the kitchen with an overhanging chimney used to smoke hams and sausage as well as to cook and heat.
  • A couple of logs lie on the hearth, drying, and the air smells of their pine scent and cigarette smoke.
  • A bright fire was burning in the hearth.
  • Leaving Philadelphia was a sad wrench for this lover of hearth and home. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • She seemed willing to do her best; though she thrust the hearth-brush into the grates in mistake for the poker, and malappropriated several other articles of her craft: but I retired, confiding in her energy for a resting-place against my return. Wuthering Heights
  • As steadily as if there had been the flicker of flames there to hypnotise him, he stared at the empty hearth. UNREASONABLE DOUBT
  • Sahagun adds that the _octli_ was poured on the hearth at four separate points, doubtless the four cardinal points. Nagualism A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
  • The sitting room has a Le Droff fireplace with slate hearth; it is lit by recessed downlighters.
  • This metamorphic rock works equally well for floors, hearths and fireplaces, backsplashes, counters, and patios.
  • Yet Hawthorne is essentially a domestic writer, ” a poetizer of the hearth-stone. The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The hearths contained burnt animal bone, including wild pig, fox, bird, either a dog or a wolf, and possibly a bear.
  • I'm sure your feast by the hearth was delish and the salad is always a welcome side to all that meat! Recipe for Salad of Bitter Greens with Sherry Truffle Vinaigrette (Σαλάτα για Τσικνοπέμπτη)
  • A large wooden tub steamed in readiness near the hearth. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • There is an open fireplace with a slate hearth as well as a beech floor.
  • At left is the "Bari" from HearthStone Quality Home Heating Products. Hearths Get Hot
  • If a component was fairly large, he might have to modify his hearth to accommodate the work, and certainly needed to draft in help to control the hot metal on the anvil.
  • The room was quite dark, for the dying embers on the hearth provided only a faint radiance.
  • She realized the war was being fought by a few at the expense of the many, that most beings wished only to live their lives out by their hearth and home, and that such power of one human over another was never meant to be.
  • Carolyn and her family left New York and found their way back home to the family hearth and home in Rhode Island.
  • Anything that might take them away from the family hearth was frowned upon. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • I write, if not the best, the easiest pieces surrounded by the familiars of hearth and home.
  • He turned his face away from the hideous stench and saw his falchion leaning on the hearth, just out of reach… Mini-interview: Nicholas Ian Hawkins |
  • I could stack those inside the hearth to dry, while I finished the supper making; then when we went to bed, I'd smoor the fire with the damp hickory, which would burn more slowly, smoldering till morning. Drums of Autumn
  • It's not like she lies shackled to her straw pallet next to the kitchen hearth, deprived of both comfort and privacy.
  • The coals in the hearth glowed a dull red in prospect and the space echoed with unearthly silence.

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