How To Use Heartbreak In A Sentence
Should I swallow my pride and ask him out, at the risk of rejection, heartbreak, or alienation?
The fifth series of this thriller is more terrifying and heartbreaking than ever.
The Sun
But they are my responsibility, and it's always heartbreaking if a hive dies out.
• En route to Europe, Clinton called the multibillion-dollar American reconstruction effort in Afghanistan "heartbreaking," because she said there was little to show for it.
Having watched reasonably moderate candidates lose the last two presidential elections in heartbreaking fashion, and feeling further frustrated by the steady failure to win either house of Congress, Democrats have made it an article of faith that they lack the political and policy mechanisms to compete with their Republican counterparts.
Take Two: Hillary's Choice

At least one other critic (Barbara Crook in Ottawa) agreed with me that the penultimate scene wasn't the heartbreaker it should have been in this production.
I've seen it happen more than once to some very dear, sweet people, and it's really heartbreaking to watch.
I found it especially heartbreaking to read these first-person accounts of the shootings at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville by LiveJournal users bekitty, writingjen, daughter of shooting victim John Worth, and her husband salvador-dalai via the UU LiveJournal group Chalice Circle.
Philocrites: First-person accounts of Knoxville church shooting.
He passed on heartbreak and sorrow, a legacy Bill had to work to overcome.
The group showed its appreciation of Mr. Haden by playing his tunes, which unrolled like scenes in a classic film: The bright and optimistic "Hello My Lovely" could have underscored a scene of boy-meets-girl; the romping calypso "Child's Play" belonged under a dance sequence; and the excruciatingly haunting ballad "First Song" clearly represented a moment of heartbreak.
Getting Down to Brass Tacks
In the wake of her latest heartbreak, Jennifer Aniston has again sought solace in her long-term confidant and former Friends costar Courteney Cox. - Articles related to Djokovic on fire ahead of Finals
This is inarguably great art, but for now the lyrics are heartbreaking.
Times, Sunday Times
The Times obit states he even tried electroshock, which is just heartbreaking.
Kennedy's trademark fascination with violence, both physical and psychological, animates these stories in alternately bold and subtle guises: the literal bloodshed in "What Becomes" and "Story of My Life" complements the romantic heartbreak in "Edinburgh" and "Sympathy.
Review of What Becomes by A.L. Kennedy
Although Somerhalder doesn't believe that Damon will continue down his heartbreakingly vulnerable path too long, he does reveal it will become problematic.
Vampire Diaries' Ian Somerhalder: Andie Is Damon's "Hot Beard"
There was something involuted and heartbreaking in his friend's compassion for him.
After this heartbreaking experience, Thorpe turned to professional sports.
Yet these were the years that most intrigued me; as I continued my research, I found out she may have had a broken romance with Prince Leopold of England but ended up marrying another man (while wearing a diamond brooch from the Prince on her wedding dress); as a mother, she suffered heartbreak during
A Note about Alice I Have Been by author Melanie Benjamin
Once Frigga filled my hands with spindle and wool, and my mind with these Thirteen Goddesses, I've found life too full for heartbreak and illness.
The stories are heartbreaking, but the privilege of the briefest of glimpses of the lost lives is also revealing and inspiring.
You know one day you'll pay in tears and heartbreak for the joy you're experiencing now.
Sadly, many other families were not as fortunate, and the loss of their loved ones must have been heartbreaking.
The writing is her usual blend of charming whimsy, heartbreaking poignancy and sometimes impenetrable surrealism.
Chocolate is definitely the heartbreaker when it comes to healthy eating habits.
But given his looks, I guess he is attempting to seduce with his romantic style at the moment and seems content to go for the emotional heartbreakers rather than the feel-good anthems.
Losing her at Christmas is bad, but the presents were heartbreaking.
Look no further than the heartbreaking lyrics and painfully sad mourning orchestral refrains of ‘I Left You’.
But the supposed result of it and a few other recent personal catastrophes -- his latest release, 808s and Heartbreak -- plays exactly the way you'd figure an "introspective" album from Kanye West would.
Chez Pazienza: One Last Look Back: The 10 Most Ridiculous, Shameful, or Generally Unfortunate People and Events of 2008
The couple then had to break the heartbreaking news to Sarah's brother, who was travelling in Australia.
Virginia (5-4, 3-2) had its four-game winning streak end, and in heartbreaking fashion, too, after shutting down the ACC's best scoring offense until the very end.
The American boys who for weeks in 2005 in Iraq shared with me their army-issue meals, their menthol cigarettes, their water, and their heartbreak in an armored humvee5 with a faulty air conditioner—once, on my thirtieth birthday, it choked all of us with sour Freon fumes—write me occasionally.
Peace Meals
For too many, the story ends in heartbreak and tragedy.
Wayne Pacelle: Not All Race Horses Have A Hollywood Ending
Here, too, are contemporary Lebanese whose stories tell a larger, heartbreaking tale of seemingly endless warand of survival.
The Hakawati: Summary and book reviews of The Hakawati by Rabih Alameddine.
Accidents in general, and those resulting in loss of life in particular, cost a lot of money and a lot of heartbreak.
Instead, the song's about a rock 'n' roll archetype - the wild heartbreaker, the man-eater, the endearing groupie - and it never manages to transcend the blandly conceptual.
Some 45 years or so after the fact, and the heartbreak is still there.
Abortion Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry | Her Bad Mother
her sigh was heartbreaking
Lauren--The three older boys had "heartbreaker" shirts.
My Funny Valentines
The tricky (and often misunderstood) ending theorizes that trying to remedy the situation with technology could result in heartbreak a million fold.
Top 10 Movies of the Decade » Scene-Stealers
Each narrator is an archetype - the spurned lover, the heartbreaker, the battered wife - and explores a different wrinkle of the urban African-American female experience.
Women's tennis lost a heartbreaker to Concordia-Moorhead on April 5, losing 5-4.
That makes for a heartbreakingly sexy hero and tough as nails heroine.
NZ/Aus Authors: Anna Campbell - Captive of Sin
There have been two heartbreaking situations in Scotland recently where newborn babies have been abandoned.
We know, heartbreakingly so, that even very dedicated and inspired artists fail to claim and hold attention for their work.
Agnes Gund: Helping Artists Become Artists
She wasn't a heartbreaker, but she didn't like it when she found out that boys had a ‘certain reason’ for going out with her, if you get my drift.
Parental heartbreak often hides or disguises itself in worries and fretfulness.
The Blessing of a B Minus
The sight of him was as heartbreaking as nis harsh words had been.
One White Rose
Cranford" (PBS), a three-part "Masterpiece Classic" on life in an 1840s English village, addressed poverty, education, class, the role of women, child labor and more -- all in a work profoundly romantic and plentifully endowed with heartbreak, misprized love, matches made in heaven and the other sort.
Live From New York, a Miracle
The fifth series of this thriller is more terrifying and heartbreaking than ever.
The Sun
It lacks the darkness of a true blues song but rather has the tender sort of heartbreak of a folk song.
He rewinds the tape to replay a passage about a girl he was courting at the time, and the ineffable sadness that creeps over his face is heartbreaking.
Ryan was our lead singer and quite the heartbreaker himself, but he swore he hadn't had a girlfriend in two years because he just hadn't ‘found the right one’ yet.
Losing its last overtime matchup in heartbreaking fashion to
Heartbreak and violence follow the camp as part of a sad, accursed tradition.
Good work too from Pip Carter who plays the accident-prone Yepihodov as a tortured, lovesick soul, from Emily Taaffe who shows both the flightiness and heartbreak of the maid Dunyasha, and from Kenneth Cranham who pins down the sad senility of the neglected servant, Firs.
The Cherry Orchard - review
It is not a hedge around heartbreak, a quick fix for pain, or a detour through grief.
Steering clear of any trap to pin oneself down into boxes of identity which so often encumber films about marginalized communities Rees gracefully negotiates the line between heartbreak and hope to foreground the freedom found when we recognize ourselves for who we are, for who we love, and for who stands with us.
Roya Rastegar: Sundance 2011 and the Sound of My Generation: Part II
That gap, that human gap between ethics and the law is something you explore very powerfully in this book and, heartbreakingly I think for us and yourself, come away with no answers, as you've just said.
Some stories told to her by families are heartbreaking and it is hard not to become emotionally involved.
Anything touching or heartbreaking or informative I might have to say was already written as fiction in a novel that's sadly out of print.
From A Basement On The Hill - Elliott Smith The troubled artist left this coil in 2004, and the album he left behind is wonderful and heartbreaking all at once.
Instead, she has chosen a dangerous, heartbreaking life, which sees risk and suffering and gross inhumanity every single day.
As of this writing, "Kung Fu Panda 2" is playing in theaters everywhere, and Washington, D.C., is consumed with anxiety about the possible pregnancy of Mei Xiang, the periodically artificially inseminated panda at the National Zoological Park—even after the heartbreak of having her previous cub returned to China, as the agreement with the Chinese requires all progeny to be.
China's Cuddly Emissaries
The umpteen how to write a business plan divinity to bombie chimneysweep or albedo palladio, hits up rigout, presbyter costanoan or sureness a heartbreaker rearward of the jaggedness.
Rational Review
The couple is calling on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to end the hunt, which they described as a heartbreaking slaughter.
March 2006
She would tenderly caress both classic love songs and defiant heartbreakers with equal vocal skill.
Mostly, it's the heartbreakingly honest performances by the film's four main actresses – and that Daniels dared to give Mariah Carey a mustache.
Women of 'Precious' undertake transformational roles
She faced the risk of inconsolable pain and heartbreak and embraced it with open arms.
The destines of these three individuals will become intertwined as father and son experience both heartbreak and triumph on the baseball diamond.
Anime Preview: Spring 2010 « Undercover
But Donna's heartbreak is all tied up in what happened to Rose ... because it was about creating this false Doctor ... and Rose is the one the Doctor was happiest with, despite everything people say, Rose is the one he would run to embrace.
Doctor Who...another way to fix JE...
The answers we've heard are heartbreaking: a fourth grader who thinks he's stupid because his undiagnosed dyslexia means he can't read even a single word, a second grader who stays in a homeless shelter and is too scared to sleep at night, a kindergartener whose family ran out of food stamps before the end of the month and is too hungry to pay attention.
Judith Sandalow: Suspended Disbelief
Her face was blank, but her eyes were full of heartbreak and anger.
At a packed Tower Theater, on the outskirts of Philadelphia, the Wisconsin singer-songwriter, who performs under the name Bon Iver, reimagined his solitary odes to heartbreak as fully orchestrated pop anthems.
The Full Feed from
Now, the flip side of the heartbreaking stories we've had to bring you in abundance this week are the breathtaking stories of survival.
It was all so sudden and we experienced the pain and heartbreak of each health report of our poor lead fiddle player.
Three years of heartbreak and pain has ended for a Rochdale woman with the birth of a baby boy.
An apologia, even when desperately, heartbreakingly wrong, is a sort of bridge between evil and good, an acknowledgement that there is something here that needs explaining.
The process that followed was thoroughly unpleasant and nothing but heartbreaking to the bitter end.
Christianity Today
A gifted pianist and saxophonist, he dabbled in country, jazz, big band and blues, and put his stamp on it all with a deep, warm voice roughened by heartbreak from a hard childhood in the segregated South.
Is it heartbreaking to have an entire prison population reject your lasagna?
And the title story, “Jesus Out To Sea,” is just plain heartbreaking, no matter how many times you read it.
Kristine Kathryn Rusch » 2008 » June
Harry discusses the SECs failure, goes after the SEC for what he terms their incompetence, how he, his family and his teams lives were threatened, the fact that Bernie Madoff was a mob boss, Greenspans failure as Fed Chairman, he knew Madoff was a fraud, criminal banking syndicates, how ruthless Madoff was, the devastation and heartbreak in the wake of the fraud and much more. - Financial News
Leo's lines are alternately funny and heartbreaking, and you root for her as such overcomes incapacitating anxiety to join Doug in New Orleans and find in Allison the daughter they once lost.
Sundance Review: Kristen Stewart’s ‘Welcome To The Rileys’ » MTV Movies Blog
The Packers wouldn’t get past the wild-card game, losing what Mrs. Clausen called a heartbreaker in the first round of the playoffs to San Francisco.
The Fourth Hand
Although, I have to admit - this woman is quite a "heartbreaker" in every sense of the word.
Archive 2006-09-01
And it can lead to romance and marriage, but also to heartbreak when a partner strays.
One crop might fail, but another will survive - there are heartbreaks here too, but no single moment of crisis, as with a monocultural cash crop.
Wittingham, a tall, Jamaican-born man with a heartbreaker's good looks and what appears to be a genuinely sincere demeanor, has even brought his own 10-year-old daughter to the event.
Quin thought that once they finished growing up they would be heartbreakers.
Always supportive, we were the crutch for the other to lean on, when love dealt us the pain of heartbreak.
Speaking as a father of a young son and a daughter, I find this heartbreaking and tragic.
Florida is a better, more mature team than Florida State, which has improved its lot considerably since the start of the season but dropped a heartbreaker to NC State last week.
Heartbreak, birth and death, steamy sex scenes, family secrets, Japanese atrocities in the Dutch East Indies, religious zealotry, friendships broken did I mention steamy sex scenes?
Michael Jones: Bride Flight Review
It's one thing if they're concerned your new dude is a real dud (he holds the running record for most days in detention) or a total heartbreaker (he's dumped his last six GFs like a bad habit).
Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.
On a personal note, Kleenex is indebted to him for all the tissues that girls have used to wipe away tears and heartbreak.
So other than my heartbreak during the week, I am now looking forward to heading for sunny Spain with my friend and just chilling out for two weeks, but don't worry I already have plenty of sunblock!
John, faced with a heartbreaking decision no five-year-old should ever have to make, chose his father.
Julia Jones: The heartbreak is a very universal emotion and most of us have felt that – I have.
TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR OCTOBER 27TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
It was amazingly difficult and heartbreaking but he never gave up.
Neither did she shed a single tear, but the vacant light of her eyes had stamped a fatuitous expression on her features that was melancholy and heartbreaking beyond all power of language to describe.
Willy Reilly The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
Kirk accompanies Moore on a ride to his desert bordello, stays in a trailer known as the Fantasy Bungalow, prays with brothel staff and learns a thing or two about heartbreak, burro races, and uncontrollable grief and lust.
She then suffered more heartbreak when she lost her beloved guide dog.
Susan has battled through pain and heartbreak to marry her sweetheart.
And it's a heartbreaker for fans of hard news and TV sketch comics.
It's tragic and heartbreaking, but it should not be considered a point of debate.
He was a proper little gentleman and a real heartbreaker.
Pains make you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.
Sure this dusty road has been walked before, but the band are pretty savvy wallowers: They understand their sadness is an American institution and that part of the tragedy of their roots revival is that this heartbreaking music needs to be revived at all.
Deer Tick at Tractor Tavern: Finger-Plucked-Melodies Worn Down by Melancholy. « PubliCola
My Brit is more than just a valuable bird dog - he's my friend and constant companion and losing him, as I did a few seasons back - for 24 hours - would be a heartbreak beyond words.
K-9 G.P.S.
The Taking is a relentless rollercoaster ride; a story of terror, heartbreak and triumph.
He would be heartbreakingly tender with her body while he crucified her mind and dragged her pride through the mud.
Put Emmanuel's cinematography alongside Wagner's "Vorspiel" and you have one of the most beautiful, heartbreaking and tender moments of the decade.
Design of a Decade: The Greatest Hits of the '00s - Part V
The point to the restart is to give us his beginnings, from a rough soldier to the smooth lifetaker and heartbreaker he becomes.
Box Office: Quantum of Solace is Biggest Bond Ever with $70.4M Opening & $700M Worldwide Possible! | /Film
It does indeed seem counterintuitive to continue the heartbreaking and futile process of militarizing the area, bullying and repatriating people.
By converting irremediable loss, heartbreak, physical or spiritual despair into something beautiful, good poems about bad things make us feel less helpless in the face of what we can't control.
Don't you ever think, Tammy Faye, that your life, while it has had a lot of ups, has been a series of heartbreaks?
These sharply observed vignettes of heartbreak and regret, framed by orchestra, horns and subtle coloration can overwhelm when least expected.
The legendary bassist happily yammers on about some of the mythology surrounding the Ramones, including the origins of ‘Chinese Rocks,’ an ode to smack - penned by Dee Dee, but made famous by the Heartbreakers.
David is here to talk about living with a heartbreaking loss, and he will take your calls.
She had always protected herself from heartbreak, because she had been through a lot already, she had to leave everyplace she went just as she was setting down roots.
They suffered the heartbreak of losing a child through cancer.
Perry painted the state an even brighter red, in part, because his democratic opponent, former Houston Mayor Bill White, suffered from the heartbreak of ineffectuality.
James Moore: Yo, America. It's Texas. We Got Another One for Ya!
It's a poignant, almost heartbreaking portrait of urban American loneliness, alienation and obsession.
She has suffered heartbreak, both on and off the field, and has come through it all with dignity and strength.
The most impressive thing about McIlroy's game, after watching him for 36 holes, is his imperturbable rhythm—not just the rhythm of his heartbreakingly beautiful, powerful swing he outdrove Johnson and Mickelson much more than they outdrove him, but the rhythm of his routine.
Inside the Ropes With Rory
The travelling folk, or tinkers, were often treated as second-class citizens, with heartbreaking consequences.
A pulmotor was put into immediate action, and another period of heartbreaking suspense ensued.
The Slipper Point Mystery
Bethlehem Records signed her in 1957 and two years later, her heartbreaking version of Gershwin's hit sold over a million records.
But there was heartbreak for other families where organs were taken from dead children following coroners' post-mortems.
When choosing red we are not choosing to be strumpets, harlots, hookers, liars, and witches, but rather to wear their totemic color, the shade of Mars as well as that of heartbreak, to see how we look.
Of all the operas that end in personal tragedy, none is more heartbreaking than the story of a Japanese geisha who renounces her native culture for the love of a feckless American sailor.
It was so heartbreaking to see lots of people traumatised by the war and living in bombed out buildings.
Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.
Her struggle with the drought is gut-wrenching and the ending heartbreaking.
That chapel remains one of the most heartbreaking sights in England.
You see broken hearts," Travis drawled, leaning down to put his lips on Cat's auburn hair," because Diego is a heartbreaker.
The desperation of those who speak at the edge of tears about discrimination and deportation is heartbreaking.
"9500 Liberty" looks back at Prince William immigration wars
I support her through these mild, hairline heart-fracture moments, assuring her she will ultimately be the real heartbreaker.
After all, it's plain that nothing really dreadful or heartbreaking could possibly happen to people this pleasant or cultured.
His lyrics are incisive and true without self-consciousness or contrivance, yet tackle subject matter as diverse as socio-political commentary to lovelorn heartbreak as skilfully as the best in the genre.
The Diplo-produced Beat of My Drum hinted at her leftfield ambitions; the slower, funereal I and the heartbreaking fame parable Sticks + Stones sounded grownup, introspective and happily odd.
Nicola Roberts: Cinderella's Eyes – review
The Heartbreak Kid, by contrast, is a mean piece of work with an unsympathetic, lying stinkard of an anti-hero.
LSU - showing no aftereffects from a heartbreaking loss last week - rolled to a 51-0 Southeastern Conference victory over
Also, it's not entirely accurate to call him a "heartbreaker," intentional or not.
Anne-jumps Diary Entry
Monday night's show is both dizzyingly ferocious and heartbreakingly beautiful, all choreographed in semi-darkness for maximum psychological impact.
Entering a chili contest can be heartbreaking, but judging one takes the skin of an elephant.
The scene is utter heartbreak and further clarifies Tracy's underlying implosive anger.
This is a real heartbreaker as the brothers are truly magical together, so why don't you guys just bury the hatchet?
The decision to euthanase a pet is heartbreaking.
In addition to a weaving violin and a zither that sends chills down your spine, there is a solo voice - similar to the muezzin's call from the minarets - that is full of heartbreaking longing.
Flickr user Sweet Juniper has a heartbreaking, gorgeous and horrifying set of photos of a rotting Detroit school book depository, where mountains of yellowing, damp, torn schoolbooks moulder, right in the middle of town:
Boing Boing
But because its Aleksandar Hemon, the stories extend far beyond the immigrant experience; each one is punctuated with unexpected humor and spins out in fabulist, exhilarating directions, ultimately building to an insightful, often heartbreaking conclusion.
Love and Obstacles by Aleksandar Hemon: Book summary
Heartbreak has turned to pure joy for four-year-old Jordan Deegan after big-hearted Observer readers rallied to replace his only toy stolen by cold-blooded thieves.
I still remember the heartbreak of watching my dad suffer from lung cancer.
It's heartbreaking sometimes to read the accounts of the early explorers and realize how the eastern forest once teemed and pullulated with wildlife in a way we can scarcely imagine now.
Hoarded Ordinaries
Steeped in disappointment and heartbreaking stupidity, this new play is a dismayingly dim-witted musical.
Times, Sunday Times
Smith ached for revenge after a heartbreaking defeat his junior year.
`Don't smile at me like that or friendship will be for nought, you Viennese heartbreaker.
I've seen it happen more than once to some very dear, sweet people, and it's really heartbreaking to watch.
Moving from darkness to light, Gray sings of loss and love, performing equally well with upbeat optimism as he does with sombre heartbreakers.
And this gives a lot of fuel to those arguments, and it's really heartbreaking.
He later called her a "heartbreaker" and made her cry by saying she was only on the show for dating someone famous. - Home
Inevitably, a bunch of those recruits will cause heartbreak by either decommitting, asking out of National Letters of Intent, or enrolling and then transferring -- and jilted coaches will bemoan this as part of an epidemic that's hurting the sport.
For all of Matthew's admirable qualities, he had one heartbreaking imperfection.
There are many heartbreaking narratives from families whose loved ones have died of mental illnesses.
Luce rues that a middle-class home is crowded—only 700 square feet—and "cluttered with chintzy memorabilia" and heartbreakingly defiant messages on refrigerator magnets.
A visit to Lake Placid every year allows you to watch as the cute little tykes from pre-juvenile and juvenile dance morph into coltish adolescents in novice and then stunning young heartbreakers in juniors and seniors.
There are moments of pure heartbreak in the film, no less so than when Bob is lying on his deathbed awaiting his final breaths.
Plus a good guy like Ant was a distraction from hot heartbreakers.
We're looking for comics who are talking about their own experience, their pain, heartbreak or struggle.
Heartbreaking though it was to prove my parents right yet again in their decision not to buy me my own skates as my flirtation with the ice would be a passing affair, I turned my attention to a nice dry, warm, indoor sport - basketball.
The couple went to the airport where they said their final heartbreaking goodbyes to each other.
It has been absolutely heartbreaking to have it cancelled each time.
We recognize the particular way that heartbreak, for all its immensity, inheres in minutiae - in a T-shirt, a voice mail, a notation on a calendar.
After this heartbreaking experience, Thorpe turned to professional sports.
The forward cylinder was depending on that unknown force men call the pertinacity of materials, which now and then balances that other heartbreaking power, the perversity of inanimate things.
The Day's Work - Volume 1
‘This is an epistolary novel so heartbreaking that no one is likely to surpass its emotional effects in a letter form’, writes Irving.
My postbag is filled with heartbreaking stories of law-abiding families whose lives are made a living hell by the actions of a few uncaring, selfish individuals whose thoughtlessness or ruthless criminal actions blight and intimidate whole neighbourhoods.
Landlords to be given new powers to evict 'neighbours from hell'
The process that followed was thoroughly unpleasant and nothing but heartbreaking to the bitter end.
Christianity Today
Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.
I'm so sad about that, it's like a heartbreaker.
Pains make you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.
Alexa Ray Joel writes on her Facebook page that she was suffering from what she called heartbreak-related depression.
CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2010
To do so is invite into your life the three demons of chaos, torture and heartbreak.
In this interview Harry discusses the SECs failure, goes after the SEC for what he terms their incompetence, how he, his family and his teams lives were threatened, the fact that Bernie Madoff was a mob boss, Greenspans failure as Fed Chairman, he knew Madoff was a fraud, criminal banking syndicates, how ruthless Madoff was, the devastation and heartbreak in the wake of the fraud and much more. - Financial News
Both jobs offer all the possibilities in the world, including fame, success, travel and personal achievement, but things can also go terribly, heartbreakingly wrong if the young hopefuls are rejected.
They encouraged him to think he could return home as a star; by the time he left, his yearning was heartbreaking.
As much fun as it is in theory to think of oneself as a "heartbreaker", in actual fact, if you are a person with feelings, it mostly is just complicated and sometimes painful to go through multiple relationships.
Ferule & Fescue
A booking on drug charges must be a brutal heartbreaker for the superstar singer and role model.
This was what had caused me so much heartbreak and pain those first few weeks.
And I have had my heart broken nearly as often as I have been the heartbreaker.
Yet it's entirely possible for Manhattan to go unbeaten the rest of the way, finish something like 26-3 - then drop a heartbreaker in the MAAC Tournament and not get an at-large bid.
Also heartbreaking is the moment when he's kneeling in front of her, holding her as he must have done as a child, with his head in her lap, so upset -- and we feel the full effect of his estrangement from her.
Brief thoughts of a Bardish nature
Realising that within the framework of a tender and heartbreaking love affair, is a very special achievement.
Watching her thrown into this heartbreaking cycle of events made us feel so small, so impotent, so powerless.
After a heartbreaking summer which reached the highest number of road deaths in recent years, August and September witnessed a slump on comparative years.
Pains make you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.
He was quite simply helping out people he both knew and liked in a time of great distress and heartbreak.
He lived a difficult life, full of trauma, illness and heartbreak.