How To Use Heartbeat In A Sentence

  • High-frequency waves broadcast by the radar bounce off a person, scanning the in-and-out movement of the chest and more subtle, but also detectable, motion of the heartbeat against the chest wall.
  • He remained in hospital for two nights whilst prescribed medication re-established a regular heartbeat.
  • Bell was also a sycophant, a Yes man, who could shift his political stance in a heartbeat, talk in circles and dodge any important decision making.
  • Additionally, FDA officials decided the drug must carry a warning on its label stating, "An increased rate of stroke was observed following Xarelto discontinuation in clinical trials" in patients with the faulty heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation. FDA Approves Anticlotting Drug
  • An irregular heartbeat or a blood clot are suspected by the coroner. The Sun
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  • The shop is the first chippy in the borough to get the Heartbeat Award, given by the council to firms which try to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • She thought her little five-year-old heartbeat came to a dead stop in the silence.
  • A heartbeat is when the muscles of the heart contract and push blood around the body.
  • He breathed deeply trying to regulate the pound of his heartbeat. THE SOUND OF MURDER
  • She nodded at the ECG, the one which monitored Gjykata's heartbeat. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • It also helps maintain a regular heartbeat. The Sun
  • This is Heartbeat meets The Royal meets Where the Heart Is, set in the quaint 1950s Northern Englandshire of classic motorbikes ridden by be-goggled simpletons with wholesome wives dressed in floral pinnies.
  • This instrument monitors the patient's heartbeats.
  • A normal heart rhythm is one in which each heartbeat originates in the sinus node and proceeds normally through the rest of the body's electric conduction system.
  • An average teen like them has 60 to 75 heartbeats per minute.
  • We, the richest, most powerful nation on the planet, could solve our social problems in a heartbeat.
  • People who have a G6PD deficiency have the following symptoms: pale skin fatigued and tired rapid and shallow breathing abnormal/rapid heartbeat enlarged spleen yellowish tint to eyes galactosemia which is found in babies. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • She could hear the thud of her own heartbeat sounding heavily in her ears.
  • GUPTA: Three hours. no heartbeat, no spontaneous respirations, pupils are dilated, which is an indication that the brain as swollen as well. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2009
  • In the industrial age change happened in a year or a decade - in the internet age it happens in a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sawing heartbeat of a panther morphs into a subway train sledge-hammering, smashing the ground, until it screeches to a morse code halt. 2008 December 20 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • The heartbeat sound hummed in the air once again.
  • One more locked door, which the axmen following him would splinter in a few heartbeats. Shield of Thunder
  • My whole mouth throbs with each heartbeat, a little movement coming to my extremities, allowing me to flex my fingers.
  • Dr. Wilkoff also said CRT devices are typically implanted with an additional feature called a defibrillator that delivers a shock to prevent a different electrical disturbance, such as a runaway heartbeat called ventricular fibrillation. Scrutiny for Heart Devices
  • I think she got such a shock over Portia's death that her heart went into a dangerous arrhythmia, which is an irregular heartbeat, and she didn't recover," said Mrs Sugliano, who also lost her father in December last year. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Pressed up against her, Aelex could feel the fluttering heartbeat.
  • His head was spinning faster now and for some reason his heartbeat had quickened. TUNNEL VISIONS: Journeys of an Underground Philosopher
  • As her heartbeat slows, her mind settles on the same thoughts that have haunted her for weeks:  her desire to understand the order and purpose of things, especially the ambiguity of death and the mysterious abyss between matter and spirit. The Impulse of Breathing
  • But there are a few signs of a new economic heartbeat, albeit thready and fragile. Life Amid The Ruins: Gazans Still Feel Under Siege
  • The heart must be “defibrillated” quickly, because a person's chance of surviving drops by 7 to 10 percent for each minute a normal heartbeat is not restored. Youth Heart Watch
  • It can make the blood boil and the mind race and the days pass in an arrhythmic heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Heartbeat and a Guitar is that kind of folksinger tradition -- not just the stories that are told but, how effectively they're related in the songs. Recent articles from
  • To describe a single extrasystole, an ectopic heartbeat, as like a slight stumble in a dance and to introduce the complex mechanism of hearing with the statement that 'every one of us has a tiny harp inside his ear' suggests that he is a skillful teacher.… The kathartai, forerunners of doctors in pre-Hippocratic Greece, were said to purify the soul by the soothing and calming combination of music, dance, poetry and song. The Chicago Blog: April 2006 Archives
  • For others, it echoes the rhythm and pulse of a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • This irregular heartbeat, which feels fluttery and is often quite rapid, means the electrical signals that prompt the heart have gone haywire.
  • An irregular heartbeat or a blood clot are suspected by the coroner. The Sun
  • She pushed herself against his body, against his chest where there was no heartbeat.
  • Once that clears up, Vainio turns his prey down a dark passage, chloroforming them again until all you can hear is their drugged, staggering heartbeats and the swaying neon of the red-light district.
  • Symptoms include a rapid heartbeat and high temperature. The Sun
  • The sound of his heartbeat soothed me, calming me down.
  • The researchers found that, in addition to a pathway involving the insular cortex of the brain -- the target of most recent research on interoception -- an additional pathway contributing to feeling your own heartbeat exists. Undefined
  • QT-prolonging agents (eg, quinidine, sotalol, thioridazine), quinolones (eg, ciprofloxacin), or streptogramins (eg, mikamycin) because serious, possibly life-threatening side effects on the heart or irregular heartbeat may occur MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • After four hours of climbing the near vertical mountain footpath, the headache had matured into a persistent thump with each heartbeat.
  • The fledgling's breathing and heartbeat slowed, taut muscles went slack, and his third eyelids slid halfway across his bright gaze.
  • As he walked up to her she felt her heartbeat quicken.
  • The 23-year-old is the heartbeat of the team, impressing with his range of movement and incisive passing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let your mind be quiet, and observe the sensations of your physical body - blood flow, heartbeat, lungs moving, an itch.
  • A darkly humorous flipside to Heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fluttery heartbeat can also be a sign of a common condition called atrial fibrillation.
  • During diastole, blood fills the veins and moves cephalad with each heartbeat.
  • Your heartbeat is monitored throughout the procedure using an electrocardiograph machine.
  • The sinoatrial node sets the rate and rhythm of the heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Normally, when I'm worried about something, even about not finishing my homework, I get a loud heartbeat, can't keep food down, and that gassy feeling I told you about appears.
  • They took my temperature constantly, measured pulse and blood pressure and worried over a cardiogram showing a slightly irregular heartbeat.
  • More research is needed to study the exact relationship between alcohol and irregular heartbeats. Times, Sunday Times
  • During thawing, the heartbeat is also the first physiological activity that is restored. Archive 2004-09-01
  • Somewhere in all this the heart of a free nation has got to be still beating strongly, even if the heartbeat sounds faint to my ears.
  • Once a heartbeat is established on sonogram, that rate drops to 5% or less. Emergency Contraception Use Does Not Adversely Affect Pregnancy Outcome
  • Caution: When combined with diuretics, such as lasix, or heart stimulants, such as lanoxin, licorice can cause muscle weakness and irregular heartbeats. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • New York is the commercial heartbeat of America
  • My heartbeat just quickened and it kept increasing.
  • Last season, he missed games because of fatigue and dizziness and was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat.
  • There were four or five players that just stood out fantastically well and set the heartbeat of the team. Times, Sunday Times
  • The midwife or doctor may use a device placed on the abdomen to amplify the heartbeat.
  • Each season it looks lost and each season something stirs inside a dressing room largely detached from the burning desire of the heartbeat of the club's support. Times, Sunday Times
  • A sporting career can be over in a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he argues that the West, far from a monolithic bulwark against "diversity," is "the mongrel civilization par excellence"; the systole and diastole of contractive monoculturalism and expansive multiculturalism are its heartbeat. A Real-Life Renaissance Man
  • My heartbeat quickens even more at the mere sight of her.
  • It defies any genre classification, because it can go from insanely heavy drama to light farce in a heartbeat.
  • He was pale and sweaty with distended neck veins and a rapid heartbeat.
  • He was pulled up at Kempton in 2013 with an irregular heartbeat and was off the track for more than a year. The Sun
  • This unstable heart rhythm produces an ineffective heartbeat, causing insufficient blood flow to vital organs.
  • Mitral valve regurgitation can cause arrhythmia, an abnormal speed or rhythm of the heartbeat.
  • Dr. Willke, who in 1971 created what became Ohio Right to Life, called his onetime organization out of touch with the "unrestrained enthusiasm" that the heartbeat bill has unleashed and that he said is emerging in many other states. NYT > Home Page
  • They differ from another common device, implantable cardioverter defibrillators, which send pulses only to correct abnormal heartbeats. Times, Sunday Times
  • It transports me back to my childhood in a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • All he said was that he was sorry and he could not detect a heartbeat for the baby and that the baby was no longer alive.
  • The top number in the reading is called the systolic pressure and measures the pressure inside your arteries at its maximum, when your heart initially pumps the blood with each heartbeat. THE PROGRAM
  • Asha waited expectantly, with a trace of fear and curiosity, her heartbeat quickening slightly at the prospect.
  • There are those heartbeat-increasing frights that only the best games of the horror genre have had.
  • The main sign of an aortic aneurysm is a lump in the abdomen, high up and a little to the right, that pulses obviously with the heartbeat.
  • She could hear the thud of her own heartbeat sounding heavily in her ears.
  • But severe brachycardia, a slowing of the heartbeat, began to accompany Flash's headaches; during one rush to A&E, his heart rate fell to 30 beats per minute. Signs of the Times
  • He's receiving medication for an irregular heartbeat.
  • Out of nowhere, she's got needle and thread in one hand, and in the space of a heartbeat, she's pulled her chair beside mine.
  • His heartbeat seemed to thunder in his ears with excitement.
  • He was practically surrounded by copters loaded with heavily armed Secret Service agents who could ruin your day in a heartbeat.
  • Everyone who encourages the opponents by booing their team while that team still holds the lead only gives hope and encouragement to the opposition, demonstrating that you are weakling losers, the kind of ninnies who will turn on your own in a heartbeat, whenever the going gets rough. MVN
  • Ursula Dean's palms were damp as panic pumped through her, escaping in hasty, shallow breathing and agitated heartbeats.
  • It transports me back to my childhood in a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may not garner the headlines that some of his teammates accrue, but Lambert is the heartbeat of the robust team which has been transformed into treble winners under O'Neill.
  • He described the Walsh family as being the very heartbeat of the parish and of the local Kilrossanty GAA club, to which her husband Pa and brothers-in-law Tom and Noel had rendered such sterling service over many decades.
  • Ai hassa worried….mai mawm called frum teh hospital….mai nawt-brudder is okay, butt! her heartbeat is jest a littlol off and she haz lawts of pain. *looks up to CC hopefully* Sorry, the monkeys are all on vacation… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • His heartbeat quickened as he hurried towards her room.
  • Most of the time, palpitations and irregular heartbeats are harmless.
  • The master server also multicasts a " heartbeat’ signal to all slaves, apprising them of its existence.
  • In one particularly engaging scene a barrage of news reports on black ‘suspects’ is pasted over the quickening thump of a heartbeat.
  • He felt his heartbeat pick up a little and a clammy prickle of sweat on his palms and under his armpits. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • The loss of blood had caused Hollynn's system to completely shut down, her brainwaves and heartbeat barely evident on the monitors.
  • The show's searing heartbeat, a bass aria of operatic grandeur. Times, Sunday Times
  • He felt his heartbeat pick up a little and a clammy prickle of sweat on his palms and under his armpits. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • The darkness of winter slows the city's heartbeat, making our every action or movement an effort.
  • In this view, all economic history is the slow heartbeat of the social organism, a vast systolic and diastole of concentrating wealth and compulsive recirculation. Bruce Judson: Economic Inequality: The Wall Street Journal Is Just Wrong
  • The drum is what we call the heartbeat of our people," he said. The Seattle Times
  • The body of the zooid and tunic is transparent enough for the observation of heartbeats.
  • An irregular heartbeat was initially diagnosed, but cleared up of its own accord. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers have found that, in addition to a pathway involving the insular cortex of the brain-the target of most recent research on interoception-an additional pathway contributing to feeling the heartbeat exists. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Survivors may complain of tremors, choking sensations, or rapid heartbeat. Trauma and Recovery
  • Liesl Schillinger on His Illegal Self by Peter Carey: This idea, this truth — that a child in distress is hard-wired to seek protection from a woman, any woman, whatever her failings, her confusions, her ideology — is the heartbeat that races through Peter An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • The cadence of an efficient milker is almost like a good, strong heartbeat. Frosty mornings in the sierras
  • They were the team's engine and heartbeat, and without them things would not function effectively.
  • He felt his heartbeat pump overtime as a pair of coal-black eyes gazed at him with contained fury.
  • ZD - DFS assure the data consistence by using the lock mechanism, version counter mark, and heartbeat protocol.
  • She was suddenly aware of her racing heartbeat.
  • The 23-year-old is the heartbeat of the team, impressing with his range of movement and incisive passing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The female Sphinx moved to extend a paw, which contained a small silver headband set with a single cabochon of amethyst, that pulsated in time with a heartbeat.
  • The heartbeat of the Portuguese team, a fighter as well as an artist, he's had an absolute blinder.
  • The continuous heartbeat rhythm that tells you your experiences are now rationed. Times, Sunday Times
  • For others, it echoes the rhythm and pulse of a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vertigo went away and my vision returned, but my heartbeat stayed fluttery and rapid.
  • The stock ticker at the time, the sacred heartbeat of the American financial system was halted for six minutes, while the crowd grubbed for the money on the floor. Chris Weigant: Wall Street Protest, Circa 1967
  • In the industrial age change happened in a year or a decade - in the internet age it happens in a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Humans hit their billionth heartbeat at around age 25.
  • She could only distantly hear the shouts of her comrades over the rushing water and her own anxious heartbeat.
  • He breathed deeply trying to regulate the pound of his heartbeat. THE SOUND OF MURDER
  • This process, which is known as calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) [12], is essential to each heartbeat and links electrical excitation of the myocyte and local calcium entry to its mechanical contraction. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • For others, it echoes the rhythm and pulse of a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The heartbeat of the landowners' movement is the small trailer which serves as their base camp and humble headquarters.
  • DRINKING too much cola can cause fainting and an irregular heartbeat, a study found. The Sun
  • The heartbeat of a tranquil and proud village thumped with a louder beat when native sons and daughters turned out in force to pay tribute to one of the own who had reached the promised land.
  • Today, it seems that through the various medium of communications every heartbeat is shared by the world.
  • Marcy felt her breath quicken, her heartbeat accelerate and crescendo in her ears to an overpowering drone.
  • Her breathing became deep and slow, her heartbeat slackened and she lifted her face to the heat of the sun.
  • The sinus node generates the electric impulse that starts your heartbeat, so this is known as a sinus rhythm. Healing the Female Heart
  • Other drugs may be given if pain persists, if there is fluid on the lungs or a fast heartbeat.
  • For reasons best known to themselves, the playlisting poltroons of national radio recently passed on Heartbeat, the new single from this Norwegian singer.
  • Again his blade swished half a heartbeat behind me. Fire The Sky
  • His squeeze grew just a little lighter than usual when he felt her heartbeat quicken far more than it usually did, her breath intake having been sharp.
  • Life - parameter signals such as respiration and heartbeat can be obtained through a radar non - contact detecting system.
  • Ursula Dean's palms were damp as panic pumped through her, escaping in hasty, shallow breathing and agitated heartbeats.
  • As he stepped out of the elevator and strode towards her, she felt her heartbeat do a funny little dance.
  • For exam-ple, an emergency or operating room is not the best environment for monitoring subtle variations in heartbeats.
  • Smiling has the power of relaxing the mind, delighting the heart, boosting the immune system, slowing the heartbeat and breathing rate. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Our hearts do not all beat in the same way, so biometric technology that monitors your heartbeat could also be used to identify you. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is the heartbeat of the team. The Sun
  • The common symptoms of anaemia are tiredness, shortness of breath and awareness of the heartbeat (palpitations).
  • Looking across the dark waters that separate our houses, I can't help but feel my heartbeat quicken and the resolve in my mind harden.
  • I could feel his breath against my neck and through my dress I could feel his heartbeat pulsating through my body as he pulled me closer.
  • His head was spinning faster now and for some reason his heartbeat had quickened. TUNNEL VISIONS: Journeys of an Underground Philosopher
  • He could feel the sweats in his hands, and the heartbeat pounding against his rib cage.
  • ‘It's funny to have a heartbeat’ he commented, his face twisting into one of wry humor.
  • The stroke volume, or amount of blood pumped per heartbeat, is thereby greatly increased. Living with Angina
  • I pulled the sticky cotton T-shirt from my chest and began to pulse it in and out, like a heartbeat, trying to fan away the rivers of sweat pouring down my chest.
  • Also included is the rumba, which is said to be the heartbeat of the Cuban people.
  • Low blood pressure and irregular heartbeat are the most significant side effects.
  • If anything goes wrong in the process, called excitability, potentially deadly heartbeat abnormalities and epilepsies may arise. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The happy heartbeat that frolicked through the dining venue all season had been replaced by the fear of a sudden offseason. One Season
  • It transports me back to my childhood in a heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I sat up when I heard the doorbell and my heartbeat quickened as I got to my feet and raced out of my room, down the stairs and stopped at the bottom one.
  • Cale looked through his scope and took slow deep breaths to lower his heartbeat thus steadying his aim.
  • She could hear the thud of her own heartbeat sounding heavily in her ears.
  • Systole is that part of the heart's pumping cycle when it contracts and pushes blood out, the pulse if you like, and diastole is when the heart relaxes and fills with blood ready for the next heartbeat.
  • The dashboard's fluorescence cast a ghostly apparition on the windscreen, losing me a heartbeat till I realized it was my own nervy face. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Pacemakers are usually used to treat an abnormally slow heartbeat which can cause dizziness, fainting or blackouts.
  • This is used to treat irregularities in the heartbeat and so is known as an antiarrythmic drug.
  • The fledgling's breathing and heartbeat slowed, taut muscles went slack, and his third eyelids slid halfway across his bright gaze.
  • Her heartbeat is only 55 at rest.
  • We'd be dismissed in a heartbeat for displaying behaviour like hers. The Sun
  • Suddenly he could hear his heartbeat drumming in his ears, muffling out the rest of the surrounding clatter.
  • Flintoff, as Selvey correctly deduces, has become the heartbeat of the team; the carthorse that also provides the gallops.
  • My heartbeat quickened with every passing second, so that I wanted to confess to the world…
  • A darkly humorous flipside to Heartbeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • She listened to her heartbeat as it thudded in her chest, and she felt the throb of Jason's heart beating through his chest as he lay against her.
  • Tequila in his heartbeat, His veins burned gasoline.
  • Producers, writers and other members of the Heartbeat team also joined in the fun.
  • Behind the Hot Springs ' sweet hooks and sing-song melodies is a punk heartbeat, an intensity embedded in their serrated riffage and Webber's sexy snarl.
  • The mood can shift from knockabout comedy to taut thriller in a heartbeat, which keeps the viewer from becoming complacent: One never knows what the film is going to do next.
  • Men stopped wearing hats overnight, and churches may empty in a heartbeat, but a yacht is forever. Kevin Patterson - An interview with author
  • The words made Shipper's cheeks turn pink and he felt his heartbeats quicken again.
  • But, still, one wonders if Kidjo, who is really as much a historian as a funky herald of hope, has come close, academically speaking, to the ultimate source of this societal heartbeat.
  • The heartbeat of this side. The Sun
  • The 23-year-old is the heartbeat of the team, impressing with his range of movement and incisive passing. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it detects an abnormally rapid heartbeat, it sends an electrical surge to a defibrillator coil and jolts the heart back into a normal rhythm.
  • I'd get it in heartbeat if I could get it in .257 Roberts or 7x57. Marlin XL7
  • That could change in a heartbeat when your most serious friend makes an intriguing introduction. The Sun
  • She pushed herself further back against the old brick wall and held her breath, aware of her heartbeat thundering in her ears. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Five months earlier, when Sarah had been lying on this table, Sheila the sonographer had told us she no longer detected a heartbeat. Times Two
  • With the nine-year-old Doha round of trade talks on the back burner, "the only [global] trade negotiation with a heartbeat is the GPA," says Simon Evenett, a trade economist at the University of Saint Gallen in Switzerland. EU Pushes China to Open Bidding
  • However they may lead to palpitations, which is an unpleasant awareness of the heartbeat, often described as a thumping in the chest.
  • Smiling has the power of relaxing the mind, delighting the heart, boosting the immune system, slowing the heartbeat and breathing rate. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It naturalizes like no other, making blooming size babies in a heartbeat. Daffodils 2010 « Fairegarden
  • She was suddenly aware of her racing heartbeat.
  • In one particularly engaging scene a barrage of news reports on black ‘suspects’ is pasted over the quickening thump of a heartbeat.
  • She so loves the heartbeat of a clock: the tick, the pause, the lock.
  • His heartbeat/pulse was unsteady.
  • For twelve years Keane has been the heartbeat of the United team.
  • They actually also reduce your overall serum, triglycerides, cholesterol levels down as well, and they also do things to prevent arhythmia in the heart, so you don't get potentially fatal irregular heartbeats, which as you say, can cause sudden heart death, Anderson. CNN Transcript Apr 10, 2002
  • That could change in a heartbeat when your most serious friend makes an intriguing introduction. The Sun
  • For instance, the sound of "shhh" when repeated rhythmically simulates a mother's heartbeat. The Calming Reflex: How to end Bush, Cheney & bin Ladin's temper tantrums

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