[ UK /hˈɑːkən/ ]
  1. listen; used mostly in the imperative

How To Use hearken In A Sentence

  • I found this number intriguing, my mind hearkening back to the events of 1968, a year filled with a lifetime's worth of personal transformations and a civilization's worth of crucibles.
  • The apostle is not satisfied with assuring them that they are under no obligations to the flesh, to hearken to its suggestions, without reminding them where it will end if they do; and he uses the word "mortify" (put to death) as a kind of play upon the word "die" just before. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Quote | clusterflock
  • I listen not to the country people telling it was experimented by a goose, which was put in and came out again with _life_ (though without feathers); but hearken seriously to those who judiciously impute the _subsidency_ of the earth in the interstice aforesaid to some underground hollowness made by that water in the passage thereof. Highways and Byways in Surrey
  • So he wore through the remnant of the day howso he might, without going out-adoors again; and the carline came and spake with him; but whatever he asked her about the lady, she would not tell aught of any import, so he refrained him from that talk, and made a show of hearkening when she spake of other matters; as tales concerning the folk of the land, and the Fathers of the Thorn, and so forth. The Well at the World's End: a tale
  • The need for purgative violence in order to recreate the self hearkens back to the ‘fiery zeale’ of the universal conflagration.
  • Well known for their anti-internationalist, anti-New Deal voting records, both subscribed to an anti-Communism that hearkened back to the xenophobic, antimodernist "100 Percent Americanism" of the 1920s. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Observe, They did not hearken to Paul when he warned them of their danger, and yet if they will but acknowledge their folly, and repent of it, he will speak comfort and relief to them now that they are in danger, so compassionate is God to those that are in misery, though they bring themselves into it by their own incogitancy, nay, by their own wilfulness, and contempt of admonition. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • He answered, “Hearken to my answer; that I lie not aught: and may the high gallows and all things of grame have me, if I lie one word!” The Story of the Volsungs
  • Or so say a spate of ads, books and websites that hail the emergence of the retrosexual, whose attitude and style hearken back to the strong, silent type of the '50s and early '60s. Archive 2010-05-23
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