
How To Use Healthful In A Sentence

  • To avoid fattening, unhealthful fats, you need to understand what types of foods they are concealed in.
  • I boxed, swam, sailed, rode horses, lived in the open an arrantly healthful life, and passed life insurance examinations with flying colours. Chapter 29
  • If I am paying for your health care, I want you to live in a healthful manner.
  • He doesn't deny that modern western lifestyles have many unhealthful components. Times, Sunday Times
  • These unhealthful eating habits carried on into adulthood, and by the time I entered my mid-20s, I ate whatever my heart desired, without any thoughts about nutrition.
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  • She would read, she would write, and she would be free from 'unhealthful, uncomfortable ... inconvenient ... fettering, hampering, monstrous skirts'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Suffering and death and all ugliness were forgotten in congenial and healthful companionship. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • Eat healthfully without being all obsessed with, ‘What do I weigh?’
  • Do you think drinking calcium fortified beverages like soy drinks and orange juice will meet your bones 'requirements," asks the new site, selling against healthful beverages instead of the soft drinks NDB and FMB say they are against. Can In-Class Huckstering Make Milk Drinking Cool?
  • Meanwhile, efforts continue to amplify the healthful benefits of milk itself.
  • The intelligent author of the "Treatise on British Birds" does not condescend to justify the right we claim to encage them; but he shows his genuine humanity in instructing us how to render happy and healthful their imprisonment. Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • This biological process wasted food and, with expanding scientific knowledge of bacteria during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, began to be seen as unhealthful.
  • He concluded first that common knowledge did not suggest that baking was unhealthful.
  • Healthful choices include a small handful of dried fruit and nuts, whole - grain crackers with a slice of cheese or a hard-boiled egg, or yogurt topped with a tablespoon of granola.
  • Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 
  • I would urge every fruit lover to plant grapevines and to use every available bunch for this nourishing, refreshing, and healthful drink.
  • The European mountain-ash -- which in beauty, dimensions, and healthfulness of growth is superior to our own [186] -- the horse-chestnut, and the abele, or silver poplar, are valuable additions to the ornamental trees of North America. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
  • Under Chade's strict directions, I ate a nourishing meal of bland and healthful food every noon. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • A few gave up the battle, and moved away on account of the unhealthfulness of the country.
  • Apparently the manufacturers of these items feel that trans-fats are so unhealthful that consumers won't buy products that use them.
  • Health officials have declared the air to be unhealthful.
  • Dickens's relatively healthful exuberance
  • Although it is already considered a healthful food, yogurt is being fortified with other nutrients.
  • Instead of following a rigid plan, substitute an unhealthful habit for a better one.
  • While many observers noted the unhealthfulness of the marshy tidewater zone, they also emphasized the richness of the land and its potential for economic development.
  • For some reason, many people have not yet gotten the message that animal protein is unhealthful, too -- just as animal fat is. Lose Weight And Get Healthy With The 21-Day Vegan Kickstart Program
  • The healthful man can give counsel to the sick. 
  • On the other side, but equally healthful, may be put the fact that the style and structure of the originals and earlier versions, and especially that verse division which has been now so unwisely abandoned, served as safeguards against the besetting sin of all prose writers of their time, the habit of indulging in long wandering sentences, in paragraphs destitute of proportion and of grace, destitute even of ordinary manageableness and shape. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • And if I had been an impecunious younger son of the gentry, or a farmer struggling to survive an agricultural depression, or a soldier discharged from the army with little prospect of finding a good job, or a poorly paid artisan in a grimy and unsanitary city, I might well have decided to take the risk and opt for the bright, prosperous future and healthful climate that Poyais appeared to offer the adventurous. A Talk with David Sinclair, author of The Land That Never Was
  • After so many activities, you'll need to fill up on healthful dishes such as the grilled grouper with herbed couscous, green beans and salsa at the resort's hilltop restaurant, which offers stunning views of the North Sound.
  • Foods like fish, avocados and nuts contain healthful fats that are good for a glowing complexion.
  • Any method of heating -- open fireplace, stove, hot air, furnace, hot water, or steam -- which will keep a room _with the windows open_ comfortably warm in cold weather is satisfactory and healthful. A Handbook of Health
  • Healthful snacks like nuts, fruit or part-skim mozzarella string cheese can also keep energy up in the late morning or afternoon.
  • Don't let corporations con you into eating and drinking unhealthful foods in crazy quantities.
  • a healthful environment
  • His gait was feeble, his form attenuated, his countenance had lost its ruddy glow, -- the lines had sharpened until their youthful, healthful roundness was wholly obliterated; but the nervous, untranquil expression had passed away from his face, and the restless glancing from side to side had left his eyes. Fairy Fingers A Novel
  • Okay, so here's how you get around that and eat your cheap, healthful tofu.
  • From here, I can't tell if your friend has a budding eating disorder or simply doesn't know how to drop pounds healthfully.
  • The act of giving up animal foods (and by animal, we include poultry and fish) doesn't automatically transform a so-so diet into a healthful one.
  • Choose healthful foods most of the time, and splurge only occasionally.
  • The Orientals use no butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.
  • Chicken soup had the lore of being healthful, a strength builder.
  • Also try lemon-pepper or honey-roasted turkey - both are healthful and delicious in sandwiches and wraps.
  • Even those who are the most devoted to a regimen of exercise and healthful nutrition can be sabotaged by their genes.
  • Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 
  • You can eat only as healthfully as your last trip to the grocery store, Blatner says. Weight-Loss Challenge: 13 tips to help you get fit
  • Or try cooking low fat meals together using foods you both enjoy so you can spend time with each other and eat healthfully.
  • We are not demoralized or effeminated by the luxury and abundance which are ours, but elevated rather, and strengthened by the very magnificence and opulence of our circumstances, and by the perfect freedom, under healthful restraint, which we enjoy through the community's strong, vigorous, moral and intellectual tone. The Dominion in 1983
  • healthful sleep
  • Nor is it merely wasted wealth or distempered conception which we have to regret in this Renaissance architecture: but we shall find in it partly the root, partly the expression of certain dominant evils of modern times -- over-sophistication and ignorant classicalism; the one destroying the healthfulness of general society, the other rendering our schools and universities useless to a large number of the men who pass through them. The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
  • That's because one of the ways it achieves its healthful effects is by mimicking the female sex hormone.
  • The constitution, nutrition catabolism and safety of the healthful oil, the major component of which is diacylglycerol, were explained in this paper.
  • He carried with him a healthful mental breeze that has cleared the fogs from the brain of many a young student. The Congress of Women: Held in the Woman's Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U. S. A., 1893, With Portraits, Biographies and Addresses
  • Actually, the spicy food has various healthful effects and is often recommended by nutritionists.
  • They urge communities to offer financial incentives to the owners of corner markets and convenience stores in poor areas so they can carry more affordable healthful foods such as fruits and vegetables, and fat-free and low-fat dairy. Report maps out solutions to child obesity
  • At the recommended concentration of just 30 parts per million, it is completely harmless and very healthful.
  • The strong Chinese belief in Jade's healthful properties led to the tradition of wearing jade jewellery.
  • Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 
  • Whether your goal is to lower your risk of heart disease, or simply incorporate more healthful, "good" fats into your meals, the Mediterranean diet is asmart choice. Mediterranean diet lowers heart disease risk, study says
  • If we enter the nearest institution of Charity Sisters, Sisters of Mercy, or of the Poor, we cannot fail to remark the contrast between the healthful, cheery, unsolicitous countenances of the inmates, and the nervous, suffering, careworn faces of the wives and mothers in our midst. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 1864
  • But cereals made with whole wheat, oats or bran are as healthful as they are convenient.
  • Seawater is believed to have healthful benefits, and many British Virgin Islanders start their morning with a ‘sea bathe.’
  • unhealthful air pollution
  • The outer child is a bratty, angry drama queen who is responsible for unhealthful and unwanted behavior, according to the book. Unruly behavior of 'outer child' is target of psychotherapist's self-help book
  • Seldom in waking hours without books or spoken argument exerting upon his wheeling brain, yet at the helm of his boat, braced for day-long hours, he would stand rapt in healthful ecstasy of sheer being, lord of life and the harnessed powers - of nature, unheedful of physical strain, his own hand directing fate.
  • However, the Supreme Court and lower courts held that states could use their police power to aid through legislation women, children, and men in especially unhealthful occupations such as underground mining.
  • In addition to exercise, bathing, healthful diet, and moderate sex, Publicius includes a sneezing powder recommended by Constantinus Africanus that is made from the gall of crane and elder oil and said to cure lethargy. 63 Ficino describes how to use the gifts of incense, myrrh, and gold leaf to make an elixir for the elderly that will "beyond any doubt, protect your natural humor from putrefaction. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • It is just as meaningful to speak of levels of vitality and healthfulness as of debility and infirmity.
  • For example, colleagues and I have discovered that a substantial minority of Americans think of fat and salt as toxins, such that any amount of these necessary nutrients is considered unhealthful.
  • FLOTUS explained that one of their reasons for visiting was the school's efforts to promote exercise and eating healthfully, which is one of her passions as First Lady. Michelle Obama & Margarita Zavala Chase, Play & Lunch With Schoolkids (VIDEO, PHOTOS, POLL)
  • Every rib in the round body was discernible; yet the leanness was the healthful reduction so strained after in the palaestrae. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • This "lopping" disturbs the harmonious relation of the weights of shoulders, abdomen, head, and the large lower gluteal muscles with which nature has cushioned the lower part of the body, and so they are obliged to readjust themselves to balance each other, and the awkward, ungainly, unhealthful posture results. What a Young Woman Ought to Know
  • Eat this slice of marchpane, it will help your digestion; then shall you be presented with a cup of claret hippocras, which is right healthful and stomachal. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Choosing more healthful sources of protein in place of red meat can confer significant health benefits. The Sun
  • healthful nutrition
  • Using the all-natural sweetener erythritol, found in grapes and melons, the healthful beverage is the first light yogurt product to achieve reduced sugar and calories without the use of aspartame or sucralose.
  • The earth-closet is an invention which relieves the most disagreeable item in domestic labor, and prevents the disagreeable and unhealthful effluvium which is almost inevitable in all family residences, The general principle of construction is somewhat like that of a water-closet, except that in place of water is used dried earth. American Woman's Home
  • The healthful man can give counsel to the sick. 
  • Although they offer powerful health benefits, monounsaturates and polyunsaturates are still fats and should be used sparingly, since they contain just as many calories as their unhealthful siblings.
  • Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 
  • So it's awfully refreshing to see someone cut through the clutter and deliver a cogent and thoughtful message about how to help Americans eat more healthfully. What front-of-package food labels should say
  • a healthful climate
  • The fat is mainly unsaturated, so potentially healthful, although all fats are equally high in calories (nine calories per gram).
  • In addition, attention has been drawn to the importance of particular sexual behaviors - many of them unhealthful for both men and women - for the performance of masculinity.
  • Indeed, it may be laid down as a general principle, that the more extended the ancestry, the greater the amount of violence and vagabondism; for in ancient days those two amusements, combining a wholesome excitement with a promising means of repairing shattered fortunes, were at once the ennobling pursuit and the healthful recreation of the Quality of this land. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
  • Besides those healthful nutrients, cowberries also contain phytochemicals that are thought to counteract urinary-tract infections.
  • Insulin resistance can be genetic or acquired by an unhealthful lifestyle. Susan B. Dopart, M.S., R.D.: Could You Be One Of Millions With Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes?
  • It is just as meaningful to speak of levels of vitality and healthfulness as of debility and infirmity.
  • Because their diet was so healthful — Cárdenas thought chile and maize tortillas helped to cleanse and "dry out" the bad humors from the body — they rarely suffered from such maladies as "rheumatism, de ijada, urine or stomach [problems]. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Others will find a healthful haven among a sea of fortified yogurts and dairy beverages.
  • Whether contemplating a bacteriological or chemical event or simply trying to live healthfully on 21st century Earth, getting and keeping robust immunity is the best way to improve your chances for survival.
  • It’s not strictly necessary for conservatives and libertarians to reject the factual claims of healthism—it’s perfectly legitimate to believe, as I do, that a food is unhealthful but that the government should butt out anyway—but I’ve noticed that a lot do reject them anyway. I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore
  • It's over-eating, eating unhealthful food, & the lack of exercise which heightens the probability of one getting fat.
  • It strengthens the lungs to resist the effects of sudden changes in the air, and it healthfully braces and invigorates the chest.
  • Whole milk adds unhealthful saturated fat and extra calories to a child's diet, he says. Help kids maintain a healthy diet without a hefty cost
  • Their meagre physical experiences, plus their meagre intellectual experiences, made a negative sum so vast that it overbalanced their wholesome morality and healthful sports. Chapter 18
  • After most of water is gone (make sure to stir often so they don't stick), then grind this mixture in a food processor or blender and you'll have the most flavorful, healthful "refried" beans ever. Undefined
  • Ice cream gives a little calcium, and chocolate offers plant chemicals called xanthins that can be healthful in moderation.
  • The school should be a safe and healthful place to learn. An Introduction to Community Health
  • I wonder if the what has driven Baby Boomers, of which I am one, to seek a nanny state, banning all mannyer of "unhealthful" things is what makes them so prone to the Republican fearmongering. Quote Of The Day
  • One wonders how doctors reacted to the transformation of restaurants from outlets for bland, healthful fare to centres of gastronomy and gluttony.
  • I should like to add that what is called the coarseness of the eighteenth-century novel and romance is much more healthful than the nasty brutality of a school of our novelists -- who make up for their lack of talent and of wide experience by trying to excite animal instincts. Confessions of a Book-Lover
  • I think the fact that over 40 million Americans are now on federal food assistance because they do not have enough personal resources to feed their families healthfully is the largest issue we have, and will ever face. Maria Rodale: A Visit to My Kitchen: Michel Nischan
  • That's a media-driven ideal that you're never going to healthfully obtain.
  • The key to staying lean all over is to get enough exercise and eat healthfully.
  • A growing body of research has examined the relationship between reading magazines of this genre and the development of cognitions consistent with body image disturbance and unhealthful attitudes about food.
  • For example, companies can have certain employee check the physical environment and prohibit those designs which are in disorder, unhealthful , or excessively eccentric.
  • Once the quota for macronutrients is met by consuming healthful quality foods, most bodybuilders still haven't fulfilled all their caloric needs.
  • They knew all the signs of the dance and all about it, in those days, when it was not unusual to see three generations of the same family in the same set; when the healthful mind and conscience recognized the fact that the majority of people commit forty times more sin with their tongues than they do with their toes; when the blessed differentiation was made between "piosity" (as Bishop Williams of Connecticut happily expresses it) and piety - between goodishness and godliness. The old plantation : how we lived in great house and cabin before the war,
  • And among all prophets Jesu was the most excellent and the most worthy next God, and that he made the gospels in the which is good doctrine and healthful, full of clarity and soothfastness and true preaching to them that believe in God. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Weight-conscious mothers beware: Counting your young daughter's calories - and your own - may lead her to develop unhealthful eating habits.
  • He firmly believes that a healthful, well-managed dairy farm "starts with the soil."
  • Pasta often becomes a staple of a runner's diet, but there are lots of other healthful and interesting carb choices for runners, such as couscous, rice or quinoa.
  • The healthful man can give counsel to the sick. 
  • Eating healthfully for two without gaining too much weight is a common problem for pregnant women. How to feed your baby right, even before birth
  • Parties and plans often confound the best intentions to live healthfully.
  • And on the way back to Western Europe his system slowly returned to normal, branny BMs, healthful and mild. Underworld
  • It is to the former that its unhealthfulness is generally due.
  • At the beginning of the eighteenth century it was universally believed that rum, gin, and brandy were nutritious and healthful.
  • Cereals made with whole wheat, oats or bran are as healthful as they are convenient.
  • Average consumption of trans fatty acids - an unhealthful type of fat found in margarine, baked goods and many processed foods - also rose.
  • That, of course, is unhealthful to begin with, being that it would be comprable to "unwrapped" treats instead of factory-sealed mini candy bars. Healthful Treats for Hallowe'en? It's Sacriholidayous
  • The price was very reasonable for the tastefully prepared, healthful and delicious food, the place is beautiful and the folks very friendly.
  • The survey found that a lack of variety and poor nutritional quality of foods limits shoppers' ability to eat healthfully.
  • My father, a marathon runner, taught me the basics of healthful eating.
  • The healthful interblending of the Scotch-Irish blood of the Piedmont and western counties with that of the Cavalier and The old plantation : how we lived in great house and cabin before the war,
  • Food and beverage companies are using television ads to entice children into eating massive amounts of unhealthful food, leading to a sharp increase in childhood obesity and diabetes, a national science advisory panel said yesterday.
  • I cooked more healthfully by omitting heavy sauces and oil, using nonfat cooking spray instead.
  • With this the refractory gouvernante began in great hurry to adjust her tartan mantle for going abroad, by pulling it so forwards as to conceal the white linen cap, the edges of which bordered her shrivelled but still fresh and healthful countenance. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • It strengthens the lungs to resist the effects of sudden changes in the air, and it healthfully braces and invigorates the chest.
  • This distinction, though tenaciously supported by some critics, is belied by citational evidencehealthy has been used to mean “healthful” since the 16th century. A statinator speaks | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • A number of reputable establishments sell a variety of healthful infusions of juniper berries, anise, caraway seeds and other life-enhancing botanicals.
  • Wheat berries contain the whole grain -- endosperm, bran and germ -- and that's what makes them so healthful.
  • Using the all-natural sweetener erythritol, found in grapes and melons, the healthful beverage is the first light yogurt product to achieve reduced sugar and calories without the use of aspartame or sucralose.
  • Mom and Michael went to milk Fawn because the first milk (also called the foremilk) is the most healthful and most important. The Herald-Mail Online
  • We always have this kind of romantic notion that technology will free us from the dirty, the pathological, the slum-ridden, the unhealthful city, and that the world will spread itself out. The Great Reset
  • A member of the carotenoid family, lycopene suffuses fruits with color and offers several healthful properties, particularly for men.
  • We mix kelp or healthful herbs into the feed whenever we can afford to and also use herbs to relieve symptoms when a bird is sick.
  • However the toppings can offset the healthful benefits implied by the above.
  • Meanwhile, Jamaican cuisine in general has been getting lighter and more healthful, relying less on coconut oil and starchy yams, cassava, and breadfruit.
  • Try eating apple slices with a little bit of peanut butter, which is a great source of healthful fat and protein.
  • The second part of the evaluation process is the determination of healthfulness of the products one is forced to eat when meat, etc. products are eliminated.
  • The kinds of packaged organic foods that now fuel the category's growth, such as cookies, baked goods, and boxed meals, also benefit from a similar perception of healthfulness.
  • Or, shocker, you've decided to change your diet to one that some people see as more healthful.
  • People living in areas that scored highest on the sprawl scale reported the most problems, with the unhealthful effects appearing to disproportionately affect the poor and the elderly.
  • Milk consumption remains on the rise thanks to a nationwide effort to promote its healthful benefits.
  • I dare say I shall find you the better and the honester man for it many years hence; very probably the healthfuller, and the cheerfuller into the bargain. Life And Letters Of John Gay (1685-1732)
  • A healthful poke bowl full of fish and veggies is just what the doctor ordered.
  • The leaves of the mulberry should be collected from trees of seven or eight years old; if of such as are very young, it impairs their growth, neither are they so healthful for the worms, making them hydropical, and apt to burst: As do also the leaves of such trees as be planted in a too waterish, or over-rich soil, or where no sun comes, and all sick, and yellow leaves are hurtful. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • But neither his assertion that the GM salmon would be "unhealthful", nor that it might pose a "cancer risk" has any basis in fact. Turning gene science into a fishy business
  • All of a sudden the idea of tilling the soil came into my head; tilling the soil was a healthful and noble pursuit! but my idea of tilling the soil had no connection with Britain; for I could only expect to till the soil in Britain as a serf. George Borrow The Man and His Books
  • But if you stick to a program of healthful, moderately sized meals, this could be all your body needs to rid itself of excess flab.
  • Perhaps getting those cables installed and cleared, along with congruity and healthful habits, can carry us through those times when prayer or meditation or mindfulness is too hard. Spirituality and Suffering « Tales from the Reading Room
  • You can surround yourself with a system and equipment that are conducive to healthful eating and exercise.
  • The survey found that a lack of variety and poor nutritional quality of foods limits shoppers' ability to eat healthfully.
  • It strengthens the lungs to resist the effects of sudden changes in the air, and it healthfully braces and invigorates the chest.
  • Franchise restaurants with table service (such as TGIF and Ruby Tuesday) are often promoted as higher quality, more healthful 2)alternatives to fast-food 3)joints .
  • It has been observed in the earlier ages of the church, that none lived such healthful and long lives, as monks and hermits, who had sequestered themselves from the pleasures and plenties of the world, to a constant ascetic course, of the severest abstinence and devotion. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • From my observations of school meals, the single most important indicator of whether the kids are eating healthfully is if the school food service people know their names and talk to them about what they are choosing. Kerry Trueman: Let's Ask Marion Nestle: Is Stealth The Way To Healthy Eating for Kids?
  • Shelves in back are stocked with 19 th-century elixirs containing such healthful ingredients as swamp root and deer tongue.
  • With the prices of theater concessions now, and the utter unhealthfulness of typical concession fare, we've actually given some thought to going back to those ninth-grade antics.
  • The school should be a safe and healthful place to learn. An Introduction to Community Health
  • The virtues of stir-frying, Young writes, are many: it makes bounty out of small amounts of meat and oil; it emphasizes healthful vegetables; and most importantly, it creates '"alchemic" flavor out of raw ingredients. Publishers Weekly - Children's Books News
  • Section 101 of NEPA speaks of the need to assure all Americans "safe, healthful, productive, and esthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings ".
  • HaveFun is right …. the unique healthful flavor of simple kosher food … the low-fat joys of chicken liver … the low-salt melange of pastrami and corned beef … the low-cholesterol beauty of schmaltz … the low-carb wonder of the knish … PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er “Amy” | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Although I watched my diet and ate healthfully, I never deprived myself of any foods.
  • Choosing more healthful sources of protein in place of red meat can confer significant health benefits. The Sun
  • Coca-Cola's line of VitaminWater drinks is not healthful, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which is suing the beverage company for what it calls deceptive and unsubstantiated claims. STREET KNOWLEDGE MEDIA
  • Stick to natural, home-grown, and chemical-free products and you'll have a bountiful supply of healthful food choices.
  • unhealthful conditions in old apartments with peeling lead-based paint
  • I learned how to eat more healthfully and exercise regularly and, alter several months, I'd lost 30 pounds.
  • More and more of these delicious, naturally healthful products are packing in extra nutrients such as probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  • Moreover, the government undertook to cover smoking-related illnesses under Medicare at a time when Washington was well aware of the unhealthfulness of tobacco.
  • Health-conscious people have known for decades the benefits of soy foods and that they are a fun and healthful addition to the diet.
  • Even with a seemingly endless June gloom - which keeps down temperatures and smog - area residents have inhaled unhealthful levels of pollution twice as often as last year, which was no fresh-air vacation.
  • The series provides human-grade ingredients (no by-products or rendered fats) and healthful extras like spirulina, flax seed and cranberries.
  • After the procession they went sluggingly into the fratery-room, by the way of walk and healthful exercise, and there kneeled under the tables, leaning their breasts on lanterns. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • ( "La falsità non dico mai mai, ma la verità non a ogniuno.") 7 Considering his vast responsibilities as a statesman and the terrible dangers which beset him as a theologian; that in the first of these capacities the least misstep might wreck the great cause which he supported, and that in the second such a misstep might easily bring him to the torture chamber and the stake, normally healthful minds will doubtless agree that the criticism upon these words is more Pharisaic than wholesome. Fra Paolo Sarpi
  • Encourage kids to replace one unhealthful lunchbox item with a wholesome one; start a classroom garden; offer to arrange for chefs to visit your child's classroom for a cooking demonstration.
  • Remember to reposition any unhealthful foods or drinks below eye level to help prevent impulsive eating. Body by Design
  • But even this is not enough, where the child is dull, or where healthful mental exercise is required; and accordingly in that case, the teacher not only questions upon the clauses in connection with the other principal words, but he takes the _words_, of which the clauses are composed, and catechises the child upon them also. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • This distinction, though tenaciously supported by some critics, is belied by citational evidence — healthy has been used to mean “healthful” since the 16th century. The Volokh Conspiracy » Healthy/Healthful:
  • A healthful high-carbohydrate diet does not appear to raise insulin levels.
  • But they're complicated by all kinds of issues, including unclear definitions of what's "unhealthful," the debate over whether the food industry's voluntary changes can be sufficient and the expanding field of venues through which those companies can reach children. Obesity in the news
  • Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. 
  • Well, the idea of this smoke being unhealthful to the smokers, much less anyone that happened to be passing by breathing the same air, just seems ridiculous to you, and even if true how bad can it get? Peter Baksa: The Butterfly Effect
  • Organic farmers use natural controls and work with nature's cycles to produce healthful, abundant yields.
  • The more of these high-fiber, nutrient-rich foods you include in your meals, the less room you'll have for unhealthful high-calorie, low-nutrient fare.
  • VELSHI: That is so open-minded of her because Lisa and I have this conversation everyday about eating more healthfully and treating my body better, which is why I called her veggie burger earlier. CNN Transcript May 6, 2009
  • Always read the label when buying a generic oil to make sure it doesn’t contain a cheap oil like coconut or cottonseed, which is not as healthful. THE TANTE MARIE’S COOKING SCHOOL COOKBOOK
  • For example, a number of respondents may have given answers related to good nutrition or healthful eating.
  • Advocates for healthful eating have long tried to steer Americans away from highly processed foods that contain dozens of unnatural and unpronounceable ingredients.
  • In thus finding vent for their piety, the pilgrims mingled sanctification with recreation, enjoying healthful holidays, and creating trade with varied business, commercial and commissarial activities, while enlarging also their ideas and learning something of geography. The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • Little addicted by his peculiar habits to an over-indulgence of the imagination, and still less accustomed to those absolute conquests of the physical frame over the mental, which seem the usual sources of that feeling we call presentiment, Mordaunt rose, and walking to and fro along the room, endeavoured by the exercise to restore to his veins their wonted and healthful circulation. The Disowned — Volume 08
  • To keep Mom happy and to be sure your body's nutritional needs are being met, make a special effort to eat healthful meals.

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