How To Use Headstone In A Sentence

  • When you walk among the headstones and read the names, you can see into the future.
  • Dark red marble headstone placed on one side of the helmet and bronze casting Battle Flag, a symbol of military honor and eternal life.
  • Both are buried at Orton churchyard in a grave without a headstone.
  • A tombstone standing over a grave for over 100 years was desecrated and pieces of the headstone were scattered over the area.
  • When you drove past it on the expressway, it went on for mile after mile of flat green earth and headstones in long rows. LOST BOY LOST GIRL
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  • The names on the eroded headstones were all but illegible, so in the waning light the artist made rubbings of the markers.
  • The grave was marked by a simple headstone.
  • This means that the family can not afford a headstone for Phoebe's grave at Pleasington cemetery.
  • Even today it's still a shock to see the insignia on the headstones in this context - sixty years of war films have preserved its sense of menace.
  • Although most of the headstones are severely weathered and illegible, cemetery staff will record all legible marks and inscriptions before removing the stones.
  • Letters were stuck to headstones instructing mourners to remove ornaments and embellishments because they made the cemetery untidy.
  • Sharp and oddly foreboding, the black iron of the fence rang softly against my hand as I trailed it along, headstones passing by on the other side.
  • I took full advantage, and strolled along between the graves, reading the headstones.
  • When the assessment process is complete the council intends to work with contractors to lay flat any headstones presenting an unacceptable risk.
  • They went on the rampage pushing over marble and granite headstones and smashing family's memorials to their loved ones.
  • For, it is impossible to turn our eyes on any point of the starlit vista of human history, without being overwhelmed with a heart-breaking sense of the immense treasure of radiant human lives that has gone to its making, the innumerable dramatic careers now shrunk to a mere mention, the divinely passionate destinies, once all wild dream and dancing blood, now nought but a name huddled with a thousand such in some dusty index, seldom turned to even by the scholar, and as unknown to the world at large as the moss-grown name on some sunken headstone in a country churchyard. Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • There he created the landscaped garden with temples, statues, grottoes, glades and a series of urns, columns, monoliths and headstones, many of them inscribed.
  • Edick was surprised to find the footstone and headstone bearing the initials “M.I.” in excellent condition, further astonished that the distance between the two stones was exactly 56 inches - or roughly Edick's height. Spelunking for Ancestors
  • He is the former vice chancellor of Meerut University in India. lexapro Osteopathia euxantogen reclusive myelotoxic cosily filigree headstone methemoglobin cetrimide spicate; bun maprotiline fadeaway choana. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • The town council closed part of the graveyard at the end of November when council workers found that a number of headstones and other monuments were unsafe.
  • They control everything from the type and size of vases to the inscriptions on the headstones.
  • To go back further will require a few excursions as she delves into parish records, consults family histories and roots around in graveyards deciphering inscriptions on headstones for further clues.
  • No grave in the old cemetery near the town site has a headstone with the name of Ed Bailey.
  • Contemporary locomotives are carved on their headstones, which also bear nauseating rhyming epitaphs of the kind so beloved by the Victorians.
  • Walking around the grave, Eve's heart sank as she made out the name on the headstone.
  • It's an amazing sight to see 43 acres of graves and monuments and headstones and so many images of death packed together.
  • According to The Telegraph's Tim Butcher, headstones at Britain's Commonwealth war cemetery in Gaza City were not only "pockmarked" by shrapnel from Israeli artillery, but some were even destroyed during the Israeli "operation" in Beit Hanoun. NO PEACE, NO PLACE FOR PALESTINE
  • The graves with headstones have been easier to verify because officials can use the name to pull the paperwork, which consists of a record of interment, a gravesite card that details where in the cemetery the deceased is buried, and an intake form used for scheduling funerals. Scope of burial mistakes at Arlington is a mystery
  • The majority of these graves did not have accompanying headstones or markers of any kind.
  • The cemetery lay on a gentle slope, the marble headstones glinting in the cold winter sunshine.
  • Even after two eternal, painful years, flowers still graced the headstone, every Sunday, and poinsettias every Christmas.
  • Again, the name on his headstone can barely be read. The Sun
  • A new headstone with his name on it is to be erected. The Sun
  • The view out the window was sun drenched and warm, boasting a rolling hillside covered by a grassy ocean of nameless headstones.
  • Police were called to the scene on Friday and discovered the gravestone lying at the side of the grave with the headstone turned down in the earth.
  • All around, she could feel the shapes of sepulchres and headstones.
  • But the grave I was looking for had a big headstone and a footstone and was still quite readable. 2001-10-27 6:23 p.m.
  • It has also supplied parts for windmills, a post office in Iran and metal headstones for graves.
  • Jewish tradition prescribes that you wait several months before holding a ceremony to "unveil" the headstone, which is then placed upon the grave. Bonnie Fuller: My Dead Mom Wants to Be Dug Up
  • About 20 headstones were desecrated at the Church cemetery between Monday, February 2, and Friday, February 6.
  • Tahira stood behind her Sister Carrie headstone, and then Ariana took her place, glancing down to admire the name Portia, which was stamped onto hers in big, bold letters. Pure Sin
  • She pressed a kiss against her fingers and then touched AJ's name on the headstone.
  • If you happen to possess micrometer callipers you can also measure the weathering rate on selected graves — but even if all you have is a simple GPS device, providing accurate data on its location and whether it has white marble headstones is also useful. Gravestone Project Needs Your Help | Lifehacker Australia
  • Police were called to the scene on Friday and discovered the gravestone lying at the side of the grave with the headstone turned down in the earth.
  • There was no headstone, but it was neatly tended and there were fresh flowers in a stone jar.
  • Mullins' grave, covered by a large, brown granite ledger, is behind the headstone.
  • One pointed to the monoski still attached to my boots, half-buried in the snow like a headstone, and smiled angelically. Times, Sunday Times
  • Folding his coat beneath him, he knelt down and sat back on his haunches at the foot of the grave, facing the headstone.
  • The cave was blasted shut and a memorial headstone placed at the entry. Times, Sunday Times
  • the headstones were tilted
  • However, some have been laid out in the traditional fashion with a border marking the area in front of the headstone.
  • It was named that because the inscriptions on the headstones were in a Cyrillic script.
  • And while he's having his son's remains reinterred here, he wants Congress to enact legislation to allow families to have headstones of their loved ones at Arlington but allow them to be buried somewhere else where there's better oversight. Iraq Veteran's Body Is Exhumed At Arlington
  • Later on a mass of blue scilla surrounds the foot of the tree and the headstone and it looks as if the unknown Huckins was buried underwater. Incubus
  • Work involved the repair and cleaning of headstones, above-ground chambers, obelisks and monuments together with the construction of boundary walls and ornate railings.
  • With the exception of Lieutenant Alun Jones, 28 of the aircrew and passengers were provided with individual headstones at the time.
  • Turning rocks into tiles, tabletops and headstones for premium prices is an old idea attracting new interest in Nunavut.
  • What you gonna put on my headstone? Times, Sunday Times
  • When you walk among the headstones and read the names, you can see into the future.
  • This vast necropolis of some two and a half million tombs, some with fractured columns and chipped headstones, still bears witness to the ferocity of second world-war bombing raids.
  • Colin's friends are now raising money for a headstone to mark his grave.
  • Inspection of the headstones showed the names of lesser NCOs and privates, drawn from regiments of city and shire.
  • When all of the Civil War graves are located the cemetery plans to pick up the cost of new headstones on their graves.
  • In April, over 40 graves were desecrated and headstone overturned.
  • He pulled a pack of peanut butter cups from the plastic bag and set it down in front of the headstone.
  • All around, she could feel the shapes of sepulchres and headstones.
  • Where was the body, I used to think, when there is no room between the headstone and the wall?
  • The grave was marked by a simple headstone.
  • Some of them are really interesting headstones, and one of a child had a headstone, a footstone, and an odd globe like cement thing in the middle. Wheelchair goth girl molested in cemetery (with friends)
  • BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, it's called a Wiccan pentacle and starting this week veterans of that faith now have the option of having this controversial symbol associated with witchcraft placed on their headstones. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2007
  • Around him graves crept up the hillside in a mishmash of stone headstones and rotting wooden crosses.
  • It was filled with other graves that were marked just with a headstone and a footstone at the end of the grave. CNN Transcript Aug 2, 2005
  • About 100 headstones and graves were wrecked in Thursday's incident, which police said was racially motivated.
  • A council will look at ways to fund extra security measures at cemeteries after 14 headstones were kicked over.
  • However, he added, visitors to this and any other cemetery should take extra care near to memorials and headstones and never use them as handholds to help them while kneeling down or standing up.
  • A tombstone standing over a grave for over 100 years was desecrated and pieces of the headstone were scattered over the area.
  • They occupied what he called the commonwealth cemetery, and lying next to them, with their headstones facing Mecca, were Muslim dead from Libya, Algeria, Sudan and India. Long Way Down
  • It was named that because the inscriptions on the headstones were in a Cyrillic script.
  • When I visited Heather's grave site in December 1997, the headstone was flanked by potted poinsettias, fresh carnations, a Christmas wreath and several angel figurines.
  • Then he goes to the overgrown graveyard, begun in 1322 or thereabouts, of an English coastal town to search for her headstone!
  • As for the Manitou Stone--it's probably not this one--"Manitou stones" are in fact a generic name for certain kinds of headstones in New England; as this page puts it, "manitou" is "a word used by the Algonquin speaking peoples of New England to mean 'spirit,' as in having spiritual power. Week 22: Fried
  • As much of his story as I know is set out in the long inscription on their splendid headstone, and for understandable reasons Aunt Jean, who throughout her life kept in touch with the Macklin family in England, held onto this charming carte de visite photograph. Thor
  • Our guide coyly overlooks their age discrepancy, as carved on the headstone.
  • The area around the building has long been used as a burial ground for unbaptised children, and the small headstones marking these sad graves can be seen.
  • The view out the window was sun drenched and warm, boasting a rolling hillside covered by a grassy ocean of nameless headstones.
  • Instead there was just a headstone of black basalt.
  • Today was the unveiling ceremony for her headstone which was a stone carving commissioned by her family.
  • It is, of course, a memorial to the matriarch, the slab representing her headstone.
  • There was a silver sunburst in one of the doors, like the sketch for a motif on a headstone. MURDER SONG
  • Plans have been drawn up to delineate the two small plots with some form of kerbstone and allow for a headstone to be erected.
  • He is the former vice chancellor of Meerut University in India. lexapro Osteopathia euxantogen reclusive myelotoxic cosily filigree headstone methemoglobin cetrimide spicate; bun maprotiline fadeaway choana. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • Mr Smith was buried at Eastbrookend Cemetery, Dagenham, and his name was engraved on the headstone of his family plot at Dagenham Parish Churchyard.
  • The refreshment table including several cakes, two shaped like pumpkins, two like headstones, and one circular cake was like a full moon with a cleverly iced witch on a broomstick flying in front of it.
  • Most of the headstones have now been fixed back into place but others are beyond repair, and still more have been laid flat because of safety concerns.

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