How To Use Headship In A Sentence

  • But the report said few secondary schools advertised at less than £60,000, and primary headships had broken through the £50,000 barrier.
  • That man is created first is seen as the first establishment of male headship, which is then further upheld and its application revealed. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • So when a man expects us to risk ourselves and be vulnerable or harmed out in the world working, or expects us to go without, either of these things feel like a huge giant "I don't love you and I am no longer the protector/cherisher of your well being, you are no longer under my active headship, that rightful wing protecting you is gone". Show Me
  • But the report said few secondary schools advertised at less than £60,000, and primary headships had broken through the £50,000 barrier.
  • He joined Brentwood after headships at Bournemouth School and Arnold School in Blackpool.
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  • Using slogans like "traditional values," U.S. fundamentalists stress the "headship" of the father in a punitive family where women and children are subordinate to the will of the father – the kind of family that prepares people to defer to "strong" leaders who brook no dissent and use force to impose their will. The Political Importance of 'Family Values': An Interview with Riane Eisler (First Round)
  • Within weeks she was offered the headship of Sibford school in Oxfordshire.
  • Evangelical ideals of husbands' headship as providers, leaders and decision-makers, and wives' subordination as helpmates and mothers were ideally matched to post-War ideals for family life.
  • Many right-wing evangelicals in non-denominational churches often preach the "headship" of men and refuse to allow women pastors. Maureen Fiedler: Women As Religious Leaders: Breaking Through the Stained Glass Ceiling
  • For all that, however, an emergency arose so pressing as to compel even the colonialism of Barbados to practically and completely refute this doctrine, by praying for, and submitting with gratitude to, the supreme headship of a [186] man of the race which our author so finically depreciates. West Indian Fables by James Anthony Froude Explained by J. J. Thomas
  • But the difference of course was that Henry VIII wasn't really interested in changing anything other than the headship of the church.
  • But academic leaders assume headship and deplete energy. "Academic authority" makes young researchers stuffy. It causes researchers fault.
  • As some have suggested, Firth himself considered the possibility, which others of the ANU's founding fathers were pressing upon him, of assuming the inaugural headship of the institute.
  • Mrs Botham, a year five teacher, is set to leave the school to take up a headship at Sutton on the Forest PS.
  • A new post, Directeur des Études, was instituted, as the academic headship of the school.
  • As per the proposal, every three years, the headship of the department would pass on to the peers and if any department had fewer than three professors, the headship would pass on to the Readers and so on.
  • He was assistant director of education at Lincolnshire County Council and headteacher later of Easingwold School in North Yorkshire, the school going on to win several national awards under his headship.
  • What a privilege for you as a husband to display at least a hint of Christ's headship and make him real to your family!
  • They suggest this could be achieved by rotating headship of departments.
  • Her first headship was at Moorthorpe Girls School, near Hemsworth, West Yorkshire, and in 1968 she was made headteacher of Darfield Foulstone County Secondary School in South Yorkshire.
  • The separation of headship of state from the headship of government is a very important part of maintaining liberty.
  • He did not question the right of His Father to function as His head, nor did He attempt to redefine the notion of headship and submission through a "careful exegesis. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • God established this principle at creation when He gave Adam headship over the Eve.
  • It was her second headship after spending 10 years at another school in the city.
  • Both men were told on Friday afternoon they would not be given headships and they are now considering their next career moves.
  • He became head teacher of Scarcroft School in 1939 before taking over the headship at Fishergate School in 1952.
  • No evidence was called as to the probability of her attaining a headship, or even the qualifications required for such a posting.
  • It is his first headship and he says that Swindon is a good education authority to work for.
  • In charge of 1,000 pupils and 80 members of staff at the Park Avenue secondary school, she is finding her first headship an ‘exhilarating and exciting experience’.
  • Barth believes that the scriptures from Genesis forward imply the headship of man and the subordination of woman.
  • Another reader accused of such an act was only asked to resign from headship of the department.
  • ‘There's a lot of evidence that in Bradford senior posts, including headships, are only getting one or two, or no applications,’ he said.
  • Ladki, the headship of a family does not pass to a daughter.
  • Under the headship of the neo-behaviorist Kenneth W. Spence, it led America in the production of psychology doctorates for many years.
  • Emperor Saga retired from the throne in 823 at the age of thirty-eight, the same year he awarded Kukai the headship of the monastery Toji for use as a Shingon training center in the Heian capital.
  • The headship of the governments is upon the beast.
  • The rest of his working life was concentrated on teaching children with special needs and his first headship was at Kingswood School in Corby.
  • Miss Privett said he had achieved a considerable amount during his career and listed a string of credits which St Leonards had gained under his headship.
  • It does appears that headships are filled quickly in Bolton.
  • It found that half would not recommend headship and more than half were considering leaving the profession. Times, Sunday Times
  • After Plato's death, the headship of the academy passed to a series of men who developed metaphysical and ethical systems inspired by the positive arguments contained in dialogues such as the Republic and the Phaedo.
  • A local head teacher will be jetting off to the Rugby World Cup in Australia this autumn, courtesy of former pupils, parents and friends who have joined forces to wish him well on his retirement from the headship of Holme Park School.
  • Scripture tells us that the husband is head of the wife, but we are also warned that the headship is of a special kind: ‘as Christ is the head of the church’.
  • The supreme headship of the church was revoked by Parliament in December 1554 and acknowledgement made of the authority of the pope, who had sent Pole ‘to call us home again into the right way from whence we have all this long while wandered’.
  • Among the improvements recommended were the re-establishment of the school's structure after the deputy head left to take up a headship at another school in December 2003.
  • I got my first primary headship in Corby, and later in Catterick Garrison in north Yorkshire. Good to Meet You … Colin Golightly
  • Evangelical ideals of husbands' headship as providers, leaders and decision-makers, and wives' subordination as helpmates and mothers were ideally matched to post-War ideals for family life.
  • The school has also gained specialist status as a technology college under his headship.
  • His tragic and isolated later years there were occupied in controversy over the rotation of the headship of his college.
  • A happy home and stimulating schooldays led him in 1893 to Culham College, Oxfordshire, where he gained his Teacher's Certificate, followed by senior teaching posts and headships.
  • They are in the clear majority in primary schools, but only half of heads are women, and in secondary schools, where half of staff are women, they only hold around one in four headships.
  • In fact it is these abuses that have provided the ammunition to bring the entire concept of headship into disrepute.
  • The problem of wife abuse is not one of feminism, secular humanism or a lack of headship in the home.
  • Adam was the natural headship over the human race.
  • These, as he entered the headship, were coming together as a mixed voluntary-aided comprehensive high school.
  • But it is an inferior who vows obedience, it is the inferior who loses legal rights, it is the inferior who yields to another the "headship" of the home. The Nervous Housewife
  • In my previous headship in Gloucestershire, I excluded a child for bringing a knife into school.
  • But the report said few secondary schools advertised at less than £60,000, and primary headships had broken through the £50,000 barrier.
  • There was still no law against Protestantism but Mary was using her headship of the church to dismiss married clerics.
  • What is also interesting is that it has been pointed out by Welch that the Second Adam headship which is explained by Cyril is Eucharistic. Archive 2007-05-01

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