How To Use Headman In A Sentence
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Bosambo returned the messenger, with presents more valueless, and an assurance of friendship more sonorous, more complete in rhetoric and aptness of hyperbole, and when the messenger had gone Bosambo showed his appreciation of N'gori's love by doubling the guard about the Ochori city and sending a strong picket under his chief headman to hold the river bend.
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In the spring of 1784 a Ute headman named Ignacio caught wind of a party of New Mexicans heading north to build a settlement on land the Utes claimed as their own.
In rural areas, patrilocal residence traditionally was the norm, and a homestead would include the headman, his wives, unmarried siblings, and married sons with their wives and children.
This message was delivered in church sermons, but also in the headman's addresses to the community.

The sarpanch (village headman) assured them that nothing will happen and took them to his house.
The headman invited a witchdoctor to cleanse his homestead and fortify him against evil forces.
The council consists of the headman, priest, village watchman, and four or five elders.
Nandgaon has managed to keep itself free from strife by the simple expedient of cutting off the road that leads to the village and adhering to the benevolent patriarchism wielded by its headman, Gopal Mundkur.
The Financial Express
Bearded, with natural dignity and quiet authority, this reserved man soon earned the position of second headman.
Similarly the term Munda, which at first meant the headman of a Kol village, is now the common name for the Kol tribe in Chota Nagpur.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
Mundari names, it may be noted that the headman of an Oraon village is termed Munda and is considered to be descended from its founder, while for the Pahan or priest of the village gods, the Oraons always employ a Munda if available, and it is one of the Pahan's duties to point out the boundary of the village in cases of dispute; this is a function regularly assigned to the earliest residents, and seems to be strong evidence that the Oraons found the Mundas settled in Chota
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
I sleep each night on a temple ashram floor, or with the family of the village headman.
Upon the death of the husband, the widow generally stays on the land, but only if she pays the sub-headman.
I went there around September and thanks to the village headman, the council leader and some of the village dignitaries held a banquet in my honor.
The inhabitants live in villages, called dusun, each under the government of a headman or magistrate, styled dupati, whose dependants are termed his ana-buah, and in number seldom exceed one hundred.
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I have a plan, and this is what you must do: Cazi Moto must stay with me to be headman of safari, and to be my eyes when we come to M'tela's land.
The Leopard Woman
Oh, do you think so, you seclusive wretch," the headman said, as other villagers closed in around them, each looking more surly than the others.
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February 24, 2005 22: 51 loz: great track. pretty much everything i've heard from Munk (and Gomma in its entireity) is worth a listen - the Gommagang Zwei compilation from a couple of years back is a great album - munk, princess superstar, mocky, headman, kamerakino all feature ..
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It is run by a headman to whom most of the villagers are related.
Thus the headman had a veto over criminal prosecutions for the petty offences over which village tribunals had exclusive jurisdiction.
It is based on the traditional model of Lakota government, where the headman of each band represented the band's tribe, and the headman of each Lakota tribe represented the Greater Sioux Council.
The headman reached out as if to grasp the major's arm before he remembered himself and snatched his hand back, but his pathetic eagerness was plain to see.
None of the writers quoted notice the name Munda as applied to the headman of an Oraon village, but it can hardly be doubted that it is connected with that of the tribe; and it would be interesting also to know whether the Pahan or village priest takes his name from the Pans or Gandas.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
Their social organization is very complete; each village has its headman or manjhi, with his assistant the paranik; the jogmanghi is charged with the supervision of the morals of the young men and women; the naeke is the village priest, the godet is the village constable.
Folklore of the Santal Parganas
On another day, we all rushed to the headman's home after hearing that a chicken had laid a strange egg.
The village headman invited us in for tea.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Headman Mostephus taught me to read joined-up letters while we were here,’ Alima cajoled.
Headman (Leadhand), Squad Leader, Group Leader.
The Omdeh, or headman, of the village of Chaghb, not far from Luxor, submitted an official complaint to the police a short time ago against an _afrit_ or devil which was doing much mischief to him and his neighbours, snatching up oil-lamps and pouring the oil over the terrified villagers, throwing stones at passers-by, and so forth.
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Far from exhibiting any shame over his actions, W had asked the headman's son to write on his behalf to all the chiefs in defence of his actions.
He listened attentively while the wizen-faced little headman gave a detailed account, not only of the present dispositions, but also of what had been seen during the short march to M'tela's stronghold.
The Leopard Woman
Thus the headman had a veto over criminal prosecutions for the petty offences over which village tribunals had exclusive jurisdiction.