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How To Use Headlong In A Sentence

  • The tension has been telling on both sides as campaign strategists struggle to identify potential winning themes, not to mention winning voters, in their headlong sprint to the finish.
  • He taketh the wise in their own craftiness, and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong (Ps 2: 4; Job 5: 12, 13). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Even the superperson resulting from such a genetic break-through could still run headlong into the buzz saw of words heard by so many laid-off mid-level executives who have recently hit the streets: 30 DAYS TO A GOOD JOB
  • Stick His headlong celebration dive showed his delight. The Sun
  • The horseman gave a cry of astonishment and pleasure, and without a word wheeled his horse and galloped past back at headlong speed toward the castle. The Boy Knight
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  • It is intriguing to watch those who run, those who hide, those that charge headlong and those that push their friends in front of themselves for protection.
  • The movie is in such a rush, charging headlong from crisis to fiasco, it's hard not to get carried away by its mad, cockamamie rhythm.
  • Stick His headlong celebration dive showed his delight. The Sun
  • Some of our machines were flying higher than the enemy, and plunged headlong to join the engagement. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the USA itself, consumerism is moving headlong into its latest dash for efficiency through not only cashless, but cardless social trend-setting.
  • The brave Negro troops went forward at a double-quick; the skirmishers were the first to reach the embankments, and were greeted with a shower of bullets which tumbled many headlong and lifeless into the pits. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, With a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.
  • He ran headlong for the open door.
  • With headlong glee, Koontz again unveils encyclopedic intelligence about how things work in the physical world and how to bolt sentences into the moonlight. Seize The Night: Summary and book reviews of Seize The Night by Dean Koontz.
  • Hundreds of tarred and burning hoops were skilfully quoited around the necks of the soldiers, who struggled in vain to extricate themselves from these fiery ruffs, while as fast as any of the invaders planted foot upon the breach, they were confronted face to face with sword and dagger by the burghers, who hurled them headlong into the moat below. A Wanderer in Holland
  • In their headlong dash for cash, UEFA have reduced what was once a fine competition to an afterthought in the footballing calendar.
  • To the uninitiated, for whom the idea of cacti and succulents is a ball cactus and a common hens-and-chicks succulent, delving headlong into these fascinating worlds is a bit akin to disappearing down the rabbit hole in "Alice in Wonderland. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The finale is a headlong rondo with affinities to sonata form.
  • Once, out picking blackberries, he over-reached and fell headlong into the prickly bramble.
  • Some of our machines were flying higher than the enemy, and plunged headlong to join the engagement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, there appears to be a headlong rush to commit precious resources in a manner that could lead to disappointment and waste.
  • I fell headlong into a pool of icy water.
  • The country, they say, will inevitably now plunge headlong into decadence.
  • Log flumes may be rather dated, but the knowledge that you are about to drop headlong into a lake is still enough to induce terror.
  • How about YOU take a headlong dive into a woodchipper? Think Progress » NJ Superior Court Judge Reprimanded For Mocking One Defendant’s English, Comparing Another To O.J. Simpson
  • It has been a long time since we have seen an Indian wicket-keeper who dives headlong for catches.
  • This hiatus in our headlong rush to be economic superstars of Europe might present us with an opportunity to take stock.
  • Those who rush headlong into love like crazy are teenagers.
  • Completely taken by surprise, Vincent tripped over the foot and stumbled, falling headlong for the floor.
  • The headlong rush by the brewers to switch tenants to long leases is creating misery and hardship.
  • Alternatively, you can eschew the usual headlong rush of the resort and take off into the back country on a pair of snowshoes or touring skis.
  • After three decades of headlong globalisation, the world finds itself in dangerous and uncharted waters.
  • He had fallen headlong out of the car door, skidding and scraping his head along the concrete as he went.
  • When they came to the fork of the road, his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.
  • So why not go headlong into it? Times, Sunday Times
  • he fell headlong in love with his cousin
  • Godfrey did not hesitate, but attacked immediately, charging headlong while the Egyptians were still in their camp.
  • The organisations also require ownership from the people on the ground and time to develop before we move headlong into another straitjacketed, bureaucratic institution.
  • The government is taking care not to rush headlong into another controversy.
  • Rumour is that in his headlong hurry, when mounting behind his yoked horses to begin the battle, he left his father's sword behind and caught up his charioteer Metiscus 'weapon; and that served him long, while Teucrian stragglers turned their backs; when it met the divine Vulcanian armour, the mortal blade like brittle ice snapped in the stroke; the shards lie glittering upon the yellow sand. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • It doesn't stack up and it seems the headlong contradictions we are living with could cause serious upheaval in the period ahead.
  • The restless energy of the initial theme and its fugato companion return and lead to a headlong rush a la Mendelssohn to the movement's sudden end, on two quiet pizzicato chords.
  • a headlong rush to sell
  • Cinefamily, and tonight they dive headlong into the stuff that you just won't see on televsion, aka unaired pilots. LAist
  • They from the fociety 'of men i' rfwayi have no idea rf our feemg them, fliut up in their hoofes, they have Ipealung to 'diem, and touching lio ctimmunicatioit but with their them without' emotion, or without hulband, their father; their bro - being hurried headlong to'extremi - thcr, or fometimes their coufin. The Edinburgh magazine, or Literary miscellany
  • When he tumbles headlong down some stairs, we're treated to a slow-motion pan, looking down on him.
  • Kondō rushed headlong into lands that looked untraversed by human steps, into the virgin lands of the high-mountain wilderness. SERIAL 9: Kondo Katsusaburo among Taiwan's Atayal/Sedeq peoples, 1896 to 1930
  • People were trampled in the headlong rush.
  • Then Santiago with a shriek leaped upon me -- shrieked again and, arms flung high, pitched headlong from the teocalli with his own dagger buried to the hilt in his breast. The Moon of Skulls
  • There has always been a furious doggedness to him, a strong-willed purposefulness that drove him, sometimes headlong, through life.
  • If people have the need to fulfill an urge to crash headlong into another road user then they ought to at least be considerate enough to do it at night when there aren't as many people about.
  • Fischli and Weiss are known for their use of humble stuff that is in headlong flight from rareness and highness, and these photos were no exception.
  • The free market is in a headlong rush to find green solutions: whosoever discovers the next source of energy will be rich indeed.
  • Mr. Kaufmann was a riveting, very handsome Siegmund—his rich, varied tenor was full of anguish portraying the desperate outcast who falls headlong into love. Where Intimacy Walked the Plank
  • When he was going to rife he fupported himfelf upon a flaff, which unfortu - nately flipt upon the marble, and the king fell headlong from the top to the bottom of the flair. The history of Hindostan
  • It takes the form of a headlong plunge ending yesterday morning in a cliff. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now and then we came to rushing mountain - torrents bursting over the road; far away, ever and anon, we heard the roar of a _lauwine_ or avalanche; sometimes I looked out, and could see straight down below me a thousand feet into an abyss or on a headlong stream. Memoirs
  • The finale is a headlong, moto perpetuo tarantella in additive rhythms, the marimba's breakneck acceleration echoed by the quartet: the unisono final phrase for the quintet was breathtaking.
  • This seems to me an admirably succinct account of what might be called the unromantic school of ecocriticism (disencumbered of the notion that literature can and ought to be deployed as a weapon in the battle to stave off our "headlong rush into destruction," that it might "help us tread more lightly on the earth"). The State of Criticism
  • Was the headlong pursuit of a ‘radial routes only’ policy, the best that the consultants could offer?
  • Some of our machines were flying higher than the enemy, and plunged headlong to join the engagement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, the urge to challenge any and all boundaries, no matter how unchangeable, finds its apotheosis in the repeated scenes of cast members hurtling themselves headlong into walls.
  • Plunged headlong into joyful Christmas celebrations, Jack mooches around looking mournful and lugubrious.
  • Their wild, headlong struggle to stay one step ahead of the truth grabs the viewer from the first and simply never lets go.
  • When they're not diving headlong into unknown waters, they're busy cranking out straightforward country rock ballads whose lack of imagination isn't at all disguised by overt electronic frou-frou.
  • Today, the upbeats will become more downbeat as the trumpet tootles peter out and the sax puts a lid on the headlong rush of demisemiquavers for another year.
  • The rhino charged headlong towards us.
  • Her headlong dash from the bar, only to be whisked away by someone she still can't quite believe isn't an enemy. "13th, Sunday, 5th, March, October, January, October 13th"
  • This seems to me an admirably succinct account of what might be called the unromantic school of ecocriticism (disencumbered of the notion that literature can and ought to be deployed as a weapon in the battle to stave off our "headlong rush into destruction," that it might "help us tread more lightly on the earth"). The State of Criticism
  • Mr. Swinburne to those of Mr. Patmore, in which stateliness of contemplation and a peculiar austerity of tenderness find their expression in odes of iambic cadence, the melody of which depends, not in their headlong torrent of sound, but in the cunning variation of catalectic pause. Victorian Songs Lyrics of the Affections and Nature
  • Per contra, there was Frank Barlow, whom we used to call "Crazy Barlow" because of his headlong rush at whatever object he had in view, and he could make the call shrill and thrill like a fife. My Friends at Brook Farm
  • There has always been a furious doggedness to him, a strong-willed purposefulness that drove him, sometimes headlong, through life.
  • It was this organized effort to undermine slavery… that put such a strain on intersectional relations and sent antagonists and protagonists of slavery scurrying headlong into the 1850s determined to have their uncompromising way.
  • A tiny rill meandered beneath a stone slab and as I crossed this a lurking moorhen was startled into headlong escape downstream, soon hidden beneath a golden tangle of overhanging gorse. Country diary: North Derbyshire
  • The more foolhardy believe that if they are fated to meet a truck headlong at 100 kmph because they are driving on the wrong side of the road, then so be it.
  • Jax reached the jungle, diving headlong into the dense undergrowth just as the barrel exploded.
  • Content based discrimination against nonobscene speech runs headlong into contemporary first amendment law. Michael Masinter's Guide to the Legal Issues in U.Md. Porn Screening Case
  • The rough footpath passes dangerously close to the edge of some of these gorges, and a slip on the muddy trail could well mean a headlong plunge into the boiling waters below.
  • He had fallen headlong out of the car door, skidding and scraping his head along the concrete as he went.
  • Do not leap headlong into decisions.
  • There has long been talk about his headlong rush towards fame, but far more important is his rush to improve himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Weeping, the well-greaved Achaeans turned-off with headlong speed to the shore of the much-resounding sea, since they were being massacred at the hands of the relentless man Telephus. CLASSICAL GOLDMINE.
  • In our headlong pursuit to acquire wealth and worldly pleasures, Christians have become virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the world.
  • Water tumbled headlong down narrow channels into the valley.
  • Before we all join the Gadarene rush headlong into financial abyss, let me tamper the enthusiasm a bit. Alan Schram: The Obama Revolution
  • So they forgot, and the culture went into a headlong plunge of depravity and judgment. Christianity Today
  • The headlong rush into the future that says ‘build it, forget it, go on the next one’?
  • Instead it is a favorite of morning, a little brown-grey falcon, called the windhover because, hurling itself headlong into the wind, it rides on the crest of that wind.
  • Been schmaltzy bitterly it for graphic design firms, archeozoic a headlong abstruse therefore how i was erstwhile dyslogistic to go this anethum and omg it was forficate to be so sniffy. Rational Review
  • It took a nanosecond to fall headlong for this place.
  • He is often incredibly open in interviews, sometimes recklessly so, but this headlong quality seems to cause him no regret.
  • The superficial attributes of commercialization flourished and my eternal darkness ensued at a headlong pace.
  • And so, after the first few, heavy, swinging steps, the reflection of the fire behind him showed him the outline of a _keddah_ just in front, and with a shrill roar of rage Rataplan turned suddenly and fiercely round, dashed headlong through the line of fire, and, with a mighty trumpeting, disappeared into the forest. Rataplan, a rogue elephant; and other stories
  • The harshness of a stepmother, and her own indulged propension to vice, cast her headlong into the greatest disorders. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • Emerging from years of exile, the leaders, both young and old, are out on the streets jumping headlong into electioneering.
  • I'd jump headlong from the hayloft into piles of straw, never stopping to consider how deep the straw was.
  • I threw myself headlong into my father's work, acquainted myself with all the plans, their merits and defects, read besides in special books, made myself a master of the theory of strains, studied the current prices of materials, and (in one word) "devilled" the whole business so thoroughly, that when the plans came up for consideration, Big Head Dodd was supposed to have earned fresh laurels. The Wrecker
  • But men are more likely than women to actually throw themselves headlong into romance and be swept away.
  • If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.
  • Even the runt of Wimbledon FC, plummeting headlong from former heights, still manages to be playing in League One next season.
  • It is also no use just running headlong into mobile. Times, Sunday Times
  • The underlying weakness of the hull meant that the ship could not charge headlong in the heat of battle.
  • Now, there is proof that the city's headlong rush into urbanisation has taken a heavy toll on its natural valleys.
  • All around her, bacchanalia were in full flow, men and women of all ages punching the air and shouting ‘Don't Stop Me’ as the Friday night binge began its headlong rush into the early hours.
  • She offered the phone to Max with a simple, ‘Here,’ just as he was about to make another headlong dive for it.
  • The senators treat him at first as a blasphemer and threaten to throw him headlong from the Tarpeian rock. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Finally, whilst looking over my shoulder as I greeted a passerby, I went headlong into and nearly demolished this tent opposite Beales.
  • Unbalanced, he was forced to plunge his foot back in to stop himself from falling headlong.
  • In which intrepid-but-naïve young man of action, Tom Kidd is thrust - by a Twist of Fate - headlong into a sequence of events which involve a life-or-death dilemma arising from the practical ramifications of a not particularly plausible but really neat scientific speculation … and solves this problem by having an adventure in the stars. Archive 2005-07-01
  • If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.
  • Then we dived headlong into the e-mail age, and for some people it seems that the niceties went out of the windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a bruising headlong rush - all kindnesses abandoned on the cutting-room floor.
  • John C. Wright shares an appreciation of David Lindsay's Voyage to Arcturus: "No mainstream book can compare for sheer, headlong imagination with a science fiction book, because imagination is the stock-in-trade of science fiction. SF Tidbits for 2/2/09
  • And different experiences are something that Julie has thrown herself headlong into, including free-fall skydiving and abseiling.
  • The plane began a headlong plunge towards the Earth.
  • In their headlong effort to keep this channel open to barge shipping, it seems that the Corps and Guard did not bother to test the effect a big patch of electrified water would have on other kinds of craft --- such as sailboats with a fiberglass hulls. Henry Henderson: Fish Fence is a Shocking Failure: Is it Time to Zip up the Great Lakes?
  • But the headlong plunge in share prices tells us that it has spread to the real economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michael's headlong flight meant he and Kieran were going to clip off the vanguard of the right horn of the crescent.
  • an incautious step sent her headlong down the stairs
  • They were copied in the late 1780s by Belgians revolting against the headlong rationalisations of Joseph II.
  • This doesn't, let's be clear, imply a headlong retreat to remedial aid.
  • Settlers rushed headlong across the wilderness to claim the best land.
  • The car skidded and plunged headlong over the cliff.
  • Somehow he has turned our headlong plummet into the sign of hope for the future.
  • Such forces can rarely be detected ahead of time, but to charge headlong without at least trying to assess your situation is like skipping nonchalantly through a mine field.
  • But in the pit, as on stage, too much romance seems sacrificed in a headlong dash for vim and vigour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
  • There was such a headlong rush towards the cliffs that it's difficult to say how anyone could have slowed it down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alternatively, you can eschew the usual headlong rush of the resort and take off into the back country on a pair of snowshoes or touring skis.
  • Madra tripped and fell headlong in the leaf mould, and in an instant their pursuers were upon her.
  • They made desperate attempts to halt the headlong rush into war.
  • Heads turned as I sped headlong towards the front doors, and I attempted not to make eye contact with any of the unsavoury characters who haunted the shopping centre.
  • Madra tripped and fell headlong in the leaf mould, and in an instant their pursuers were upon her.
  • But they are so unbalanced they both collapse headlong into a shiny, slippy pile of glossy property freesheets and pizza chain flyers. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • Cat owners often notice that their pet will suddenly and for no apparent reason make a headlong dash through the house.
  • Completely taken by surprise, Vincent tripped over the foot and stumbled, falling headlong for the floor.
  • Yet these are real risks, and they are being ignored in the headlong rush to profit from bioengineering breakthroughs.
  • A perceived threat is challenged with a headlong charge and a fierce bite, and I was obviously seen as a threat.
  • Stick His headlong celebration dive showed his delight. The Sun
  • [4902] I will not conceal it, she overcame me with her presence, and quite assaulted my continency which I had kept unto mine old age; I resisted a long time my bodily eyes with the eyes of my understanding; at last I was conquered, and as in a tempest carried headlong. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • the runner slid headlong into third base
  • Its door was open, and stepping into black darkness he fell headlong over some heavy object on the floor.
  • We have still to absorb that second lesson as humanity rushes headlong into unthinking and reckless environmental destruction of our one and only planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • This boar's savage charge at the camel was within a few yards of all of us, for every one was trying to entice him to come forth; after his headlong rush out of the bush he reared so upright in his attempt to reach his clumsy disturber, which was quite frantic from deadly fear, that he succeeded in ripping it in what in a horse would be termed the stifle joint. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Britain and France followed suit, granting their colonies independence in a headlong dash.
  • The headlong advances of population and industry were making themselves felt in ever more widespread pollution.
  • The river takes a headlong plunge into a maelstrom of rocks and boulders.
  • His ‘Homeric Ballads’, versified episodes from the Odyssey told in brisk, headlong style, were for Fraser's.
  • One year after the election of President Obama, as his initiatives for change collide with stubborn political realities, it gets harder by the day to recall the sunnier political realities they displaced: the soaring rhetoric of the campaign; the pomp and lift of Inauguration; even the headlong rush for results that marked his first hundred days in office. MyAppleMenu
  • As he did the drop the wings of his aircraft clipped the tops of trees surrounding the homestead and the plane crashed headlong into the ground.
  • The calm water ends there and the river begins a headlong plunge.
  • Perfectly delighted at the idea of standing face to face with a person of whom she had heard so much, Dora removed her high-necked apron, and throwing it across the tub so that the sleeves trailed upon the floor, was hurrying away, when her foot becoming accidentally entangled in the apron, she fell headlong to the floor, bringing with her _tub_, _suds_, _clothes_ and all! Dora Deane
  • Sadly, he added, the ancient art is all but lost in the city's headlong rush towards industrialisation.
  • When they came to the fork of the road, his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.
  • It was McIntyre's ninth goal of the season and sparked the football team into a headlong charge at the Livingston goal.
  • The servant was a grave and sedate looking Englishman, between 50 and 60 years of age, and informed me that he had known Colonel Tarleton from his earliest youth, having lived for many years in the family of his father, a worthy clergyman, at whose particular request he had followed the Colonel to this country, with the view that, if overtaken by disease and suffering in his headlong career, he might have some one near him who had known him ere the pranksome mischief of the boy had hardened into the sterner vices of the man. The Yankee Tea-party Or, Boston in 1773
  • In full view, and lit up by the reflected radiance flung out from the dome, a rushing waterfall made sonorous surgy music of its own as it tumbled headlong into a rocky recess overgrown with lotus-lilies and plumy fern, -- here and there, small, white and gold tents or pavilions glimmered invitingly through the shadows cast by the great magnolia trees, from whose lovely half-shut buds balmy odors crept deliciously through the warm air. Ardath
  • Lionboy is a zinger or a story, told with a J.K. Rowling-like blend of humor, drama and headlong plotting – overplotting, sometimes – though worlds removed from Hogwarts ..... a delicious midwinter promise of adventures to come. Lionboy: Summary and book reviews of Lionboy by Zizou Corder.
  • In fact the entire year seems hell-bent on hurtling towards December 25 in a desperate, harried, headlong rush.
  • Instead the company is jumping headlong into the commercial satellite business.
  • He fell headlong into an enormous patch of writhing blackberry bushes.
  • burst headlong through the gate
  • With gobs of young companies struggling to stay afloat, many are rushing headlong into hiring experienced execs who can give them the credibility and stability they need in turbulent economic times.
  • They made desperate attempts to halt the headlong rush into war.
  • True historical breakthroughs, in which the defender is shocked into inaction or headlong flight, are almost impossible to achieve.
  • Mortimer almost ran headlong into a patrol.
  • She nearly fell headlong, in fact, but she caught a stirrup just in time and steadied herself. A TIME OF WAR
  • I nearly fell headlong onto a garden swing and ended up doing an impression of George of the Jungle except at ground level.
  • Listen to his views, by all means, then run headlong in the opposite direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're now plunging headlong into September, a month forever associated with tumbling leaves, bracing walks with large dogs and the slow arrival of snotty-nosed children onto school playgrounds.
  • Scoring whitely their tracery of intricate lines, the groups go by in whorls, in angles, in sweeping circles, and the ice shrinks beneath them; here a fairy couple slide along, waving and bowing and swinging together; far away some recluse in his pleasure sports alone with folded arms, careening in the outward roll like the mast of a phantom-craft; everywhere inshore clusters of ruddy-cheeked boys race headlong with their hawkey-sticks, and with their wild cries, making benders where the ice surges in a long swell: and constantly in The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • He has thrown himself headlong into mindfulness and meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • One stoker called another stoker a weird name, and the latter, righteously inflamed at it, smote his mate with an iron shovel, and the man fell headlong over a heap of coal which crashed gently, while piece after piece rattled down upon the deck. Flanagan and His Short Filibustering Adventure.
  • Peers have, in too many cases, laid aside their frogs, laces, bagwigs; and go about in English costume, or ride rising in their stirrups, -- in the most headlong manner; nothing but insubordination, eleutheromania, confused unlimited opposition in their heads. The French Revolution
  • 13 He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • It takes the form of a headlong plunge ending yesterday morning in a cliff. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was falling headlong to the floor and the last thing I remembered was the fact that Jordan was going to kill me under his weight.
  • McManus scorned a second chance before Sutton flung himself headlong and only narrowly headed wide.
  • My advice, for what it's worth, is to take your time and edge slowly towards your goal rather than hurtling headlong at it.
  • For many days they joked each other about that headlong flight, but underneath their gayety was a dread which persisted. A Man Four-Square
  • The calm water ends there and the river begins a headlong plunge.
  • Jim dived headlong into the task.
  • He ran headlong into an enemy patrol.
  • I doubt he'll be able to pull out of this headlong dive before he smashes into the ground.
  • Next time, I'll risk the mindless violence, the kebab shop brawls, the near certainty of plummeting headlong into the river.
  • Hold on to your hats as you twist, turn and plunge headlong through caves and rivers. The Sun
  • The awful volume of sound given out by the fierce, headlong swoop of the wind as it bore down upon us quite prepared me to see both masts blown clean out of the schooner; but all her gear fortunately happened to be sound and good, and the loss of the foresail was the full extent of the damage sustained by us. The Pirate Slaver A Story of the West African Coast
  • Rome gained and left behind, and with it the Pilgrims who are now repairing to their own homes again — each with his scallop shell and staff, and soliciting alms for the love of God — we come, by a fair country, to the Falls of Terni, where the whole Velino river dashes, headlong, from a rocky height, amidst shining spray and rainbows. Pictures from Italy
  • Silent awhile and smooth The current glides, till with an headlong force Broke and disordef'd, down the steep it falls In loud cascades; the sulver-sparkling foam Glitters relucent in the dancing ray. Poetical works. Collated with the best editions
  • Either way, he dives headlong into the character, putting his stamp on it for all time.
  • So Mark and I plunged headlong into a whirlwind relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now questions are being asked within the industry about whether the headlong rush to grab a slice of home buyers' cash is putting the market at risk.
  • She could see them leaving India with a tale to tell and a story that seemed to have cemented their headlong rush into a relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the wildlife in headlong flight is a scorpion.
  • Heads turned as I sped headlong towards the front doors, and I attempted not to make eye contact with any of the unsavoury characters who haunted the shopping centre.
  • The free market is in a headlong rush to find green solutions: whosoever discovers the next source of energy will be rich indeed.
  • As a sailor I can assure him I have no love of speedboats and have cursed them as loud as anybody in years gone by when their wash has hurled me headlong from my windsurfer.
  • The last one I bought was 82 tracks long, a cavalcade of artists and riddims crashing headlong into each other and gathering speed, a musical mudslide of energetic bashment dance music.
  • Once, out picking blackberries, he over-reached and fell headlong into the prickly bramble.
  • It's about having one's life in order to the point that reasonable planning takes place for the future, instead of running headlong and heedlessly into each day.
  • The 52nd were not beat back, but swerved from the redoubt into a ravine, for they could not carry it. 39 While lying under my horse, I saw one of the enemy jump on the parapet of the works in an undaunted manner and in defiance of our attack, when suddenly he started straight up into the air, really a considerable height, and fell headlong into the ditch. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.

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