How To Use Headed In A Sentence

  • If she levels a levelheaded, legitimate accusation, delegitimize it by feigning astonishment and outrage.
  • Scanlon -- you know, the red-headed cop only a couple of blocks away an 'pipin' us off though not recognizin 'us. CHAPTER XI
  • One is a practical optimist, the other a level-headed pragmatist.
  • We were headed for the mountains
  • A third-party group headed by a GOP operative is out with a new Nevada ad spot encouraging Latinos in the state not to cast votes in this year's midterm elections. GOP-Linked 'Latinos For Reform' Airs Nevada Ads Urging Hispanics Not To Vote (VIDEO)
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  • On Friday, we thought we'd try lunch at the Stag and Hounds in Binfield, but there wasn't a table free, so we'd headed back homewards and went to the poshest place in the village.
  • But either way, placater or elitist, he has headed us down an evil road by deepening a war we couldn ` t afford eight years ago when it started and certainly can ` t afford after the Bush-Cheney fiasco in Iraq. The Student Operated Press
  • Hopefully, some of the more level-headed members of the council can prevail and make the Boom Town fiasco a bust.
  • Calis, and so on the mondaie following, [Sidenote: Iohn Hall executed.] he was drawne from the Tower to Tiburne, and there hanged, bowelled, headed, and quartered: his head being sent to Calis there to be set vp, where the duke was murthered. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • He loved all Jenny's children deeply-especially Ian, the wee gowk whose mixture of foolishness and pigheaded courage reminded him so much of himself at that age. Drums of Autumn
  • For many Africans, the ‘coffin-headed’ black mamba is synonymous with death.
  • Running low on fuel Fuchida headed directly back to the battle fleet, now 190 miles north of Oahu.
  • So no matter how boneheaded an incompetent manager I am, my department is 100% guaranteed to be profitable as long as I'm good at keeping my receipts?
  • I'm a pinheaded businessperson so I'm waiting for the PowerPoint slides.
  • I'd have been content to wait out the weather in my tent, but Ron consulted his topo map and we headed off, marching along a streambed into foggy nothingness, south toward the foothills.
  • The synagogue is renowned for its bright white exterior and lion-headed gargoyles, which are unusual because animal forms are rarely used in Jewish art.
  • Our mission accomplished, we headed for home.
  • Fleet Street was choked with red-headed folk, and Pope's Court looked like a coster's orange barrow.
  • The authors, both pollsters, will either win plaudits in future years or be forgotten like many hyperbolic, wrong-headed forecasters through the eons. Three books on the Tea Party, reviewed by Steven Levingston
  • Garland pocketed the knife and headed back to show everyone the spot.
  • As the endlessly sweet but slightly pinheaded stewardess-to-be Donna, She is yum-yum-yummy in a procession of miniskirts, bikinis, halter tops and other wardrobe choices that make the most of her lithe legginess.
  • A Muslim group here in Washington, D.C., now revealing what it knows about the investigation, and what it describes as a disturbing farewell video left before they headed off. CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2009
  • It is a commonly held misconception, due to the informal traditions of electronic communication, that e-mails carry less weight than letters on headed notepaper.
  • It is characterized by heavy, load-bearing masonry, the round-headed arch and its derivatives, the groin, and barrel vaulting.
  • Initially known for drum'n'bass-driven club bangers, they have since headed into tamer territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the pictures and symbols were helpful to the Democrats 'cause: a family that clearly was from the real America -- Wallace and Bobby, his parents; a wife, Elizabeth, who looks like the kind of unpretentious person who doesn't mind celebrating her anniversary at Wendy's; a demure daughter and two towheaded tots. Digital Dispatches
  • He jogged his horse back over to the class as Zeya walked Feoi out of the ring and headed toward the other group.
  • I have, from time to time, posted articles and links that indicate a certain mush-headedness among conservatives about the company they keep. Archive 2009-10-01
  • You can't possibly be successful if you haven't got convictions -- what I call bald-headed convictions. If Winter Comes
  • The men are dressed in shabby, quilted jackets; they are bareheaded and barefoot.
  • As an afterthought, the red-headed girl suddenly added, ‘Good gracious, that Adam Weatherly is such a coxcomb.’
  • They ran us off so we headed off to a secluded spot on the Clinch river and skinny-dipped there. Spot-On: Status Quo
  • One curious survivor from the early days of headed cabbages is the enormously tall Jersey or walking stick cabbage, whose stem is as high as a man and has been recorded as reaching 5 metres.
  • He had circled around to come to the village by the south, on the pretence of making it appear that he was headed for Kaye.
  • Following Alexander's formal abdication in September 1886, Stambolov headed the regency council.
  • Presiding over the amphitheatre was a beast-headed god, his head half turned away. Henry’s Demons
  • Compare and contrast with The Daily Telegraph leader, headed: "We won't be fooled out of our referendum" – "bamboozled" in the print edition. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Their ambition to succeed seems to be matched only by their hard-headed realism about selling and how to do it.
  • A dark-blue Peugeot is parked, with a bullet-headed man at the wheel.
  • It's apparently far better to stick pig-headed to your original idea.
  • There was indeed a ship headed in the direction of Dolphin which was still on her southeasterly tack while Indefatigable was now headed northwest.
  • By 8:00 she had thrown up four or five times, her head was killing her, she was a pathetic heap of sick-childness, and we headed for the pediatrician's office. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Worcester had begun well and headed in to a 4-lead before two goals in the final seconds gave the scoreline some respectability from the point of view of the runners-up.
  • BAKER: By then, we all knew the school was headed for closure under a streamlining programme. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • I guess I got all bigheaded (or rested on my laurels, or something). I’m seeing a trend | clusterflock
  • Senators like Joe Lieberman who pigheadedly push a war that polls have shown for years that the majority of Americans oppose. Politics 101: Don't Reinforce Your Opponents' Lies
  • So why should down-to-earth, hard-headed Lancastrians be convinced by the marketing of this toolkit?
  • A report by banking group Halifax revealed that the top 30 towns for price growth were all outside the M25 London orbital motorway, and Brighouse headed the list.
  • The ruckus at the door had focused itself into one six-foot hurricane that was headed straight Molly's way. BAD MEDICINE
  • As the battle stations alert and klaxon alarm sounded, he donned a helmet and life jacket as he left the bridge and headed below. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • The lanky striker headed his 12th goal of the season 10 minutes from the end. The Sun
  • From the corner Farley headed in unopposed at the far post to level things up at 2-2.
  • As they grunted and jabbed, Mr. McCain chatted with a few players and their coaches, shook a few hands and then headed to the sidelines. McCain Huddles With Marshall Team - The Caucus Blog -
  • Smart EV While BMW is wrapping up its Mini E consumer field test and getting ready to start leasing the BMW 1 ActiveE next summer, rival Daimler is just gearing up its electric-car program spearheaded by the Smart. Behind the wheel: Chevrolet Equinox AMP, Ford Transit Connect EV, Smart EV
  • A shock-headed boy, breathless from running, flung himself into the room.
  • The two of them headed down the hatchway to the lowest deck.
  • Rumours of a bid last week sent the stock soaring but yesterday investors headed for the exit as confirmation of an approach failed to materialise.
  • The committee is headed by a trio of ministers.
  • However indignant and hotheaded he might appear, his intemperateness could rapidly be defused by humor or kindness. Storyteller
  • The cool-headed 37-year-old took hold of one of the men, who had a handgun, but he broke free and pointed the gun at her, saying ‘Back off or you'll get one’.
  • In a similar vein, while the weather was good news for some attractions - both paid-for and free - others were badly hit as both visitors and Scots headed outdoors.
  • OK, it's just a dopey article about some numbnuts, muttonheaded celebrity campaigning for today's top liberal jerk. Latest Articles
  • The Padres are banking on improvement from several pitchers, headed by Ashby and Hamilton.
  • The company is headed by managing director Martin Baker and employs a workforce of 60 in Grafton Way, Basingstoke.
  • My understanding (let alone expertise) in such fields is nonexistent and some of my opinions others on this site find wrong-headed.
  • To be a muddle-headed aesthete, even to be interested in the aesthetic qualities of literature at all, has long been anathema to a certain kind of critic, grounds for accusing writers of being morally deficient, but why, for example, would it probably not occur to these critics to declare, say, composers too interested in art, too attentive to the needs of form over those of morality? Narrative Strategies
  • A number of questions crowded to Gregory's mind, as they crossed the jettied inlet and headed down the coast. El Diablo
  • Among my favorites are the triumphant warrior Fortinbras represented by a pair of barefoot drips in angel costume, he blond and epicene, she a redheaded virago.
  • They keep me grounded, and if I ever get a bit big headed, I'm not too big for a clip round the ear!
  • The ruling oligarchic clique in Moscow headed by Putin, actually, has been quite hostile to Byelorussia and Lukashenko. Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
  • The consortium is being headed by the manager of the ice hockey team.
  • They bunked at Meadowood resort for a week, then headed for Pebble Beach for golfing.
  • It's a toss-up whether he counts as "a character with a normal head," but he did sometimes appear in an "unevolved" normal state before changing to his "super-evolved"/big-headed or unevolved Cro-Magnon state. Snark Free Corner for 2/4 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Any such definitive analysis, however, would need to respond, at the very least, both to his at once ‘avant- garde’ and hard-headedly commercial use of abstracted, deliberately over-stylised backgrounds and movements, and to the logical circularity which repeatedly dictates the emotional lives of his characters.
  • The helicopter took off and headed north. Then it looped west, heading for the hills.
  • At present the provincial council is headed by a Shia governor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes seen feeding alongside vultures at carcasses is the longer-necked and larger-headed crested caracara (Polyborus plancus), a hawk with distinctive markings. Did you know? Mexico's vultures have very different eating habits.
  • Hurricane Gustav curved away from the Caribbean Islands and headed toward open ocean.
  • Emerald-headed mallards bob alongside kayakers in the river's riffles of whitewater.
  • It is clear-headed and seems entirely sincere.
  • But we confabbed the night before, and agreed it would probably be best if we headed out on our tour for the bighorn sheep experts early in the day, while it was cool. Grouse Diary Entry
  • Mental ability tests do not measure personality, social adroitness, leadership, charisma, cool-headedness, altruism, or many other things that we value.
  • There is a new hard-headedness to the trade today.
  • She headed out into the high street, glad to be rid of this daughterly duty. SURE OF YOU
  • Ye see we march on the tap o’ Touthop-rigg after we pass the Pomoragrains; for the Pomoragrains, and Slackenspool, and Bloodylaws, they come in there, and they belang to the Peel; but after ye pass Pomoragrains at a muckle great saucer-headed cutlugged stane, that they ca’ Charlies Chuckie, there Dawston Cleugh and Charlies-hope they march. Chapter XXXVI
  • What comes around goes around and whoops that boomerang is headed right for you. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • woolly-headed ideas
  • I guessed immediately what the problem was and grabbed a flashlight from the table where they'd been left when everybody went to bed (instead of being stowed away where they belong, hint hint), and headed down to the basement. Storm Patrol
  • He was also hard-headed enough to realise that being on the stock market did the club no favours, so he delisted it, putting himself out of a job.
  • Therefore, the whole armada would be spear headed by a flotilla of 287 mine sweepers that would clear the way for the ships behind them.
  • Ace had this sort of stupid, empty-headed look on his face.
  • Some headed directly east: over the mountains and into the tribal areas of Pakistan.
  • Black and Shrimp gave daps and headed toward the avenue. Magic City
  • We headed off down Pierce's Passage and over a muddy boulder slope until we reached some cascades.
  • Compare this bird with the golden-fronted woodpecker that has yellow on the forehead and back of the neck; the red-headed woodpecker that has an all-red head and neck, and the ladder-backed woodpecker that has a black-and-white striped head. Mystery bird: red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus
  • There was mischief brewing among these hot-headed, short-spoken salts, but Captain Foley changed the subject to discuss the new ships which were being built in the French ports. Rodney stone
  • Redknapp was described as a "hard-headed businessman" as the jury of eight men and four women were shown a string of documents and his signature. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • We went driving in the country on Sunday afternoons to look for some of the birds that were special to us: bluebirds, goldfinches, pileated and red-headed woodpeckers, and, most thrilling of all, painted buntings.
  • I like to think of myself as relatively calm and level-headed, pretty much trundling along on an emotional even keel.
  • Determined not to re-enter blind institution life, I headed for the nearby technical college who wouldn't have me either.
  • The city emerged from the midday heat, a series of slender, shimmering spires that grew larger as we headed upstream. The Sun
  • The gong sounded, and as the boys bolted forward, Nicola suddenly went light-headed.
  • This insulting decision speaks volumes about the direction sports is headed.
  • He would break out in a sweat and become so light-headed he would practically faint.
  • He did not get visibly angry; apparently he was not the hot-headed type.
  • Paula and myself were probably quite stressy to be around: young, difficult and big-headed.
  • At present the provincial council is headed by a Shia governor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stock villains tend to be swarthy, towel-headed terrorists or slit-eyed, buck-toothed guerrillas.
  • I typed out a letter on headed note paper, photocopied it 30 times and as a good clubman paid for the postage myself and sent them off.
  • He crashed into a car and was seen wielding a sword as he headed down the dual carriageway on foot.
  • Duff attacks down the left wing, but his ball is headed away by Sulimani.
  • By the time we got back I was starved, so tea'd and toasted, then headed out into town to retrieve my car from the multi-story.
  • By the time I got my main down they'd headed off in a circle because the wind filled their downed sail and it was like trying to catch an insane dolphin - but I did.
  • The pharisaical, malefic, and incogitant Guidelines for Bias-Free Writing is a product of the pointy-headed wowsers at the Association of American University Presses who established a Task Force on Bias-Free Language filled with cranks, pokenoses, blowhards, four-flushers, and pettifogs. P.J. O’Wowser
  • His next big step could well be to try and make an impact at Old Trafford, and, seemingly, the level-headed Belfast-born defender would not be fazed by the task.
  • England did not offer much of an aerial threat and yet they scored three headed goals. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few families were waiting to greet them, but most headed in the direction of the cabstand.
  • Today, as I headed home from a pleasant morning of lekking, these questions were prominent in my mind. Grouse Diary Entry
  • She took it and, when I glimpsed her next, she was headed for the bathroom with a tiny handtowel and a prison-issue toothbrush. Noble Norfleet
  • The masterplan for 2012, headed by Jason Prior, landscape architect and managing director of Edaw, clearly started with the proposition that this landscape is the context within which the huge variety of Olympic developments will take shape - the transport infrastructure, stadiums, housing. Prunings XXI
  • She was always keen to shake off the early typecasting as the empty-headed sex symbol.
  • Stott, a former ice hockey player, has shrugged off the slightly hot-headed image of his teenage years.
  • In the West, his reserve with men had been labelled taciturnity or swollen-headeduess, which did not fit the case at all; whilst, in spite of his perfect manner towards them, his indifference to woman _en masse_ or in the individual was supreme and sincere. The Hawk of Egypt
  • Though Zuckerberg had stayed coolheaded during the News Feed crisis, the young CEO was now unnerved. The Facebook Effect
  • An oil truck with a long silver tank headed down the highway. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • After eating grape leaves and smoking apple sheesha at the Souq market, we headed back towards the Corniche, a lovely strip of road along the Gulf where most of the street celebration happened. Anne Peterson: What 2022 Means to Qatar
  • This is the kind of soft-headed thinking that falls alongside fudging books and taking bribes. Globe and Mail
  • The warship is depicted in full sail as she headed for the battle of Trafalgar and triumph over the French and Spanish fleets in 1805.
  • I got to LAX 2 hours prior to flight time, had the skycap check my bags and check me in, and headed to security.
  • Dummett concludes that one route to such a local revisionism is a hard-headed finitism in which one denies that there is a determinate fact concerning the outcome of a procedure that has not been carried out.
  • We were halfway to the casino when the thing suddenly sat up and meowed, striking wholescale panic into my usually cool-headed, crack reporting team.
  • Sunday I slept late, then headed to the craft market for a mosey around before I had to go and count votes for the European election, which was educational but really very tedious.
  • A mythic narrative whose classic statement is found in the play by Aeschylus (467 BC) concerning the battle between the Seven led by Polynices, traditional Theban enemies, and the army of Thebes headed by Eteocles and his supporters. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I don't want to seem big-headed but I frankly don't think it will work.
  • Santapaola allegedly headed the armed wing of the Mafia.
  • The curious red-eyed female headed straight to the well ripe banana we had been given on our arrival to tempt the furry creature.
  • Is it a challenge to stay level headed given you've had a meteoric rise in terms of your acting career?
  • Insulation material can be fitted inside timber framed greenhouses by using woodpins or possibly large headed tacks.
  • We headed back to our holiday home to wolf down our scrummy dinner. The Sun
  • As American pioneers headed westward, scoundrels occasionally would present forged letters of credit to wholesale merchants in larger towns.
  • Even if we're headed in that direction and the progress is irritatingly sluggish, one shouldn't be grouching about it.
  • Southern Asia to Hindostan, would give us a sort of equator, around which round-headed, oval-headed, and oblong-headed, prognathous and orthognathous, fair and dark races — but none possessing the excessively marked characters of Calmuck or Negro — group themselves. Essays
  • Although reptiles in the region are not well-studied, at least one endemic lizard, the toad-headed agamid (Phrynocephalus vlangalii), occurs here. Qaidam Basin semi-desert
  • Kale is the more primitive of the two, and was the ordinary green stuff of country people in most parts of Europe until the end of the Middle Ages, when the headed cabbages were bred.
  • I happened during the first afternoon to show my hosts a picture of the bald-headed chimpanzee, Nchígo Mbúwwe (Troglodytes calvus), here more generally called Nchígo Mpolo, “large chimpanzee,” or Nchígo Njúe, “white-haired chimpanzee.” Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Our mission accomplished, we headed for home.
  • Black kicked/headed the ball into/towards the goal.
  • The President exercises the functions of government with the assistance of a Cabinet headed by a Prime Minister.
  • The weakening of the Federalist party and its eventual demise a few years later were largely due to Hamilton's wrong-headed meddling.
  • My mother showed up but headed right for the kitchen, seizing this golden opportunity to rearrange my sister's kitchen.
  • The Padres are banking on improvement from several pitchers, headed by Ashby and Hamilton.
  • The dried sample is then transferred to a small thistle-headed funnel which has been cut off from its stem, and the opening plugged with a little glass wool, and round the top rim of which a piece of fine platinum wire has been fastened, in order that it may afterwards be easily removed from the Soxhlet tube. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • In Galatians 5: 19-21 the list is headed by sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness, and idolatry.
  • Instead of writing in opposition to your nemesis, write in favor of your cause; instead of calling the boneheaded author's integrity into question, extol the virtues of those who oppose that person; instead of pointing out flaws in the author's logic, create a flawless argument of your own. Edward Muzio: The Power of Shutting Up in the Internet Age
  • With a quick pull of the reins, they headed back towards Benson Manor.
  • Thomas Weir perched, like that of a man beheaded for treason, upon the apex of the gablet of the old tomb, as I was of hearing the wonderful playing of that husky old organ, of which I have spoken once before. Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood
  • He headed way over with the goal gaping, had a goal disallowed for offside and had a good penalty appeal waved away. The Sun
  • The hot sun was scorching, and they quickly headed inside.
  • I am light-headed, perhaps from a mild attack of altitude sickness.
  • That sparked a free-for-all in the centre circle which spilled over as both players headed for the tunnel. The Sun
  • Karwoski, a high-flier on the Scottish business scene, was in a plane headed to New York which was swiftly grounded at Memphis airport as US air space shut down completely.
  • If you want sober, cautious, level-headed judgment read The Economist.
  • They were full of regret at missed opportunities and wrong-headed policies, but they were not angry.
  • And, while I'm at it, I think that it's ridiculous to believe in transubstantiation, that considering the Bible to be the literal word of God reduces that supposedly omnipotent being to a muddle-headed maniac and that the Hindu caste system and Roman Catholic rules against contraception could have been invented by Satan. If Britain decides to ban the burqa I might just start wearing one
  • Yes, the station had a perfectly charming garden including a herbaceous border, rose beds, lupins and mop-headed bay trees in green tubs.
  • Sunday morning and I was a little bit worse for wear… we got ready and Katie headed out to pick up Gareth's auntie for a meet the family meal… eek!
  • So the news today from our sources with knowledge of the arrowheaded brand's product direction wasn't entirely unexpected. Jalopnik
  • One thing is sure, the festival of the future will have a more commercial and hard-headed business edge to it and will seek to capitalise much more on the brand name, Rose of Tralee.
  • He headed straight for his kettle and teapot, not even pausing as he pulled off his hat and mask and tossed them on the couch.
  • She headed back toward the beach umbrella and towels. Along Came a Spider
  • Those weren't the first times I "bowdlerized" -- some might say, butchered -- a classic text the term comes from the knuckleheaded 19th century Shakespearian censor Thomas Bowdler. Trey Ellis: Censoring Huck Ain't So Simple
  • In command of the light tanks, Patton headed a school and trained his tankers for combat.
  • The black-headed gulls are now in their winter plumage.
  • If we weren't touring some medieval fortress, drinking delicious red wine or visiting a duomo, we were on the bus headed to our next destination.
  • His Franz was an incorrigible flirt, but not completely empty-headed or cold-hearted.
  • Bob talked with stan monteith about gold, silver, the united states economy and where we are headed. - Articles related to Markets Slide in Asia
  • A long ball by the excellent Tommy Farrell was headed clear.
  • Now the fight appears headed to the courts as residents of Giles County, along Virginia's rugged, pious southwestern spine, fight what they call mounting pressure from Washington and Richmond to secularize their public institutions. Ten Commandments in school stirs fight in Va. district
  • Instead of her normal southward course towards Alexandria and home, she headed west.
  • The advertisement appears in the three main Hebrew dailies and is headed by the Palestinian and Israeli flags. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Within three years he had tired of Anne Boleyn and she was beheaded in 1536, accused of treason and adultery.
  • When they hit Navajo Route 9 and headed west toward Gallup, Bernie decided she had to know. THE WAILING WIND
  • ‘I believe in Christ too,’ a red-headed woman chirped in.
  • Julie turned and headed back across the landing, down the short corridor towards the office.
  • It is the one baht coin with the King's portrait on the obverse and the three-headed elephant on the reverse.
  • Somehow he endured it, but he felt light-headed and his legs were rubbery when he clambered up the conning tower ladder onto the bridge. LOHENGRIN
  • Parker unslung his guitar and, accepting a bottle of spring water from the waitress, headed for the booth.
  • The tanks spearheaded the offensive.
  • However, one conclusion you can draw is that the average joe is actually more level headed than most of the experts who run the country.
  • For some reason, the first people to start walking towards the centre bypassed the roadblock and headed cross-country, making a beeline for the fence closest to the place where detainees were protesting.
  • But by this time she was sufficiently under that young sinner 's thumb to be ready to follow bald-headed wherever she went. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • The other big man and the white-headed boy sat and looked off across a little bit of cornfield where an old grey stook of last year's fodder formed a sagging cone at the edge of the woods. Cold Mountain
  • They heard the swish of her usual elaborate dress as she headed towards the door.
  • At first he'd thought the tab had had little effect other than to make him feel slightly light-headed as fell asleep.
  • Imagine his surprise when traffic coming through the lights headed straight for him.
  • Then the crew of the long boat shipped their oars and headed for the shore of the chosen island.
  • At 45, the Marquis has already earned the reputation of a cool-headed, unsentimental type.
  • I headed towards the English department doing my best to be nonchalant.
  • He might be a Father to Confederation, but like all Reformers, he was intent on destroying the offspring, was a hot-headed revolutionary, a brawler and corruptionist.
  • Unable to get back to sleep, I headed down to breakfast, feeling groggy but pathetically pleased with myself.

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