How To Use Hazy In A Sentence
THOSE lazy hazy days of summer now come at a cost.
Times, Sunday Times
The map was a cartographer's bird's-eye view, but the icy mountains unfolded white and hazy and shadowed, outlines blurred and overlapping.
At another time it might have been a pretty journey, the hills just turning the colors of pumpkin and hay and pomegranate and the skies depthless and clear, but now everywhere one looked most of the trees had been felled for fuel and there was only a hazy, oppressive brightness refracted from the shorn hillsides.
Excerpt: The Surrendered by Chang-rae Lee
We couldn't see far because it was so hazy.
But will the two sides be able to stick to the hazy and vague terms of the agreement?

Man-Made is a lazy, hazy exercise in unadorned songcraft, packed with melodies that insinuate themselves with sweet simplicity.
This smoke or flame, perhaps, would be the better word for it was so bright that the deep blue sky overhead and the hazy stretches of brown common towards Chertsey, set with black pine trees, seemed to darken abruptly as these puffs arose, and to remain the darker after their dispersal.
The War of The Worlds
Quite what the club looked like is a bit hazy to recall.
Times, Sunday Times
In this case, though, what she is becoming is lost in hazy metaphors of? out of darkness and into the sun.?
Breaking Up Is Not BreakingAway: The Pseudo-Empowerment of Kelly Clarkson |
Details regarding the firm's demise are a little hazy, and the matter has now been referred to the Fraud Squad.
This simple plot is developed masterfully through a narrative technique which employs a series of vignettes giving an appropriately hazy yet sublime sense of situation and setting.
He lay on his back and stared up at the hazy image of the clouds.
It was warm, with hazy sunshine.
Times, Sunday Times
Given its hazy nature, goodwill is designated as an intangible asset.
Author Roy Rob and his wife, Jaki, used the age-old technique of cordwood masonry to construct the main living quarters and outbuildings on their homestead in West Chazy, New York.
Below the house, stretching into the far and hazy distance, lie fields and woods almost totally unpunctuated by the developments of man.
Where others in this vein opt for a hazy, nebulous cloud of half-remembered dreams, Manitoba's music is direct and unassuming while still remaining evocative.
Those whose university days are a hazy memory are more likely to get away with degree fraud, according to the agency that attempts to halt the practice.
Times, Sunday Times
As the bus left, she faded into a blurring hazy picture waving from behind the cloud of dust.
All three DVDs contain director's filmographies and biographies, a hazy, mostly unenlightening historical sketch of the pink film, and unremovable, headache-inducing ‘white-on-white’ subtitles.
He is oblivious of the smoke billowing from one of the towers behind him, white against a hazy blue sky.
Times, Sunday Times
The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.
The non-intensive moor was lovely with some hazy silver birch, vivid green mosses, rushes, bilberries, bleached and tufted grasses and a touch of gorse.
He had only hazy memories of what had happened.
Then it all got a bit hazy.
The Sun
Can you shed some light on my hazy recollection?
Times, Sunday Times
He could see only the hazy outline of the goalposts.
The cornea is hazy because of oedema, and the pupil is semidilated and fixed to light.
The cloud usually burns off in the afternoons, but can stay hazy all day in summer.
Times, Sunday Times
A hazy or cloudy wine can indicate the growth of micro-organisms or bacteria, or the presence of proteins from improper stabilization.
In 1790 Haydn had been capellmeister at Esterhaz, the magnificent palace which Prince Nicolaus Esterhazy had created in imitation of
Among the Great Masters of Music Scenes in the Lives of Famous Musicians
You might use a yellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon.
He not only gave this hazy concept a viable definition, but also enlarged the scope.
At one point, Clinton walked in hazy sunshine down Gran Avenida, a busy commercial street lined with thousands of people, including schoolchildren in blue and white uniforms, many of them chanting “Clinton, Clinton.”
Think Progress » Summit of the Americas: Then and Now
It's a hazy abstraction, not susceptible to quantitative appraisal.
It recalled so vividly Clare's early experiences of houselessness, that beasts and caravans, his mother and Glum Gunn, grew hazy and distant, and the old time drew so near that he seemed to have waked into it out of a long dream.
A Rough Shaking
It might be a pool of coloured light that takes off onto a bravura progression through garish washes of colour - a chase scene through the industrial port-side lit as a progression through hot orange-red, a cold hazy blue and a bilious green.
Carson's mind lingered in the realm of hazy confusion before it hit him.
The court-martial convened in secret on January 10 and the next day reached its preplanned conclusion: Esterhazy was not the author of the bordereau.
Recognizant obstacle sleeps with be addicted to, hazy, muddy, delirium, unbalanced condition is more.
The weather was beautiful and the sky a crisp blue contrast to the hazy mugginess of previous days.
And yet as I searched my hazy memory, I felt my brain cloud over, as if I had stood up too quickly.
Everything became extremely hazy as tears clouded her vision.
The hazy sky was streaked with white clouds, the sun setting.
Impressionism is not some hazy notion about how a bunch of maverick artists at the end of the 19th century decided to paint the world as if it looked blurred.
Details regarding the firm's demise are a little hazy, and the matter has now been referred to the Fraud Squad.
You might use a yellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon.
She had a problem of hazy vision in her right eye and could not be cured through allopathy.
Quite what the club looked like is a bit hazy to recall.
Times, Sunday Times
I have a hazy, indistinct memory of this morning.
The hazy distinction between the two extends beyond the main house.
Times, Sunday Times
The mountains were hazy in the distance.
The hazy clouds had risen high into the atmosphere.
They are euphemistical as to the weather, calling it hazy and soft, and never allowing themselves to carry bad language on such a subject beyond the word dull.
Castle Richmond
Georgia ran up the hill in the hazy morning sunshine, past the sign for the Tomba Etrusca, nearing the spot where she had wiped out, taking a bite-size chunk out of her shoulder and a bigger bite out of her ego.
Georgia’s Kitchen
The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.
The room was hazy with smoke.
Can you shed some light on my hazy recollection?
Times, Sunday Times
I was inspired to buy this by Farah Mendlesohn's Rhetorics of Fantasy, which ranks it as a key exemplar of one of the four modes of fantasy story-telling, the 'liminal' in which the boundary with the fantastic is hazy and uncertain; other examples being Little, Big (which I bounced off) and the first two Gormenghast books (which I remember loving as a teenager).
June Books 17) Lud-In-The-Mist, by Hope Mirrlees
I have only a very hazy idea about how the economy works.
They pass the time in a hazy half-light, drifting from one ill-defined moment to the next in works deeply suspicious of form and language.
It's wonderfully at odds with the naivety of the fairytale strings and Clark's choirgirl vocals, conjuring up a hazy world in which nothing seems quite stable, a state helped along by the addition of magnificently oddball heavy riffs and stuttering synths.
St Vincent: Strange Mercy – review
In Turkey, smoke-filled village coffeehouses will soon become a hazy memory of the country's past.
The sun streams into your sign and brings hazy dreams into sharp focus.
The Sun
The latrines are appropriately dreary and spartan, their fluorescent lighting bathed in a familiar hazy glow.
The thick hazy air was crackling with diesel fumes as well, and a shantytown stink intruded even into this enclave of wealth.
Love, is the youth frenzy years round of apricot yellow months, fine but hazy.
Get the old rents in thy canvas reglued; the holes and cracks refilled with varnish; wrap thyself in the magic webs of hazy clouds and glittering mists; fly to the Poet, and unroll thyself ever before him!
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
The day 's hazy light streams in from above.
Times, Sunday Times
It was not as sunny as the day before; still warm, but hazy and close.
Burning Bright
POINT COMFORT, Texas — When the wind blows in this Texas Gulf Coast town, the rusty red dust that drifts from the nearby metals plant sometimes creates hazy storms of dust, coating lawns, trucks and traffic lights.
Red Dust From U.S. Alumina Refineries Covers Nearby Towns, Worries Residents After Hungary Toxic Sludge Flood
Their memory of it is hazy to say the very least.
IT is perhaps the world's most evocative place name, conjuring up hazy images of a fabled land at the ends of the earth.
The Sun
A hazy or cloudy wine can indicate the growth of micro-organisms or bacteria.
The views were to a hazy mid-distance, over fields of green, chalky white and jazzy yellow - a spectacle of colour.
In slightly different circumstances, the scene would be enough to sweep even the most demanding of voyeurs from impotence to premature ejaculation in a few hazy moments.
The flapping of wings immediately stirred images of Fandral in pursuit of the errant druid, but what Broll located in the sky was no storm crow, but rather the hazy shape of a hippogryph.
Hazy, hot, and hidden: dust-laden clouds at the centers of some galaxies may enshroud titanic starburst or baby quasars.
It rises above the hazy mist of its nostalgic premise with sharp writing, complex and unpredictable characterizations, and a dry, witty sense of humor.
Some time later, Paul returned himself with a fresh surprise on hand; he was almost sober; nothing but a hazy eye distinguished him from Paul of the week days: vivat!
Vailima Letters
I suspect that most of us are pretty hazy on who she actually was.
Now in regard to the nature of these remote totemic ancestors of the _alcheringa_ or dream times, the ideas of the natives are very hazy; they do not in fact clearly distinguish their human from their totemic nature; in speaking, for example, of a man of the kangaroo totem they seem unable to discriminate sharply between the man and the animal: perhaps we may say that what is before their mind is a blurred image, a sort of composite photograph, of
The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
Standing on the bridge of Iron Duke, a small figure in a belted blue raincoat with a white scarf knotted at his neck, Jellicoe stared intently at the hazy line of sea and sky to the south.
Castles of Steel
(court tennis, racquets, squash tennis, for example) whose original clear-cut identity has become hazy owing to recently created sports, such as racquetball and platform tennis, which share some of the characteristics of the older games.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
But gradually, small, picturesque, red-earthern hamlets became large, dreary, grey-brick villages and, as dusk fell, the hazy sun disappeared behind thick sulphurous smog.
Some of these impressions will come to you as vague fragments; a hazy glimpse without any notion of time or place.
As is all too common, precise details are hazy and confused.
He is oblivious of the smoke billowing from one of the towers behind him, white against a hazy blue sky.
Times, Sunday Times
The air is thick and hazy with moisture.
The cloud usually burns off in the afternoons, but can stay hazy all day in summer.
Times, Sunday Times
But its overwhelming gloom withdraws into a hazy shadow as the moon showers its silver hues.
The distant mountains looked hazy and mysterious.
Haydn wrote a considerable number of trios for baryton, viola, and cello, in which he and a colleague could accompany his employer, Nicolaus Esterházy, an enthusiastic amateur of the baryton.
Rather than anticipating lazy, hazy days spent relaxing after the stress of study, this week she was busy making the final preparation for her mission of mercy.
She scanned the hazy horizon for the dust cloud signalling horses.
The woman said she had only a hazy recollection of events.
In a matter of seconds, what had seemed like a slightly hazy early afternoon now seemed overcast.
That last word indicates something that is hazy, confused, difficult to grasp and bewildered.
We'd boarded the five-masted square-rigger Royal Clipper about 12 hours earlier, but my first evening afloat was shrouded in a somewhat hazy glow.
/[Page 372] /imagining, all afternoon, over Ayr and environs (Arran from the sea sand, in the hazy east wind nightfall, grand and grim.
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
Such a swift and humbling defeat could have easily dampened my spirits, but something hooked me in during those few hazy seconds of combat.
The rest were hazy on how much was drunk and by whom.
Times, Sunday Times
The lazy, hazy days of summer were evoked by some tracks, while others simply burst with rhythmic vigour.
The Sun
At best, such figures are hazy assessments.
My vision has grown so hazy.
But my memory is hazy.
Times, Sunday Times
I feel light headed, my ears are bunged up and my balance feels hazy.
The latrines are appropriately dreary and spartan, their fluorescent lighting bathed in a familiar hazy glow.
Weathermen said that today would remain hot and sunny, although they predicted it may be a little more hazy.
The lazy, hazy days of summer were evoked by some tracks, while others simply burst with rhythmic vigour.
The Sun
His paintings of this time had a magical and apocalyptic character, with hazy shapes and swirling draperies fading into the landscape.
It was one of those weekends where I thought a lot about some very hazy, abstract concepts.
College since the latter's establishment had been more or less nominal; it was at least indefinitely hazy, other than in the mere fact that it was "engrafted," and in the imprimatur of its degrees.
McGill and its Story, 1821-1921
This is a swoony set of chilled-out bliss - like the last hazy days of summer as they melt into fall.
With summer drawn to a close and a definite feeling of that autumn nip in the air, one can't help but miss the lazy, hazy days of July and August.
Most of the other victims reported similar symptoms of nausea, a loss of consciousness and a hazy recollection of what had happened.
Times, Sunday Times
-- Calm night; sky overcast with hazy cumulostratus clouds; an easterly breeze sprung up towards morning, making the air much colder.
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It was a rhetorical question written in the hazy summer sky.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a rhetorical question written in the hazy summer sky.
Times, Sunday Times
Bad hires for unqualified/unethical people in hazy but very expensive positions such as Norris Lozano for the infamous New Markets Tax Credit program
It's a small world after all (Jack Bog's Blog)
And triple alas, because by 7:30 p.m. the temperature had dropped to the dewpoint, and everything started getting wet as the sky grew hazy.
Jayme Lynn Blaschke's Gibberish
She grabbed at his hand to push away from her as she tried to clear the hazy fog from her mind.
I could not picture my return, and the whole future looked hazy and uncertain.
Don't bypass East London - we are a great place for family holidays and those lazy, hazy days of summer.
But gradually, small, picturesque, red-earthern hamlets became large, dreary, grey-brick villages and, as dusk fell, the hazy sun disappeared behind thick sulphurous smog.
I felt a prick of pain at my throat, and even in this hazy state, I comprehended that Fraust had only nicked me.
The whole L.A. Basin was smoggy or hazy today, and my lungs hurt.
I followed the usual morning routine in a hazy daze; I showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed, etc.
Hazy purple horizons, the norm on these rolling prairies, stretched away in all directions.
It was a typical kind of August day, hot and hazy.
Love, is the youth frenzy years round of apricot yellow months, fine but hazy.
Monday morning arrived with a cooling breeze, scattering fragile wisps of cloud across a hazy sky.
If an important concept is hazy or difficult, explain it, articulate it, and you will get clarity.
The cover of Pursuit of Happiness conjures up those hazy, loved-up days, with a picture of an endless road and a distant horizon signifying the elusive pot of gold at the end of rave's rainbow.
She had one hazy memory of her father taking her out for ice cream when she was very young.
The thick hazy air was crackling with diesel fumes as well, and a shantytown stink intruded even into this enclave of wealth.
Is it just me or I just didn’t know that the bishie goddess from scrumptious is actually Filipino; biankita is also one; and also you hazy?!?!
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The images, however, did not directly reflect a changing America, but rather gently refracted it through a hazy lens of unironic, idealized nostalgia that today seems absolutely eerie.
Her mind was still hazy and the heavy scent of the colorless liquid wasn't helping her head much.
The sea had smoothed out to slick rollers, no whitecaps breaching the swells, a hazy and ill-defined sun occasionally breaking through.
Here, Stewart's vocals hang in hazy suspensions of wafting guitars, piercing chimes, subliminal drones, and ornately wrought percussion.
He kept out of it at the time, which may have left him with a hazy memory.
Times, Sunday Times
Um, the rest is a bit hazy.
The Sun
Once more the great sword was swung up, for Desiderius neither heard nor heeded the cry and rush of the Avars; but or ever the stroke could fall Desiderius saw the Angel of Essalona by his side and felt his hand restraining the blade; and at the same instant the figure before him, the figure of the King Orgulous, grew dim and hazy, and wavered, and broke like smur blown along a wooded hillside, and vanished from his gaze.
A Child's Book of Saints
These images of well-known totalitarian architecture are overlaid with hazy blue patinas.
An occasional sibilance of hazy white noise and clattering of plates pock marks the almost celestial church organ that began the piece.
The sun's UV rays are as damaging to your skin on cloudy and hazy days as they are on sunny days.
The high signal to noise ratio and the faintness of signal captured by these devices are analogous to the hazy, faint pinhole images.
The illumination remains hazy, fumy, ethereal; it comes, it touches everybody and is gone.
The picture is also dark, hazy, dirty, murky, and marred by shimmering and flicker.
IT is perhaps the world's most evocative place name, conjuring up hazy images of a fabled land at the ends of the earth.
The Sun
To see how Sun Sensors performed in cloudy weather, we left the stickers out on a hazy, humid day a few hours before a thunderstorm struck.
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I have only a hazy memory of what he was really like.
She says: 'I have a very hazy memory of my time in hospital.
Times, Sunday Times
I have only a very hazy idea about how the economy works.
FOR central bankers, a hazy summer is coming to an end.
Times, Sunday Times
This was a long time ago and my memory is hazy.
A descendant, Miklos Jozsef Esterhazy, became captain of the Empress Maria Theresa's bodyguard, although he is now best remembered for employing Joseph Haydn as kapellmeister and court composer for some thirty years.
The dividing line is somewhat hazy.
Details were hazy, with officials unsure of exactly what was going on inside much of the main temple.
Along the coastal margin, the spring squill makes hazy blue carpets in early spring.
Science is often described as an iterative and cumulative process, a puzzle solved piece by piece, with each piece contributing a few hazy pixels of a much larger picture.
The Emperor of All Maladies
Outside, large flakes of gleaming white snow were falling fast, quickly covering the city in a hazy white blanket.
It was a hazy, lazy summer's day in most parts of the Yorkshire region yesterday - and today's bank holiday weather looks set to be similar.
His most recent memories seemed to be of lying on a trolley in the Landau Clinic, while technicians prepared him for the scan — on the face of it, a bad sign — but he'd been overwrought, and he'd spent so long psyching himself up for “this”, that perhaps he'd forgotten coming home, still hazy from the anaesthetic, crashing into bed, dreaming …
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Everything (including most of the people) looked a bit bleached and tired in the hazy sunshine, an effect which is easily remedied by donning sunglasses with a brown tint.
The map was a cartographer's bird's-eye view, but the icy mountains unfolded white and hazy and shadowed, outlines blurred and overlapping.
From the very hazy memories of reading on caves that she still retained, she thought she remembered that it was always the same temperature in a cave, but that didn't mean it was warm.
I looked at him wide-eyed, my thoughts still hazy from confusion.
The sun streams into your sign and brings hazy dreams into sharp focus.
The Sun
They shunned the Impressionists' hazy unemphatic diffusion of colour.
There were also slightly hypodense shadow with hazy border in the basal part of the pons.
The first thing I had to do was photograph the interior of my bungalow before the air got hazy with the smoke from the smouldering mosquito-repellent coils.
He is oblivious of the smoke billowing from one of the towers behind him, white against a hazy blue sky.
Times, Sunday Times
The results of this ongoing effort will be largely invisible, and mostly for my own benefit -- some of the internals were written in such haste that now, months or years later, what's going on under the hood is a little hazy, even to me.
Getting Back on the Bike
Udvar-Hazy's entire donation will go toward the Dulles Center, which is expected to open in December 2003, the centennial of the Wright Brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
Marine pilots flew their big H-34s off the rolling deck of their carrier to the hazy coastline and then returned.
Smudges like this are called nebulae, because they look nebulous - like hazy clouds.
Mr. Udvar-Hazy co-founded International Lease Finance Corp., a major aircraft leaser, nearly 40 years ago before leaving last year.
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Reported in April and known from two 1.9-million-year-old skeletons discovered in a South African cave, Australopithecus sediba offers a glimpse of a hazy time in our lineage's evolution.
Hazy but damning snapshots of the episode were released on that evening's television news.
Details regarding the firm's demise are a little hazy, and the matter has now been referred to the Fraud Squad.
Washington DC (SPX) Oct 24, 2008 - PI's note: For this installment of the PI Perspective, I wanted to share with you my remarks from a ceremony on Oct. 17, during which we "inducted" the New Horizons model into the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum's Udvar-Hazy Center, and celebrated the mission's accomplishments since launch.
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Those whose university days are a hazy memory are more likely to get away with degree fraud, according to the agency that attempts to halt the practice.
Times, Sunday Times
My memory is hazy but the impact was really hard and there was a lot of blood.
The Sun
I had to use very fine grain sandpaper to get rid of one big scratch, but now the whole screen is hazy.
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He watched Kitter brachiate from tree to tree in the hazy air.
No, he prefers his rather hazy studio playhouse to the glitz of Parisian nightlife.
Today, when the world is drippy, puddly and weeping with rain, leaden with clouds and hazy memories of sunshine, one stays home and tends to domestic gardens, such as laundry, stove-scrubbing, and floor-mopping.
He was a bit hazy about whether or not he had visited the town before.
But my memory is hazy.
Times, Sunday Times
The sound of Beach House owes a good deal to old '60s Canterbury psychedelia and several spacey, hazy variants that came to follow.
Symphonic Swells and a Six-String Slinger
But collectively they present a hazy picture of a luckless dreamer with unfortunate amatory judgment.
Control ranges from critical sharpness to hazy softness and is adjusted by using a ring on the lens barrel.
There were some slight flurries of snow during the days that I worked there; but for the most part when I came out on to the railroad, on my way home, its yellow sand heap stretched away gleaming in the hazy atmosphere, and the rails shone in the spring sun, and I heard the lark and pewee and other birds already come to commence another year with us.
My memories of childhood are hazy and episodic.
The idea of rebirth was hazy and vague in my mind at this time.
The film has a misty, hazy appearance in some of its more striking moments.
Avoid shooting photos when the sun is directly overhead and the sky is hazy or cloudy.
After that it all gets a bit hazy.
Times, Sunday Times