How To Use Haywire In A Sentence

  • The chronology is gloriously haywire but it reads quite naturally. Times, Sunday Times
  • A haywire fembot goes loco at a square-dance; another gets post-coital mammary enlargement via remote control.
  • I couldn't see an inch past my window, and the pilot couldn't navigate at all, because his instruments suddenly went haywire.
  • It's about an old man named Eddie, who dies trying to save the life of a little girl when a ride at the amusement park where he works goes haywire.
  • Mr. Hertzberg also offers some theories of why Mr. Matthews "went kind of haywire during the Clinton years": Hendrik Hertzberg: In Praise of Chris Matthews (Seriously)
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  • Danielle jumped up and down and clapped her hands above her head like a clockwork toy gone haywire.
  • It was the equivalent of the air traffic control system going completely haywire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heavy rain and winds in Sydney saw the airport go haywire.
  • But so far, studies haven't been able to tease out what it is in meats or dairy foods that may cause prostate cells to go haywire.
  • Our narrator starts the record slightly haywire, a confused youth maxing out on the raw nerves of bitterness and hope.
  • Call it "smart panic" -- calculated actions that free you from the chains of inertia without compelling you to go haywire.
  • I felt my self control go haywire and my hand began to twitch uncontrollably.
  • If you lose sight of your goals and objectives, everything goes haywire.
  • To say that this terrific book tells the true story of a New York stick-up gone haywire is like saying that Psycho is about a motel with an eccentric owner. 2007 January 30 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • In my opinion, Chris went kind of haywire during the Clinton years. Hullabaloo
  • And consider buying the same set-up as a friend so you have some one to lean on when things go haywire.
  • Many Americans think their legal system has gone haywire.
  • You've allowed crime to go haywire and there's no accountability.
  • The play is a rites of passage comedy, which follows the haywire path of a troop of disparate youngsters into the cultural mêlée of a national student drama festival.
  • A major problem is that UK house prices are completely haywire just now.
  • If the staff are unhappy then production falls, morale is low and things go haywire.
  • You remember when cassette tapes were all the rage, and occasionally they'd go haywire in your stereo and all the tape would twist up and unspool and pull out of the plastic casing?
  • This is cheering news for anyone who has ever found their heart-rate going haywire in the company of a handsome nurse or beautiful doctor.
  • He constantly reminds us that when we fail to sleep well, every aspect of our life goes haywire.
  • But it is most likely that people have stopped buying hip-hop because the genre's quality control has gone haywire.
  • High-strung reporters ordering formalwear online is inherently risky, and on the day before the gowns were due to arrive last week, the system went haywire. Reporter's Notebook: Discount Fashion Comes at a Cost
  • Collins is not a rah-rah guy, but teammates value his calm demeanor in the huddle and on the sideline even when things ate going haywire.
  • I maintained a good front but my internal monologue was going haywire.
  • It's a story about the effects of a stroke; a story of words going haywire.
  • UFC 111 fighter Rory Markham fined $1,000; trainer says weight-cutting went "haywire BallHype - Top Sports News, Videos, and Blogs
  • I expect quality, although I do understand that things get haywire sometimes working with computers.
  • The biggest sleep robber of all, however, is work - the puritan ethic gone haywire in an era of global markets.
  • With my senses haywire and out of control I had no way of detecting real danger.
  • But his brain was so rotted with drink and dissolute living that whenever he put it to work it behaved like an old engine that had gone haywire from being dipped in lard.
  • Being dropped like that sent my immune system haywire. The Sun
  • That would mean my milliammeter would go all haywire? In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
  • So intense was the storm that compasses went haywire. Times, Sunday Times
  • My mother was like the evil clockwork of some kind of villainous clock gone haywire.
  • He is haywire to say that.
  • A “world gone haywire” wow, the only thing that went haywire is Roth’s brain. David Lee Roth: Amtrak FM « BuzzMachine
  • These are the electricity and telecommunication networks gone haywire.
  • After that, things went slightly haywire, but to reach the open marketplace was easy.
  • My emotions still seem to be going haywire.
  • This irregular heartbeat, which feels fluttery and is often quite rapid, means the electrical signals that prompt the heart have gone haywire.
  • Harassed operators patiently listen to complaints about cancelled reservations or travel plans gone haywire.
  • One of our cameras and our backup phone went haywire.
  • So, I mean, the bottom is the pop culture crossing over with the political culture kind of goes haywire and goes crazy about sex and sexual scandal. Writing 'The Good Wife': Art Imitates Life?
  • So if at any particular moment in the day stocks go haywire, that is a great opportunity for a fundamental investor. Even the
  • There is too much hurry and worry in the lives of parents, and they don't have the energy left to cope when things go a little haywire.
  • Until recently geophysicists thought that at this low point the magnetic field would also go haywire.
  • WASHINGTON - Overeating makes the brain go haywire, prompting a cascade of damage that may cause diabetes, heart disease and other ills, US researchers reported on Thursday.
  • When Mercury goes out of phase for three-and-a-half weeks every 12 weeks, these areas weaken and go haywire.
  • One of our cameras and our backup phone went haywire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along with his haywire fringe of Brillo pad hair, Wright's somnolent nasal drone is the single most recognizable thing about him.
  • That seemed to send the computer haywire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wisconsin is the state we need if something goes haywire in Ohio.
  • Without such early instruction, the immune system may go haywire and overreact with allergies to foods, pollen and pet dander or turn on the body's own tissue, setting off autoimmune disorders.
  • All those Eastern flavours and spices send your palate haywire, making wine pairing a little more challenging.
  • has gone completely haywire
  • If you have an electric oven, sometimes just before the elements fail they go haywire and get strange and overheat one time and underheat the next. The Fresh Loaf
  • In the current lunar lander ascent configuration, if your primary ascent stage fails after liftoff from the lunar surface but before you make it safely to lunar orbit, then landing the aborted vehicle with the engines failed or something else gone haywire so a pre-positioned unmanned vehicle can come to your rescue, is fatal 100% of the time since the landing of a crewed vehicle requires a working non-aborted system. Altair Concept RFP Hits The Street - NASA Watch
  • The trains are haywire again this evening; I waited for my connection in sub-zero temperatures for an hour and a half in the Brussels North station before I finally escaped. Time to back up, folks
  • In response to such extreme stress, your nervous system would go haywire, leading to potentially fatal spikes in blood pressure and heart rate.
  • For a group that was supposedly highly trained, they had gone haywire and left most of the hotel unguarded.
  • Sensory issues go haywire at a boarding bunfight? Times, Sunday Times
  • I probably would have enjoyed myself more if Alton had rules that prohibited smoking indoors like San Diego does — because let me tell you, choking on cigarette smoke when you’re already having trouble breathing because your sinuses have gone haywire is not a pretty thing — and, well, if I’d gone with a group of my own friends. So yeah. Wow. I’m like, back. « Love | Peace | Ohana

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