How To Use Hawkishness In A Sentence
The "hawkishness" about her that many here have commented about would seems to me to be an attempt to counter the (wrong) perception that a female would not have the cojones big enough to deal with the likes of Mahmoud in Tehran, Kim in Pyongyang or Hugo in Caracas.
Hillary Joining Webb For Measure Opposing War With Iran
My point, though, was not to suggest that hawkishness is always wrong.
The "hawkishness" about her that many here have commented about would seems to me to be an attempt to counter a perception that a female would not have the cojones big enough to deal with the likes of Mahmoud in Tehran, Kim in Pyongyang or Hugo in Caracas.
Poll: Obama, Romney Ahead In Iowa
But the hawkishness of Mr Cameron and his French brother-in-arms will be rather beside the point if they cannot find allies.
Instead of fearing another Iraq, the west must do right by Libya | Andrew Rawnsley
Yes, McCain will lose because of his "hawkishness" stance on Iraq.
Paul: Not ready to endorse McCain, likes Obama's foreign policy
I was at the peak of my hawkishness about the cold war, and that was the perspective from which I was teaching.
But even this hawkishness hasn't spared him from set-tos with conservatives.
So, obviously, the problem isn't fraulein Hillary ... it's all the pinko hippies with their Soros $$$ hating on her hawkishness.
Audio: Hillary Privately Blasted "The Activist Base Of The Democratic Party" For Caucus Defeats
But I think part of HRC's so-called hawkishness is to counter the perception that a woman would be weak to be POTUS.
Poll: Obama, Romney Ahead In Iowa
But I think part of HRC's so-called hawkishness is to counter the perception that a woman would be too weak to be POTUS.
Hillary Joining Webb For Measure Opposing War With Iran
At the same time, many on the left are deeply disappointed by his hawkishness.
Times, Sunday Times
Her school is conservative, but hardly unique in its hawkishness.
He has demonstrated by his hawkishness on Kosovo and Afghanistan that he is willing to use force to defend American ideas and interests.
You are suggesting that his hawkishness here might have had something to do with what you call San Antonio's "Pentagon economy"?
Oral History Interview with Maury Maverick, October 27, 1975. Interview A-0323. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
Although he might not agree with my use of the term "Crackpot Christians," Kevin Phillips is certainly correct when he claims that "the radical side of U.S. religion has embraced cultural antimodernism, war hawkishness, Armageddon prophecy, and in the case of conservative fundamentalists, a demand for government by literal biblical interpretation.
Crackpot Christianity and America's Current Moral Degeneration
Her hawkishness is just a ploy to ensure Bush's re-election so she can run against Bill Frist (Frist?
December 2003
You’ve got in here the press’ natural cynicism and the fact that it’s better, career-wise, to be dubious of big pronouncements like this — when they run * against* hawkishness, that is — than it is to accept them.
All of that newfound hawkishness in Boston surely sounded odd to many of the decidedly anti-war delegates.
With a top political adviser, Bill, who successfully shunned the neo-cons, I believe that HRC's so-called hawkishness is a deliberate compensation for the fact that she might not get credibility as a POTUS because she is a woman.
Poll: Obama, Romney Ahead In Iowa
Her increasing 'hawkishness' extends beyond the Iraq conflict and into some constitutional rights issues.
Jeanine Molloff: Missouri: The Triangulation Of Senator Claire McCaskill