How To Use Havel In A Sentence

  • On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution.
  • Havel has become his country's beacon of democracy and hope.
  • D'ye know, that Irish lunatic absolutely ran the gauntlet of pandy fire to get back into Lucknow, and bring out Outram and Havelock in person (with the poor old Gravedigger hardly able to hobble along) just so that they could greet Sir Colin as he covered the last few furlongs? Fiancée
  • It is such a mouth as we can imagine some remorseless inquisitor to have had -- that is, not an inquisitor filled with holy zeal for what he mistakenly thought the cause of Christ demanded, but a spleeny, envious, rancorous shaveling, who tortured men from hatred of their superiority to him, and sheer love of inflicting pain. Andersonville — Volume 1
  • Also on Jan. 1 Havel declared an amnesty which involved pardoning certain categories of short-term prisoners and reducing the sentences of others.
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  • Before him, Karl Yundt remained standing, one wing of his faded greenish havelock thrown back cavalierly over his shoulder. The Secret Agent; a Simple Tale
  • The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old. Morgan’s Run
  • ‘Our chaplain attempted to teach me to write,’ he said, ‘but all my letters were formed like spear-heads and sword blades, and so the old shaveling gave up the task.’
  • I see him walking about Piccadilly in his green havelock almost every day. The Secret Agent; a Simple Tale
  • “Adam Beckerman,” Lord Havelock called, and a fair amount of boys nudged one another and whispered as Adam stepped forward with his chin held high and his small circular hat he’d told Henry on the train that this was called a yarmulke clearly visible. KNIGHTLEY ACADEMY
  • The typical Czech "greengrocer" - Havel's famous description of the symbolic Czech Everyman - did not believe Soviet propaganda, but felt helplessly enmeshed in it. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • One was the secretary, only now he carried a machete and a candle and wore a black hat covered by a sequined havelock. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • I know Mrs Havelock, the headmistress at my junior school didn't really approve of the word nice, but in this case it truly was.
  • After securing the lie of Thursday's gallantry, York himself dons the identical hat with havelock attached.
  • Major-General William Borthwick maki-e malapropisms malhavelins The Joy of Crockford's Clerical Directory
  • But the cook had many porters besides Havelok, and when the cry of 'barmen' was heard they all tried one to outdo the other in obtaining the pot in which lay the hot fish. The Red Romance Book
  • Havel has been described as a reticent, modest, honest, courageous and a Renaissance man -- a man filled with a moral vision of what the quality of life should be for all people. Lee Bycel: The Legacy of Vaclav Havel
  • Havelok, that he might call a leech to heal his wounds, for if the stranger merchant should live Jarl Ubbe would without fail dub him knight; and when the leech had seen the wounds he said the patient would make a good and quick recovery. Hero-Myths & Legends of the British Race
  • On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution.
  • The leader of the LDK, the forever silk scarfed and mellifluous Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, compared himself openly and blushlessly to Vaclav Havel and the Kosovar struggle to the Velvet Revolution. Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • On Monday, more than 50 beauticians thronged the Purani Haveli to get a dekko of Zardozi tattoo designing and a demo of trendy haircuts.
  • The deal was correctly seen as an attempt to clip the political wings of smaller parties and of President Havel.
  • Did the dwarfs not have a home of their own, or did they share a world with one of the other groups, or were they another name for the dark elves, or did they have a world that happens to have missed being named perhaps the Nithavellir mentioned in Voluspa, or did this depend on the stories the teller happened to be familiar with? Archive 2010-04-01
  • Havel was a good friend of our UN ambassador, Madeleine Albright, who was born in Czechoslovakia and delighted in every opportunity she had to speak with him in their native tongue.
  • At another recent meeting, Yaroslavsky delivered a 1,165-word panegyric commemorating five people, including former Czech president Vaclav Havel and writer Christopher Hitchens, neither of whom had significant dealings with the county. News -
  • Perhaps the most magnificent building in Jaisalmer is the Patwon-ki haveli, whose entire facade is covered with intricate latticework, Rajput balconies and gabled windows.
  • I do not know how many members have visited the little town of Havelock, but 15 years ago that town was dead.
  • The shift to the orientalized "weaver" (manufacturer of the variety of cloths that are distinctly Indian for use by Indians, or that cloth designated representative of authentic Indian handicrafts) had taken shape by the time of Havell's reports in the 1880s, and has continued to the present. Colonial Lists/Indian Power: Identity Politics in Nineteenth Century Telugu-Speaking India
  • Never did we more greatly marvel at the mercy of God, which holds back his thunderbolts from destroying those wretched shavelings who deceive the people.
  • Kallis continued on his unflustered way until the close, but it was Havell who left the field to the biggest cheers.
  • Women gathered together to make items that the soldiers would need such as havelocks, hand-knit socks and mittens, towels, sheets, pillowcases.
  • Havel asked the legislature to grant him broader powers to defuse the constitutional crisis.
  • From time to time I poked my head out into the rain, and called cheery encouragement to the reinforcements, or sent messages to Havelock - I remember one of them was that Delhi had fallen at last, and that old Johnny Nicholson had bought a bullet, poor devil. Fiancée
  • 117 And a report of fifty years after Havell claims that the industry only survived that long because "the weaver is content with low wages. Colonial Lists/Indian Power: Identity Politics in Nineteenth Century Telugu-Speaking India
  • From time to time I poked my head out into the rain, and called cheery encouragement to the reinforcements, or sent messages to Havelock — I remember one of them was that Delhi had fallen at last, and that old Johnny Nicholson had bought a bullet, poor devil. Flashman In The Great Game
  • And by their slaughter rid the earth of every shaveling wight. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The traveler may call it stupid and ugly, if he calls it at all; our Hermitage still patiently wears its havelock of weather-beaten shingles, for _it_ knows that beneath its lowly roof -- radiant with whitewash and fresh paper -- are cozy, coolly curtained rooms, where friendly books look down from the wall, and drowsy arm-chairs woo from the corners. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2 No 4, October, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Sometimes the temple is of small dimensions, as that at Mahavelliopore on the Coromandel Coast which is hewn out of a detached rock; the ground-plan is a quadrangle, and it rises in several stories like a pyramid built in several terraces. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The knob of his stick and his legs shook together with passion, whilst the trunk, draped in the wings of the havelock, preserved his historic attitude of defiance. The Secret Agent; a Simple Tale
  • Gargantua, being come, considered the countenance of the monk, and in what posture he hanged; wherefore he said to Eudemon, You were mistaken in comparing him to Absalom; for Absalom hung by his hair, but this shaveling monk hangeth by the ears. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a statement called Havel "an inspiration" to human-rights defenders around the world while singer Lou Reed, whose band the Velvet Underground had an influence on Havel, wrote on his webpage that the ex-president was a "true hero in a world bereft. -- Top News
  • One soldier from Pennsylvania reported his whole regiment received havelocks made by ladies in their home county.
  • The leader of the LDK, the forever silk scarfed and mellifluous Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, compared himself openly and blushlessly to Vaclav Havel and the Kosovar struggle to the Velvet Revolution. Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
  • But Havel also has preached that the country must not be held hostage to its past.
  • The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old. Morgan’s Run
  • Blecker, leaning over the gate, of how she had brought him a badly-made havelock that morning. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
  • We tied up on a jetty on Havelock Island with blue boats bobbing in its bay and rising hills, covered in forests, as a background.
  • About him stood three priests, true shavelings, clean shorn and polled, who were muttering strange words to the devils out of a conjuring book.
  • Former Czech President Vaclav Havel is listed on the letter to Mr. Medvedev as a supporter of a pardon.
  • His residual loyalty and sense of self-advancement prevailed, however, and, with Havelange's support, he defeated Johansson for the presidency in 1998.
  • The tax collector from the village of Haveluy, whom we met earlier during his confrontation with the local curé, provides a practical example of this combination of religious conviction with anticlericalism.
  • I really like the idea of Havel as a nominee; he should have been awarded this prize long ago. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Obama Effect” Spurs Record Number of Nobel Peace Prize Nominations
  • This collection contains many of the letters the men exchanged in the 1970s and 1980s, including postcards, manuscripts, instructions, photographs, and playbills for Havel's plays from theaters around the world.
  • Signaling to Davies to get under cover, he sprang into his own stand, and, crouching amid the straw, hastily drew over his black fur cap his linen havelock, and looking well to the priming of his gun, sought the whereabouts of the swift-flying birds. Adrift in the Ice-Fields
  • He's singing the Chaveleh song to himself and twirling around underneath the big rustly tree that has the rope swing on it. Scott Malcomson: The Departure Lounge
  • Art thou speaking ill of women, cried Panurge, thou mangy scoundrel, thou sorry, noddy-peaked shaveling monk? Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • There is also written evidence of the regiment requesting and receiving a large shipment of havelocks, an item eventually deemed useless by soldiers in the field.
  • So you can see it was a jolly summer in the Ganges valley, all right, as I and my four companions discovered, when Diribijah Singh finally convoyed us out from his fort and back to Cawnpore after Havelock had retaken it. Fiancée
  • This is when Vaclav Havel came to speak to Congress just after the fall of the Soviet Union.
  • Havelock Ellis [11] distinguishes, in addition to the primary and secondary sexual characters (as commonly defined), _tertiary sexual characters_, by which he denotes those differences between the sexes which do not attract our attention when we compare individual members of the two sexes, but which become noticeable when we compare the average male with the average female type. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • But given the partisanship and intense provincialism of the Czech Republic, any president who bucks the system and is as cosmopolitan as Havel would face difficulties.
  • The essayist and physician Havelock Ellis once suggested that thieves might be recognised by their low-lying ears and small heads.
  • The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old. Morgan’s Run
  • I have given half-serious thought to nominating Vaclav Havel for his achievements in promoting human rights (for which he spent many years in prison under the communists), inspiring the peaceful “Velvet Revolution,” and presiding over the “Velvet Divorce” between Slovakia and the Czech Republic (which could have been a more dangerous situation without his efforts). The Volokh Conspiracy » “Obama Effect” Spurs Record Number of Nobel Peace Prize Nominations
  • After the simplest homage to Havel from the French philosopher Andre Glucksmann, more messages from Mick Jagger and the ubiquitous Bono, Joan Baez sings. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • In the older bazaars, the great cusped gateways of the old Hyderabadi havelis still stand, but now lead nowhere, except to a half-built matrix of foundations and concrete piles.
  • She sewed for him, with the neatest of stitches, white gaiters, and a "havelock" for his cap - these afterward abandoned by authority as too shining marks for riflemen - tears dropping now and then upon her handiwork, but never a thought of telling Harrison, Mrs. Burton, 1843-1920. Recollections Grave and Gay
  • Under them lay the color guard; the scabbarded swords of the colonel and his staff were stuck upright in the ground, and the blanket-swathed figures of the officers in poncho and havelock reposed close by. Special Messenger
  • Several quarters have expressed concern towards preserving these Havelis which have large latticed windows, carved woodwork and large ventilators and parapets.
  • Hold there, shaveling!" quoth Sir Pertinax, scowling. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • What you shavelings call ‘incomprehensible sayings’ is incomprehensible only to you, not to the Buddhas and ancestors.
  • the Communist regime had officially collapsed eight months earlier, when Vaclav Havel, the longtime dissident, was elected president. And now the Rolling Stones had come to Prague.
  • In Czechoslovakia former prisoner of conscience Vaclav Havel became President of his country.
  • Rauch could have written a sober-minded column about governing as a sordid compromise, a column about Max Weber and Thomas Mann, about the decision to drop the nuclear bomb, about philosopher-kings, about the art of the possible, about Abraham Lincoln and Vaclav Havel. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • V.C. Hart, also assigned to northwestern Germany, focused his work exclusively on prisons in Hannover (Soltau, Havelburg, Ahlen Falkenberger Moore, and Königsmoor). Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • It was an idea that Havel would later take further in his influential essay The Power of the Powerless. Ivan Jirous obituary
  • “Our chaplain attempted to teach me to write,” he said, “but all my letters were formed like spear-heads and sword-blades, and so the old shaveling gave up the task.” Ivanhoe
  • On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution.
  • Mr. Al Aswany is one of the few prominent faces of Egypt's so-called leaderless revolution, a Vaclav Havel for this Arab Spring. The Face of Egypt's Uprising
  • It poured as we stood on the forward deck; but my rubber blanket shed the rain, and my havelock, of the same material, kept it off head and neck. The Romance of the Civil War
  • Mr Havel, who has a genius for pinpointing the absurd, smiled gently and sipped at some mineral water.
  • Havel, an intellectual with many contacts in the West, is conversant with various analyses of modern and postmodern conditions.
  • The poem Voluspa also mentions a place called Nithavellir, which may be a home for the dwarfs if they had their own world and were distinct from the dark elves. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Jirous represented the raw, emotional power of a ballooning underground music scene; Havel represented the intellectual community of banned writers and academics who already enjoyed international recognition. Ivan Jirous obituary
  • Havelock North topped the list with a 6-degree freeze, while Dannevirke was nipped by a 5.2-degree frost.
  • Perhaps the most important encounter in the stormy life of Ivan Jirous, the prolific poet, essayist and leader of the Czech cultural opposition, who managed the psychedelic rock band the Plastic People of the Universe, was a conspiratorial meeting with the future Czech president Václav Havel. Ivan Jirous obituary
  • (* 4) Havelius writes that he has several times found, in skies perfectly clear, when even stars of the sixth and seventh magnitude were conspicuous, that, at the same altitude of the moon, at the same elongation from the earth, and with one and the same excellent telescope, the moon and its maculae did not appear equally lucid at all times. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 1
  • His hair is cut away; the locks that covered him once are taken from him, and there he stands a shaveling, weak as other men.
  • Until now, it has not been certain what method the Havell family employed to transfer images from the watercolor to the copperplate.
  • The seven boys who beat him are in jail, but their benefactors, the two sarpanch brothers Niranjan Singh Sidhu and Jaswant Singh live barely half a kilometre away in a faux haveli, with bougainvillaea spilling out of their walls. Archive 2006-07-01
  • I recall Havel’s original support of the United States’ conduct with respect tIraq. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Obama Effect” Spurs Record Number of Nobel Peace Prize Nominations
  • Havel rallied his fellow dissidents and unleashed an international campaign to free them. Ivan Jirous obituary
  • Many Civil War soldiers used their havelocks not as cap covers, but as coffee. strainers, dishcloths, or gun patches.
  • Since December 1989 President Havel as head of state had visited 23 countries and had officially received 140 foreign guests.
  • When it came to Rous versus Havelange, Dassler's strategy was to back both horses, at least at first.
  • Jiri Pehe, adviser to former president Vaclav Havel, recalls the Czechs 'firm decision to adopt a European-style parliamentary system with strict limits on campaigning. Dream On, America
  • Obviously well under twenty years of age, the shaveling advocate was of average height and stocky physique, black-haired and swarthy of complexion: not an advocate who would transfix by sheer physical presence, though his face was pleasant enough. The First Man in Rome
  • French President Nicolas Sarkozy, in a letter to his Czech counterpart, called Havel "a man of culture and writer of great talent" who "incarnated an indefatigable commitment to democracy and freedom. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He tried hard enough, but found that the pandy forces, while they didn't make best use of their overwhelming numbers, fought better defensive actions than anyone had expected, and Havelock got a couple of black eyes before he'd gone ten miles, and had to fall back. Fiancée
  • Anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis knows I'm a big fan of the Bohemian philosopher king, Vaclav Havel.
  • Ordinary observation reveals, as literature has in general recorded, what Havelock Ellis has called the "greater affectability of the female mind. Human Traits and their Social Significance

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