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How To Use Have sex In A Sentence

  • Asked about parents who choose not to vaccinate their children against HPV, the virologist Nathan Wolfe, author of the new book "The Viral Storm," told me: "Basically the decision to not vaccinate risks not only cancer for their kids but cancer for anyone their kids have sex with. The New Prudery
  • He may be getting turned on watching them, but it's you he wants to have sex with.
  • Western hostesses who work in Japanese nightclubs don't have sex with their clients - unless they want to, at which point they're free to accept money and gifts.
  • A vio­lent, promiscuous, out-of-control teen who hated her parents, truanted to have sex with boys and used threats to make other children do what she wanted. Disordered Minds
  • I still hope to find out what motivated a Psy female to have sex with a drunk Changeling male (in Dorian's past)? Hostage to Pleasure Release!!
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  • It is well-known that some people choose to have sex in public places but this is the case for heterosexuals and lesbians as well as gay men.
  • This one idea has reasonable thought composition, but have sex.
  • However, the Christian belief is that God created a man to have sex with a woman.
  • Games are better than sex: study p2pnet news view | Games:- One in three British PS3 owners would rather play a game than have sex, says a new ’study’. Games are better than sex: study
  • According to experts, your marriage is "sexless" if you have sex 10 times a year or less. Are you one of the 40 million Americans who live in a sexless marriage?
  • Some people still think it is immoral to have sex before marriage.
  • Or, does using the loaded term barebacking, in fact, lead to an increase in HIV infection within the population of men who have sex with men? Archive 2009-06-01
  • i dont understand what's so facinating about being topless? clothes bring modesty and respect in the eyes of others, otherwise there's not difference between you and animals? and when some man tries to take advantage of them, they start whining about their womanhood. you white people are just like pigs, animals roam around naked, have sex with anyone you want, you don't eve bother to ask their names as long as they are "fuckable". Support Topless Women
  • As the father of a soon-to-be ten year old daughter, why on earth would I want my future teener not to have sex until she got a state license? Hullabaloo
  • This is why heterosexual people have sex even if they don't want - or can't have - children.
  • Why the FDA keeps that dangerous substance on the market, yet the Quaalude, the delicious euphoria inducer, that innocently made you have sex with the first person who entered the room, or a tree, was banned for good. Abe Gurko: The Galliano Conundrum
  • Have sex when you're awake, not just at the end of the day when it's a quick fumble before you fall asleep.
  • This fetishization of asexuality gives way to an imperious and isolated priesthood, an aloof caste of men whose holiness is far too greatly predicated upon the choice not to have sex. Michele Somerville: Sex and the City of God, Part 2: Celibacy and Sexuality in the Catholic Church
  • He's a few years older than me, so right off the bat I told him I am not going to have sex with him, and I'm not.
  • Female recruits were told they could have an "easier life" if they "consented" to have sex with large numbers of men. Johann Hari: Britain Now Has Its Own Abu Graib - Inflicted By Troops, On Troops
  • And can I just say it's also a lousy, _lousy_ reason to have sex. Figleaf's Real Adult Sex - Confessions of a libertine prude / grumblings of a prudish libertine
  • While men have sex with men everywhere, how people perceive that varies widely.
  • She did not wish to have sex with him and did not consent to sexual intercourse.
  • If you want to have sex with your ex just because you feel guilty, reconsider your intentions.
  • However, she climaxed several times that first night, and continues to be multi-orgasmic whenever we have sex.
  • Marriage, whatever its particular manifestation in a particular culture or epoch, is essentially about who may and who may not have sexual access to a woman when she becomes an adult, and is also about how her adulthood -- and sexual accessibility -- is defined. When You're Desperate
  • He was given a three-year probation order, but just months later returned to have sex with the same horse at the Castel Stable in Guernsey. Well it is called a "mounting stool"
  • It didn’t mean she was a physical virgin, it meant she was a cockteaser who pretended to outraged indignation when a man tried to have sex with her, convinced that she wanted it. Naked Cruelty
  • A mystique and aura surround the leader and people find it hard to believe that they have sex, get angry, think unclean thoughts, and occasionally think unspiritually.
  • Most women experience discomfort and bleeding the first time they have sexual intercourse due to the stretching or tearing of their hymen.
  • In other words, if the urge to have sex is strong enough it may spill over into nonreproductive sex, as suggested by the actions of the bonobos and macaques.
  • Valley of the Dolls had been so crucial in my life not because of its word to the wise about the inadvisability of mixing Seconal and Scotch, but for the three sentences that explained how to go about getting undressed before the first time you have sex: go into the bathroom, take your clothes off, and reemerge with a towel wrapped around yourself. What Girls Want
  • Does menstruation have sex the 3 rd day was spermatozoon shot can you be pregnant?
  • In the other study, the drug was 78% effective against anal intraepithelial neoplasia, a precursor to anal cancer, associated with HPV in men ages 16 to 26 who have sex with men. Studies Show Gardasil Could Help Older Women, Gay Men, Merck Says
  • Some researchers worry that if core groups of sero-sorting positive men stir up epidemics of multiple drug resistant strains of HIV and other difficult-to-treat STDs like neurosyphilis and then occasionally have sex with negative men -- watch out. Gabriel Rotello: Deadly Error Alert: Andrew Sullivan's Latest AIDS Fantasy
  • Mum was very hung up about sex and men in general and said I really shouldn't have sex until I was married.
  • Says that she cant stand to have sex with me that it makes her sick yet can meet multiple unfaked orgasms. Recent Activity
  • Someone who is willing to force someone else to have sex with him is hardly likely to be the type of person to be horrified at how badl;y other people are suffering. Rape in the wake of Katrina (guest post by Mousehounde)
  • And when they do have sex for the first time, they are more likely to use contraceptives.
  • I find it hard to believe that women want to have sex with strange men one after the other after the other, whether it's in swanky hotels, cosy suburban boudoirs or dirty back alleys.
  • If a female and male have sex within several days of the female's ovulation, fertilization can occur.
  • Charlton told police her lover had liked to dress up in stockings, G-strings, PVC costumes, and have sex while sniffing poppers (amyl nitrate) and watching hardcore porn films.
  • Yeah, I know, I giggle at the whole idea of a bunch of rectitudinous and pompous male legislators being taken down by a sex scandal, but really, if the only way they can have sex is by paying for it, they should be the objects of our pity. Firedoglake » Friday Amusements (And One Disturbing Bit)
  • I do still have the inclination to have sex (libido is a mental state). In Defense of the Hysterectomy
  • [33] In March of 2007, the Journal of Clinical Microbiology reported that there was an ongoing epidemic of lymphogranuloma venereum in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Europe, the United Kingdom, and North America. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • In yesterday's "New York Times Sunday Magazine, you wrote about what you call the downlow culture among some black -- young black men who don't necessarily identify themselves as gay, but they do have sex with other men. CNN Transcript Aug 4, 2003
  • If you're going to have sex, make sure you take precautions.
  • In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it is illegal to have sex with a truckdriver inside a toll booth.
  • Anyway, the four guys tell each other in excruciating detail about all the women they want to have sex with, and exactly what kinds of sexual activities they'd like to engage in with each of these women. Kate Fridkis: Not Every Man Wants to Have Sex With Every Woman
  • It's not clear if the Mail is upset at the idea of Ross having sex with anyone, or if they're so gerontophobic they believe that the very idea that you might have sex with anyone over the average age of their readership is, in itself, wrong. No Rock And Roll Fun
  • If it's your spouse, you go have sex in atlas while everyone is out walking around with their moms. Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 10 Recap: The Fabric of Their Lives
  • If you are mature enough to have sex then you are mature enough to take precautions and use contraception and live with the consequences.
  • Depending on your point of view, this is either a dewy-eyed romantic tale about two former lovers or a story about an unhappily married man looking to have sex with an old girlfriend.
  • I know a newlywed couple who have sex less than once a month because of this - he doesn't respect her, she knows it, and she doesn't trust him, so she doesn't want to give herself to him.
  • Vaccination is recommended for sexually active men who have sex with men.
  • “Then he freaks out, because his wife is [also going to] have sex with this 19-year-old, dumb kid [played by Dustin Milligan], who’s really funny in the movie, said Kunis. Mila Kunis Wraps Mike Judge’s ‘Extract,’ Promises ‘It’s Really Funny’ » MTV Movies Blog
  • The conifers were felled on the 12 hectare site after it became a hotspot for 'dogging' - where people have sex with strangers while being watched. P2pnet news
  • Young women and men, some of them under 18, are frequently shuttled from city to city, sold to have sex with sports fans and conventioneers who are traveling without their families. Kevin M. Ryan: Let's Not Let the Super Bowl Be a Business Opportunity for Sex Traffickers
  • A succubus is not just a fantastic, furry creature: it is a female demon fabled to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.
  • It was a desolate spit of land with a few trees and thick brush that invited a few adventurous boaters, probably kids looking to get high or have sex, during the summer.
  • You know that look that women get when they want to have sex? Me neither. Steve Martin 
  • GRACE: The so-called superhighway is just that, it's just a pit stop for predators to gather, to share their stories, share their illegal photos and pass on tips to each other, and they do, to how better meet, seduce, have sex with and sometimes kidnap our children. CNN Transcript May 03, 2006
  • Preexposure chemoprophylaxis for HIV prevention in men who have sex with men. Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: Ending the AIDS Epidemic: Toward an AIDS-Free Generation
  • After they first have sex, she takes the train home and replays their encounter, mentally cycling through shame, disgust and wild delight until she can hardly sit still in her seat.
  • It was characterized by younger women - "flappers" - openly insisting on the right to have sex before marriage. Undefined
  • In studies from the United Kingdom, the incidence and prevalence are lower in women who have sex with women than heterosexual women, but they are still at risk.
  • In lockdown it is not physically possible to have sex with anyone other than your celly.
  • It's categorised medically as a lack of arousal or desire to have sex; dyspareunia (pain or discomfort during intercourse), diminished blood flow to the vagina, and an inability to achieve orgasm. The race to discover Viagra for women
  • May 6, 2010, 6: 26 pm malclave says: ptt: Riskwise, somewhere along the line from men who currently have sex with men and men who had one handjob back in college in 1978 lie a whole lot of black women who currently have sex with black men. The Volokh Conspiracy » San Jose State University Continues to Suspend All Blood Drives on Campus
  • It's the married person's job not to cheat, not other people's duty to refuse to have sex with them.
  • What about couples who can no longer have sexual relations because one of them has innocently been infected by HIV?
  • ‘Human beings are sexual creatures and if you tell them they can't have sex it's going to come out some way or other,’ she says.
  • This time it was dweebish Ted Raimi who used a cursed coin to get the hot woman to have sex with him and marry him. Protest the lifting of Parallel Import Restrictions
  • Not because so many Americans are ignorant bible-thumping bigots, but because they have a healthy and natural aversion to homosexuality - an aversion *placed there by nature* because it isn't *natural* for people of the same gender to have sexual relations. The Mega Collector's Reluctant Dragon
  • And even though the title perfectly captures what's between the covers -- The Naked Truth About Sex: A Guide to Intelligent Sexual Choices for Teenagers and Twentysomethings -- it is apparently so dangerous in America to acknowledge that teenagers have sexual feelings and behaviors that few media outlets are willing to risk bringing attention to it. The Naked Truth About Sex Ed
  • He tells us, for example, that in the Elizabethan period ‘it was customary for men and women to have sexual congress almost fully clothed’.
  • She no longer wanted to have sex with him.
  • Once you become famous, they become groupies, and groupies want to have sex with you because you're famous.
  • Some stumbled into the Lifestyle because they were bi-sexual or bi-curious, some for the desire to have sex beyond pro-creation and some through marital issues, which in most cases, ended up enhancing their communication and relationships. Mindi Sue: The Lifestyle
  • I agree with kibbles; on the one hand, it's pretty damn funny that someone called with a long, rambling message to Brad, founder of LJ, offering to have sex with him if he'd unban her friends. Random Stuff Makes The World Go Round: Underlining Spiders
  • The nazis had strict rules on sex: Men could have sex with the "Untermensch", or "subhuman" females, such as Jews, Poles, or other Slavic races, gypsies, and the military bordellos were staffed with them, but women not. Vive Le Canada - All Stories - Vive Le Canada
  • Depending on your point of view, this is either a dewy-eyed romantic tale about two former lovers or a story about an unhappily married man looking to have sex with an old girlfriend.
  • European Journal of Clinical Microbiology reported that there was an ongoing epidemic of lymphogranuloma venereum in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Europe, the United Kingdom, and North America. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • However, I will say that a night where I have dinner with Jon Stewart (and my wife whips him in a trivia contest), and then I have sex with Carrie Fisher in a Princess Leia outfit with leather boots is a pretty good night. My Childhood Was Full Of Monsters
  • The idea that women actually want to have sex with men is one I regard with grave mistrust this mistrust peaked right after I had a sigmoidoscopy so hearing them whooping it up like a couple of prospectors on the way to the whorehouse was a real eye-opener. Hilarious Sex Traumas
  • Unhappily for many people here, it is also famous for being featured on lists of good places to go "dogging" - that is, to have sex in public, sometimes with partners you have just met online, so that others can watch. NYT > Home Page
  • You take the same guy, same pross, only this time they’re making a porn film and he’s paying her to have sex on camera. Crystal Death
  • Because human beings only ever have sex when fertilisation is most optimal. Jeers. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Straight guys, who don't actually have sex with other men, tend to have man crushes that are more about idolization than they are about sexual attraction (granted, I just happen to "idolize" Ryan Reynolds 'abs). Pajiba
  • In fact, there have been times when I wanted to have sex with guys, but they didn't want to.
  • The sexual urge is strong in all Its...It s a part of life, its fun to have sex, " Soeli said of the reasons for homosexuality or bisexuality among animals.
  • Answerbag Legal Statements Is it legal in pa for a 25 year old male to have sex with a 16 tear old female Only if pa is short for Pakistan. Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • The equivalence is that a priori, there is equivalence between the choice to have sex and the choice not to — both are intrinsically valid. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • I have been surprised," declares a woman who must wear a bag of urine attached to her abdomen, "at how little most men I have sex with are bothered by my urostomy. Latex Conquers All
  • According to the Oldenburg Code of 1814 it was a punishable offence for a venereally diseased person to have sexual intercourse with a healthy person, whether or not infection resulted. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • Well, being a nympho I become sexually frustrated if I cannot have sex once an hour every day so yes, of course I'm a little tense.
  • I think what it is effective at doing is identifying in our communities those individuals who have sexual deviancy in their past and have been convicted of sexual crimes.
  • So I can understand the temptation to put all our resources into preventing HIV among men who have sex with men.
  • If you did have sex you would probably poke the hell out of your compagnon!!!!! World Record Highest Bungee Jump
  • He likes to casually bang Cameron Diaz, but he falls in love with the less attainable Penelope Cruz it is a credit to Cruz that she makes this situation seem plausible; Penelope is so cute in this film that I found myself siding with Cruise and thinking, “Why the hell would anyone want to have sex with a repulsive hosebag like Cameron Diaz?” Chuck Klosterman on Film and Television
  • It is important to find a man who's good in bed and who loves to have sex with you.
  • He started paying to have sex with high-class call girls on a daily basis and once spent £1,300 on a diamond ring for a nightclub hostess he had known ‘for five minutes’.
  • He began this episode by saying that no less than 34 books, including the Tafsir of al-Qurtubi and Sahih Muslim, record that Muhammad used to "fondle" - Botros scowled at the screen - "kiss and have sex while fasting, though he forbade others from doing so. Jihad Watch
  • The assumption that 50s consumers didn't know tack when they saw it is about as safe as the assumption that 50s teenagers didn't have sex.
  • The character decides to become a gigolo after discovering that it excites him when an older woman offers him money to have sex with her.
  • Because sex during menstruation may increase the chances of transmitting or contracting HIV, it may be safer for women to wait until their periods are over to have sex.
  • For some reason, I'm having trouble climaxing when we have sex.
  • Finally, it would be ideal to wait to have sex with that one person you are married to for life.
  • Public policy says teens shouldn't have sex, but commerce bombards us with half-naked nymphets hawking the latest magazine, music, movie, video game, gadget, fashion.
  • Over 20 percent of teens have said that they have sexted.
  • This includes stories, jokes, or lyrics which have double meanings or have sexual overtones.
  • Plant once said the difference between a fan and a groupie is a fan is someone to have sex with and a groupie is someone who wants to take care of you like a mother or girlfriend. Lindsay Lohan On “Big Brother”
  • Now, it is very hard to get child support from many of these fathers, as they are only marginally employable, which is more an argument that the teenage mothers make poor choices in who they have sex with than an indictment of capitalism. We shouldn’t have to choose
  • But unlike his English counterpart, the amico was forbidden to have sex with her. If He Has A Mistress, Why Can't She Have...A Mister?
  • And if your girlfriend is anything like mine, she starts crying because she's so scared and she gets mad and storms out of the room and then you don't have sex for a week or so. The Latest Gimmick: Last Call, an Interactive Horror Movie, Will Phone You During the Film | /Film
  • I'd say this is troublesome in a nepatism sense but far better than spending money to fly to brazil to cheat on your wife or play footsy under a bathroom stall or have sex with hookers while prosecuting others for it. jrzshor Baucus admits he nominated girlfriend for U.S. Attorney
  • Satisfy her desire for exhibitionism by taking her somewhere you can have sex (check out these amazing sex places) or surprising her next time she's in the dressing room at the mall.
  • Can she have sex without losing all control, being branded a slut?
  • About three years ago, my husband read your book and ever sincethen he has been telling me that he wants me to whip him beforewe have sex. Come Hither
  • In our America, everyday expression and curses have sexual connotations, sexualism defines our dressing, our quests, our essence; however, we do not want it on TV. Was a federal court right to toss the fine over Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction? |
  • It is illegal to have sex with a person under the age of 16.
  • Some people still think it is immoral to have sex before marriage.
  • Riskwise, somewhere along the line from men who currently have sex with men and men who had one handjob back in college in 1978 lie a whole lot of black women who currently have sex with black men. The Volokh Conspiracy » San Jose State University Continues to Suspend All Blood Drives on Campus
  • Time was when the young couldn't wait to flee the nest, as they were never allowed so much as to canoodle under the parental roof; now only the stuffiest refuse to admit that the unmarried have sex lives.
  • The girls try to remain chaste, but the boys have sex with them anyway: Rape. Matthew Yglesias » Purity Ball Fun
  • BLOOM: Yes, he is called prudish for considering it a crime for a 43 - year-old man to have sex with a 13-year-old girl. CNN Transcript Oct 4, 2009
  • At the beginning, BB contestants were encouraged to, even originally hired on the likelihood of their amenability to, have sex with each other. Rewind TV: Big Brother; The X Factor; Dispatches
  • If you have sex more than once always use a new condom, never re-use condoms.
  • I think most guys would wear a rubber, but for some reason, guys get the opportunity to have sex when they least expect it, and therefore don't have protection with them.
  • I bet she knows her husband is an incorrigible flirt who seems to have sex on the brain all the time.
  • I didn't go to bed with him when he asked me because I was too tired to have sex after the amazing weekend with my lover.
  • They will only tell us to lynch black men who want to marry white women for their "miscegenation," behead rape victims for their "adultery," stone those who utter a certain string of phonemes for their "blasphemy," burn at the stake men who have sex with other men for their "sodomy". Archive 2009-08-01

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