How To Use Hatemonger In A Sentence

  • Every public opinion survey always shows a large majority of the population adhere to supposedly "leftish" or commonsensical views: investments far preferred to tax cuts, public services (eg. health care), multilateralism, an end to foreign military adventures, civil liberties protected but balanced with collective identity & self-protection (anti-hatemongering laws, Canadian nationhood). latest blog entries
  • Nobody has a moral right to make money off a hatemonger.
  • It says something about the smear campaign against our candidate that it has stooped to enlist a hatemonger.
  • That hatemongers still peddle their shopworn wares, disrupting lives, pitting neighbor against neighbor.
  • The fact that he is a virulent hatemonger is something that religious and political leaders don't dare admit—though they may privately agree.
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  • Anybody who denies their peaceful nature runs the risk of being called a hatemonger.
  • The 46-year-old, who has long lived in relative quiet, sat down with a journalist in a drab motel room to try to dispel his lingering public image as a hatemonger.
  • The hatemongering Malkin thinks that scarf looks like a kaffiyeh, which is worn in the Middle East. Archive 2008-05-01
  • He admits that his religious beliefs don't sanction homosexuality, and he's a hatemonger.
  • Just because someone falsely labels a group a bunch of bigots, it doesn't mean they're a hatemonger.
  • It's hard to believe a professional hatemonger such as he had so misjudged the public's mood.
  • Depictions of him as a hatemonger—or a buffoon—obscure his true intention.
  • These gap-toothed, slack-jawed, hatemongers see nothing wrong with such disgusting and inappropriate displays. Tea Party organizer vows to burn Pelosi and Perriello in effigy
  • No one wants to get labeled as a hatemonger, but singling out members of one visible minority is a sure one-way ticket to that destination.
  • If it was anything else then maybe it was “domestic terrorism inspired by the likes of hatemongers like Palin, Beck, and Limbaugh” or “the inevitable sort of terrorist act fomented by the racist teabaggers.” So… who did it? | RedState
  • The cowardly cyber-stalkers and other anonymous yellow-bellied hatemongers who lurk on the Internet, preying on decent folks, can jolly well lump it.

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