How To Use Hatched In A Sentence
A cockatrice is a Dragon with a Crown on his head, and hatched by a Viper on a Cock's Egg. The Viper was the Symbol of
The only recent changes have been trees blowing down and the repair of thatched roofs.
Times, Sunday Times
All birds were hatched in incubators and kept in brooders until approximately 7 weeks of age, at which time they were moved to 5 x 7 x 4 m outdoor flight pens.
They have innumerable beautiful, barefoot children, live in low-slung, thatched, whitewashed cottages, and their climate is often cool, damp and misty.
The houfes of the town of Puna are built on pofts ten or twelve feet high, into which they go up by ladders, and are thatched with palmeto-leaves: the like contriv - ance I have feen among the Malayans in the Eaft Indies.
A new collection of voyages, discoveries and travels : containing whatever is worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America

This kind of apsidal (or elsewhere even oval structures) houses ideal for thatched roofs were especially quite common during the Geometric Period (e.g. in the oldest Greek colonies at Old-Smyrna, Miletos, Ephesos; in many sanctuaries or houses on the Greek mainland, such as at Eretria, Perachora, etc).
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The fellas who have hatched the plan are very proud and excited.
The Sun
You stay in simple but comfortable thatched wooden houses, built on stilts.
Times, Sunday Times
The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
The court heard how she and her lover hatched a plot to kill her husband.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
There was the Embarcadero with its numbered piers stretching out into the ocean, just like on my Lonely Planet map, and in the middle, the crosshatched pattern of streets snapped to a perfect grid.
Nique sa mère
This one hatched faster than the first, fierce little claws punching through the fragile shell and scrabbling to get free.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
So what are the realities of buying a thatched home?
Times, Sunday Times
These were substantially built of timber and talipots, thatched with cadjans and bamboo leaves, and festooned and decorated as the Singhalese only can decorate - leaves, flowers and fruit being entwined together with so much delicacy and airy tastefulness as to impart an almost fairy-like form to the pavilion.
A pize on it! send it off to those who have their legs swathed with a hay-wisp, their heads thatched with a felt bonnet, their jerkin as thin as a cobweb, and their pouch without ever a cross to keep the fiend Melancholy from dancing in it.
Hatch rates were calculated by counting the number of unhatched eggs after 2 days and treatments were statistically compared by Mann-Whitney U-test.
This spring, we've watched as the mother falcon warmed her eggs and saw the falcon chicks right after they hatched.
Sometimes swathes of northern cities find themselves submerged, which is just bad luck, but often as not it affects small villages with thatched houses.
Times, Sunday Times
Two ugly reptilian little nestlings and an unhatched egg that was probably still a goer.
Times, Sunday Times
In field observations, an average of 1200 embryos were hatched.
The word larva referring to the newly hatched form of insects before they undergo metamorphosis comes from the Latin word lārva, meaning “evil spirit, demon, devil.”
Unmasking religion
In the week before the key meeting of the Council last November, a plan was hatched to call a second meeting for February 12 to review progress on decommissioning.
We passed a few scattered bothies, smoke rising from the thatched roofs, but the inhabitants and their beasts seemed all within, secured against the cold.
Sick Cycle Carousel
They hatched a plot to murder the king.
That winter, the night we built our first big fire, we also hatched out about a million katydids, or as some folk call them, camel crickets.
Most of the houses were thatched.
Scottish Voices 1745-1960
The camp's four reed and thatched chalets have bright, locally designed fabrics.
Times, Sunday Times
The newly hatched salmon, called ‘alevins,’ remain in rapid water until they are about 65 mm long.
Turn left when level with thatched cottage on track.
Don't count your chicken before they are hatched.
Some villages appeared to have been recently vacated, their neatly tended walled compounds of round mud huts and peaked thatched roofs empty of people and animals.
The sole survivor of three chicks hatched by a record-breaking pair of ospreys has taken its first tentative flight from its eyrie in Kielder Water and Forest Park in Northumberland.
Treetop CCTV captures the first flight of an osprey chick
Bring on those thatched roofs.
Times, Sunday Times
Since 2011, the spire of the cathedral has been a nesting site for peregrine falcons and there was much excitement last month as four chicks were hatched.
Times, Sunday Times
Heinroth, a German zoolo - gist and ethologist, read a paper in 1910 in which he described the behavior of incubator-hatched graylag goslings (“Beiträge zur Biologie, nahmentlich Ethologie und Psychologie der Anatiden,” Verh. 5 int. orn.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Thatched-roof cottages characterize the medieval village of Dunster, among the largest of Exmoor's villages and hamlets and one of the park's most popular attractions.
The roofs were thatched, turfed or covered in wood shingles, depending on available local resources.
The rebels hatched a plot to overthrow the government.
This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle.
Science in Arcady
Like the eggs of birds, monotreme eggs are incubated and hatched outside the body of the mother.
Yucatán Maya mostly live in huts of plastered limestone or tree trunks with steep thatched roofs.
I don't want to count my chickens before they are hatched.
The trail then leads to intricately textured white sandstone formations, contoured with thin layers and crosshatched by cracks that create a checkerboard pattern.
When we arrived at a grass-thatched hut at sundown, we'd string up our hammocks and spend the night.
Rooms: Room are decorated in an eclectic blend of Balinese and Italian styles, with attractive features such as thatched roofs, handcrafted antiques and terrazzo bathrooms. - Articles related to Don't fry in the sun
Hopefully, they too could become the subject of a cull to destroy adult birds and their unhatched eggs.
Unlike the houses in Kyphros, a lot of those on the edge of Sunta seemed to have thatched roofs, although the walls seemed to be plaster over a basketlike frame of saplings.
The Death of Chaos
Step inside this pretty thatched building in the Yorkshire Dales and take a seat in the candlelit dining room.
Times, Sunday Times
Attacks have increased in recent weeks as gulls look for food for their newly hatched chicks.
Times, Sunday Times
This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle.
Science in Arcady
Reluctant to muzzle her guest directly, Ross hatched a cunning plan.
This charming cottage dates back to the 15 th century and is as pretty as a picture, with its thatched roof and secluded garden.
These were probably birds that were hatched here.
Times, Sunday Times
Thatched African huts are built on the hillside above the wadi.
It's the ultimate haute Robinson Crusoe hideaway: a handful of thatched villas, constructed by local artisans without recourse to a single nail, incorporating driftwood and reclaimed tree trunks as wall supports and table legs.
The tiny cottage with its leaded windows and thatched roof was as pretty as a picture.
the draftsman crosshatched the area
The thatched bar, nestled in a tiny village of about 12 houses, has already enjoyed a busy year.
Sometimes food is barbecued bananas or goat satays, maize or cashews, all purchased through the bus window as we pass through small villages of thatched-roofed mud huts.
Four F 1 males and 37 F 1 females were intercrossed and 1000 F 2 birds were hatched.
It was still possible to meander down country lanes, see horses pull ploughs and smell woodsmoke from the chimneys of thatched cottages in the evenings.
The timbered house is long and low, with a relatively low-pitched thatched roof.
The thatched cottages were usually intolerable slums when the poor inhabited them, and were only made liveable when the rich discovered the charm of a simple rustic habitation as an escape from the industrial urban environment.
This bombshell Downing Street conspiracy was hatched in secret and denied in the face of indisputable evidence.
The Sun
Here and now, in a cooperative of 36 families, papaya and lime trees shaded thatched houses elegantly constructed of smooth wooden poles.
It has little winding streets of ironstone houses with immaculately thatched roofs - really the most pert you've ever seen.
Times, Sunday Times
The houses were wooden, with thatched roofs and smoking chimneys.
In Colombia, biologists are busy reintroducing young condors hatched in North American zoos to parks and reserves.
In addition, it might be physically impossible for newly hatched zooplankton to emerge into the water column were they to hatch more than a few millimeters deep in the mud.
As the resort's rules demand, walls are sculpted out of white rendered masonry, and there is a shallow thatched roof.
The timbered house is long and low, with a relatively low-pitched thatched roof.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Then came payback in a deal or plot hatched behind closed doors.
Times, Sunday Times
All eggs hatched according to laying order, and in all clutches that we predicted to hatch synchronously, eggs hatched within 12 h of each other.
Potato cyst eelworms are normally hatched from their protective cyst in spring.
Females demonstrate strong fidelity to the sites where they hatched, and they lead their mates back to those sites in the spring.
After emerging, the moths were stored at 4°C. Moths are incapable of moving at low temperatures and thus they remained in good condition until all larvae were hatched.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
The experts reckon the house originally has a thatched or cut wood roof supported by a wattle wall and timber posts.
Round huts called mundals are made from poles and brush or vines plastered with mud, animal dung, and ashes and covered with a broad, cone-shaped thatched roof.
All five, in statements so similar that they mostly read word for word, said the idea for the journey was hatched in 2008 after the group watched the movie "Kite Runner" at Umar Chaudhry's house -- what they called the usual hangout of the youths, who lived in the same neighborhood off Route 1.
5 Virginia men facing terrorism charges in Pakistan write of 'noble' motivation
Masses of vines spiraled upward against the vertical timbers and covered the thatched roof.
To determine whether those eggs contained embryos, 4 days after the last chick was hatched, we broke the eggs still in the nest and checked for dead embryos or lack of fertilization.
Most people live in adobe houses with thatched roofs.
Contemporary tents and thatched platform huts command amazing views and the earthy colours of nature mingle with contemporary lounge areas.
Times, Sunday Times
They're also the only thatched council homes and are thought to be more than 500 years old.
Times, Sunday Times
He said such incidents are common because of the flammable materials involved in the construction of thatched cottages.
Like most farms, its roof was thatched, and it wasn't very special in any other way either.
The roof had not been freshly thatched for years and the whole thing leaked abominably.
And I used to have my little priggish laugh at the woman who counted her chickens before they were hatched and so forth, and I was convinced that honesty was the best policy, also a little priggishly.
houses with quaint thatched roofs
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
This charming cottage dates back to the 15 th century and is as pretty as a picture, with its thatched roof and secluded garden.
They live in an idyllic country/thatched cottage, with roses round the door.
Meanwhile, through its Household department, Flux is one of the few to cover unusual risks such as thatched homes and unoccupied properties.
Archive 2008-04-01
Entering through the dense hedges is irresistibly romantic, as are the thatched barn, granite tower, and blousy herbaceous planting, at its peak in July with sidalceas, astilbes and dioramas, to draw you onward.
But they did not turn turtle in vain: they hatched a monster that has enslaved millions of people.
Times, Sunday Times
The self pulsating with hair-trigger judgments, impressions, and impressions of impressions, erotically "crosshatched" by forward and backward glances: what can any of that have to do with "America"?
We were able to obtain DNA from all eggs that were laid except one unhatched egg without visible embryonic development.
They were the sons of Thomas Jackson, a humble farm labourer who brought up ten children in a thatched cottage.
TWO penguins who had their chick stolen from a zoo on the Isle of Wight have hatched another egg.
As the rat scurries along the rafters and through the thatched roofs of 14th Century England the infected fleas would drop down off their backs onto the humans below.
These amphibians, like modern frogs and salamanders, hatched from eggs and spent their larval period in the water as tadpoles.
The camp's four reed and thatched chalets have bright, locally designed fabrics.
Times, Sunday Times
The word larva referring to the newly hatched form of insects before they undergo metamorphosis comes from the Latin word lārva, meaning “evil spirit, demon, devil.”
Unmasking religion
A cockatrice is a serpent, often identified with the basilisk; it is said to be able to kill by its glance alone and to be hatched from a cock's egg.
Undeterred, he hatched a scheme for a Board Of Fringe Classification which would award 18 certificates to offensive shows.
We dined by oil lamp under a thatched cabana and listened agog to virtuoso folk musicians (check out the boy with the kartals, Rajasthan's answer to castanets).
There can still be seen in Glencolumbkille examples of vernacular architecture, notably in the surviving thatched cottages, with their particular feature of the rounded roof, the thatch being held down by a network of ropes (sugans) spaced over it and fastened to pins beneath the eaves and on the gables.
Clustered around it are a choice of ecodwellings, including wooden cabins on stilts, clay huts with thatched roofs, large tepees and round tents sleeping one.
He thatched his hut with straw.
The time came for the ducks to appear, but not one of the eggs hatched, and it caused much merriment among the neighbors, and the man has never heard the last of _counting ducks before they are hatched_.
The Bobbin Boy or, How Nat Got His learning
In the Poultry section there were classes for a pair of pullets White Wyandotte hatched the previous year, cock and hen any breed and goose or gander any breed.
They screened the thousands of mosquitoes that hatched, and found a few carrying the botox transgene.
The Perfect Plan
Located between Santa Monica Blvd and Massachusets Avenue in West LA, this Indian restaurant has a setting of a "dhaba", or a village-like setting that makes you feel like you are sitting in a small cottage with a thatched roof.
Ambala Dhaba Restaurant - Los Angeles, CA
The laughing thug then torched the thatched roof with a cigarette lighter.
The Sun
The summerhouse was a quaint stockade of dark madrono boughs thatched with red-wood bark, strongly suggestive of deeper woodland shadow.
The newly hatched young amphipods stay in the marsupium until the female undergoes a post-copulatory moult.
Yet there are benefits to having a thatched home, beyond its rugged good looks.
Times, Sunday Times
Count not your chickens before they are hatched.
Before houses, apartments, mobile homes, castles, igloos, thatched huts, lean-tos, we had caves - a bit draftier, but we got by just the same.
NYT > Home Page
Tim does his own leatherwork, and the sheath for this bowie was both very nicely executed and handsome to boot with its crosshatched embellishment.
Rural houses usually are built of traditional materials and are open-sided rectangular structures with thatched roofs and raised floors.
I believe I have mentioned before that we thatched the stacks with reeds cut from the ditches using a long pole scythe.
A goose was hatched among ducks.
Additionally, we examined unhatched eggs for evidence of embryo development, and, if present, collected tissue samples.
The style and extent of the resulting underdrawing can vary enormously, from a few sketchy lines to elaborate hatched drawings, complete in every detail.
Let the person who hatched this idea stand up and take a bow.
Delicious, generous meals were eaten under a thatched palapa at long tables in a camp-like setting.
Globe and Mail
The writ says the deal hatched by cops and the corporation caused him'serious damage '.
The Sun
Many-tentacled Gothams like Los Angeles and Washington stretch endlessly, crosshatched with a myriad of concrete overpasses, transit beltways and suburban shopping metroplexes.
Open, solid, and hatched bars are the hours of lights on, lights off, and dusk lighting, respectively.
Estimating the cost of accepting a cowbird egg was done by experimentally placing newly hatched cowbird chicks into catbird nests.
As is the newly opened spa where you can opt to have a massage in a thatched hut on the beach.
The Sun
When first it is hatched from the spawn by the warmth of the season, it resembles
Canto I
Both in the description of her dead children and in her charms, images of procreation are inverted: dried beans and seeds, the dried entrails of a rat, an unhatched egg with a chick inside, and a poisonous snake left to rot and dry in the sun.
'wonderfull and marvelous greate quantitie of corne and graine'; and destroying the 'covertures of thatched housery, bernes, rekes, stakkes, and other such like'; so that all persons were to do their best to kill them, 'on pain of a grevous amerciament'.
A Short History of English Agriculture
The roof was thatched and a small stone chimney cheerfully puffed out bits of dark smoke.
The eggs are hatched under a fold of skin on the penguin's belly.
Having occasion to move it on the twentyfourth, I peeped in and found half my caterpillars out and starved, proving that they had been hatched at least thirty-six hours or longer; half the others so feeble they soon became inactive, and the remainder survived and pupated.
Moths of the Limberlost
Later they take the emerging fly, the hatched dun (or ‘green drakes’) and the ovipositing (egg laying) spinner.
He is the third cabinet member to resign, purportedly over the scandal hatched by a provincial governor linking Estrada to illegal gambling.
The old grass and the sprouting needles of new grass greened, the buds on the guelder-rose, the buds and the sticky, spirituous birches swelled, and on the willow, all sprinkled with golden catkins, the flitting, newly-hatched bee buzzed.
Tolstoy III: Invisible Larks
First, large groups of birds were hatched, and tended to by members of the crew.
When McWilliams's two interests converged, the idea for American Eagle was hatched.
Half a dozen farm-estates formed a hectagon around it, but these belonged to ancient men who displayed themselves only as inert, gray-thatched lumps in the back of limousines on their way to the station, whither they were sometimes accompanied by equally ancient and doubly massive wives.
The Beautiful and Damned
Alternatively try wet combing regularly over a nine-day period to remove newly hatched lice.
The Sun
Near the milldam was the millpond, deep and full of fish; a little mill with a thatched roof was working away with
The Chorus Girl and Other Stories
It was in August of 1978 that the Bolton brothers hatched their plot to kill their parents.
Does a plot hatched abroad but aimed at the homeland properly lie with an internal security service or an external intelligence agency?
Times, Sunday Times
The walls in these villages are plastered with cement or mud and most of the houses have thatched roofs.
He hurried to the thatched house, and slipped in unobserved through the back-door.
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Count not your chickens before they are hatched.
Last year local councils in London were given powers to fine motorists for bad driving, in particular for blocking yellow hatched box junctions.
Mischievously, we hatched a plan to refill our near empty glasses in the toilets, thus saving ourselves both a wait at the bar and a few quid.
Chicks were hatched in incubators and kept indoors in brooders for the first 6 weeks of their life.
Alternatively try wet combing regularly over a nine-day period to remove newly hatched lice.
The Sun
Houses are usually rectangular and have mud walls and a gabled roof thatched with straw.
Many of the buildings have lost their thatched roofs or have had them replaced by crude sheets of corrugated iron.
He shrugs off any discomfort of sharing space with rodents and other wildlife that live in the thatched canopies.
The experts reckon the house originally has a thatched or cut wood roof supported by a wattle wall and timber posts.
The tiny cottage with its leaded windows and thatched roof was as pretty as a picture.
Her house is a small thatched cubby-hole with an empty grain storage pot.
Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw piled high with no wood slats or sheathing underneath.
Homes are constructed of waddle and daub (woven sticks and mud) with thatched roofs.
Then, properly nurtured, they would be " hatched " into the real world as fully formed companies.
Visitors sleep in safari tents on thatched wooden platforms above the lake, bathrooms are built of local reeds and thatch, and there are composting loos.
Times, Sunday Times
Insurers often turn their noses up at features such as thatched roofs, which are deemed high-risk.
Times, Sunday Times
But then a new male and female California quail strolled into the yard with a recently hatched brood of five chicks.
The weevil's eggs are deposited inside the banana tissue and once hatched, they tunnel through the corm for feeding and growth.
The first one we went to we couldn't check because the forestry people were there so we went to the second one and there was three young in the nest and one unhatched egg.
Lots of tacky teal, fluorescent orange and a mascot that looks like he was hatched from a Rod Serling nightmare. - Marlins baseball is sink or swim
He was discussing ways that he could make money and he foolishly got on to ways he could make money unlawfully and this plan was hatched.
I lived with an elderly lady in a little thatched cottage which looked like something out of Hansel and Gretel.
Natural dispersal occurs when newly hatched larvae hanging from host trees on silken threads are carried by the wind for a distance of up to about 1 mile, although most go less than 50 meters.
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Charges would follow soon against Richard and Mayumi Heene, the self-styled amateur weather obsessives who seemingly hatched the plot in the hope of winning their own television series, he said.
The fish were hatched at Orielton Mill, reared at Walton Mill and finished at Vicar's Mill.
On June 24, a total of nine eggs were hatched by the geese.
The proportion of unhatched eggs in matings with infected males was 19.8% greater than matings with uninfected males.
But those figuresand tales are not included when measures such as some of these now out of control misdemeanor and petty "crimes" are hatched inthebackrooms, and appears these legislators have simply too much time on their hands, although mosteven state legislative sessions are getting longer andlonger and most costly for thecitizens dueto just such need for job security.
U.S.A., Inc.: States Now Levying Service Charges For Traffic Offenses
The newly hatched larvae grow for approximately two months before they begin to metamorphose into the adult form.
These recipes are hatched and alchemized in the more spacious Prospect Heights apartment of Mr. Valand — ‘My apartment fits nothing,’ said Ms. Shea of her Lower East Side place.
Getting Hopheaded in Brooklyn
I hatched all the arrangement for the dance.
The only indefinite features in Degas's paintings and multi-hatched pastels are the gauzy skirts of his ballerinas.
He hatched and hand-reared 22 chicks at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust in Slimbridge, which is home to the largest colony of breeding flamingoes in the county.
Although it is illegal to have thatched roofs on schools, the practice is widespread and largely ignored.
The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
For fertile eggs that have hatched, only the outer shell of the chorion remains, while unhatched eggs appear full with the embryo still inside the chorion.
The hatchery has state of the art machinery designed to ensure the eggs are hatched in a clean, healthy environment, producing 450,000 day-old chicks per week.
The fellas who have hatched the plan are very proud and excited.
The Sun
The just-hatched cuckoo, still blind and featherless, has a special hollow like a dimple on its back, so that it can hump out of the nest, one by one, its companion fledglings.
The yard remained active until 1957, when a fire destroyed the thatched barn and cattle yards, leaving the existing buildings.
On the thatched roof above the Plexiglas light bubble and long-dead solar panels is a rainbow wind sock; a sky-blue 1940s truck muralled with latex paint clouds is parked out front amid a patch of lupins, Shasta daisies, Scotch broom, and California poppies.
Shampoo Planet
People used kerosene for cooking and lighting, which was dangerous because of the thatched roofs.
From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.
Egypt; and the eggs of innumerable insects, and the spawn of fish, and of frogs, in this climate are hatched by the vernal warmth: this might be the case of birds in warm climates, in their early state of existence; and experience might have taught them to incubate their eggs, as they became more perfect animals, or removed themselves into colder climates: thus the ostrich is said to sit upon its eggs only in the night in warm situations, and both day and night in colder ones
Note IX
They had been playing as part of his touring band when Bethel hatched a plan to put her own group together.
The laughing thug then torched the thatched roof with a cigarette lighter.
The Sun