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How To Use Hatch In A Sentence

  • A cockatrice is a Dragon with a Crown on his head, and hatched by a Viper on a Cock's Egg. The Viper was the Symbol of Annotations
  • Hatching may be synchronous or asynchronous (one or two days apart).
  • Why aren't more different types of cars - namely hatchbacks, wagons and microcars - more readily available in the U.S.?
  • A voice drifted down through the hatch above our heads, ‘I'm amazed,’ it said. ‘Only three people have chundered so far.’
  • An Augustinian nun in a brown-and-cream habit peered from the small hatch at the entrance. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
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  • They are accused of hatching a decade-long plot to keep wholesale oil prices artificially high. The Sun
  • Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister in 1979.
  • Some plants like ornamental grasses or irises may require knives, machetes, or even hatchets to get the job done, but it is worth it.
  • Fire ants feed on almost any plant or animal material, including vulnerable reptile and ground-bird hatchlings.
  • The only recent changes have been trees blowing down and the repair of thatched roofs. Times, Sunday Times
  • All birds were hatched in incubators and kept in brooders until approximately 7 weeks of age, at which time they were moved to 5 x 7 x 4 m outdoor flight pens.
  • When Carol Thatcher returns to these shores from the jungle she may well be rather surprised to find her ‘good friend’ Linda McDougall quoted in most of the papers. Carol & Linda to Heal the Rift?
  • Caspian led them down a ladder into the after hatch.
  • Still in shorts and trainers, I climb the ladder and open the hatch. Times, Sunday Times
  • And a gigantic cock salmon of around 44 lb was also landed in November during hatchery broodstock collection.
  • They have innumerable beautiful, barefoot children, live in low-slung, thatched, whitewashed cottages, and their climate is often cool, damp and misty.
  • The houfes of the town of Puna are built on pofts ten or twelve feet high, into which they go up by ladders, and are thatched with palmeto-leaves: the like contriv - ance I have feen among the Malayans in the Eaft Indies. A new collection of voyages, discoveries and travels : containing whatever is worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America
  • Teri Hatcher has reportedly been caught up in a terrifying elephant stampede.
  • The rear cargo hatch is unusually generous for this size car and with the back seats folded you can get a flat load floor, with a top load capacity of 1,044 litres.
  • Crosshatch denims, stretch fabrics, chambray denims, and leather thongs are some of the other pieces in the collection.
  • Its images tumble, proliferate and cross-hatch; they are extravagant and loopy and defiantly enormous in their ambition, making everything else look petty and piddling.
  • From the seed feeders on the deck come the euphonious calls of chickadees, the bell-like trill of the dark-eyed juncos, the down-slurred whistle of the titmice, the “ank-ank” of the nuthatches, the “zree” of the house finches, and the coo of doves; from the nectar feeders and flowers, the whirr of hummingbird wings. Birdology
  • A dirty orange glow escapes from half-open hatches, grilled vents, and small square windows of grimy glass, and the clangour of beaten metal can be heard far out into the endless snowstorm. Weapon Of Choice short story – excerpt « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • Despite going to sea on a boat with no windows, no fantail, no helipad or even a hatch to allow in some tension-breaking fresh salt air, submariners are still sailors at heart.
  • She reached the hatchway and checked to see if it was booby-trapped. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • This kind of apsidal (or elsewhere even oval structures) houses ideal for thatched roofs were especially quite common during the Geometric Period (e.g. in the oldest Greek colonies at Old-Smyrna, Miletos, Ephesos; in many sanctuaries or houses on the Greek mainland, such as at Eretria, Perachora, etc). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Tepe Duzen Report 2
  • The fellas who have hatched the plan are very proud and excited. The Sun
  • He had brown eyes and a thatch of thick, shaggy brown hair.
  • You stay in simple but comfortable thatched wooden houses, built on stilts. Times, Sunday Times
  • On his left hung some long axes, some double edged and still others were hand axes, hatchets.
  • The good news for hot hatch lovers is there is a smouldering two-litre twin turbo VXR waiting in the wings that hits showrooms in spring. The Sun
  • Adults eat the eggshells after the chicks hatch (the eggshells are a good source of calcium).
  • Chickadees, crossbills, goldfinches, nuthatches, siskins, and woodpeckers pick the winged seeds out of pine and spruce cones.
  • The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched/etc. roof.
  • We know that the type of escape hatch that's on the Kursk is the same that's been on the Kito (ph) class submarines, and these -- the LR5 has exercise with in the -- with a NATO Polish Kito class submarines. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Russian Submarine Accident: Rear Admiral Cobbald Discusses Rescue Equipment Being Sent Out to Site - August 18, 2000
  • After a rain, caddisfly hatches occur here that resemble snowstorms. Big Brookies in a River You Can Wade
  • All post-war Prime Ministers up to Margaret Thatcher reiterated the same view.
  • Nest initiation dates were estimated by candling incubating nests and assuming an incubation period of 24 to 26 days for hatching nests.
  • Abaft the hatchway was a door on the starboard side which I opened, and found a narrow dark passage. The Frozen Pirate
  • It's more spacious in the back, particularly in the boot, its extended roofline giving it the look of a small estate rather than a hatchback.
  • All being so nearly ready, I called the drowsy boy again, and, showing him a very large stick in the wood-box, asked him to bring me a hatchet. The Brick Moon, and Other Stories
  • But the frigate rallied and righted while the sea streamed below decks, though her hatches were laid and her hawseholes bagged.
  • He had survival gear, rope, a bowie knife, a hatchet.
  • The two of them headed down the hatchway to the lowest deck.
  • The court heard how she and her lover hatched a plot to kill her husband.
  • As they closed a hatch, a dozen of men appeared on the platform, but their blasters could not do any harm to the metal shell of the vehicle.
  • The adults die as their new larvae hatch out. Times, Sunday Times
  • My Hatchets have always been healthy and add charm to the upper layer of the water.
  • Their conjugal affection still is ty'd,And still the mournful race is multiply'd:They bill, they tread; Alcyone compress'd,Sev'n days sits brooding on her floating nest:A wintry queen: her sire at length is kind,Calms ev'ry storm, and hushes ev'ry wind;Prepares his empire for his daughter's ease,And for his hatching nephews smooths the seas. Mystery bird: Black-capped kingfisher, Halcyon pileata
  • He has accused opposition parties of hatching a plot to assassinate the Pope.
  • Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. Margaret Thatcher 
  • Also on the way is a three-door Astra sport hatch with a panoramic windscreen, meaning that all in the car have an almost unlimited view of what is happening outside all around them.
  • Gypsy moth egg hatch occurs at about the time of budburst of red and black oaks.
  • The thatching is begun at the apex of the roof on boards and worked towards the bottom. Bunratty Castle, Ireland « Colleen Anderson
  • Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
  • The rubberized seal around the hatch began to hiss as air from the corridor was sucked inside.
  • After the young hatch, she broods the owlets for about three weeks.
  • Baroness Thatcher survived by taking 20-minute catnaps - a 'zizz', she called it - in the day and catching up on sleep at weekends at Chequers. Home | Mail Online
  • It's a good time to scarify lawns and remove the dead grass called thatch.
  • hatch the sheet
  • There was the Embarcadero with its numbered piers stretching out into the ocean, just like on my Lonely Planet map, and in the middle, the crosshatched pattern of streets snapped to a perfect grid. Nique sa mère
  • After a very harrowing landing (and much vomit in the cabin of the plane I'm sure) that comes up just a few feet short of the overpass, he pops an emergency hatch and amscrays.
  • This one hatched faster than the first, fierce little claws punching through the fragile shell and scrabbling to get free.
  • The female builds the nest and incubates and broods alone, but both parents feed the chicks, which fledge within 14-16 days of hatching.
  • Mark Twain impersonator Richard Garey with two sets of Tom Sawyers and Becky Thatchers in Hannibal, Mo., to mark the 100th anniversary of the author's death on April 21. Mark Twain's celebrated Missouri hometown is jumping again
  • Below 80 mph and it's much like any other hot hatch.
  • A mariner emerges from the hatchway and climbs the rigging, while below the boatswain and ship's master are thrown about on deck.
  • Construction materials include sticks and logs, earth, and thatch.
  • Through the controlled burn, native seeds will have the chance to meet a bare ground that is no longer covered with species such as fescue and lespedeza, and dense thatch. TradingMarkets
  • Other containers house giant cockroaches and itty-bitty arachnid hatchlings, a few months old and smaller than a pinky nail.
  • Plenty of light enters through empty portholes on both sides of the engine room and ventilator hatches in the roof.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched
  • Beneath the thatch we squat in the dust, clink our bottles and drink.
  • The most important item will be a painted silk armorial hatchment from his state funeral car. A Home and Its Love Story
  • Fishing the Drake hatch in late May is somewhat of a festival.
  • In this manner the shrimp are easily collected and can be shaken into the aquarium and water obtained for the next hatching.
  • The female sits on the eggs until they hatch.
  • Also avoid putting it unsecured in the boot of a hatchback or estate car, as the carrier will be thrown around in a crash.
  • And is that an escape hatch in the ceiling? Times, Sunday Times
  • Easily the strongest, the proud Dwarf swings a large battleaxe that he uses to cleave opponents in two, and pulls out hatchets to dispatch enemies at a distance.
  • A glance up the hatchway showed the giant that the arms he had planned to seize were defended by ten firelocks, and that, behind the open doors of the partition which ran abaft the mizenmast, the remainder of the detachment stood to their arms. For the term of his natural life
  • Fertilized eggs often hatch at the beginning of the growth season but may continue to hatch intermittently thereafter.
  • The ride feels more grand tourer than eager hot hatch on the motorway, but once you make for an exit the Golf soon switches into fun mode.
  • Inpart, this decline has been effected by the successful ideological battle waged against them by Mrs Thatcher.
  • After 11 years of Margaret Thatcher, it proved necessary to cannibalise the entire armoured resources of the Rhine Army to deploy a weak division for the First Gulf War. The Tory defence policy will be simple: cut, brutally
  • So what are the realities of buying a thatched home? Times, Sunday Times
  • These were substantially built of timber and talipots, thatched with cadjans and bamboo leaves, and festooned and decorated as the Singhalese only can decorate - leaves, flowers and fruit being entwined together with so much delicacy and airy tastefulness as to impart an almost fairy-like form to the pavilion.
  • Alone, Iago speaks of his hatred of Othello and a rumour that the Moor has cuckolded him, and hatches a plan to persuade Othello that his wife is unfaithful with Cassio.
  • There were hatches of sedge, mayfly and olives, and the best flies were mayfly patterns, Golden Olive Bumble, and the Green Peter.
  • When the hatch cover was closed the fire was smouldering in the dunnage, most likely the carpet, and the vessel sailed from Constanza in that condition.
  • The stocky Dundonian has grown a thatch of snowy white hair and a matching beard for his role as a crazy psychiatrist in the film version of the international bestseller Running With Scissors.
  • They also got a new source of money, the council tax, to replace Mrs Thatcher's hated poll tax.
  • A pize on it! send it off to those who have their legs swathed with a hay-wisp, their heads thatched with a felt bonnet, their jerkin as thin as a cobweb, and their pouch without ever a cross to keep the fiend Melancholy from dancing in it. Kenilworth
  • Hatch rates were calculated by counting the number of unhatched eggs after 2 days and treatments were statistically compared by Mann-Whitney U-test.
  • The English cottage has a rheumatic floor of beaten earth or tile; its rooms are few and small, and very dark; the water-supply is scanty and most inconvenient; its chimney smokes; mice and rats find secure refuge in the thatch; the masses of clinging vines make it damp and earwiggy; but what a lovely bit it is in the landscape! Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
  • This spring, we've watched as the mother falcon warmed her eggs and saw the falcon chicks right after they hatched.
  • Flax was raised, and after grandfather had broken, swingled and hatchelled it, grandmother spun it into thread, which sold for $1.50 per pound.
  • Sometimes swathes of northern cities find themselves submerged, which is just bad luck, but often as not it affects small villages with thatched houses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two ugly reptilian little nestlings and an unhatched egg that was probably still a goer. Times, Sunday Times
  • RS means turning a normal family hatchback into a rather abnormal car with the performance of a supercar and the handling of a rally car. The Sun
  • In the first two weeks after the young hatch, the female stays on the nest to brood them, and the male brings food for the female and the owlets.
  • In field observations, an average of 1200 embryos were hatched.
  • The word larva referring to the newly hatched form of insects before they undergo metamorphosis comes from the Latin word lārva, meaning “evil spirit, demon, devil.” Unmasking religion
  • Modern flashlights are like many other electronic gadgets, gizmos and whatchamacallits - they are high-tech.
  • These have fewer crashes than the hot hatches young men buy. The Sun
  • By comparison, the cluttered townscape of the older centres, with its narrow streets and timber-and-thatch housing, seemed outdated and even barbarous.
  • Increased illumination in the night too would disorient turtles and hatchlings and prevent them from finding their way to the sea after they hatch.
  • I don't wonder you look fagged; the ride through the dust was hard enough without having all sorts of other things to hatchel you. The Wizard's Daughter and Other Stories
  • Once the young hatch, the female broods them for about a week, and then joins the male in providing food for them.
  • As seams they may be thick or thin -- borderlands of crosshatching or palimpsesting inhabitable in their own right or thresholds crossed with a step; they may be sealed tightly with crossings only possible through a portal or a rift, or they may be stitched loosely with crossings possible at any point along the long threshold. Notes on Strange Fiction: Seams
  • Some plants like ornamental grasses or irises may require knives, machetes, or even hatchets to get the job done, but it is worth it.
  • In the week before the key meeting of the Council last November, a plan was hatched to call a second meeting for February 12 to review progress on decommissioning.
  • We passed a few scattered bothies, smoke rising from the thatched roofs, but the inhabitants and their beasts seemed all within, secured against the cold. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Politicians who objected to Mrs Thatcher and her radical conviction politics suffered the anguish of apparently unresolvable frustration.
  • They hatched a plot to murder the king.
  • There she was, sitting as usual, and I was so concerned, believing that due to my interference all the eggs had addled—for I thought the hatching time was three weeks.
  • Popular family hatchbacks are also hitting higher prices. The Sun
  • The vessel features Major giving a toothy grin, considerably broader than the one on the Thatcher mug.
  • That winter, the night we built our first big fire, we also hatched out about a million katydids, or as some folk call them, camel crickets.
  • After his two best friends are shown the door, he hatches a plot with them to steal money from the firm by planting a money-siphoning computer virus within its system
  • Most of the houses were thatched. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • I worry about the plea bargain arrangements which made it possible for Mark Thatcher to get away with a R3 million fine, which will probably be paid by the baroness or his Texas in-laws.
  • The camp's four reed and thatched chalets have bright, locally designed fabrics. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's got a thatch of floppy brown hair that gives him a certain boyish look, but he's gray at the temples, and there are little fans of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.
  • The newly hatched salmon, called ‘alevins,’ remain in rapid water until they are about 65 mm long.
  • Turn left when level with thatched cottage on track.
  • He was going to find the manual door controls but as soon as he stepped near the hatchway, they slowly opened up automatically and the light started flowing through.
  • Don't count your chicken before they are hatched
  • The word "nuthatch" is derived from the fondness of the Eurasian species for hazel nuts. The Annotated "Eyes of the World"
  • Grasses, for example, produce an insulative thatch that reduces the average temperature and the magnitude of temperature fluctuations in surface mineral soils.
  • Some villages appeared to have been recently vacated, their neatly tended walled compounds of round mud huts and peaked thatched roofs empty of people and animals.
  • They include cheap copies of Hatchimals, with a chick and an alien that both hatch out of eggs. The Sun
  • No purchasing of luxuries for us, we are battening down the hatches and it's all "great depression" talk around here. Single gal seeks stimulation
  • Over to the left I saw an unhappy little urchin, hardly a rag covering his shivering, bleeding body, grovelling piteously in the snow, while his blind and goitrous mother did her best at gathering firewood with a hatchet. Across China on Foot
  • The sole survivor of three chicks hatched by a record-breaking pair of ospreys has taken its first tentative flight from its eyrie in Kielder Water and Forest Park in Northumberland. Treetop CCTV captures the first flight of an osprey chick
  • Green and hawksbill turtles use the beaches for nesting, and the resort has a small hatchery.
  • She was in the cargo hold, standing on the ribbed floor of the shuttle next to the loading hatch.
  • Sleeperfish and hatchetfish, which prefer the shade, hung out in small schools.
  • The stacked wood, being undisturbed for the summer months, is a haunt of mice, and the stoat undulates over it, coming down headfirst like a nuthatch. Country diary: Allendale, Northumberland
  • These hatch into white and pale yellow caterpillars with black heads, black markings, and a black horn.
  • Then he breaks the news that they will also need to rent specifically tailored machinery on a weekly basis to perform the necessary upkeep, like the greens mower, the heavy-duty roller, the aerating machine, and the lawn thatcher. Where Green's the Color of the Day
  • The British government's policies are locked in the same impotent stasis as the rest of the world's – battening down the hatches, cutting public spending and borrowing, and refusing to accept realities. Observer editorial: Our leaders need to seize control of the crisis
  • Invasions of garlic mustard are causing local extirpations of the toothworts, and chemicals in garlic mustard appear to be toxic to the eggs of the butterfly, as evidenced by their failure to hatch when laid on garlic mustard plants.
  • Bring on those thatched roofs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Workers at both hatcheries keep the plants healthy and repot the tillers, the product of asexual reproduction, which grow into mature plants.
  • Since 2011, the spire of the cathedral has been a nesting site for peregrine falcons and there was much excitement last month as four chicks were hatched. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blaine got up and strode toward the opening hatch on the back of the enormous plane.
  • Heinroth, a German zoolo - gist and ethologist, read a paper in 1910 in which he described the behavior of incubator-hatched graylag goslings (“Beiträge zur Biologie, nahmentlich Ethologie und Psychologie der Anatiden,” Verh. 5 int. orn. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Stowing away his "dunnage," therefore, in the after deck - house, and flinging his bedding into the berth which he selected for his own occupation, he quickly rejoined the mate, who furnished him with book and pencil, and stationed him at the after hatchway to take account of everything which passed down that receptacle. The Missing Merchantman
  • Shown above right is the hatchment of Charles Compton, 9th Earl and 1st Marquess of Northampton.
  • A hatchway between leads back into the forecastle, a tight and very silty space should you feel inclined to explore.
  • The worst period in my working life was the period during the Thatcher years.
  • It used to be a vital part of the woodland economy, coppiced to make baskets and hurdles, thatching spars and sticks, charcoal and fagots. A life less ordinary: Tobias Jones
  • The hatch is shorter overall (lower polar moment, for you physics majors out there) and it offers 7.7 cubic feet more storage space. Fanboys in Flight: Subaru Roars In on a Wing
  • A hot hatch should put a smile on your face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Politicians who objected to Mrs Thatcher and her radical conviction politics suffered the anguish of apparently unresolvable frustration.
  • Thatched-roof cottages characterize the medieval village of Dunster, among the largest of Exmoor's villages and hamlets and one of the park's most popular attractions.
  • Labour's most memorable poster during its campaign was one of Tory leader William Hague, with his normally bald head sporting Margaret Thatcher's stiffly lacquered hairdo.
  • From the outset, Mrs Thatcher had the sense of being a political outsider.
  • The Conservatives under John Major tried to distinguish themselves from their Thatcherite past by stressing a commitment to quality public services.
  • The Hex hatch is so heavy the air around you hums. The Answer Line is Open...
  • That acid-spewing, multiheaded, indestructible thing was aboard Ripley's spacecraft -- and another beastie is hatching in Ripley's gut. Saint Ripley And The Dragon
  • The elegant sloping roofline conjures a sleek, lightweight look as we follow it towards the rear hatch.
  • The roofs were thatched, turfed or covered in wood shingles, depending on available local resources.
  • Sporty hatchbacks, coupes and saloons would be tearfully exchanged for the bigger, sensible and practical but dull to drive estates.
  • Visibility is not brilliant, especially out of the rear hatch which provides a minimal view broken by the line where it joins the body.
  • The Thatcher years also fed an ancient undercurrent of Anglophobia. Blue, White, Red
  • The design is ageing and the interior plasticky, but this is the most fun and rewarding to drive of all these small, sporty hatchbacks.
  • As for the Fakahatchee, it has ten species of orchids that exist nowhere else in the United States: the crooked-spur, the false water spider, the rattail, to name a few. Pam Grout: Sarah Palin, Jane Fonda and Those Suffering From Orchidelirium Were Here
  • The rebels hatched a plot to overthrow the government.
  • Here he's assembled hives of cross-hatching that climb across the full-page drawings.
  • Margaret Thatcher of Britain and Indira Gandhi of India were vastly powerful politicians and global ideological icons as well.
  • This high-principled lophobranch is so careful of its callow and helpless young that it carries about the unhatched eggs with him under his own tail, in what scientific ichthyologists pleasantly describe as a subcaudal pouch or cutaneous receptacle. Science in Arcady
  • He held numerous cabinet posts and was an ardent supporter of Mrs Thatcher.
  • Thatcher is unique among her predecessors in having given the English language a brand new ism, created from her own name.
  • Its designer shows how it can be fitted through a small kayak hatch in its assembled state.
  • But it would be declasse to reveal a dark thatch of hair at a black-tie event. Remembering when manly men donned formal wear - with all the frills
  • The look was schoolmarm prissy, but sexy and was every grown up boy's fantasy of a saucy school mistress or strict female dominant leader like Margaret Thatcher.
  • When the police came they loaded a silver hatchback car from outside the flat on to a lorry and drove it away. The Sun
  • Like the eggs of birds, monotreme eggs are incubated and hatched outside the body of the mother.
  • Other important data is collected, such as when the first eggs appear, date of the first hatch, and when the brood "fledges", or leaves the nest boxes as self-supporting individuals. Undefined
  • Some of the shading techniques used were cross-hatching, stippling, spirals and close repetition of continuous lines.
  • However, for reproduction about twice that is needed to allow for mating rituals. 3 If properly mated, high fertility rates and good egg hatchability can be expected. 5 Chicken
  • The techniques involved, including repoussé relief, inlays, enamelling, filigree, engraving, and hatching, are those of exceptionally skilled designer-craftsmen, who held a deservedly important position in society.
  • He explained that Central Valley rivers and hatcheries have habitat and space, respectively, for 180, 000 salmon.
  • We collected clutches, incubated the eggs, and took blood samples from hatching young.
  • Most of the action takes place beneath the surface of Mars, where hatchling kiddies are raised by nannybots in an elaborately technological setting that owes much of its retro esthetic to Terry Gilliam. See Jane Blossom: An Enthralling 'Eyre'
  • All that could be seen of the two craft that the ship possessed were the two identical hatchways, which led into the darkness of the interior of the pods.
  • Others are what Margaret Thatcher might have called squishy, and proud to be so. Charlie Gillis
  • These chemicals prevented normal calcium deposition during eggshell formation, and caused females to lay thin-shelled eggs that often broke before hatching.
  • There's plenty of room for five adults to travel in some comfort and lots of load-carrying space accessed through that rear hatch.
  • On top of this, they demonstrate just how clean and genuinely cosy homes built of stone, lime, mud and thatch can be.
  • Yucatán Maya mostly live in huts of plastered limestone or tree trunks with steep thatched roofs.
  • One hand was soon cut off with a hatchet, and as he still continued to steer the boat down the stream, he was "quieted" by a musket-shot. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • Drama about an imprisoned banker who hatches a daring escape plan. The Sun
  • I don't want to say anything that will make you cry, so batten down the hatches and wait for my ship to come back. WEB OF DREAMS
  • I don't want to count my chickens before they are hatched.
  • There was no inside release for it or the rear hatch, and the hood folded forward toward the front bumper, though it had an inside release.
  • We have to give credit to the young generation of education "reformers" for a political game as dirty as that of the cagiest old veteran hatchet men. John Thompson: It Is Time for Charter and Neighborhood School Teachers to Unite
  • To make a hot hatchback appeal these days, it must have more power than all its rivals. Times, Sunday Times

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